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Young, Allyson - Broken [Running to Love 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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by Allyson Young

  Running to Love 2


  Kyle saves Tabitha from a life destined to be cold and joyless. She has no one and he is drawn to her, wanting to be that important person in her life. He seduces her and introduces her to the sexual delights of the D/s lifestyle, allowing Tabitha to let go of the burden of taking total care of herself.

  Tabitha revels in her newfound sexuality and blossoms under his care. They complement one another and met each other's needs. She falls in love with him and gives him her trust, even though Kyle never tells her that he reciprocates. Kyle inadvertently betrays Tabitha's trust, and she is humiliated and hurt. Her new life is in shambles. Can Kyle fix it? Or is Tabitha too broken?

  Note: This book contains forced seduction.

  Genre: Contemporary

  Length: 32,301 words


  Running to Love 2

  Allyson Young


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2012 by Allyson Young

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-369-6

  First E-book Publication: March 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Running to Love 2


  Copyright © 2012


  Kyle watched a mask slip over Tabitha’s features, a mask he hadn’t seen in a long time, the one she had used to defend herself from others, the one she hid behind to veil her feelings. He felt a hitch in his chest at her response because he actually couldn’t read if it reflected distaste or caution. Tabi knew what he used to do here or, at least, what his role had been before he met her, and his training films continued to be utilized. They were shown to a select few and were not considered pornography. She had voiced her understanding when he had carefully explained how he had trained women and sometimes matched them with other Doms. This served to both protect women from wannabes who could cause considerable harm, and sometimes led to long-term relationships, much like what they now shared. They would talk about it again because her reaction might have to do with some lingering insecurity within her. They belonged to each other now. He had worked hard to gain her trust, and she had given herself over to him totally and willingly. He was fairly certain that he had given himself to her.

  We are often the products of our childhood, he mused. When he first met Tabi, his bullshit meter went to high alert, and he knew to look behind the beautifully constructed defense that projected a well-adjusted, confident woman. It took considerable time to discover the wary, disillusioned, and distant waif who believed in no one and nothing, other than her own ambition. Trust had been something non-existent in her world.

  He found out that Tabi had clawed her way up and out of her past life with no one’s help. She had been like a chameleon, blending in, obtaining life’s necessities with nary a glance in her direction. The compliant child in school garnered no negative attention, and like a sponge, she absorbed everything with a focus akin to that of a competitive athlete. She earned scholarships by using academics to distract her from the horror of her home life and escaped to college, two years younger than other students. Tabi had no one and needed no one, and the misleading aura she projected kept others away even as they thought highly of her. It was the perfect disguise, and the position she had obtained in one of his companies attested to both her financial acumen and well-faked social skills. If Tabitha hadn’t had one family member that she had cared about and, thus, some understanding of reciprocal affection, she could have been labeled a sociopath, given her inability to relate to others other than on a very superficial level.

  Kyle had stripped her of both her clothes and her disguise and accepted the woman who had never dared to dream that anyone would want the being behind the mask yet who had sheltered a tiny flicker of hope. Her grandmother had been in her life at an early stage, and he believed it was that connection which sustained Tabi. He had warred with Tabi as she fought to protect herself out of terror and rage. Tabi’s hard-won control hid a desperate need, unknown even to her, to be dominated, controlled, and taken care of in order to reach her full potential before she totally evolved into a brilliant executive robot, devoid of all sexuality and joy.

  His Tabi-cat had revealed not only joy, but passion, love, and happiness as he took away her ability to resist and gave her what she needed, making her ask only when he knew she felt undeserving. He had not stopped until she had submitted to him, body and soul. She gave up her other life to stay with him and meet his needs as he met all of hers. It had been the most difficult and most rewarding training of his adult life as a Dom, and she, quite simply, was his, the submissive woman he had waited so long for.

  Chapter One

  One year earlier…

  Kyle Stone sat, idly swirling his drink as he waited for his accountant to return from the restroom. The morning had been productive. His fina
ncial situation was stable as ever, and the new projects, such as mortgage lending and entrepreneur support, were doing even better than expected. Gordon settled his bulk into the opposite chair and picked up the menu. Kyle smiled inwardly, knowing that the financial wizard had looked forward to the meal all morning.

  His attention was drawn to the entry into the restaurant of two women, both dressed in conservative business suits and pumps, carrying briefcase style purses. The blonde was curvy, and she bounced with suppressed enthusiasm as she walked, chatting vivaciously with the brunette at her side. The other woman moved with stately grace, her slender form gently outlined in her suit jacket and pencil skirt, her breasts high, stomach flat. Long, well-formed legs were moulded with dark stockings that he was sure whispered with each stride. Kyle’s cock stood at attention without so much as a warning. Holy shit, she was amazing.

  * * * *

  Tabitha Land felt someone watching, her hyper vigilance alerting her, although she gave absolutely no sign. She unobtrusively scanned the room, and her gaze lit on her boss, sitting at a center table in the restaurant Christy had asked her to try for lunch. She knew Kyle Stone’s reputation as a shrewd and wealthy businessman and had seen him move in and out of the building where she worked. She knew he had an office there and didn’t think he had ever seen her before. Until today. His green eyes kept their focus on her as she and Christy moved past his table, and she made herself nod respectfully. Christy abruptly stopped and made an about-face.

  “Mr. Stone,” she said. “Nice to see you again. Hi, Gordon!”

  Tabitha watched Mr. Stone search his memory of Christy’s face and come up with a name to attach to it. It was strange how she knew he was doing that, and it unsettled her. Her ability to read others effortlessly made her remember why she needed to develop that skill. But it made her feel like an anxious, nervous animal, different from people around her who seemed oblivious to danger. “Ms. Reynolds. Christy.”

  He then turned expectantly to her. Christy laughed. “You probably haven’t met Tabitha. Tabitha Land, our boss, Mr. Stone.”

  Kyle Stone stood and offered his hand, and Tabitha gave him a cool, brief press with her fingers. Kyle held her hand a fraction longer than necessary, and she felt something pass between them, something almost like an electric shock. It made her more nervous, and she risked a look at his face. He had felt it, too, judging by the way he looked at her.

  Tabitha murmured a pleasantry and tried to urge Christy on with a subtle movement, but was foiled by Gordon’s tardy scramble to his feet accompanied by a huge grin.

  “Hey, Christy! Join us,” he said, hauling out a chair, and Kyle emulated him.

  Christy plopped herself down, and Tabitha, anxiety rising behind her public face, took the chair her boss held for her. She kept up her side of the ensuing conversation, from ordering a meal, although her boss seemed to have taken that task on with little input from her, to acknowledging her position at his company and her enjoyment of her job.

  * * * *

  Kyle watched Tabitha as she picked at her food, an action that was really the only indication she was uncomfortable. Her manners were impeccable, her conversation light and interesting, her interaction appropriate. And Kyle learned next to nothing about her. His fascination with her began to grow as he observed this beautiful, controlled woman, and he was glad that his lap was hidden by the tablecloth, for his cock seemed to be reaching for her under the table. Kyle was a highly sexed man, but trained as he was in BDSM as a Dom, he had terrific control. Except for today. His libido was taking a front row seat in the presence of this woman. Kyle had played in the club, Unleashed, of which he was part owner, and had just finished training a new sub who had gone to auction, so perhaps he needed a new project. Unless she was the One.

  He idly wondered if Tabitha was a Tabi-cat out of the boardroom or if she was as controlled as she presented now. Kyle somehow thought no one had tapped Tabitha’s depths, his knowledge of women signalling to him. He began to formulate an action plan to find out.

  Chapter Two

  Tabitha held it together until she was released from the impromptu lunch date and back in her office. She then shut the door and meditated for a few minutes until she got her inner self back under control. Kyle Stone had gotten into her head, and it scared her shitless. She had felt something from him, something she had never felt before, and was worldly enough, if having had no actual personal experience with the feeling, to suspect that it was arousal, a sexual attraction.

  The man was extremely attractive with his dark chestnut hair and emerald-green eyes. He exuded power and not just because of his financial position. His shoulders were broad and his chest and arms muscled under his expensive suit. What the hell was she thinking? Why had he been so focused on her throughout the meal? Because he had been focused. She knew it as any prey recognized a predator. It was unfortunate because she liked this job, and the money was really good. Already she had been able to put a considerable amount away, topping up the savings from her previous position. But her safety was paramount, and she would be gone in a heartbeat if Kyle Stone cropped up in her life again outside of his role as a distant boss.

  * * * *

  Kyle scrutinized Tabitha’s personnel file. She was twenty-six, honors in business from a reputable, if small, college, no priors, good reference from a previous job. Her performance review revealed a focused, talented employee with an excellent work ethic. The employee application divulged her address, an apartment in a complex within walking distance of the office, cell phone, no landline, and nothing else. There was no family listed in case of emergency, no friends to take their place. Kyle had found her weakness. Tabitha was alone, whether by choice or design. She had her work and, well, her work. No personal information such as hobbies were noted other than reading and walking, both solitary ventures. He made some casual inquiries of the local employee gossip line and heard only that Tabitha Land was a hard worker, willing to stand in and help anyone out, but other than the odd envious remark about her work ability and her attractiveness, no one really knew anything about her. No one mentioned a boyfriend, although it was assumed that she had one by virtue of her looks alone. She didn’t seem to have a social life of any sort, and the lunch dates with other employees appeared to always be at their invitation. It was as if Tabitha conformed on occasion in order not to obviously stand out in the hierarchy of office politics and gossip. He was getting extremely interested in figuring this out. He sensed an aura of submissiveness behind Tabitha’s cool exterior.

  Kyle wondered again if Tabitha could be the One. If indeed she was alone, he could be the only one for her. If she wasn’t involved, even peripherally in a relationship, he could introduce her to the intense D/s bond. Kyle wanted a special woman for himself, someone who would focus herself on him and allow him to take care of her, totally, in all aspects of her life. He would ensure that another Dom would provide for her in the event that something happened to him, as it would be unlikely that she would be able to return to a former lifestyle. That would be the responsible thing to do.

  * * * *

  Tabitha received the call first thing the following morning, a summons to Mr. Stone’s office. She knew it had nothing to do with her work and scented the circling of the wolf. She composed herself and went. His secretary ushered her in right away, and she saw him, his back to her, staring out over the Tulsa city skyline through the huge glass windows in his office. He turned and went behind his imposing desk, motioning her to a chair on the other side.

  “Ms. Land,” he greeted her. “I won’t insult you by playing any games. I pride myself on my honesty and wouldn’t treat you any differently, employee or not.”

  Tabitha waited. He looked extremely handsome, and waves of strong intent rolled off of him. She wasn’t afraid, yet. Tabitha was extremely practised in reading people, as her survival had once depended upon it, and she knew that this man, while having an agenda that involved her, was presently not a physical danger.
She wasn’t sure about how much of an emotional risk he presented, however. Her nervous inner animal crouched and waited.

  Kyle leaned back in his chair and spoke clearly and confidently.

  “I find myself extremely attracted to you, Ms. Land. That does not happen often for me. It is awkward that you are an employee, at least it would prove awkward for you within the office if it came out that you were involved with your boss, and those kinds of secrets are difficult to keep. I have a proposal for you.”

  Tabitha interjected, “I’m sorry, Mr. Stone. I am not looking for any involvement with you.”

  Kyle went on, acknowledging her statement with a nod, “I’m afraid I don’t take refusal easily, Tabitha, and I want you to hear me out.”

  Tabitha noted how he had dropped the formality and infused his tone with a hint of steel. Her senses went on high alert. This man drew her for some inexplicable reason, and that made him very dangerous. She found herself wanting to obey him, and that was so very scary. She shifted in her chair, ready to leave on any pretext.

  Kyle appeared to take note of her body language and quickly moved on. “I’m going to place you in another company I have interests in, although I am a silent partner there. It has need of someone with your skills and talents, so this offer is not entirely altruistic, Tabitha. We can then pursue a relationship.”


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