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Football Daddy

Page 7

by Ava Walsh


  Her brow furrowed as she withdrew. It didn't make any sense. He was an attractive, high-status vampire. She should be thrilled to have his attention. But she just wasn't attracted to him. She had never been. There had never been that thrilling shiver that shot through her. She got it every time she looked at Leon. And even though he was keeping her friend a prisoner, she still wanted to go to the cave on the mountain and experience what she had always dreamed of. With her Wolf.

  Yuliana twitched. She slipped her paring knife from her pocket and hugged Zak, making sure to put the knife in his hand.

  "I made a commitment. I agreed to be Leon's mate from my own free will, and I'm not going to go back on my word. I… I don't think there could have been anything between us anyway, Zak. I—" She twitched again. "I have to go. I'll make sure that you get some blood… I'm sorry."

  She fled before he could say another word.


  Leon came to her at dusk. She was curled in the lean-to, filled with nervous excitement, toying with a blood bag. Human blood was more delicious than anything she had tasted before, but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to drink right now. And when the giant Wolf appeared at the edge of her tent, she understood why.

  They were going to be mates by morning. And she didn't want to drink this packaged blood because she wanted to solidify their relationship as vampire and Shifter mated. She wanted to drink from him.

  Leon crouched beside the lean-to, his striking blue eyes on her. He jerked his head slightly, and she understood. Her hands trembled and her heart hammered as she climbed onto his back, but it wasn't from fear. The wind was fresh on her face as he loped up the mountain. By the time they reached their destination, she was smiling. She slid off Leon's back and he Shifted. It was only then that she realized he wasn't wearing the spandex shorts that he always had on.

  Her cheeks burned as he turned towards her, completely unabashed by his nakedness. The Alpha's eyes twinkled as he held his hand. She took it and let him pull her inside the cave. Her whole body tingled.

  It was roomier than she expected. A blazing fire burned at the entrance, and behind that were several layers of blankets, making a soft-looking nest. Various snacks were in the corner, combined with a few bottles of water and bags of blood.

  Leon stepped back from her, smiling. "Now… Do you want to undress, or do you need a moment?"

  Yuliana chewed her cheek. "I want… you to undress me."

  Leon stepped forward, putting his hands on her shoulders. He slid them down her arms, then over her waist and back up. She shivered at his light touch on her breasts. He turned her then, brushing her hair out of the way. Yuliana closed her eyes and leaned into him as he undid her zipper. Her dress fell into a puddle on the floor.

  The cold air brushed her skin into goosebumps. Leon walked around her again. His gaze heated. Yuliana forgot all about the cold as heat swirled inside her. As her Alpha undid her bra, sliding it off, she found herself wishing that she had been able to undress him as well. She'd have to wait until next time.

  She had thought that being naked would be more embarrassing, but the look in his eyes was all she needed and more to release her shyness. It drew her forward, pressing to the tips of her toes to kiss him. His strong arms pulled her naked body against his firmly and kissed her hard. His tongue thrust into her mouth, leaving her breathless.

  When Leon set her down again, she stumbled, her head spinning.

  "Do you need to drink first?" He gestured to the blood bags at the side of the room.

  "I want to drink from you," Yuliana blurted. "I've heard that it can be a very… arousing experience. I've never drunk from anybody, and I want to…"

  Leon grinned at her. Her heart increased even more, beating faster than anything she had experienced before. She put a hand to her chest. Was this normal? She hadn't ever felt it do this before. Could vampires have heart attacks? But when Leon bent and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, it increased yet again, until it was beating as fast as a human's. Maybe it was just getting her ready for what was coming.

  The Alpha pulled her down onto the bed of blankets, tilting his head to give her access to his throat. Yuliana straddled him, stifling another gasp as she felt how her movements sliding over him affected the both of them.

  Desire burned through her body. Yuliana's gaze locked on Leon's neck, the small patch where she could see his heart thudding against the vein. With a growl she bent over him, marveling at how firm his muscles were, how big he was, making her own body that was always too big among vampires look small. When her tongue flicked over his throat, his whole body shivered under her.

  Yuliana grinned and licked him again. The same shiver came again. She propped her hands on his chest and pushed herself up. "Like that?"

  Leon's eyes burned as they locked on her. "Yes. Do it again."

  She obeyed, then kissed the area of his throat. Leon's hands grasped her hips, holding her firmly. A low, tortured moan vibrated against her lips. Her two long, delicate fangs seemed to ache with need, and Yuliana couldn't hold back anymore. She broke through his skin, causing him to jerk under her.

  The first taste of his blood on her tongue made them both buckle. It was a good thing they were laying down because neither would have had the strength to stand. A fire coiled in Yuliana's core as the thick, hot, rich blood filled her mouth. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body tingled. Leon's hands were crushing on her hips, but she liked the feel of each of his fingers digging into her. A needing ache filled her and she moved the best she could, grinding herself against Leon. He grunted in time with every pull she drew from him.

  When she pulled away, crying out with need and pleasure building inside of her, Leon flashed his teeth at her. His hands left her hips, wrapped around her shoulders, and pulled her down on him. He rolled, pinning her beneath him, and caught her mouth with his as he found her with his hand.

  Yuliana clung to him, gasping for breath, as her pleasure increased. How was this possible? He kissed her again, and she no longer cared about anything except his body against hers. She rolled her hips up, begging for more.

  He gave it to her. And more.

  Chapter Four – Leon

  Leon couldn't stop grinning.

  There was blood everywhere. He hadn't realized that he had continued to bleed for a while after Yuliana had stopped drinking from him. It had been the single most erotic experience he had had. Not that he had much experience in such matters, but when her little fangs had pierced his flesh, he understood what drew so many humans to the vampires. It was like a thousand fireworks had gone off in his brain, leaving him captured in the moment like he was in a dream where time didn't exist. In that moment, he would have given her anything she wanted.

  It took all his self-control to stop himself from taking her at that moment. He needed her full ready for him. It was only when Yuliana herself was begging him to take her that he broke down and entered. He probably should have waited a little longer, pleasured her more, but she was relaxed in his arms as they bonded as the old, mated Wolves told him the woman was supposed to be. And she had given no indication that he hurt her, which filled him with pride.

  If every moment of their lives could be like their mating, working together, communicating what they liked and what they didn't, pleasing each other before pleasing themselves, then this mating would work out after all. He expected… satisfaction in this relationship. When he decided to take a vampire mate, he never expected happiness.

  But right now, he thought they might just have a chance.

  Yuliana, her lips painted red, with streaks of dried blood over her naked torso, stirred. Her eyes opened. A shy smile spread over her face. "Morning."

  "More like afternoon." Leon chuckled and kissed her. "How are you?"

  Yuliana stretched highlighting her body in a way that made him tighten. The vampire cuddled close to him. "I feel like I'm glowing. I'm a little sore, though."

  "Was I too rough?"

  Yuliana shook her head. "But it looks like I was."

  She touched some of the caked blood on his chest, and Leon grinned. "Never. Vampire bites don't heal as quickly as normal wounds. It took longer than I had expected. But don't worry. You can sink your little fangs into my neck whenever you want."

  His mate pushed herself to her elbow and narrowed her eyes. "My fangs are longer than usual. They're long and delicate and perfect ivories. They happen to be my best feature."

  Leon's gaze trailed lazily down her body. He lingered on her breasts and thighs and reached behind her to squeeze her ass. "I think you have plenty of good features. Hmm… Next time someone goes to a human town, I'm going to get them to pick up some baby oil."

  "Baby oil?" Yuliana's eyes widened. "Do you really think I'm pregnant that quickly?"

  Leon jolted in surprise then relaxed and laughed. "No. That's not what the baby oil is for."

  "Then what—" She cut herself off. A dark red stain crept into her olive cheeks and she started giggling. She hid her face from him, rolling away from him.

  Leon pulled her against him, grinding himself against her full ass, but even as her giggles turned into a moan of desire, there came a quick bark from outside. He snarled, flipping to his feet. How dare anybody come here and interrupt him and his mate? Yuliana scrambled for her clothing as a dark-haired Shifter appeared in the cave entrance. A female. If she was a male, he would have attacked on the spot.

  "Leave," Leon barked.

  The Shifter winced. "I apologize for my intrusion… but the vampire prisoner has escaped."

  Leon snarled. He jumped forward, his hands clenching. "What?"

  "The ropes we tied him with were cut. He got away sometime during the night, and our searches have turned up nothing."

  Leon drove his fist into the wall, unable to keep in his anger. "Who was so careless that they missed a knife on the vampire? Who searched him?"

  The female dropped to her knees, whimpering. "I did."


  She flinched and nodded. "I searched him. His escape is my doing, and I will take full punishment for letting the spy free."

  "Spy?" Yuliana spoke for the first time. Her dress was all ruffled and not on quite right. Her eyes were huge as she looked between Leon and the female. "What do you mean, spy? Zak was here because he thought I was being forced to be with you. He wasn't a spy!"

  "He claimed he was here because he loved you," Leon said. He turned to his little vampire mate. She shivered, and he attempted to soften his gaze. He hated seeing her afraid. "It could be that he was telling the truth, but what seems more likely is that he was sent by Harold as a spy."

  "But I'm here to stop the hostilities between our people." Yuliana stepped forward. "The king chose me to be your mate because he wants it to end. He doesn't want to fight anymore."

  Leon' shoulders sagged as he looked sadly at her. "And I hope that it true. But if he was fully committed, why offer me a mate with such low status? I accepted to have a vampire mate hoping that it was true and that Harold does indeed want to be free of the violence among our people as much as I do. But I can't just pretend that you're enough motivation for him to cease all hostilities."

  Yuliana trembled. She pressed her hands to her mouth, and her gaze dropped to the female Shifter still kneeling at the edge of the cave. She swallowed hard. "It was me."

  Leon's brow furrowed.

  "I gave Zak a knife. I thought that he was here because… I didn't want him to be a prisoner because of me!"

  "You…" The happiness Leon had felt during the night disappeared.

  As he stared at Yuliana, a thousand accusation flitted through her mind. Harold had sent her as a spy. She had released the other vampire with information of the Shifter's movements so that the vampires could now hunt them down. She had only told him now because she knew he would figure it out and wanted a cover, to maintain her ruse.


  Except that was the most unbelievable thing he had ever heard. He had already been firmly convinced that it was sloppy work on the part of his Shifters. Why would she jeopardize her place here by revealing her role in the spy's escape in that case? And there was no faking the way she was looking at him, pleadingly, tears in her eyes, her normally olive tones pale. He felt his tense muscles relaxing again.

  "You thought you were helping a friend. I don't believe you were acting maliciously. But we still have to take the other vampire's presence as a threat." Leon turned towards the female. "On your feet."

  She stood, glancing between the Alpha and his mate. "What do we do now?"

  "We head deeper into the woods. We disappear. And we will call all the Alphas together. We will find what sort of experiences they are encountering and discuss their take on this."

  Leon glanced back at Yuliana again. It was dangerous for her to be among all the various packs. His pack members respected him, and he was a powerful Alpha in the meetings, but hatred of vampires ran strong. There would be any that would more than gladly see his new mate dead. He frowned. He would protect her. If any of them so much as looked at her wrong, he would tear them apart.

  Still, as they headed back down the mountain, Leon wondered if it would be best to send Yuliana back to her parents until after this meeting. But even as he thought it, he rejected it. He couldn't bear to be parted from her–not now, not ever.


  They kept up a death march pace all day and well into the night. Leon's back ached from carrying Yuliana by the time they were done. While he had no problems carrying her or people twice her size for a reasonable distance, the miles and miles of terrain they had crossed left him exhausted. When he finally called the pack to rest for the night, Yuliana silently set up the canvas lean-to and slipped into her sleeping roll without even eating.

  Leon ate a hardy supper of jerky and oatmeal before joining her. In the bright light of the moon, he could see her shoulders shaking and gently put a hand on her. "Yuliana?"

  "I'm sorry. I didn't know he was a spy."

  "I know." He put an arm around her. "I'm not angry."

  Yuliana was silent for a long moment before she turned over, tears on her face. "You don't have to be angry to send me away, or to make me a prisoner rather than your mate."

  "I don't want to send you away, and you're not a prisoner. You are my mate. And you always will be." Leon brushed her hair from her face and gently kissed her. "Always."

  Chapter Five – Yuliana

  Yuliana shivered as her eyes opened. Everything was bleary for a moment, and she groped the space beside her for her mate. He wasn't there.


  She propped herself up on her elbow. The usual early morning mist had burned away, leaving a bright, sunny sky through the trees. Yuliana frowned. She usually didn't sleep in this late in the day. Most times whenever Leon left her side, she woke up and was unable to get any more rest. Lately, however, she had been so tired that it seemed like she was sleeping all day and night.

  Her stomach gurgled and the vampire sighed. It had been a mistake to start drinking fresh blood. She always craved to pierce through Leon's flesh with her fangs and greedily suck down his blood until her belly felt like it was about to burst.

  And of course, she loved what always came with drinking his blood… As much as she had craved sex before, nothing she imagined could come close to what Leon made her body feel. Just thinking about it made her skin tingle and tighten.

  If only their little lean-to gave them more privacy…

  Yuliana knew it was common for vampires to have wild orgies with dozens of people engaged in sexual activity or watching, but she hadn't been raised like that. Her mother had retained much of the human sensibilities she had been raised with. Add to that the fact the Yuliana couldn't actually say 'orgy' without blushing... Well, she was a private person and didn't like the idea of all the Shifters in camp knowing what she was doing with her mate.

  The vampire stretched an
d slid out of her bedroll. When she went to the cooler to grab a blood bag, the Shifters glanced at her more than usual, their gazes nervous. Yuliana tensed. What had happened? During the month she had been here, they had seemed to have gotten used to her presence. Why were they looking at her like this now?

  A deafening roar made her drop the blood bag. She whirled on her heel to see a woman charging at her. At first, she just stood where she was, dumbfounded but soon realized what was happening. The woman leaped. Claws sprouted from the ends of her fingers, and a light coating of tawny-colored fur grew from her skin. A giant Lioness landed right in front of Yuliana, white jaws gaping wide.

  The Lioness threw herself forward. Yuliana was just able to avoid getting her head bitten off. Hot breath that smelled of mint toothpaste washed over her face. A paw slapped at her, and she threw herself to the ground, rolling to avoid the claws.

  Dozens of howls burst from all around her. The Lioness swiped at her again, but a Wolf dodged into its way. Two more bit at its rump while a first leaped at its face. A set of teeth clamping down on Yuliana's arm made her scream. It was another Wolf, dragging her away from the Lioness. A pained yowl ripped from the Lioness' throat, but it batted at the Wolves and jumped at Yuliana again.

  Another howl, this one deeper than all the others, made all of the fighting Wolves flinch. The Lioness turned, raising a paw as Leon ran into sight, his sleek gray fur rippling over bulging muscles. He jumped at the Lioness, but before he reached her, there was an earth-shattering roar. It felt like the rocks trembled beneath Yuliana and she couldn't stop herself from screaming again. A Lion, twice as big as the Lioness, with a great mane around his chest and trailing down his back, barreled straight into the Lioness. His teeth clamped down on the Lioness' shoulder, and he threw her over his back.

  Yuliana gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as Leon came to stand over her, growling fiercely. The Lioness tried to get to her feet, but the Lion rammed her again until she lay still on her stomach, tail pressed to her belly, snarling in her throat.


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