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Football Daddy

Page 12

by Ava Walsh

  Well, in any case, she hadn't gotten any more job offers. She needed the work. But if she did start getting more red flags or gut warnings, she'd quit. As much as she hated the thought of leaving Jamie, having already bonded with the infant, she wasn't going back down that rabbit hole.

  I wish I'd met Devon before Percy ruined my life.

  The thought caught her by surprise. Rose physically jolted, her face heating. Where had that come from? Yes, Devon was a protecting, worrying father, but that didn't mean he'd be good boyfriend material. And he was hot, and he was well-off, but there were far more important things to know about… and knowing a man more than one day was also quite necessary before deciding that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him!

  Rose reached for her bag. She'd at least keep going until the end of the week. By then she would have more information to make a decision with.

  Her cell phone rang. Distractedly she pulled it from her pocket and glanced at the number. It was Marta, one of her old friends. Odd. She hadn't heard from Marta in nearly four months, not since she moved to Toronto.

  Rose answered the phone. "Hey girl, how are you?"


  Cold dread flooded her. Rose froze, every muscle in her body freezing. Her heart lurched and her mouth went dry. It was a voice she never wanted to hear again. Percy. "Why do you have Marta's cell phone?"

  "She let me borrow her phone so I could talk to you. She's just in the other room, making some tea."

  "I want to talk to her."

  "Look, I know what happened between us was bad, but I'm sorry. I miss you. I didn't realize how much I actually do love you until I lost you, Rose. I love you, even though you drive me crazy. But I can be better, I can put up with your—"

  Rose hung up. Her hands clenched around her phone as she stared at it. Sure enough, moments later 'Marta' was phoning again. Why would she give Percy her phone? He could be a real charmer, she knew that… He'd probably spun the line about being broken hearted and how much he loved Rose that had made her roommate back in New York tell him where she had moved to in Chicago. That was why she had come out all the way to Seattle.

  Her hands shaking, Rose pulled the battery out of her phone and dropped it onto the seat. She'd have to get her number changed. And maybe cut off whatever contact she had with a few friends she still had back east…

  She combed her fingers through her hair and rushed to the house. A nice, calm day with Jamie was exactly what she needed right now. The door opened before she got to it, revealing a sleepy-eyed Devon. He held Jamie in his arms. The baby grizzled, squirming.

  "I'm so sorry," he said. "I forgot to call you. I'm going in late today, I didn't need you to come until noon. Jamie was fussy all night."

  "My cell phone's broken anyway," she said quickly. "But while I'm here, do you need groceries or something? Or I could watch Jamie while you take a nap. You look like you need it."

  Should she be going out of her way to be friendly when she wasn't sure about him? But he did make her feel relaxed… and when he smiled, her heart actually fluttered. Rose quickly looked away. She was not going to let her heart get the best of her! It was probably only acting this way because she was still rattled by Percy's call and Devon was so big and strong and protective…

  "I am getting low on groceries. I was actually just going to go shopping. It would be great if you could come and help with Jamie."

  Rose felt the tension slip from her body as she nodded. She hadn't made any friends in the city yet, and why not start with Devon? She hadn't thought about it before, but when it came to relationships, he must have just broken up with Jamie's mother. Or maybe she had been his mate and she died. Didn't shifters just have the one major love in their lives? He couldn't be looking for anything.

  As they headed out into the city, Devon driving, Rose gazed out the window, feeling more relaxed being alone with a man than she had in a long time. "So you're a vet, right?"


  "How did you get into that line of work? I was under the impression that shifters scared animals. Like, dogs attack werewolves and stuff." Devon's lips thinned, and Rose knew she had said something wrong. Her hands twisted as she tensed again. "I'm sorry, I didn’t mean—"

  "You haven't had much contact with shifters, have you?"

  Rose shook her head.

  Devon was silent for a moment before he shrugged. "There is a lot of misinformation out there about us. There is also this insidious insistence that we're nothing more than animals with human bodies. That's where the whole 'animals hate shifters' myth comes from. The truth is that I can read animal's body language much better than most humans can. They love me, and I love them."

  "But you don't have any pets yourself," Rose continued cautiously. "Are you against humans owning animals?"

  Devon pulled into the parking lot and smiled at her. "You just called me human. I'm not."

  "Oh." Rose twisted her seatbelt in her hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

  "It's okay. And you don't have to apologize for everything."

  Rose opened her mouth to apologize for apologizing too much before she caught herself and just nodded silently. Internally, she was kicking herself. Why was it that every time she opened her mouth she put her foot in it?

  No. Don't think like that. That's Percy's voice in your head. I can do a lot of great things, and I don't always put my foot in my mouth. I might be socially awkward, but I'm great with kids.

  "I'm not against owning animals, as long as they're treated right. I don't think that most dogs should be owned in the city, though. Dogs need space to run and have freedom. Cats are a little different. But they need space, and they need to be played with and socialized. Too often cats are treated like throwaway pets, and that needs to change." He shot her a quick glance. "And I'm not saying that just because I can turn into a Panther."

  "I always wanted pets," Rose sighed. "But my dad hated animals. He would never even let me have fish."

  "Well, maybe now that I have Jamie and a nanny, I can get a dog or a cat… I've wanted to for a while, but it's not fair to animals to leave them alone at home all day with nobody to play with them. Well… I suppose I could have gotten fish. They're more interactive than people give them credit for. But I guess—"

  "If you didn't have time for a pet, why did you have a child?" Rose blurted. She instantly slapped both hands over her mouth as Devon tensed. "I am so sorry! That's none of my business. I don’t know what's wrong with me, I never think before I speak—"

  She sucked in a deep breath as Devon parked the car. She watched him anxiously for any signs of anger. His hands clenched on the wheels. She couldn't imagine what he was going to say in response to this. No, she did know. He was going to fire her. Asking something so personal?

  I'm a stupid—NO! Rose closed her eyes, forcing the words that Percy would have told her aside. I am not stupid. I am very smart, I just don't always pick up on social cues before I speak.

  She let out a shuddering breath. "I didn't mean to upset you. Obviously, you don't have to answer."

  Devon turned towards her. "Jamie was the result of a one-night stand. I didn't even know her mother's name. She gave me a fake one. I didn't know she was pregnant, either, until I got a phone call saying that she had died in childbirth and I had a daughter."

  Rose gasped. "That's awful." She didn't know what else to say. "So… she came completely out of the blue?"

  "Yeah. She turned my life upside down. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I was happy with my life before, but now that I have Jaime… Well, I think it must be like if somebody from the twenties suddenly got an HD TV. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But it is a lot to get used to." Devon patted her shoulder. "So that's why you can be assured that I'm not looking for anything other than a friend and someone to look after my daughter when I'm at work. I need to provide a stable situation for my little girl, and dating can get really messy."

  "Of course." Rose smiled at him, sq
ueezing his hand. "If it helps… you're a good father. You overcompensate a little, but you're a good father."

  "Thanks." Devon glanced in the back. "Looks like Jamie is sleeping. Do you mind staying out here with her while I go in?"

  "Of course not." Rose pulled a book from her bag. "I'll keep myself entertained."

  He slipped out of the van, and she stared after him. Her heart ached for his story, but there was also a deep warmth in her chest. Many men wouldn't have stepped up and taken on the responsibility to look after an unexpected daughter like he did. He was a good man. A good, very attractive man…

  Rose looked down at her book, shaking her head. A good man not looking for anything. Just like she wasn't looking for anything. That was all there was to it.

  Chapter Four – Devon

  Devon pulled onto his street, grinning proudly. It was the first day since he had hired Rose a week ago that he hadn't called her once during the day. It helped that it had been such a busy day, but it was also because he was finally starting to be able to relax about leaving Jamie. And that was a good thing.

  The fact that Rose was perfect for her was no small part of how it was working out. The more he got to know her, the more he found that under that awkward, beautiful exterior was a heart of gold. She loved Jamie. They might have only known each other for a little while, but he already knew that Rose would do whatever it took to protect the child in her charge.

  His smile turned to a frown when he got closer to his house. The front door was open. Rose never left the door open. He parked the car in the street and dashed to the house. As he got closer, he heard a man's voice from inside.

  "What is going on here?" he boomed as he strode in.

  The first thing he saw was Rose. She jumped at his voice, but as their eyes met, he saw only relief. She rushed to him, clutching Jamie in her arms. That was when Devon saw the man. He was tall for a human, with that good-looking, clean-cut image that the shifter assumed moms wanted for their daughters. He backed away from Devon, jaw dropping.

  For some reason, Devon didn't mind the instant fear that many people got when he walked into the room, when it was this guy feeling the intimidation. He glared at the man, instantly disliking him.

  "There you are, darling," Rose said. She looped a free arm around his neck and pulled herself up to his mouth.

  Devon blinked in surprise, but still kissed her back, wrapping an arm around her waist. Rose wasn't the kind of girl to just start randomly kissing people. She must have a good reason. Her lips were soft and succulent, and he found himself being drawn in, forgetting all about the stranger in his living room…

  Rose broke the kiss, staring wild-eyed into Devon's face, then turned back to the man. His arm still around her, Devon could feel her shaking. His Panther snarled, wanting to chase this man away.

  "I told you I've moved on, Percy," she said. "Meet my new boyfriend, Devon. He's a shifter."

  New boyfriend? Devon's eyes narrowed. So this must be an ex… and from the tremble in Rose's voice, not one that she was glad to see.

  "Get out of my house," the shifter ordered.

  Percy took a good look at him and shook his head, turning back to Rose. He held a small, velvet box in his hand. "Rose, look, I know that things ended badly between us, but I can't live without you. I don't care if you broke up with me, I know we can move passed it."

  "You cheated on me. You twisted all my thoughts around until I couldn't trust myself. And you broke up with me!"

  "I did no such thing. I told you that I needed space and the next thing I know, you're halfway across the country. Please." He opened the box, revealing a glittering diamond ring. "Catherine was a mistake, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

  Devon ground his teeth together, tightening his grip on Rose's waist. "Take the hint, buddy. She doesn't want you anymore. She's got something better."

  "I wasn't talking to you, beast," Percy snarled, his composed humility breaking for a second. "Rose, please. Please, marry me. Be my wife, be mine forever."

  Rose shook her head. "Get out. Get out of here. I don't want to see you ever again. Go!"

  Percy shut the box with a snap. He closed his eyes, his jaw working as though he had received a physical blow. When he spoke again, his voice was burning with anger. "Rose, I love you. You can't deny that, and I won't take no for an answer. I love you, and you love me. Your little fling with this animal won't last. I'll be waiting when it falls apart."

  "I'd rather be buried alive in fire ants than to ever let you put your hands on me again," Rose seethed.

  "You always did like playing the victim. Well, I'm tired of being toyed with! Just remember, whatever happens next is your fault."

  Devon had heard enough. He extracted himself from Rose and stalked forward, looming over the smaller man. "Leave. Now."

  Percy swung a fist at him. Devon sidestepped it, arching a brow in surprise. Was this man seriously wanting to fight him?

  Apparently, the answer was yes–Percy swung again, this time bringing both fists up and rolling to the balls of his feet. A boxer, maybe? Devon stepped back to put distance between them, but Percy apparently thought that this was a sign of weakness because he grinned and lunged.

  Devon dodged his fists again. He normally wasn't a violent man. In his opinion, only idiots resorted to throwing punches to get their way. But as Rose gasped and Jamie started crying, a primal urge roared to life in him. Percy danced towards him again. The Panther gracefully sidestepped the punch and grabbed the back of the man's shirt. With a heft, he threw the intruder out the door.

  "Filthy animal!" Percy shouted as he scrambled back to his feet. "What have you done to her? Whatever it is, you'll pay for it!"

  The Panther inside of him roared. He surged forward, leaping at the man once more. Percy's fists rose, but his eyes widened and he backtracked as Devon shifted smoothly into his Panther form. His scrubs burst off his body, his sleek black fur glistening in the sun. Percy tried to run, but Devon was on him in an instant. One huge paw shot out and swept the man off his feet.

  Rose screamed, and Devon backed away from her fallen ex-boyfriend. He would have liked to continue the attack. Bruise him up a little, scaring him but not doing any permanent damage. But right now Rose and Jamie were his priority. He needed to make sure they weren't frightened.

  He shifted back and glared down at Percy. "Get off my property this instant or I'll have you arrested for trespassing and assault."

  Percy glared at him for another few minutes but scrambled to his feet. He didn't bother brushing off his clothes before he ran to the blue car parked on the side of the street. Devon glowered at him until he was out of sight. Then he turned back to Rose, who stood in the doorway, absently patting Jamie's back as the baby screamed. Her eyes were wide.

  "Let's go inside," Devon said. He reached towards her and was relieved when she didn't flinch back.

  What had he been thinking, attacking somebody like that? Yes, Percy deserved it, but how must Rose be feeling now? Not only did an ex-boyfriend she was clearly terrified of show up, but then Devon became violent towards him in front of her. It was inexcusable to frighten her that way. He should have just kept his temper and called the cops. Let them deal with the situation.

  "I should dress," he muttered as he closed the door. He quickly ran up the stairs to get some new clothing to replace what he had ruined and came back down.

  Rose had Jamie on the floor, changing her diaper. Jamie was still screaming, her face red, fists flailing. The sight made him wince. It wasn't just Rose he had frightened with his antics, but his daughter as well. He cleared his throat, trying to think of what he could say to make this better.

  "Does she need a bottle?"

  Rose looked up at him. She nodded, and then buckled over herself. She hid her face in her hands and started sobbing. Devon stared, rooted to the spot. What was he meant to do? Rose rocked back and forth, her whole body shaking with sobs, and Jamie was still crying where she was.r />
  Bottle, he thought, turning automatically to prepare one.

  By the time it was done, Rose had wrapped Jamie back up and settled on the couch, holding her close as they both cried. Devon sat beside them, shifting Rose into his lap before he thought if it was a good idea. But she relaxed against him and took the bottle to feed Jamie. Soon both of them had quieted, though Rose still shivered.

  "You're probably wondering what all that was about," Rose mumbled, her eyes downcast.

  He was wondering, but didn't say anything. If she wanted to tell him, she would.

  "Percy wasn't ever violent towards me. I want you to know that."

  Devon pressed his head against hers, stroking her arms as she fed Jamie. "You don't have to tell me anything, Rose. But if you want to talk about it, I'm here."

  She relaxed against him, and Devon felt a glow start swelling in his chest. It traveled throughout his body, warming him thoroughly. He wished he could give Rose this sense of warmth, of belonging.

  He frowned as he stared at the now-closed door. It didn't matter if Percy was never violent towards Rose, it was clear he had done something terrible to her. And if the man would track her down to her place of work, to actually enter the house and take on a shifter…

  Would the police have even helped in this matter? Or would they take one look at him, a shifter, and say that the other guy was the one in need of help? Devon had never had much to do with cops, other than being pulled over for stupid things, but he knew shifters with horror stories.

  "Can I stay here, with you?" Rose asked. "I don't want to go back to my apartment when he's in town."

  "Of course. Whatever you need."

  But if Percy had come here once before, what was to stop him from coming again?

  Devon couldn't be with her all the time–he needed to get back to work, with his extra expenses now he couldn’t afford to lose the job. Maybe they could rent a place in another part of town. Or maybe a hotel.

  "Maybe you should come to work with me," Devon suggested.


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