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Football Daddy

Page 125

by Ava Walsh

  The evening before the ceremony, Jane’s pretty white dress was hanging up in the spare room of the cottage along with the pretty lavender dress that Lauren was going to wear. The entire town was going to be there and the families of the bride and groom were helping with setting up the food and the decorations. It was a big deal for Julesberg and Lauren was looking forward to it even though she was exhausted.

  She went home that night with Jane in tow since Jane wanted to stick to tradition. She was going to sleep in the spare bedroom, which really meant that she was going to keep Lauren up talking in the manic way that she did when she was nervous and excited.

  It was charming in a way, but Lauren found herself longing to be in Cole’s arms in the next room just feeling his skin against hers. After tomorrow, things would settle down, and the newlyweds were going to New York for a honeymoon. Lauren and Cole were keeping an eye on the cottage, of course, but they were planning to spend a lot of time in their own house and their own bed. Not a sexual person by nature, Lauren found herself missing Cole when she was so busy, missing his body.

  It was a restless night and Lauren dragged herself out of bed, never happier to see a pot of coffee in the kitchen. Cole was reading the paper at the table as she trudged in and he gave her a sympathetic look. “You look so tired, baby.”

  “She talked so much last night,” Lauren lowered her voice as she glanced towards the hallway. “I know she’s excited and I’m so happy for her, but I’m glad that it will be just us tonight. I just want you to hold me in your arms.”

  Cole stood and walked over to her before he cupped her face and kissed her. “I understand. I am so happy to see my best friends getting married but I miss you.”

  “Hand me a cup of coffee and nobody gets hurt,” Jane said suddenly. Lauren looked over at her with wide eyes, feeling embarrassed that her friend had caught them talking about her behind her back. How much had she heard?

  “Look at the two of you. You’ll be next walking down that aisle,” Jane teased as Lauren handed her a steaming cup of coffee.

  “Oh, geez. Just shut up,” Lauren said as she rolled her eyes and took another sip of her own coffee. “Let’s get through this day first, okay?”

  “I have to agree with you on that. I love Adam more than anything, but all of this planning has worn me down. Do you know what it’s like to deal with two moms?” Jane rolled her eyes and Cole and Lauren laughed. The families were wonderful but there was no doubt they could be overbearing as well. “I just want to say “I do”, kiss the hell out of him and party through the night. Then party on our own later.” She winked and Lauren shook her head as Cole pulled her close to him.

  “So what’s the itinerary like?” Lauren asked for the hundredth time as Jane pulled a donut from the box that Adam had dropped off earlier.

  “We need to be at the salon in two hours with the moms and then at the barn by three. I think Mom said something about brunch at the salon too since she’s paying for the full treatment. It will be relaxing in theory, I’m sure, but let’s hope there’s champagne involved.” Jane caught the look that Cole gave her and smiled. “Just a little, Dad. I don’t want to be drunk when I marry Adam.”

  “Good. He’d hate that,” Cole muttered as Jane and Lauren shared a look.

  They hung around the kitchen for a few more minutes before Cole headed over to Adam’s to spend some time with him. Jane and Lauren took showers and dressed in jeans and t-shirts before Jane’s and Adam’s moms stopped by to pick them up.

  The moms were an adorable combination of nervous and excited women. “It’s going to be perfect, ladies. Just calm down and let’s enjoy this,” Jane said to them. She was glowing now and Lauren settled back in the seat and took a slow breath.

  They went to the spa in town where everyone got a full body massage. They were in the same room, so the women could talk throughout the lavish experience. They sipped champagne and laughed as the moms recalled their own weddings, making Lauren and Jane cry.

  From there, they moved onto manicures and pedicures. Jane’s mom frowned a little at her daughter’s choice of bright purple for her toes and pink for her fingers, but Jane told her to get over it. While she loved her country life, Jane would always hold onto the vibrant part of herself that she was born with. Lauren picked a soft green for her toes and a muted lavender for her fingers to match the dress and quite frankly, because she wasn’t as comfortable with herself as Jane was.

  They ate a light brunch of various sandwiches and some desserts before they got their hair and makeup done for the ceremony. It was relaxing and Lauren smiled as Jane took pictures of them and made the moms take some shots as well.

  After lunch was finished and cleaned up, they were taken to the main part of the salon and set up at different stations. Lauren opted for soft curls that fell around her shoulders with just a little of her hair pulled back while Jane had her short bob curled around her face. She typically didn’t do too much with herself apart from some makeup and she looked thrilled as Lauren glanced at her.

  The mothers just had their hair curled but they looked beautiful.

  The makeup was natural but stunning. Jane had her eyes darkened with some mascara and some shimmery shadow and went with dark matte red lips. She was a cute girl to begin with but she looked absolutely gorgeous now. Lauren hugged her and told her that Adam was going to lose his mind when he saw her.

  They dressed at the salon, having brought all of the dresses and stood inside as they made one last toast. Jane smiled as she thanked them for being there with her and raised her glass as the women clinked them together. They sipped the drinks and took the last few minutes to relax before the chaos set in.

  They got into the car and drove over to the barn, where the staff was just finishing the decorations. Lauren looked around at the tables as they made their way to the room in the back, thinking how sweet everything looked.

  There were about twenty tables set up with cream candles floating in purple candle holders along with bouquets of light purple roses and white lilies. Soft twinkle lights were strung around the rafters. A buffet was set up against the back wall of the barn. The weeping willow was waiting for the couple with an archway of purple and cream blowing in the soft Fall breeze.

  Chapter Seven

  The girls hung out in the room as the moms checked on the progress. Jane was sitting in a chair and taking deep breaths. “Are you okay?” Lauren asked her. Her best friend teared up and nodded.

  “People said that I was too young for this…a lot of them said that. I know that I’m young, but I have all the hope in the world. I love Adam, and he loves me. It’s that simple.”

  Lauren nodded. “It is. Anyone looking at the two of you can see that. There’s always those people and there always will be. Go with your gut, since it’s gotten you pretty far in life.”

  Jane laughed and wiped her cheeks as Lauren giggled with her. They’d made some stupid girlish mistakes when they were younger, but they were healthy and responsible adults now.

  The families came back and let them know that everyone was waiting. Jane widened her eyes and fanned her face. “You’ve got this,” Lauren told her as she hugged her one last time as a single woman. Adam’s parents went down the aisle to take their seats while Jane’s mom hugged her daughter tightly. She was crying when she went out and was led by Adam to her seat. He took his place back next to Cole. Lauren peered around the corner of the building. They looked so handsome.

  Lauren took her place as the harp started to play, counting her steps until she reached the aisle of pink, purple and white rose petals. The wind was soft and the crowd quiet apart from the sweet comments about her dress or how pretty she looked. Lauren blushed and looked forward, catching Cole’s intense stare as she blushed further.

  He looked a little star struck and Lauren pressed her soft pink lips together and hoped that her eyes still popped like they did earlier. Cole locked gazes with her as she walked, making her forget all about the countin
g or even the setting. She turned and moved to the left to stand next to the preacher as she smiled at Adam, who looked like he was struggling with his emotions.

  When Canon started playing, and everyone looked towards the end where Jane was walking with her dad, Adam was the first to cry. Most everyone followed suit and Jane stared forward with an intent gaze on her flawless face, as if to not give in, though meeting her soon-to-be husband’s eyes did that in. They both cried through their vows and laughed through their awkward kiss as Lauren clutched the bouquets and watched them with a soaring heart. Jane had hugged him before they were announced and grabbed Adam’s arm to skip down the aisle while grinning.

  Lauren watched as Cole held out his hand and she took it to walk down the aisle after the couple, still a little teary eyed over what she’d just seen.

  Forget age. Forget expectations. Lauren was in love with Cole, and she knew that they’d have what Jane and Adam had someday in the future too.

  They walked on behind Jane and Adam. In one of the rows they passed, she saw a girl with dark brown eyes staring coldly at her. It made her frown. Who could be so angry at a wedding? “Do you know that girl?” she asked Cole as they were walking towards the barn.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry about it, baby,” Cole said with an uncomfortable look on his handsome face.

  “What do you mean? Who is she?” Lauren asked as he looked away towards the people who were coming over to the barn.

  “She’s an ex. Her name is Kim. I dated her before Kelsey. We ended amicably but she’s probably just not happy seeing me with someone else is all. It’s not important. You’re everything to me.” Cole kissed her before turning to walk into the barn. The guests were sitting down at the tables. The music started to play and staff from the restaurant started stirring the various tins of hot food that were set up. Adam had chosen a local barbecue restaurant to cater while Jane had a bakery create all sorts of cute pastries that were set up on the side.

  The new couple was announced and walked in. Everyone was cheering and whistling and Jane spun around with a big grin on her face. All of the nerves were gone now, and she was ready to party as she greeted people on the way to the table. Lauren sat with Cole and looked over the faces slowly since there were many people she didn’t know.

  Lauren saw Kim chatting with another girl. Kim looked more glamorous than Lauren was, with light blonde hair that hung over her shoulders in a thick curtain and shimmering honey colored eyes that Lauren would probably never forget.

  Lauren looked away as Kim’s head swiveled her way and pretended to focus on sipping the water placed in front of her. Cole was clapping for his friends, and she smiled at him. He kissed her cheek lightly.

  Once all of the formalities were out of the way, everyone dug into the food and the music got louder. Several people came to their table to greet Cole. They shook Lauren’s hand or even hugged her and she felt overwhelmed by the smiles and warm greetings. Cole was obviously well-liked, and she smiled when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  They just finished up eating when Lauren saw Kim approaching the table. “Cole,” she said with a strange look in her eyes. “How have you been?”

  “I’m great, Kim. How about you?” Cole asked as Lauren fidgeted beside him. He glanced over at her and smiled. “This is Lauren, Kim. She’s new to town and has been Jane’s best friend for years.”

  The girls shook hands lightly. Lauren forced a smile on her face.

  “So Jane and Adam did it, huh? I always thought we’d be next,” Kim said. Lauren rose in her seat while Cole squeezed her hand.

  “We were never going to be next, Kim, and you know that. I’m happy now, and I wish the same for you.” He smiled at Lauren. Kelsey narrowed her eyes and looked between them.

  “Yeah…thanks.” Kim turned around and left. Lauren watched her perfect curves walk away from them. Cole hadn’t been unkind with his words, but very direct. Lauren looked at him.


  “What?” Cole asked as he looked down at Lauren. “She had no chance, baby. Come, let’s forget about her and dance.”

  They got up and walked over to the dance floor. Cole was a great dancer, and she found it fairly easy to follow along with his casual teaching. A lot of the guests joined them, and Lauren smiled at Jane and Adam. Cole pressed a long kiss to her lips before the up-tempo song changed into a slower one, giving them another chance to kiss as the sound of silverware against glasses filled the air.

  “They look great,” Cole told Lauren as he pulled her close and stared into her eyes. “Is it nice to finally relax and enjoy? You’ve been working so hard to help her with this.”

  “Well, she helped me a lot too, with fixing up the house. I loved helping her, but I just missed you.” Lauren stood higher on her toes to kiss him. He held her tightly and stroked her hair. They lost themselves for a moment before Lauren pulled away for a breath and looked around. “Oh, God. They’re looking at us.”

  “So what? Let them,” Cole said and he kissed her again, making Lauren laugh out loud, all of her embarrassment leaving her.

  They made the toasts, with Cole being far more confident than Lauren, shuffling her feet and getting sappy towards Jane. They all hugged and cried. Adam embraced Lauren tightly and she went to sit down. They stopped to take pictures several times throughout the evening for the local photographer, making Lauren get sick of smiling so much. But it was hard not to, especially when it was just her and Cole posing for the camera.

  They cut the cake and Adam sweetly fed Jane a piece. Then he kissed her while she wrapped her arms around his neck. She threw the smaller bouquet a while later, and Lauren caught it with wide eyes. Some of the women clapped and others looked like their world was ending.

  Chapter Eight

  The night ended past midnight. The guests slowly headed home and the staff started to clean up. They’d put the food away hours ago and just picked up the tables while guests grabbed some last minute favors. Lauren kept her flowers and, at Jane’s insistence, one of the table displays. “Should we help them clean up?” Lauren asked Cole as he twirled his keys in his hand.

  “They paid good money to have that taken care of,” Cole told her and he smiled. “Let’s go. We’re home alone tonight, and I don’t want to wait another moment for you.”

  They hugged Jane and Adam one last time and then left. Lauren carried the flowers to the truck, and Cole opened the door for her before taking them from her. She slid inside, and he handed them back to her before walking around to the other side and starting the car.

  “Did you have fun?” Cole asked. She smiled at him and buckled her seat belt.

  “It was magical,” Lauren replied while watching him in the light of the parking lot. Cole had loosened his tie and slung his jacket over the seat but still looked incredible. “I feel sorry for complaining about the preparations all the times that I did.”

  “It’s part of wedding planning, my love,” Cole told her and smiled at her.

  They drove through the empty town. Lauren imagined everyone home and in bed with a smile on their face. Cole parked in the driveway to his house, and they carried the few things inside before Cole closed and locked the door. He raised his hands in the air and looked around. “Listen to this. It’s quiet, and we’re alone. We have nothing to work on now apart from each other.”

  “Yeah, it’s a beautiful thing.” Lauren smiled and looked around. The flowers were in enough water to last them until the next morning, and she stepped forward. Her heart was racing, her need for Cole making her shake. “What are we going to do with ourselves?”

  Cole stepped towards her and cupped her face before he kissed her hard. This wasn’t the cute romantic Cole from the wedding, but the man that missed his girlfriend and was going to claim her. Lauren moaned as she parted her lips for him, making him haul her against his body, their tongues tangling together. “I want you so bad,” Cole murmured against her lips. She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you,
Lauren. I love you more than anything.”

  Cole unzipped the dress slowly with his arm around her, sliding the pretty vintage gown down Lauren’s body right there in the living room. She wrapped her legs around him and kissed him, allowing Cole to carry her to the bedroom while sliding her hands in his hair. Cole nipped at her lower lip before he dropped her down and unbuttoned his shirt. “You looked so beautiful today. Seeing you walk down that aisle took my breath away…I can’t imagine how Adam felt.”

  “I almost forgot where I was when I saw you,” Lauren confessed. She watched him drop his pants and kick them off. “Is that rented?”

  “Yes, and I’ll get it back just fine,” Cole growled as he crawled onto the mattress and over her body. She was covered only with a white strapless bra and a matching pair of tiny boy shorts and he looked her over slowly. “You’re stunning.”

  They were close, and Lauren knew that. There was something different tonight between them, though. He stared at her with a new intensity in his eyes before leaning down to kiss her hungrily. “You’re the most handsome man that I’ve ever seen, Cole,” Lauren whispered as he pulled away slightly to move his hands down her body. Cole slid her underwear down, leaving her bare for him. Lauren shivered. “I love you.”

  He kissed her and slipped his hands over the bra to slide it down and cup her breasts. Every part of her body was on fire and Lauren kissed him back, their bodies pressed together. “I don’t know what to do to you first,” Cole said as he moved down her neck to kiss her skin gently. “I want to taste every inch of you, but I’m so ready to be inside of you.” Cole moved his mouth back to her lips as he slid between her thighs and pressed against her slick entrance. “Just for a minute before I taste you.” Cole pushed inside of her as they both moaned and rocked together. He filled her, and Lauren cried out as she moved her hips hard against him. “So tight, Lauren. So tight.” Cole moved a few more times inside of her before pulling out, spreading her legs with his hands and burying his face in her wetness.


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