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Football Daddy

Page 139

by Ava Walsh

  Rufus didn’t have a car in town, which meant they would have to take Olivia’s old one. He passed her a knowing look when he bent down to fit Maya into her seat at the back, silently reminding her that they had made love in the car less than ten days ago. Olivia rolled her eyes and looked away. He was still a child! She smiled.

  They drove with the music on, and Rufus sang along to the song playing. It seemed to entertain Maya, who tried to sing along as well. Olivia looked at her daughter in the rearview mirror and a realization struck her suddenly: Maya was talking more now. Ever since Rufus had become a part of her daily life, Maya had been less silent. How were they going to sustain this? Was Rufus going to eventually leave again? They hadn’t spoken about it and Olivia looked out of the window to distract herself. She didn’t want to think about how their future plans were going to affect Maya.

  Rufus drove the short distance to his parents’ home quickly and parked the car. Olivia noticed her own mother’s car parked in the drive. So this was actually happening. Their families had all congregated in one place to meet them together as a couple, and to be introduced to Maya as a part of a family.

  Olivia’s hands shook as she undid the clasps on Maya’s seat belts. Rufus appeared behind her and took over.

  “Just relax, Olivia,” he said to her softly, pulling Maya out of the seat and banging the car door shut. Rufus did look relaxed, calm and happy. Olivia wasn’t quite sure how she was going to deal with it. After all, she had been the one lying to everyone all these years. Rufus simply hadn’t known. He wouldn’t be judged for all the lies.

  Olivia heard her heels clicking against the stone steps leading up to the Frost’s front door. Rufus had Maya in his arms and he knocked on the door, which was opened by Mr. Frost a few seconds later.

  “Rufus! Olivia! And this must be my granddaughter!” he exclaimed, peering into Maya’s eyes. Maya blushed and looked away from her grandfather and, for the first time, Olivia noticed how they all had the same green eyes: Mr. Frost, Rufus and Maya.

  Mrs. Frost emerged behind him, rushing forward to be introduced to the baby in Rufus’ arms.

  Olivia remained standing behind them, smiling as she watched Maya being showered with love and affection. Her own mother had emerged out of the living room as well and came over to Maya to hug her. Olivia felt like her daughter was finally receiving the love she had deserved all along. This is what she had always wanted for her child.

  She saw Sophie arrive with a glass of red wine in her hand. She was as impeccably dressed as usual and leaned against the door frame. Olivia left Rufus’ side and walked up to her.

  “Hey,” she said, trying to get Sophie’s attention. Her friend didn’t look at her, and Olivia felt the resurgence of the wave of guilt she had been trying to keep at bay.

  “So the little brat is actually related to me,” Sophie said, dropping her eyes to the floor for a second and then turning to glare at Olivia.

  Olivia smiled indulgently and breathed out.

  “I’m sorry, Sophie, for keeping this a secret for so long. I just didn’t want anyone to find out,” Olivia said, biting down on her lip. She could understand what Sophie was going through, and that she was feeling betrayed from all directions.

  “First of all, you slept with my brother three years ago and didn’t tell me. Then you got pregnant, had a baby and lied to me about whose baby it was.” Sophie had leaned in to whisper to Olivia through clenched teeth. The rest of the family were still cuddling and playing with Maya, slowly bringing her into the living room.

  Rufus had given Olivia a look on his way in, but decided to let the two women sort it out amongst themselves.

  “I know how it must feel, Sophie. But at the time I thought if I told you the truth, it would be a bigger betrayal. I thought you’d not hate me if you never found out.” Olivia reached for Sophie’s free hand.

  “And then you screamed at me, kicked me out of the house and screamed at me some more for actually trying to help you by calling Craig.” Sophie emptied the glass of wine down her throat and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Olivia sighed and licked her lips.

  “I’m sorry about all that, Sophie. I hope you’ll forgive me someday soon,” she said with a smile.

  “And now you have my brother, you have a kid and you’re going to live happily ever after,” Sophie said. Her lip was quivering slightly. Olivia continued to smile, she was grateful for all this. Grateful for the way her life had turned around. Most of all, she was happy that she still had her friend. That there was still hope that Sophie would forgive her and that things would go back to being the way it was.

  “Are you happy for me, Sophie?” Olivia asked, as quietly as possible. Sophie’s hands were in hers again as the two of them stared at each other. Olivia was begging for forgiveness through her eyes, and Sophie looked like she had still not decided whether she was going to forgive her best friend or not.

  “Of course I am! I’m so happy for you!” Sophie wailed. Olivia could feel the tears coursing down her cheeks as she rubbed them against Olivia’s shoulder. Olivia held her as she shuddered. Sophie had always been one for drama.

  “You have no idea how worried I was for you, and how sad it made me to see your apartment and the two of you alone like that. Now you’re safe with Rufus. As weird as it may be for me, I’m happy you’re in love. And that my brother is in love with you.” Sophie was still crying. Mrs. Frost appeared from the living room to pat Sophie on her back. She was smiling at Olivia.

  Olivia blushed and looked away.

  “Let's all go in, Sophie. Come in, Olivia. We all have to celebrate properly,” Mrs. Frost said, dragging Sophie by the hand and leading Olivia into the living room.

  When she entered she found Maya on the floor, with Mr. Frost passing her new boxes of toys that her grandparents had clearly just bought for her. Maya’s eyes were excited and she was happy, gazing from her toys to her mother and then her father’s face. Rufus was standing behind her, and his face lit up when he saw Olivia walk into the room. Olivia’s mother was on the couch, finally glad to see her daughter happy.

  “Now sit down here, Olivia, and tell us everything that we’ve missed about Maya,” Mrs. Frost exclaimed, leading Olivia to the seat next to her mother. She forced Sophie to sit down too, next to Olivia, while she continued to sniffle and dry her tears.

  Olivia reached for Sophie’s hands and pressed them tightly, holding on to them on her own lap. She was grateful for Sophie. No matter their differences now, they were still best friends.

  “Before that, I have an announcement to make,” Rufus spoke up and all eyes turned to him.

  “It is with great sadness that I must inform you all that I have to go back to Chicago. I can’t delay it anymore, sadly, if I still want to keep my contract.” Rufus looked around the room, while his mother and Sophie gasped.

  “What about Olivia? What about Maya?” Mrs. Frost threw the questions at him, while Olivia felt her hands itching in Sophie’s. She was glad she was holding her friend’s hands. She couldn’t have borne this news alone. Rufus was going to have to leave again. What did he want to do about this new development in his life?

  “They’re coming with me, of course. If Olivia will agree to marry me.” Rufus turned to her with a smile, while Sophie shrieked. Sophie jumped off the couch and rushed to hug her brother, while Olivia and Rufus stared at each other.

  “I’m going to be a Maid of Honor!” Sophie was shrieking, as she jumped over to hug her mother.

  “Olivia?” Rufus asked as he stepped closer to her. Olivia breathed out slowly, expecting the tears to gush down her cheeks any moment now. Maya was looking at her too, sensing the tension in the room.

  “Of course I’ll marry you, Rufus,” Olivia said and laughed when the room erupted in joy. Her mother hugged her, Mr. and Mrs. Frost came over to hug her as well. Sophie grabbed her hand again and held it there, while Rufus bent down on his knee and slipped a ring onto her finger.

didn’t look at the ring or stop to admire it. She wanted his arms around her shoulders instead.

  Rufus and Olivia kissed, for the first time in front of other people, and she felt like she could stay in his arms forever. Maya was clapping too, joining in the celebration, and Olivia watched as Rufus went over to pick his daughter up. He looked like a man who didn’t know what to do with the joy he was experiencing, a proud father.

  “She has his eyes, and his hair…no, your hair,” Sophie said beside her and Olivia turned to look at her with a laugh.

  “I should have seen it years ago when she was born.” She added and Olivia bit down on her lip. “I don’t know how you managed to keep it a secret for so long, but now it’s all out in the open. You’re marrying your dream man.” Sophie hugged her friend again and Olivia laughed.

  “I’m marrying everyone’s dream man.”



  Secret Baby Sports Romance: The Quarterback's Secret Baby


  This is my secret... Mine alone...

  Lindsay Williams still remembers her one passionate night with her best friend’s brother. She’d been in love with him for as long as she could remember...

  But she was left with a big surprise after Ethan Taylor left town: She was pregnant with his baby.

  For years, Lindsay kept the identity of her child’s father a secret. She put her plans on hold to raise her baby, allowing Ethan the freedom to live his dream. When Lindsay learns that her best friend is coming to town to get married, she’s thrown into panic. How will she keep her daughter a secret? And how can she admit to her best friend that she slept with her older brother?

  Ethan never forgot the day Lindsay gave him her most precious gift. Years later and miles away, she still haunts his dreams. Lindsay is the only woman he has ever had profound feelings for. The only appeal of going home for his sister’s wedding is seeing Lindsay again. She may not want anything to do with a notorious playboy, but he’s willing to try his luck.

  When they meet, the passion between them is more intense than ever. Ethan realizes that he has fallen for Lindsay. But, will he be able to forgive her when he discovers her secret?

  Chapter One


  The noisy, humid atmosphere makes me miserable. I have worked in the same place since I was fifteen and I still can’t get used to the place. Maybe it’s because I want to get away from here so badly but can’t seem to escape. I might very well be in the same town working the same crappy job until I’m old and gray. The thought makes me even more miserable. Letting out a low groan, I head to table two with a tray.

  “Hey, Lindsay, where the hell is my burger?” a raspy voice calls out.

  I pause, take a deep breath to control my temper and turn with a friendly smile. “Relax, Patrick, you just ordered five minutes ago. Give the cook a little time, huh?”

  Patrick, a local and long-time customer of the only diner in town, lets out a huff and sits back. He mutters something under his breath and goes back to tapping his fingers impatiently on the table. Everyone is used to the old man’s behavior, but that doesn’t stop him from getting on my last nerve.

  “Here you go, folks,” I say, placing the tray on table two and unloading it. “Enjoy your meal.”

  “Thanks, honey,” Mrs. Jacobs, another frequent customer, says. Her husband nods at me and gives me a smile.

  As I walk off, I step to the side just as a hand reaches out, brushing against my leg. “Yup, saw that coming,” I whisper. “Keep your hands to yourself, Martin,” I say, glaring at the middle-aged, balding man leering at me. He tries to grab my bottom every time I pass his table. The thing is it’s an everyday occurrence. I sigh and push the swinging double doors to the kitchen open. “I need another job.”

  “Martin tried to grab your ass again?”

  I glance at the woman flipping beef on the massive grill. Marion is the fifty-year-old cook who has manned the grill ever since I can remember. I grew up seeing her at Eddie’s Corner; she’s like a permanent fixture here.


  Marion throws me a sympathetic look. “Well, you can’t blame the old fool too much. Look at you! You’re a stunner. You know, I was the town beauty back in my day.” She trails off, looking into space, reliving her glory days.

  I smile. “I’m sure you were, Marion. Thanks for the compliment. Martin’s behavior isn’t the only reason I need a need a new job, though.” It goes beyond being harassed by customers. Working in the diner is a reminder of how stagnant my life is. I’ve been here year after year, dealing with the same people, people who look at me with pity. I’m a twenty-one year old who was once full of promise. Now I’m stuck in the small town of Lakeville, working two minimum-wage jobs to make a living. I would say that my life sucks. Well, not completely. There’s a pair of green eyes waiting for me at home, eyes that look at me with unconditional love. My three-year-old daughter is my saving grace. I’m reminded why I work so hard. I want to make life for her as good as I can.

  It doesn’t seem like I’m doing such a great job right now, though. We live in a cramped, one-bedroom apartment, and I can’t always buy her the things she wants. Sadness begins to creep up on me, but an irritated voice jerks me from my thoughts.

  “Williams! What’s the matter with you? Get your head in the game. We have a full house.”

  “Er, s-sorry Mr. Edmond,” I stutter, to the owner of the diner.

  “Yeah, yeah. Get back to work and stop day dreaming, kid.”

  “No need to get your panties in a twist, Eddie,” Marion rasps, her voice thick from years of smoking. Mr. Edmond sends her a glare, but doesn’t say another word to me. I give Marion an appreciative smile, and she winks.

  “You finished with Patrick’s order? He’s out there having a cow, the impatient fool.”

  Marion snorts. “I’m finished. If he gives you any grief when you get back out there, you tell him I know where he lives.” She waves her spatula around threateningly, making me laugh.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I go through the door, back into the hum of chatter. It’s been a long day, and lunch hour is no joke. There are only three more hours remaining in my shift, but today three hours seems extra long.

  I serve and clean up tables non-stop until I feel like my feet will explode. No doubt they will be the size of balloons by the time I get home. Finally, the crowd dwindles, and I slow my pace. My phone vibrates in my apron pocket, and I fish it out. Glancing around to make sure Mr. Edmond is nowhere in sight, I check the caller ID. My lips purse as I contemplate taking the call or not.

  Amanda. The name flashes across the screen. My finger hovers over the icon to accept the call, but I lose my nerve and shove the phone back into my pocket. I close my eyes briefly and let out a breath. Guilt assails me for ignoring her call. She’s my best friend. But things changed after high school, and it’s all my fault. I’m the one who distanced myself from her and just about everyone else. What else could do I do? All of my childhood friends have left Lakeville, Connecticut and moved on to live amazing lives. And here I am, an utter failure.

  It’s my shame that pushes me to turn away from everyone. I have ignored countless calls from people who were once a part of my life. Admitting that I haven’t gone on to become the brilliant artist that everyone thought I would be was beyond humiliating. Hell, I didn’t even go to college. My phone vibrates again. I don’t bother to answer, knowing it’s Amanda calling again. I don’t avoid her calls all the time; occasionally I have to pick up, so that it doesn’t look so bad. Then, I lie and tell her how busy I’ve been, and that’s why I often miss her calls. Yeah, I’m a liar, and I’m going to hell. When I speak to Amanda, she always asks how my life is going. She doesn’t know the pain the question causes. Plus, there is the fact that the father of my child is none other than her older brother. She has no idea, of course, and neither does anyone else. Although someone might figure it out one of these fine days. Casey looks more like her fath
er with each passing day.

  I push the thought of my daughter’s father aside, until I get home, anyway, where I can pine over him in private. I wonder what Amanda was calling about. With a slight shrug, I get back to cleaning tables. She usually leaves a message so more than likely I’ll find out.

  Chapter Two


  At the end of my shift, I gather my things and make a beeline for the door. Customers begin to file in again, and I quicken my steps before the boss asks me to stay a bit longer. I would gladly do over time, since I need the money, but not today. I’m ready to drop because of exhaustion, and I haven’t seen much of my daughter in a week. Running from one job to the other is taking its toll.

  Sitting in my ancient Toyota, I take out my phone, remembering that Amanda had called. There’s a voice message. “Let’s hear what it’s about.” As I listen to Amanda’s excited voice, a smile appears on my lips. She was always so full of energy. By the end of the message, my smile has fallen away. My heart begins to race. It’s not because Amanda has just said she’s getting married. That’s great; I’m happy for her. The problem is that she wants to have the wedding here. That means her brother will be here as well. “Oh, my God,” I whisper, as memories overtake me and I spiral back into the past. The last time I saw Ethan Taylor was almost four years ago.

  I was eighteen, graduating high school. I found out from Amanda that Ethan would be flying in from Texas to attend our graduation. Excitement to see him after so many years mounted in my chest. It wasn’t because I grew up around him and he was a great guy, but because I had a massive crush on him. I had since the day I hit puberty and was old enough to know what goes on between boys and girls. Ethan was five years older, so I knew I didn’t have a chance. I didn’t mind admiring him from afar and in secret, though. Not even Amanda, who I told everything to, knew I was in love with her cool older brother.


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