The Dark Magician Girl
Page 15
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Just look at how much you have improved, my friend!" Papa slapped my father on his back.
“Thanks for sparring with me every day, Greil. I know you have a lot on your plate, my friend,” Papa looked over at him with a genuine smile plastered across his face. "Tell me, Chrom, have I ever told you anything about myself ever since you hired me as your mercenary commander?" Chrom looked over at him. "I do not believe you have. You only spoke to me about your son and daughter who you love so much. But that is all you have told me," Papa's eyes become distant as he looks as though he is recalling memories.
I was watching my father and Papa spar in the courtyard again today. Papa has not been my father's mercenary commander for too long, but he has been friends with him for far longer than that. I just had my eighth birthday not too long ago. Ever since Papa started coming around the castle, he has been caring for me just like my mother and father have been.
Papa then turns to my father. "Ever since my son and daughter was born, my not has been stubborn to become a strong warrior just like me. Not too long after his sister was born though, their mother passed away. We were in Gallia at that time, that is where they were born, a land quite a way from Ylisse. During these times, Gallia was supporting their ally, Crimea, during a war with Daein at the time, which was where my company was located. During these times, I had a good friend, a mage if you will, accompany me and became one of my mercenaries. Once the long war was at peace for a time, my boy had grown up enough to become a full member of my mercenaries. It was then that my friend became interested in the 'dark magic' he saw during the war times. I kept telling him it was dangerous, you must not use this magic if you are not skilled and he refused to listen to me. His spell he tried to cast failed and opened up some kind of rift in time. I fell through it and I found myself here. That was the day I travelled to your castle, my friend,"
I saw my father place his hand on his chin in thought, then nodding in understanding after a moment.
"So, that is why you never spoke of your family before? It has been many years since you have seen them?"
Papa nodded. "I would not doubt they assumed the worst and believe I have passed, never to see them ever again. I assume my boy took hold the leadership I had left him and continued with the Greil mercenaries. I decided to continue assisting Ylisse myself here, with you my friend,"
My father's face changed, as though he was in deep thought. "Why was it, that originally you left Gallia for here? Gallia is a distant land,"
Papa smiles, "Once my boy was old enough, I told him I have a good feeling about the land of Ylisse," My father smiled.
So Ike was who he was talking about on that day!
Oh, and could he have been talking about me? But they are from the parallel world! How could they possibly have known about me?'