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Blood Script

Page 44

by Airicka Phoenix

  “Who told you Daddy was a pirate?” he asked instead.

  It was one of those things he and Cora had decided would be best if they didn’t tell the girls until they were older. They hadn’t wanted to romanticize such a dangerous profession until they could understand it better.

  “Uncle Nic said—”

  The moment the man’s name was mentioned, James wanted to face palm. Aside from having her grandfather completely wrapped around her tiny fingers, Nicholas had all but adopted James’s daughter. It was nearly impossible to find one without the other.

  “What did I tell you about listening to everything your Uncle Nic says?” James muttered.

  Big hazel eyes met his on a face pulled into a tiny pout that never failed to melt him. “Are you not a pirate?”

  Jesus. He was going to kill that man.

  “Daddy is a business man,” he opted carefully. “He works in the import, export of shipping things across international waters.”

  “But Uncle Nic said—”

  Another thing she’d inherited from her mother.

  Fucking buts.

  “What has Uncle Nic been saying now?” Cora joined them onboard.

  James rose to help her over. “He’s been telling our daughter that—”

  “Daddy’s a pirate!” Elle cried with a brilliant smile.

  Cora smiled, but only he noticed the fine razor blades in the curves of her lips. “Did he now? I think Uncle Nic needs a chat with Mommy about oversharing with a three-year-old.”

  “Your daughter wants to be a pirate when she gets older,” James told her.

  Cora raised an eyebrow. “If she wants to be a pirate, wouldn’t she be your daughter, love?”

  She had a point.

  “I want to help Daddy impoopt things in the internal waters.”

  One look at Cora and he didn’t feel so bad about the laugh he could barely contain.

  “Well, my darling,” Cora scooted around him and sat on the bench between the two girls. She gathered Nicolette into her lap, but faced their oldest over the baby’s head. “When you’re older, I know Daddy would love to have you go on trips with him. But until then, you can’t tell anyone the things Uncle Nic tells you, okay? It’s dangerous.”

  “Like being a pirate?”

  Cora nodded. “Exactly like that. There are things people wouldn’t understand, okay?”

  Elle looked from James to Cora, uncertainty furrowing her brows. “Are we bad people?”

  Now, Cora was looking at him.

  “Not bad people, darling.” James knelt in front of her. “We’re just different.”

  “Uncle Nic says we live in the gray area,” she whispered. “He says we’re a balance.”

  James chuckled. “For once, I agree with him.”

  Elle was quiet for a long moment, but he could see the thoughts twisting around inside her small head. Finally, she raised her head and peered at him.

  “I still want to be a pirate.”

  The End


  What a road it’s been. James and Cora tested me in ways that shocked and amazed me. It allowed me to delve into places I’d only ever imagined toying with. It’s been thrilling, scary, and addictive. But it wasn’t simple. With all the good, there are always fingers of doubt and nothing helps with that than knowing you have good, reliable people at your side.

  That said, I want to thank my team. My beautiful, amazing, life changing team who kept me up and kept me together.

  My family for understanding and accepting my imaginary side family. I know how much you guys do to help support me and my dreams even when laundry piles up and dinner’s late ... again. You guys hold me together and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you monkeys.

  I also want to thank my girls Kim and Krystal for countless hours of girl time, laughs, and motivation, and for putting up with my pervy gifs. My gorgeous editor Kathy for her continuous patience and brilliance. Girl, you rock all the glitter. The lovely Jessica for putting up with my neurotic ways and being a steady rock in the midst of all my chaos. Fist bump, ladies. Love you hard core.

  My beta girls, Melissa, Kim, Amber, Diana, Ashley, Aura, Rebecca, Tammy, and Chenelle. Every girl needs a fabulous posse and I’m so lucky to have you. I love and appreciate you so much.

  Finally, my readers, there are not enough words in any language to express what you mean to me. Thank you for the continued love and support through each new book. You’re the true rockstar of the literary world. Rock on!

  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Carpe noctem,




  Touching Smoke (Click to Buy)

  Touching Eternity (Click to Buy)

  Touching Fire (Click to Buy)


  Finding Kia (Click to Buy)

  Revealing Kia (Click to Buy)


  When Night Falls (Click to Buy)


  Forever His Baby (Click to Buy)

  Bye-Bye Baby (Click to Buy)

  Be My Baby (Click to Buy)

  Always Yours, Baby (Click to Buy)

  His Lullaby Baby (Click to Buy)


  Octavian’s Undoing (Click to Buy)

  Gideon’s Promise (Click to Buy)


  Games of Fire (Click to Buy)

  Betraying Innocence (Click to Buy)

  The Voyeur Next Door (Click to Buy)

  For Keeps (Click to Buy)

  Kissing Trouble (Click to Buy)

  Transcending Darkness (Click to Buy)

  The Devil’s Beauty (Click to Buy)

  Laid Bare (Click to Buy)


  Love & Grace Anthology (Click to Buy)

  Midnight Surrender Anthology (Click to Buy)

  Whispered Beginnings: A Clever Fiction Anthology (Click to Buy)

  About Airicka Phoenix

  Airicka Phoenix is a multi-genre author of over twenty-five bestselling novels starring strong female leads and sexy alpha heroes. She started her journey after never finding the type of books she wanted to read. Her love of tortured souls and forbidden romance carried her into writing her own hard-earned happiness. Currently, she lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her babies and can be found hard at work on her next project.

  For more about Airicka, visit her at


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