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Exposed Page 1

by Aster, Willow


  Willow Aster




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Ruin Coming March 2020

  Ruin Prologue

  Ruin Chapter One


  About the Author

  Also by Willow Aster


  Kingdoms of Sin, Book 2

  Copyright © 2020 by Willow Aster

  Cover by: Hang Le

  Photography by: Wander Aguiar

  Cover Model: Florian

  Editing: Christine Estevez

  Beta: Jennifer Mirabelli

  Represented by: Brower Literary & Management

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trade-marked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trade-marks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This book is a romance based entirely on fictional places. It is set in the present where there are monarchies in a world that doesn’t operate quite like ours. There are no dragons or fairies, but there is lust, greed, pride, and wrath…something that exists in any world and has since the beginning of time.

  Any mistakes I make in properly conveying royal practices and whatnot, I hope you will excuse and consider that in the kingdoms of Farrow, Niaps, Alidonia, and beyond, perhaps it’s just the way it is.

  List of Characters:

  Safrin Family of Farrow:

  Neil* & Kathryn, father and mother

  Jadon, son of Neil and stepson of Kathryn

  Eden Safrin Catano, daughter, married to Luka Catano

  Ava, daughter

  Catano Family of Niaps:

  Titus & Cecilia (Cece), father and mother

  Basile, brother to Cecilia

  Luka, son, married to Eden Safrin Catano

  Mara, daughter

  Also in Niaps:

  Brienne Jarvis, bodyguard to Eden

  Elias Lancaster, advisor to Luka

  Forbrush Family of Yuman:

  Victros & Anais, father and mother

  Alex, son

  Nadia, daughter

  Farthing Family of Alidonia:

  Vance & Jonquil*, father and mother

  Omar, son

  Delilah, daughter

  Caulder, nephew, advisor to Vance



  Prologue: Mara, age seven

  I sit on top of my mother’s suitcase and watch her finish applying her makeup. My body itches to run up to her and beg her to take me with her, but the last time I tried that, I ended up alone with Nanny for six months. This time, at least, I have my baby brother. Everyone likes him so much better than me, but he’s so cute, I don’t mind that he gets the attention.

  I just don’t like the house when my parents are gone. It’s too big, too dark, and sometimes Nanny drinks a lot and raps my knuckles and arms and backside with the long stick when she gets mad at me. Last time, I left one of my dolls in the dining room at breakfast time and I was sent to bed without lunch or supper, my hands bleeding from the stick.

  I tried to tell Mother about it when she returned, but she said Nanny does as she sees fit and little girls are supposed to keep their place. So far I think our place is in the dark, saying nothing at all, which is sad because I have something to say! I like talking and laughing and playing with my dolls outside of my room. And the water, I love the water. I love being outside. Nanny has started letting me go outside more and it’s the only time I feel free.

  “Up you go, I need to put this last bag in,” Mother says.

  I stand up and the urge overtakes me. I latch onto her waist and don’t let go. “Please take me with you. Please. I’ll be good. I won’t make a peep. You’ll barely even know I’m there.”

  Mother pries my fingers off of her and pushes me back so hard that I fall onto the floor. Father comes in to see me lying there and passes me to pick up the suitcase.

  “I’ll set this outside the door. The car is being loaded now. You need to hurry, Cecilia.”

  I jump up and run to him. “Father, wait. I can help on this trip. I’ll be your assistant. Yes? And I will only speak when spoken to, as you always say.”

  Father pats my head and pushes me away when I try to hug him. “Yet here you are again, Mara, speaking to me when I have not spoken to you. Cecilia, what ideas are you putting into her head, making her think the words of a little girl matter at all?” He chuckles and shakes his head, dodging from me one more time.

  I try to make sense of what he means exactly and lean against the door, my spirit drooping. All of my efforts to not be left with Nanny aren’t working. It looks like it will be six more months of bruises because I just can’t seem to be who anyone wants me to be.

  “My words do matter,” I mutter, kicking the door.

  The slap rings in my ears and my eyes blur. I put my hand to my cheek and stare up at my father. He leans down and I feel the warmth of his breath with his next words.

  “Help Nanny with your brother while we’re gone. Teach him a few words while you’re at it. His words do, in fact, matter. He will one day be king, after all.”

  He bops my nose, which does nothing to take away the sting of his slap.

  That day is the first time I imagine myself as one of the sea turtles that sometimes come to shore, with a hard shell on the outside. When things get too painful, I can duck my he
ad inside my armor and be safe.

  Dear Elias,

  Best day ever. And worst day too.

  I met you today and you became my friend even though I’m only seven! Most other nine-year-olds I’ve met aren’t as nice as you. I can’t believe you live next door…can we call it next door even though it’s a mile away? Yes, let’s call it next door.

  Thank you for lunch.

  I love your smile more than lemon puffs and they’re my favorite thing in the world.

  When I snuck back into my house, I ran into Nanny. She got mad at me for getting my dress dirty and made me cry because she said the only thing I have going for me is my looks and I can’t even do that right. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but the look in her eyes made me hurt and almost made me forget what a great day this was. Then she said my only job is to look nice since Luka has the hard job of being the future king.

  Sometimes I wonder if everyone is sad I was born. Everyone likes Luka a lot more, even my parents.

  It made me want to go back to your house and get my dress even dirtier.

  I’ll go back tomorrow.

  And one day, I’ll marry you.



  P.S. I’m waiting to give this to you until I see if you remember me tomorrow. I think you will and if not, maybe when I kiss you, you’ll remember today when you kissed ME.

  Chapter One


  Today is the worst day of my life.

  Even worse than the day my father went to prison for murder, which was right up there. Today is the day my brother Luka becomes king and that whiny, pansy wife of his will be crowned right alongside him. This was never supposed to happen, not like this.

  My father might be a lot of things, but he is not a murderer.

  I love my brother, I really do, but ever since Eden, Princess of the North and all that is cold and pale, got under his skin, he has become a different person. He’s betrayed our family, and all for his gain. It’s crazy too, because I’ve always done everything I could to earn my parents’ approval, while Luka has always had it without even trying. If anyone should be bound by honor, it seems it would be him.

  I watch the crown being placed on his head and choke back the tears that threaten to fall. It’s like I don’t even know him anymore. He used to be fun, always up for trouble, and he got a kick out of my presumed bad behavior.

  At least I thought he did.

  He would’ve never, ever turned his back on our family like this.

  It’s all her fault.

  Now he feels like a stranger. Maybe neither of us ever really knew one another at all.

  He’s never known what I’m truly capable of.

  I think my father knew. My mother might know too. It’s why they’ve always had Luka look out for me, cover me, keep me in line. He’s younger than me, but you’d never know it. Technically, I should be mad that he was ever born. It got in the way of me becoming queen, with the firstborn son always taking over the monarch, and the daughter only inheriting the throne should a son not be born. I should hate him, but he was the best thing that ever happened to me.

  The day Luka was born, I finally had the freedom to be me.

  It might have been used against me at times—this freedom—but I’ve been grateful for it nonetheless.

  And now, with the way my brother has turned against us and embraced his foreign wife, I fear that liberation is over. Forever.

  I feel eyes on me and my skin prickles in awareness. I look up and sure enough, Elias Lancaster is watching me. Sometimes I think he might see the real me too. It’s part of what intrigues me about him and part of what makes me keep my guard up.

  I’ve loved Elias Lancaster for as long as I can remember. He will be mine one day soon, but a couple of things have to change first:

  He needs to be convinced he belongs with me.

  He needs to realize he’s good enough for me.

  Two things that I’m not worried about, not with the way his eyes skate down my skin like they wish they could unwrap me and lay me bare. It’s only a matter of time, dear Elias.

  I don’t care what he does for a living—he’s doing exactly what he’s always wanted, being an advisor to the king—but for some reason, he thinks I need more.

  It’s been a while since Elias has made a move besides being an attentive flirt whenever we’re together. I’m getting tired of waiting.

  He has no reason to work for the attention of whatever woman he wants. He walks into a room and is instantly swarmed. It’s disgusting. He stands taller than the other men in the room, except for Luka. His brown hair and blue-grey eyes and constant smile draw the attention of everyone in the room. The dimple makes sure the attention stays. It’s the only time I wish he wasn’t so beautiful: when everyone else notices it and he’s not by my side. I try my best to stand apart by ignoring him until he finds me. And he always comes to find me.

  He’s wealthy enough to be dangerous but not so wealthy that he isn’t still a bit hungry for more. It keeps him on his toes and he likes playing hard to get.

  I, for one, am up for the challenge, but I intend on playing hard to get right back.

  He motions for me to step forward and I put my hand through my mother’s arm, separating to stand on either side of Uncle Basile as we follow the processional. The people who surround us on each side look at my mother and me skeptically, something that never happened until my father was accused. I shiver with some of the expressions that stare back at me.

  The walk down the cliff is hot and I wish I’d worn thinner material, especially when we continue the celebration outside. I stand along the sidelines, turning down everyone who asks me to dance. Finally, I turn away and walk toward the food. I just can’t shake the mood I’m in, but when Elias comes into my line of sight, I smile in spite of everything. My smile drops when he doesn’t return it. But then I realize he’s looking past me and doesn’t even seem to notice that I’m standing right in front of him. I turn to see what has his attention and I frown.

  Brienne Jarvis, my sister-in-law’s shadow, is standing against the stone wall, tapping her right foot to the music.

  I turn back to Elias, thinking he’s surely spotted me by now, but he’s moved past me and is moving toward Brienne.

  My ears burn and I put my hand on the table to steady myself. What the hell?

  I watch as he stops near her and says something, which causes her to laugh and flush a delicate shade of pale pink.

  That slutty ox!

  Besides us both having blond hair, we’re about as opposite from one another as you can get. She’s nearly six feet tall and although I guess I can see how some might consider her attractive, she doesn’t have an ounce of personality. I’m only five foot three, but I have more personality in my big toe than she does in her entire stretched out body. She does look strong and extremely fit, but what man wants a woman who can carry him to bed? I shudder at the thought of her carrying Elias. What could he possibly see in her?

  In the past when I’ve seen him at parties, flirting with whoever was hanging on his arm at the time, I simply encouraged whoever was paying attention to me at that moment and Elias was there before I had to do much at all. But seeing as how I’ve sent everyone away tonight with my crabby disposition, I’m all alone.

  It’s because of the day. That’s what I tell myself. I wouldn’t normally put myself out there like this, knowing it could backfire with Elias, but the turmoil of the past few months has taken its toll on me. I don’t stop to overthink it, I storm over to Elias and Brienne and slide my arm through his, pulling him away.

  I glare at Brienne and my heart thuds when he turns back to look at her.

  “Was it really necessary to be so rude to her?” he asks, patting my hand despite his words.

  The way Brienne seemed to dare me with her eyes, I think yes, it was necessary.

  “After all I’ve been through today, the least you can do is dance with me.”

  “Fair e
nough.” He smiles and I know all is forgiven.

  I give him a smug smile in return and he laughs.

  “You are too beautiful for your own good, Mara Catano. And I seem to fall for it every time.”

  I sigh as I step into his arms, already feeling so much better as we begin to slowly sway. But I can’t leave well enough alone. “When you say you fall for it, do you mean you fall for me?” I feel his body stiffen slightly and I pull back to look in his eyes. “We’ve played this game for so long, Elias. Don’t you ever get tired?”

  He stops swaying and studies me. “If you only knew.” His finger traces my jaw and moves to my lips. I go completely still, willing him closer, but he breaks the moment with his next words. “You don’t know what you want.”

  “Oh, I absolutely do know what I want.” I lean in closer to him and he backs away.

  “It’s impossible to know what you want when you don’t even know who you are.” He drops his hands and takes another step back, bowing slightly. “Thank you for this dance. I should go make sure your brother is enjoying his party.”

  I stand, mouth open and fuming as he leaves me standing in the middle of the dance floor, feeling like a fool. It’s like déjà vu all over again.


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