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Complete Works of L. Frank Baum

Page 646

by L. Frank Baum

  “All we can do now,” I said, with a sigh of regret, “is to wait until they come out. It would be foolish to follow them into that place.”

  Nux nodded an emphatic approval, and we proceeded to lie down upon our faces, so that our eyes just projected over the edge of the cliff, and in this position we watched as patiently as we could for something to happen.

  It was fully an hour before the men reappeared. A distant sound of voices, raised high in angry dispute, was the first token that the desperadoes were quitting the interior of the rock. Then Larkin and Daggett came out and stood upon the ledge, the others crowding behind them on the narrow footing, while their guide pointed along the ledge that still continued to lead downward.

  They were without burdens now, either of provisions or gold dust; but the two axes were carried over Bry’s shoulder, and another man bore a coil of rope.

  They seemed to be disputing together about something, and a few of the words reached our ears. Daggett was urging them to follow a plan he had proposed, while some of the others demurred.

  “It’s too hot to work,” we heard one of the men declare.

  “It’s not too hot to hang,” shouted Daggett, in reply, “and you’ll hang, every mother’s son of you, if we don’t get to the ship!”

  That seemed to be an effective argument, for after a few more words of protest the men followed Daggett along the ledge, Bry coming last of all.

  The path was broader from there on, and they made rapid progress, soon being again lost to our view around the rock. Just as Bry disappeared he looked up and saw Nux and me eagerly watching from above. For an instant he paused to wave his hand and grin at us reassuringly; then he passed around the edge and vanished after the others.

  “That Bry don”pear to be much scared,” said Nux, in an encouraged tone.

  “No,” I answered, thoughtfully. “He’s got some plan in his head, I’m sure, to help us. But where have the men gone now?”

  Nux could not answer this problem, but after a few moments it solved itself, for the robbers and Bry appeared upon the sandy shore, close to the water, and walked briskly along the narrow strip of beach between the lapping waves and the grim precipice of the mainland. It was not long before a bend in the coast hid them completely, and then we sat up and looked at one another inquiringly.

  “What shall we do now?” asked the islander.

  “Let’s go down the rock,” I suggested, assuming to be braver than I really was. “They’ve left the gold behind them, that’s sure; and the gold is what we’re after, Nux. Once we have recovered that, it doesn’t matter so much what becomes of the thieves.”

  “Won’ they come back?” enquired Nux, hesitatingly.

  “I hope not,” said I, truthfully. “At least not until after we’ve got back the gold. But there’s no time to lose. Follow me.”

  Having thus assumed the leadership, I strove to banish all unmanly fear and boldly sprang on to the end of the rocking-stone that rested on the mainland. Slowly and with caution I crept up its incline until I was directly over the gulf. It was now that the stone should tip, but it seemed that my weight, being less than that of any of the men who had passed over, was not sufficient to balance the rock, so it began to look like a risky thing for me to climb further up the tapering point.

  “But it’s got to be done,” I muttered to myself, setting my teeth firmly together; and then, summoning what courage I possessed, I lay close to the rock and crawled steadily upward, digging my toes desperately into the irregular hollows of the surface, to keep from sliding into the gulf that yawned below. Higher and higher I climbed, and at last the huge rock trembled and then gently sank beneath me. For a moment I was exultant; but I had crept so near to the slippery point of the wedge that I could find no rough projection to grasp with my fingers, and therefore as soon as my head became lower than my feet I slid headforemost to the point and tumbled off before the rocking-stone had reached a point of rest upon the peak.

  Fortunately, however, I had been carried over the gulf, and although I lay, half-stunned, upon the very edge of the great precipice, I was not much hurt. In another moment I managed to drag myself to a position of greater safety, while the rocking-stone, relieved of my weight, reared its nearest point into the air again and fell slowly back into its original position.

  Nux, who had watched breathlessly my adventure and hair-breadth escape, was trembling violently when he in turn mounted the stone. But I called out to reassure him, and his greater weight caused the wedge to tip more quickly, so that he effected the passage to the rocky peak with comparative ease.

  Once beside me the faithful fellow began rubbing my limbs briskly to renew their circulation and ease the bruises, and it was not long before I felt sufficiently restored to announce my resolve to continue the adventure.

  “Come on, Nux,” said I, scrambling to my feet, “we must get that gold before Daggett and his gang come back.”

  The islander was staring at the rocking-stone, now removed from our table-like refuge by a good twenty feet.

  “How we get back again?” he asked, in perplexity.

  “I don’t know,” said I. “That’s a question we’ll have to face afterward. The main thing is to get the gold, and it’s certain that if we can find no way to escape, the robbers will be as badly off themselves.”

  Nux shook his head.

  “That won’ help us, Master Sam,” he said, gravely.

  But already I was engaged in eagerly peering over the edge of the peak to find the ledge by which the men had descended, and in an instant I discovered it. It started with a projection scarcely six inches wide, which lay nearly four feet from the top, and it is small wonder that I looked at it dubiously, at first. For if I let myself over, and missed my footing, I would be tumbled down the face of the cliff.

  “I go first,” decided Nux, who had also glanced over the cliff.

  There was a crack in the rock, near the edge, which afforded him a hold for his hands, and clutching this the islander let his body slide over until his feet touched the projection.

  “Now, Master Sam,” he said. “You hold on me, an’ come down.”

  This I quickly did, and found the feat much less difficult than I had feared. Just at the top where my companion’s feet rested, there was sufficient incline to enable me to lean against the rock, and a few steps further on the ledge widened until the path was quite easy to follow.

  I went first, followed closely by the islander, and although it was not a descent one would have chosen for a pleasure excursion there was little of danger to be encountered by those with cool heads and determined hearts, such as we strove to maintain.

  Round and round the great pillar of rock we crept, nearing the foot gradually until we came at last to the side facing the main cliff and found the opening of a large cavern beside us.

  Filled with eager curiosity I took a step or two inside, and found the cavern to be fully ten feet in height and about fifteen feet in depth. There was no light except that which came through the round entrance, and as this faced the side of the cliff it was so shadowed that it required a few moments for me to accustom my eyes to the gloom, so that I could see plainly the interior of the cave.

  Its floor was strewn deeply with sand, an evidence that when the waves rolled high they rebounded from the face of the cliff and deposited their sand in the cavern. The marks of numerous footprints, however, were all that could be seen in the cave, and it did not take me a moment to guess what had occupied the robbers so long.

  “They’ve buried the sacks of gold and the provisions under the sand!” I exclaimed.

  “Sure ‘nough,” agreed Nux.

  “It will take us some time to dig for them, for we don’t know exactly where to look,” I continued, reflectively, “so our best plan will be to go down to the beach and discover what has become of Daggett and his crew, and whether they’re liable to come back here before night.”

  The islander readily agreed to this, so we at on
ce left the cave and continued along the ledge until we reached the sand.

  The path became quite broad in this part, and our descent was therefore concluded very rapidly.

  Once on the shore we walked briskly along until we had turned the bend in the beach, which curved to follow the lines of a little bay. Here we paused, for a long stretch of the beach was now opened to our gaze.

  From this point the shore widened out, for the precipitous mainland shrank backward and decreased gradually in height until, a half mile or so further on, it reached the level plain and merged into a deep forest which grew almost down to the edge of the sea.

  No human being was in sight, so we naturally concluded that the robbers had entered the forest.

  Being curious to discover what they were doing, without hesitation we decided to follow them, and their path was easily traced by the footprints in the sand. These led straight to the forest, and although somewhat fearful that the enemy would discover our presence, we proceeded to walk boldly around the shore of the little bay until we came to the edge of the trees.

  A sound of voices, mingled with the strokes of the axes, now guided us, and stealthily creeping among the thick underbrush we soon discovered the robbers busily at work.

  Judson and Dandy Pete were trimming the branches from a fallen tree-trunk, while the others were rolling and dragging another big log toward the sea, the glistening waters being perceptible but a few yards away. Evidently the men were intending to build a raft, and after listening for a few minutes to their disjointed conversation we learned that the raft was designed to convey them and their stolen wealth to the ship.

  While Daggett, Larkin and Bry tugged and dragged at the log, Nux and I crept away to the shore, where we found two big logs already lying upon the sands. Also we could now plainly see, sheltered in another bay, the “Flipper” lying quietly at her anchorage, as Nux had wisely predicted.

  The schemes of the robbers were now fully explained. Under cover of the forest by day, and hidden in their cave by night, they intended to complete the raft, and when it was ready it would not be difficult to steal away to the ship with the treasure, under cover of darkness, hoist the sails, and creep out to sea, bidding defiance to the Major and his comrades and leaving the miners and the “Flipper’s” crew to perish on the lonely island.

  But the construction of the raft would require time — several days, at least — for after getting the logs to the shore they must be fastened together by cross-strips secured with wooden pegs, since there was not enough rope in their possession to bind the tree-trunks together.

  Once more returning to a part of the underbrush near which the men were employed, Nux and I settled ourselves to listen attentively to their conversation.

  Presently we heard Daggett say:

  “At this rate we’ll have the raft ready by Saturday, and Saturday night we’ll take the ship.”

  “It’s beastly hard work!” growled Dandy Pete, brushing with his sleeve the sweat from his brow.

  “Yes; but it means liberty and riches to every one of us,” said Daggett, and that was an argument none cared to deny.

  Just then I was startled at hearing low voices just beside me and instinctively I touched the islander’s shoulder and we crouched lower in the bushes. Nux, indeed, with a woodsman’s instinct, was quite flat upon the ground, lifeless and invisible, and I strove to imitate him.

  “It’s as easy as can be,” said the voice, which I recognized as that of Larkin. “We’ll let the fools work until the raft is finished, and then we’ll put our knives in their hearts, and have the gold for ourselves.”

  “How about Bry?” asked Judson, hoarsely whispering to his murderous comrade.

  “Oh, he won’t interfere any,” was the reply. “And we need the nigger to help us work the ship.”

  “Can three of us manage the vessel?”

  “Of course, with good weather. We’ll have to take our chances of a storm, but the fewer there are to divide up, the bigger our fortunes will be. We won’t give the nigger a cent, but go halves on the whole thing. Perhaps we can sell the ship, too, for a good sum.”

  “All right; I’m with you!” declared Judson, with an oath; and then the two conspirators crept away and rejoined the others, unconscious that their diabolical plot had been overheard.



  Thinking over the matter, I decided to return at once to the cave. The thieves would doubtless be occupied in the forest until sundown, and such a chance as this to secure possession of the gold might never occur again. For if Daggett or his men chanced to see our footprints in the sand, or suspected they were being spied upon, they would be liable to leave a guard in the cave thereafter.

  So we softly crept from the forest and made our way back by the same route we had come, taking care to tread in the trail made by the robbers, so that our footprints could be less easily distinguished. We did not feel entirely safe from observation until we had regained the column of rock which towered into the air beside the precipitous cliff; but once our feet were on the narrow ledge both I and my faithful Sulu breathed easier, and with more deliberation accomplished the ascent to the cave.

  “Now,” said I, “we must work carefully, so that no spot of sand can escape us; for the thieves have taken care to disturb the surface everywhere, in order to throw any chance visitor to this hiding-place off the track. But we know the gold is buried in this cave, Nux, so it ought not to be a very hard job to find it.”

  Nux nodded, with his usual complaisance.

  “We begin in back,” he suggested, “and work front.”

  This seemed sensible, so I followed the islander to the far end of the cavern, and falling upon our knees we immediately began digging with our hands into the soft sand.

  For nearly an hour we steadily worked, finding nothing at all. Then, as I stopped to rest, I cast a careless glance along the rocky sides of the cave and thought that I saw a white mark upon the wall, a few feet toward the front. Springing to my feet I approached this point and discovered that a small cross had been made with a piece of chalk or a bit of white limestone.

  “Here we are, Nux!” I cried, joyfully and at once began digging in the sand beneath the mark. A few minutes’ work proved that my sudden suspicion was correct; for Nux, who had straightway joined me, dragged one of the sacks to light, while I discovered another just beside it.

  It was part of the stolen gold, sure enough, and my heart beat fast with excitement as I realized that the precious hoard was once more in my possession.

  Only a part had been hidden in this place, we found; but now we had an unmistakable clew to guide us, so that we had little difficulty in finding a second secret mark that resulted in the discovery of the balance of the treasure, as well as the sacks of provisions.

  When all had been unearthed Nux asked:

  “What we do now, Master Sam?”

  “Why, carry it away, of course,” I answered, joyous and elate.

  “Where?” enquired the islander, simply.

  I looked at him in surprise, and then realizing the meaning of the question, grew thoughtful again.

  “You’re right, Nux,” said I. “It’s going to be a harder task than I thought. We can’t pass by the forest with it, that’s certain; for Daggett and his followers would be sure to see us. On the other side, the cliff rises straight out of the sea, and there’s no way to escape around it. All we can do, then, is to carry the gold to the top of this rock.”

  “Hm!” grunted the Sulu. “That no good, Master Sam.”

  “Why not?”

  “No way to get off top of rock.”

  ‘True; but we can hide there, till the thieves go away to the ship. It isn’t likely they’ll climb up there again, for this cave is a better place to sleep in.”

  Nux seemed unconvinced, and I had none too much confidence in my own assertion.

  “Tonight,” said the islander, in a dismal tone, “they hunt for the gold. All
gone. Robber very mad. They look ev’rywhere; then they find us on rock. Then they kill us.”

  ‘That’s a pretty tough prophecy, Nux,” I returned, as cheerfully as I could. “And it sounds likely enough, I confess. We’ve got the gold again, to be sure; but the robbers have got us; so we’re worse off than we were before.”

  Nux took a lump of bread from a provision sack and began to munch it leisurely. Noticing the action, and remembering that I also was hungry, I proceeded to follow the islander’s example.

  While we ate, however, my Sulu was busily thinking, and so was I. As a result I presently gave my leg a delighted slap and began to laugh.

  Nux looked at me with a grin of sympathy upon his features.

  “What’s matter, Master Sam?”

  “Nux,” said I, checking my amusement and trying to look grave and impressive, “there’s an old saying that ‘there’s never a lock too strong but there’s a key to fit it.’ In other words, while there’s life there’s hope; never give up the ship; every sky has a silver lining!”

  Nux looked puzzled.

  “That’s a lovely pair of trousers you’re wearing, Nux,” I continued, in a jocular strain. “They’re made of the stoutest cloth Uncle Naboth could find in San Francisco, and I gave them to you out of the ship’s stores only three or four days ago, because your old ones were so ragged.”

  Nux glanced at his wide-legged blue trousers and nodded.

  “Now, old man,” said I, “you’ve often told me you used to go bare-legged and bare-backed in your own island, so I’m going to ask you to go bare-legged a little while now, and lend me those trousers.”

  “Wha’ for, Master Sam?”

  “To put the gold grains in, of course. The robbers may look for the sacks of gold, when they come back, but they’re pretty sure not to open them. Therefore, my friend, we’ll fix it so that they’ll think their gold is all safe.”


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