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Reigning: A Reverse Harem Series (To Tame a Shifter Book 5)

Page 6

by A. K. Koonce

  Raogh eyes the other demon for another long moment before turning on his heel and storming past me.

  That was…interesting. Is Fire Face Eugene in charge here, or do the other demons just fear him?

  “What do you want? Make it quick.” He glances at me with a bored but…frightening expression.

  Confident and charming. Total demon package.

  “Well, Linden—Prince Linden of the Kingdom of Minden—told me I could ask you if I ever needed anything important.” I pass him a look that only traitors know how to give.

  He seems like someone who’s experienced too much pain in their life to ever feel happiness again. He doesn’t smile at me; he barely reacts.

  Seconds pass with the thundering of my heart. What if he’s the wrong demon? What if there’s a different demon with just a minor facial wound that I completely overlooked, all because I was distracted by Fire Face McGee over here?

  “What do you need?” He tilts his head at me, making me feel slightly like he’s on my side but also not all at the same time.

  “There’s a mage in the shifter village of Valencia.”

  I wait, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “I need you to contact her. I need you to tell her Arlow Winters is in trouble in the Kingdom of Attika and that I need her help.”

  Fire Face narrows his crimson eyes on me.

  “She’s not going to trust a demon,” he finally says.

  “Well, she’s a Sight Seer. It…it should be fine.” I swallow down my worry and replace it with forced optimism.

  “She’s not going to trust me, and your kind’s sight doesn’t work with demons.”

  Oh. Huh.

  Maybe I should have known that. That should definitely be something every mage should know, right?

  “Tell her that I said she was right, that Rime was the hardest to lose.” I swallow harshly again, but this time for a more painful reason.

  Cold fingers slip slowly into mine, and it just hurts my chest even more with the ache that’s spreading.

  I stare so hopelessly up at the terrifying split face of the one person I’m hoping can help me in all of this.

  Please. Please help me.

  He glances from me to the two men at my side. His attention is this cutting thing that looks like he’s never once seen any symbol of joy.

  And he doesn’t seem to give a shit about anyone else’s.

  This was a mistake.


  My breath catches.

  “Okay?” I watch him closely with wide eyes as he slowly nods to me.

  “I’ll find her and I’ll deliver your message.”

  For a single weird second, I consider throwing my arms around the demon and hugging him. But logic settles in.

  “You’re doing this because you know me reporting you to Ellise is a bigger threat than you getting caught in Valencia.”


  “Well, thank you all the same.”

  He nods to me once more, walking past me in the dark hall. “Don’t tell our queen, and you will be most welcome.”

  Another thrill of accomplishment twirls through me.

  Ellise’s plan is in place for tonight.

  And so is mine.


  A Perfect Endless Night

  I lie pressed firmly between two of the strongest men I’ve ever met in my entire life. They sleep soundly once again on the freezing cold dungeon floor, and I lie awake, waiting for two other men to return to me.

  I push my fingers slowly through Chaos’ inky locks. His body reacts just subtly to my touch, his hips shifting closer to mine, his arms locking me in until he’s stealing me away from Rime completely. He pulls me until I’m lying on top of his big chest, my arms wrapped around him, and for a moment, I’m reminded of the way he used to lie with me those first few days when we met all that time ago.

  I try to settle my head against his big shoulder but I shift uncomfortably. The way I wiggle my body over his to try to get free is a pointless struggle because he only holds me to him tighter.

  I really am just a toy to these enormous, powerful shifters.

  “Chaos,” I hiss his name, my head practically squeezed like a grape between his massive biceps and chest. “Chaos.” I shove at his arm, but he doesn’t move a single inch.

  Chaos, get your big fucking body off of me for ten fucking seconds so I can remember what it feels like to have air in my lungs!


  I freeze in my uncomfortable place the moment my name is whispered in his voice through my mind.


  The pounding of my heart drums through my ears for a moment.

  And then the sweetest voice whispers again.

  Fuck, Arlow. I’ve been crazy just watching you but not being able to talk to you. To touch you. To make you feel better. I’m so sorry, Low.

  The shaking sound of my breath surrounds us until I bury my face in his chest. But the shifter doesn’t react. He’s here with me through our bond but he isn’t physically here with me at all.

  I’m okay. I’m fine. I feel terrible that I did this to you, K. I fucked everything up.

  Hey, I’m not hurt. I’m just…comatose…My dragon’s doing what he thinks he should, but there’s no link to the beast and myself. It’s the strangest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced.

  The word comatose churns through my mind as well as my stomach, and I cling to him harder.

  “I wish you were here,” I whisper quietly.

  I glance over at Rime, but he’s sleeping so peacefully in a way that he’s never capable of normally. I won’t wake him tonight. I’ll test our bond in the morning. It doesn’t solve our problems, but at least I know that they’re unharmed.

  Or at least two of the four are.

  Hot tears streak silently down my face, and I allow them to for less than a minute before wiping them away and pushing all the guilty thoughts aside. I’ll figure this out. We’re making progress. Our plan is in motion.

  Everything will be fine.

  Metal grinds, and the cell door swings open with a cry that drowns out my pitiful breaths. In his sleep, Chaos’ body jostles under mine, and then strong arms are pulling me to a warm, solid chest. Kain is the epitome of strength. He’s resilient, powerful, unbending.

  And naked.

  It’s been a long time since one of them being naked was an issue in my life.

  “You’re going to freeze down here.” I settle against his chest.

  He isn’t a demon or an ice dragon. Kain needs clothes. He needs heat. My gaze meets Sinister’s as he lowers himself slowly to the floor at Chaos’ side. Long legs spread out in front of him, his head tipping back to lean against the brick wall.

  The demon looks like he’s been through hell and back. Which would be a first for him.

  “Did you…did you guys destroy the castle?” I try not to think about all the people in Minden, but it’s all that’s flashing through my mind as I wait for Sinister’s reply.

  “Fuck no. Kain and I searched for your mother. She’s staying in the countryside just like you and Agatha used to do. She said she’d be here. She’s coming, Arrie.”

  “You guys didn’t burn the castle?” My lips part with the first real smile I’ve felt in days.

  “Well, I mean, Kain wanted to. The fucking dragon’s relentless. I have no idea how you put up with three beasts.” A heavy exhale pushes from his lips. “He definitely caused a little wildfire just past the village, but aside from a few miles of timber, everything’s fine.”

  Aww. Sin is exhausted from fighting Kain. Not the Kingdom of Minden.

  When Kain lowers me to the floor, I roll until I’m straddling him, peering down in those beautiful but vacant green eyes.

  I still can’t help but be proud of the shifter.

  “You did good. You saved them.” The moment I speak the small encouraging words, his big hands clasp around my hips, jerking me forward until his chest meets
mine and animalistic attention dissects me without a hint of space between us.

  And that is definitely a hard cock pressed between my thighs.

  He’s completely naked. And I’m an idiot.

  “Should I get a cold bucket of water or something?” Sinister’s voice is quiet and cautious.

  “No. No, I think we’re okay. He’s just possessive.”

  “Yeah, that sounds adorable and all until you rephrase it and say that he possesses you, and then that sounds a little bit violent, Arrie.”

  I don’t look away from the man in front of me. I hold Kain’s gaze, pushing my fingers through his hair like I should have done more often than I ever did.


  I say his name and I feel the word like a physical thing blooming through my chest. I want to hear his voice more than I want the breath that’s caught in my lungs. I need to hear him.

  Arlow, why do you always put yourself in the most dangerous fucking situations? My dragon has no voice of reason. Get the fuck off of my dick.

  Wow, never thought I’d hear you say those words.

  It’s not funny.

  It kind of is. I lift a shoulder at him.

  Why is Sinister just sitting back like he’s about to watch a show? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

  I lean into him even more, clinging to the line of the bond I feel within myself as I ever so slowly press my lips to his.

  The man breathes me in on a heavy breath, his palms gripping into my skin hard enough to hurt. But I don’t stop. I slide my tongue over his, fisting my fingers into his hair like I’m demanding him to pay attention to every single thing I’m doing.

  Kain. I rock my hips into his and a growl shakes from his lips. Kain, I hate that our relationship started with lies. I hate that I never paused to really be with you. And I hate that you loved me anyway.

  I love you, Kain.

  Emotion strikes through my chest, but I can’t bring myself to stop kissing him.

  Until he pulls back from me with so much control I feel it snap into every muscle of his body.

  “I love you, too, Arlow.” He groans against my lips, and the hold he has on my hips become more of a caress.

  My heart leaps at the sound of his voice, but I can’t even smile or say a word, because he only kisses me harder.

  “So, a woman’s body is more powerful than dark magic, yeah?” Sinister’s laughter hums through the silence, and still I can’t do anything because of the possessive way Kain’s devouring my moans.

  “I missed you.” His words are a whisper that skims over my jaw, my neck, my collarbone.

  My shirt tears, and he tosses it aside, his mouth trailing lower.

  “You guys just going to fuck right here in a dungeon, huh? All this mood lighting, yeah?”

  I barely hear Sinister’s words as Kain rakes his teeth slowly across my nipple, and a gasp trembles from my lungs.

  “Okay. I’ll just make myself busy. Lurking in the dark and jerking off in my free time.”

  “Would you shut up and come here?” I reach my hand blindly behind myself, and it takes only a moment for Sinister to slip his hand into mine.

  Kain’s attention lifts to Sinister’s for a single second and then he pushes me back into the demon’s chest. Warm palms slide up my legs and part my thighs roughly before he lowers his lips to graze a path so slowly down my stomach. The skirt bunches around my hips, and he shoves it higher as his lips trail lower. His mouth seals over my sex just right, rolling his tongue firmly over my clit before sucking hard enough to tear a moan from my throat.

  Sinister’s palms push firmly over my breasts, and he leans closer to me to silence my sounds with a press of his lips over mine.

  Kain’s tongue slides all the way down my folds before coming right back to circle my clit so hard that I shake in Sinister’s hands. The shifter’s palms on my thighs push until my skin meets the cold brick floor, and when I’m spread just the way he likes, he spears his tongue deep inside me, fucking me with quick rapid strokes before sucking and lapping up my sex all over again. My orgasm builds with every flick of his tongue, and when I’m trembling with my release on the edge of crashing, he pulls away, thrusting into me in one fluid move.

  I don’t even catch my breath when all I feel is the hard length of him filling me.

  The sound of my gasping cry carries in the room on an echo when Sin sits back a little, his eyes big with dark, inky pupils that trace every emotion on my face. Then I’m pulled away from the demon entirely. Kain lifts me and falls back with me, letting me ride him down until I’m straddling him all over again.

  His nails bite into the curve of my ass, and he guides my pace with leisure, drawn-out thrusts. He makes sure I feel every single inch of him as he lifts me all the way up and then all the way back down. When his hold on me loosens, I immediately lift myself until the very tip of his cock slips slowly in over and over again, his lashes fluttering, his jaw tightening, his hands gripping me hard once again.

  “Arlow,” he growls on a warning tone.

  I wrap my fingers around the dominant shifter’s wrists and take my time bringing his hands down on either side of his head. His eyes flash open with a look of lust and want. A low rumbling sound fans from his lips just before I graze a kiss over his mouth and continue teasing him just the way I want.

  I have him. For the first time, I have control of Kain in the most sensual way.

  And is seems to be exactly what he wants.

  Another groan hums through him, and it’s then that I grind my pussy all the way down his shaft until he’s buried impossibly deep within me.

  “Fuck.” He curses that one single word, driving his hips harder and faster beneath me until I’m not so sure I’m in charge anymore.

  His teeth nip at my lower lip, and he sucks there, making me feel that single sensation all through my core. The energy builds, and he stiffens beneath me on a groan, his own release shaking through him despite how he continues rocking his hips into mine. He clearly refuses to stop.

  At the last moment, long fingers push across my clit, rubbing hard until I cry out, my orgasm crashing through me until I can do nothing more but lean into Kain’s chest.

  Exhaustion washes over me as he holds me.

  I can’t catch my breath. I can’t do anything but lie here.

  Until steady hands lift my hips and pull me back against smooth hardness.

  “Come here, love.” Sinister’s voice is a velvety sound that makes me tremble all over again. “How many times can we make you come, do you think?” He seals that whisper to my ear with a brushing kiss, and then his tongue meets my neck just before he kisses there sweetly as well.

  “I-I can do one more.” I can’t stop my voice from dipping with a weak breath.

  “Only one? Your mate’s already hard again, Arrie. I think you have a long night ahead of you.”

  Kain watches me with hooded eyes, and I glance down to find his cock ready and waiting. Sinister flips me, my head resting on Kain’s chest, the demon’s eyes shining with only a thin sliver of crimson haloing the deathlessness of his gaze.

  The demon leans forward until his mouth ghosts over mine, and he lingers there, breathing me in as he sinks in hard and fast. My body moves with the weight of his thrusts, and Kain holds me, fingers trailing, teasing paths along my skin. Sinister’s pace is slower than it was last time. It’s like he’s trying to be good, trying to make this sweet.

  But failing completely.

  When he gives up and grinds his hips roughly into mine, I gasp against his mouth.

  A devious smile curves the corner of his lips and then he kisses me hard. I take everything he gives, and when my release washes over me, it’s like overlapping waves, one after the other after the other. The way my nails bite into his shoulders is the only hold on reality that I have as stars dot my vision and I look up into the most beautiful demonic eyes.

  He doesn’t stop, though. Neither of them do, actually.

sp; Kain watches Sinister fuck me for hours. And then Sinister watches Kain do the same.

  It’s an endless night that I never want to leave.

  I want to linger in the darkness with these perfect men for the rest of my life.

  But the waiting world won’t allow it.


  Together at Last

  “Sure wish I was exhausted this morning,” an elderly woman calls down from her cell in the back.

  I smirk to myself and snuggle in closer to Rime’s chest.

  Until she speaks again.

  “There was this sound all last night like a dying rodent trying to take its last breath.”

  I narrow my eyes on the dark brick ceiling overhead.

  That was a slightly uncalled for.

  “Sorry,” I whisper in a tone that I hope reflects my glare.

  I did have to magically mend my own shirt back together this morning, thanks to Kain, so maybe we did get a little carried away.

  A pause slips in, and I consider the elderly, faceless woman more and more with each passing second that falls away.

  “If other mages came here to Attika, would you and your two friends stand openly by their side?”

  I feel the press of the darkness as I wait for her reply. Time feels endless for a few short seconds.

  “Child, if other mages come to Attika in open defiance against the Treaty of the Two Kingdoms or against Barron or against Ellise, they’ll need more than just some old sheltered mages to make a difference before they meet their deaths.”

  She exhales so loudly I really do believe she’s exhausted. Exhausted from more than I know about.

  “If you’re planning something”—she breaks as if unsure how to say what needs to be said—“if you’re planning something, be prepared for failure. That is my only advice.”

  I blink into the dim lighting for several seconds. That’s the inspiring words I get from the old woman? She may as well have told me to lie down and die.

  I oddly don’t feel like doing that today, though. In just an hour, the queen will know that Kain didn’t do as he was told. He’d defied her despite all her taming.


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