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Kidnapped by Bigfoot

Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  The footage ends and I sit there, staring at the screen. I can’t keep one thought from looping through my head.

  Is Bigfoot actually out here?

  Chapter Four


  I’ve finished my morning chores and made sure the animals were all set before I grabbed a water bottle and headed out. I’m on my daily hike, curving along the path that leads to the lake on my property. It’s early in the morning and the sun is barely up as I get closer to the clearing. I’m about to head down to the lake when I see it.

  A tent.

  What the heck? No one ever comes up here. Most people know that this is private land so I never felt the need to put up signs. In all of my years living up here, I’ve only come across one couple before and they just got lost hiking.

  I pause along the tree line, looking down at the tent for any sign of movement. I stand in the same spot, looking down at the small tent for what seems like hours but I see no movement. I take a step closer, stepping out from my hiding spot in the trees before I walk along the tree line. I know it’s early and whoever is inside is probably still asleep. I can see that the fire was put out correctly and I smile, proud that whoever is inside understands how important proper fire safety is out here in the woods.

  I disappear back into the woods, heading back to my cabin quickly. I don’t know what it is but I feel drawn to that small tent and I want to watch over it. I feel protective of whoever is inside, sight unseen and I’ve never experienced anything like it before. It’s probably a girl, judging by the size of the tent. I’ve given up on finding myself a girlfriend or a wife long ago but something about that tent has that hope and dream flaming back to life inside of me.

  I head back to my cabin to grab some more supplies before I head back to the lake. I find a spot in the woods, overlooking the lake and the clearing and my breath catches when I see the small girl crawl out of the tent. She grabs something out of a tree but I’m too far away to see what that is. She sits against the trees on the other side of the tent and I growl when I lose my sight of her.

  Her bright red hair is like a flame, drawing me closer and I move along the forest until I have her in my sight once again. She’s sitting, staring out at the lake while she chews something and I wonder if she can feel me out here. She stands and packs up her belongings, storing them before she grabs a water bottle and heads in the direction of where I had been walking earlier this morning.

  I watch as she finds my trail and I smile, pride swelling in my chest. This tiny little flame obviously knows how to take care of herself out here in the woods. I love that she seems strong, that she seems to know what she’s doing. Between the way that she is careful with her belongings and with her campfire, I can tell that she’s been camping before.

  She pauses and watches the birds fly overhead, stopping again to let a squirrel run past her before she disappears out of my sight. I smile at the way she seems to love and respect nature and these woods. I’m the same way, choosing to respect nature and live peacefully with it.

  The more I see of this girl, the more I love. A feeling takes root inside of me and I just know.

  She’s the one for me.

  Chapter Five


  I pack up my belongings, storing them in my tent. I want to see if that creature will come back again tonight and I figured that staying put would be my best chance of having him come back. Once all of my things are safely tucked away in my tent, I pick up my camera and a water bottle, stuffing a granola bar in my back pocket before I head towards the trees. I have the camera turned on and I talk while I walk, scanning the trees with the camera.

  “On the footage from last night, there was some large creature walking over here along the tree line so I’m headed to investigate.”

  I walk closer to the forest, scanning the ground for any footprints or animal tracks. It hasn’t rained out here in a while and the ground is pretty hard and dry. I walk through the trees where I saw the figure on the film. I get closer to where I saw him disappear when I see it.

  A footprint.

  A large footprint.

  The boot size has to be in the high teens and I know that the person who left this is the one that I saw on the footage. Bears don’t wear shoes and I realize that whatever I saw on the video wasn’t an animal.

  I look around, trying to figure out what direction my mystery man could have gone in. I try to head the same way that he was heading before he disappeared. I hike in that direction and after a couple of feet, I see another boot print. My heart thumps in my chest as I realize that I’m going in the right direction. I pick up my pace, winding through the trees and bushes. He hadn’t been using any of the marked paths and if he’s really that comfortable to be wandering around in the woods, he must know the area well. He must really live out here.

  I walk for about a mile before I begin to feel it. It’s like eyes are on me and the hair on the back of my neck starts to stand up as I feel someone watching me. Am I being followed? Is it Bigfoot? Strangely enough, fear doesn’t hit me. I like being watched by whoever is out there. I feel…safe.

  I continue to follow the footprints but they lead to a stream. He must have crossed here but the water is deep and I don’t want to damage the borrowed camera. I get some more shots of the boot prints and how they lead across the stream before I head back the way that I came.

  Do I really believe in Bigfoot now? I mean I thought that this was just a local legend. A scary story, but I can’t explain the figure on the tape or the size of the tracks. I find my way back to the main trail and follow it away from the lake. It leads up further into the forest before it gets interrupted by another stream.

  I sigh as I head back to my campsite. Judging by the placement of the sun in the sky, it has to be about 2 pm and I’m starting to get hungry. I get back to my tent and grab my supplies out of my pack before I make myself another peanut butter sandwich. I go and sit down by the lake to eat, looking out over the water.

  It’s a beautiful day and I decide to take a dip in the lake after I finish eating. I can rinse off and enjoy the cool water against my hot skin. I haven’t seen another soul out on the trails so I don’t have to worry about someone seeing me naked. Except for Bigfoot, my mind whispers. My body heats at the idea of that big man on the film watching me swim naked. I don’t know what that reaction is about but I’m not worried. I trust myself and if I feel a connection to that man then it must be a sign.

  I finish my sandwich before I toe my boots off, peeling my socks off next before I strip the rest of my clothes off. I fold the clothes, placing them a couple of feet up from the lake before I walk to the water’s edge. I dip my toes in and sigh at how good the water feels against my flushed skin.

  I walk further into the lake until it hits my waist. Then I dunk under the water, swimming out further, towards the waterfall. I swim and splash in the water for over an hour before I drag myself out of the water and lay down naked in the grass. I smile as the sun dries me and the grass tickles me.

  Soon the sun dips low in the sky and my stomach starts to growl. I get up and pull some clean clothes on before I grab some beef jerky and trail mix. I build another fire and sit in the grass alongside it as I eat my dinner. The sun is setting now but I lean against the tree behind me, enjoying the peaceful night.

  Part of me is waiting to see if the mystery man will appear. I want to know what he looks like and what he’s doing out here. He must be peaceful, right? I mean he could have attacked me last night when I was sleeping but he only seemed curious about me. That has me feeling curious about him too.

  I use the firelight to see as I climb back up into the tree and set up the camera again for the night. I place it so that it’s facing the same direction as last night before I crawl back down. I put out the fire and take one last look around, trying to listen and see if I can hear anything. When I don’t, I sigh and crawl back into my tent.

  I’m exhausted from the day and I know that I�
�m going to sleep like a log tonight. I drag my backpack closer, resting my head on it like last night before I throw the blanket over my body. I roll onto my side and soon I’m out like a light.

  I wake up I don’t know how much later and blink my eyes open. From the swaying motion and the feeling of strong arms wrapped around me, I can tell that I’m being carried. It’s dark out but I can see some tree branches above me. From how close I am to them; I can tell that whoever is carrying me is tall. Really tall.

  I gasp, my body becoming fully awake as I realize who has me.


  Chapter Six


  I know that I shouldn’t have taken her but I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve been alone for too long and I was dying to spend time with her, to have her wrapped up tight in my arms. I wanted her in our home, in our bed and I just couldn’t wait until morning to make it happen. Then I realized that she might freak out when she saw this giant coming for her and I decided not to risk rejection. If everyone is going to treat me like a monster, then I might as well act like one.

  She must have been exhausted because she didn’t so much as stir when I picked her up and started walking with her. I imagine her hike and then swim in the lake tired her out. I had trailed after her on her hike and stood guard in the trees as she swam in the lake. I had just about swallowed my tongue when I had first seen her stripping. I turned my back before she took it all off though, feeling guilty for spying on her and seeing her like that without her permission. I mean I kidnapped her and I’m not giving her back but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty about it.

  I know that I technically took her but I would never hurt her or force her to do anything that she didn’t want to do. I just want to spend some time with her and get to know her. I know that if I approach her in the daylight, she will run screaming from me. I tried to date when I first moved out here, trying out the local clubs and hotspots but always left alone. After a while it just got depressing. Seeing the girls turn away from me or stare at me with fear or revulsion in their eyes.

  Having her in my arms feels like heaven. She just feels perfect pressed up tight against me like she belongs there. I wonder if she’ll feel the same connection that I do. I’ve never had such a strong reaction to someone before. Even when I lived out in society, I never felt this way towards any of the girls that I met or saw. What is it about this girl?

  We’re almost to my cabin when she starts to stir in my arms. I pick up my pace when the cabin comes into view and I’m expecting the girl to start screaming or to push away from me. I steel myself for the rejection but, to my surprise, it never comes. I walk up onto the porch and then inside, setting her down on the sofa before I turn and hit the lights.

  Bright blue eyes blink up at me, adjusting to the light. I lock the front door before I make my way back over to her. Her eyes are round as she takes me in and I can feel the blush hit my cheeks. She takes me in, starting at my feet and working her way up. I shift, uneasy as I steel myself, waiting for the revulsion to come but she shocks me when her eyes begin to darken. Her pupils dilate as she takes in my large form and I suck in a shocked breath

  Could she possibly like what she sees?

  Even in my wildest dreams, I never thought that her being attracted to me would be a possibility. I was hoping that if she would just give me a chance, she would eventually see that I’m a good guy who would do anything for her. My cock swells inside my jeans as I take her in. She’s gorgeous. Even with her hair mussed and her clothes wrinkled she’s still the prettiest girl that I’ve ever seen in my life. She’s tall for a girl. Still at least a foot shorter than me but that doesn’t mean much. Everyone is shorter than I am.

  My cock pulses behind my zipper, so hard I could come with one stroke of my fist. The connection I feel for her gets stronger the longer that I have her next to me. I stare down at her taking in her plump bottom lip, the freckles dotting across the bride of her nose, and her hair the color of fire. Even her little ears are turning me on, winking at me from behind her thick wavy hair.

  The rest of her body isn’t on display. She’s wearing a pair of baggy jean shorts with flowers painted up the sides and a loose flannel tunic. The flowers look hand-painted and I wonder if she painted the flowers herself. Even with the baggy clothes, I can still tell that she’s got curves for day and wide childbearing hips. She’ll carry our children well.

  “Where are we?” She asks quietly.


  I stand still, a couple of feet away from her. I want to go to her, to sit next to her on the couch and pull her into my lap. I wish that I could cuddle her against me and feel her warm skin against mine. I’ve always been a little self-conscious of my size and I usually stick to myself. I don’t have a lot of practice making conversation with people and I’m searching my brain for something to say to her. I don’t know how to talk to people, let alone my soulmate.

  “Why did you bring me here?”

  Because I love you and you’re mine.

  “I don’t know. I just… had to.”

  She nods like my answer makes sense. I wait for her to bolt or start screaming but she surprises me again by getting comfortable on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her. I still remain on my feet, hovering at the end of the couch.

  “Why me?”

  “I feel something for you. Even before I saw you, I felt it. You’re brave and gentle. You love nature, just like I do.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Nice to meet you, Ezra. I’m Brexly.”

  “That’s a beautiful name.”

  She smiles at me, a beautiful smile and my heart beats faster in my chest. I want her to look at me like that every day for the rest of our lives. She nods again and takes a look around the cabin.

  “Is it just you here? All by yourself?”

  “Yes.” I answer, quietly.

  Loneliness hits me then. All I ever wanted was to have a friend, a best friend, and a wife. Someone to spend my life with and to share each day with. Someone to laugh with, to have inside jokes with and to share the good and the bad times with.

  I stare at my redheaded angel and suddenly, I feel ashamed of what I’ve done. This girl probably has a boyfriend somewhere. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this, to be kidnapped. I need to let her go. I need to find a different way to meet a girl. Just because I’m lonely doesn’t give me the right to do what I’ve done.

  I open my mouth to apologize and beg her for forgiveness before I make sure that she makes it back to her tent alright but before I can, she surprises me once again.

  “Well Ezra, what are we going to do now?”

  Chapter Seven


  I should probably be freaking out right now and to be honest when he first set me down, I was shocked. Although that had more to do with my body’s reaction to him. Being raised by hippies, I’ve always believed in spiritual connections between people and the way I’m feeling about Ezra definitely feels like an important connection.

  I felt at ease in his arms and even now, sitting in his home, alone with him, I feel safe. I have a gut feeling that Ezra would never hurt me. He seems like a nice enough guy, just so lonely. His shaggy brown hair looks in need of a cut and it hangs over his face, covering up his warm chocolate brown eyes. He’s tall and strong with a wide chest and thick long legs. His eyes watch me as I sit perched on the couch where he put me.

  “Are you Bigfoot?” I blurt out.

  I wonder if he’s the one that people have seen in the woods and if the legend around here started because of him. My stomach sinks and I want to take the question back when I see the look on his face. He seems embarrassed and depressed by my question.

  “I’m sorry. That was rude.”

  “It’s ok. I’ve been called worse.”

  My heart aches at how sad and resigned he sounds.

  “I have this film class and I was out here to get footage for i
t. I’ve never been out here before. You must know your way around out here like the back of your hand.”

  He nods. “I’ve been over every inch of these woods.”

  “Were you watching me last night? My camera caught something at the edge of the trees but it was too far away to see much.”

  A blush stains his cheeks and I have my answer. I look around his cabin and I’m surprised at how nice it is. The place is huge and all of the furniture in it is enormous. I suppose it would have to be to accommodate his large frame. My feet slide over the smooth hardwood and I realize that I’m barefoot. I guess Ezra didn’t grab my shoes when he took me.

  “You’re not scared of me?”

  “No. I know that you won't hurt me.”

  “Never.” He says right away and I smile.

  “How long have you been alone out here?”

  “A couple of years.”

  “It must be peaceful.” I remark.

  “I’ve always liked it more than the city. Quieter and simpler. I can get everything from the land. I have a couple of farm animals and I can fish in the lake.”

  “Peaceful, but lonely.” I say quietly.

  He talks quietly and I get the feeling that he’s trying not to scare me. He’s huge and my eyes scan back over him. Liquid starts to pool in my panties. I should probably be afraid of him but seeing Ezra doesn’t scare me. It turns me on.

  “I’ll go back to your tent tomorrow and get the rest of your things.”


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