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Alpha's Awakening: An MM Mpreg Romance (Frisky Pines 1)

Page 2

by Alice Shaw

  He lets out a soft chuckle. Before I know it, I swear I can feel his soft and very cute ass against my lap. “Come to alpha,” I coo and kiss forward.

  It’s not the same as it used to be. We haven’t even mated yet, but this is the closest we can get.

  “Save it for me,” he whispers in my ear. The hairs on my neck furrow upward with electricity.

  I feel my cock start to rise against my abs. Of course I will save my cum for him. He’s the only reason I have the courage to go on this journey in the first place. It’s hard to hold back, but I want our time to be special.

  “Goodbye for now, Jackson,” I say. Slowly, I open the door and walk downstairs toward that store-bought coffee.

  Chapter 2


  “I’ll just be gone for a few days. I promise. It’s not the end of the world. Things will be fine here, dad,” I say.

  Jergen looks at me with those hardened eyes of his. For a second there, I’m not sure what his response is going to be. Then, he lets out a big smile and pulls me into his arms. He immediately rustles my hair with the butt of his palm.

  “What have you got planned, huh? You’re not trying to run away from us. Are you? Off on some big adventure to save the world?” he asks in between his playful laughter.

  “Dad, c’mon!” I push away from him and stroke my hair back. “You know I’d never leave Frisky Pines.”

  “My omega. You don’t need to act like this town is perfect. I know it’s not,” he says. “I also know that someday soon you’ll be snatched up. You’re getting close to that age. When I met your dad, there was no keeping me off him. He was truly handsome, that jaguar.”

  “Gross,” I say.

  I hold back from gushing about Logan. He’s the alpha of my dreams, but we’ve always been together. He’s also been a quest for something unexplainable.

  Six freakin’ years. I believe in him, but sometimes it’s hard. My fathers have always been pragmatic. I don’t know how to tell them the full truth.

  “Just a few days,” I reiterate. “And then I’ll be back for the ceremony and we can all celebrate.”

  He nods with a look of inquisitive understanding. “Have you asked Alste, yet?”

  I let out a light sigh and think of my dad’s worry if he knew the reality of the situation. The bear shifters of Frisky Pines haven’t exactly gotten along with the jaguars for a long time now.

  In the past, the whole city was inclusive. Ever since the fires, both sides have taken extreme stances on the separation. My parents were never too involved, but I know it would cause them some worry to hear that I am involving myself with a chieftain’s son.

  “I know I should ask him. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’m an adult now, dad. It kind of sucks to have to seek out permission,” I say.

  He smiles, cheerfully. “Well, it would just make him feel better, so do it for me. Think of it as a favor. The Ceremony of Flames is important to him. He always loved seeing you help out back when you were a playful, little cub.”

  I lower my head in thought. Of course. The whole family has to agree on this. I was supposed to help set up the camp for the ceremonies. I totally forgot.

  Suddenly, a mischievous look comes across my papa’s face. “On the other hand…”

  My eyes open wide. Good news is coming my way. I can feel it. He’s going to tell me that I should go and see my mate. “Oh, dad! Are you really going to say what I think you’re going to say?”

  “Sometimes, your gift is a real nuisance,” he jokes. “And sometimes, a man needs to do what a man needs to do. I suspect there’s something more to this little trip. And if I’m right, you’ll bring home a pleasant surprise.”

  “If you’re right.” I repeat the words, hoping that he’ll remember Logan for being the nice kid who lived across the street, rather than the bear who ran tore apart his house that one time. I can still hear Logan defend himself, saying “I swear I smelled chocolate cake!”

  “And I’m always right.” Another one of his famous smiles breaks out onto his face.

  “Who’s always right?” In walks in my dad, Alste, holding a set of feathers for the ceremony. “Hm, Mr.?”

  I eye both of them very carefully, unsure as to what to say. If the whole family found out their omega was leaving before the big set-up, they’d bar me from the ceremony altogether.

  “Your son here is going down south for a few days,” my papa tells him. I gulp, feeling my cheeks burn. “to Arizona.”

  My heart races and I grow a bit weak in the knees, watching my dad react. Logan. I need to see him so bad. I want to kiss him more than anything. If they’re the cool parents they identify as, they’ll understand. He is truly all I’ve been thinking about.

  Calm down, I tell myself. Or else he’ll know something deeper is going on here.

  My papa continues. “He’s picking something special up for me. It’s, uh, for the ceremony.” He stands tall and proud. When Alste turns to read my thoughts, Jergen winks. I blush.

  I can tell that Alste is a little hurt that I have decided to leave. This isn’t like me. Normally, I’d love to stay and help out the family. It’s a tradition and it’s practically sacred.

  “I thought you were going to help us set up the grounds,” he says. “That was always your favorite thing to do. I even talked to the shaman earlier about you. He says good things are coming your way.”

  “That shaman has always creeped me out,” I say.

  Papa interjects on my behalf, throwing a palm against my shoulder. I stumble behind him. “Ah, he’s all grown up. An alpha needs to explore at a certain age, right? And I need him to do this for me. It’s important. I’m putting my foot down, as chieftain.”

  Does he know? He has to have some idea. Our telekinesis gift runs in the jaguar shifter lineage. Still, over the years, my papa never really let on how much he could really control. Could he actually talk to others like me? For some reason, I was always too careful to ask, as if it would ruin my own ability. Plus, he enjoyed carrying himself with an air of mystery.

  “Fine. I won’t ask any questions, even though I probably should,” he says. “I guess you should tell your brother before you leave. Come on now.”

  Dad taps me on the butt and I get to scooting outside, toward the nice side house where my brother has been staying. His prints are seared into the front of the door, noting that this is “his” territory. That always kind of irked me, but this time I’m getting what I want, and don’t have to deal with his angsty crap.

  I knock three times before I hear his light growl. “Come in, Jackson.”

  “Jonas,” I say, screeching open the door lightly. The room is dark and moist feeling. I see his eyes peer up at me from the contraption he’s building. “Whoa. What is that?”

  “None of your business,” he says, carefully stacking a long piece of wood on top. When it’s finally attached in the way that he wants, he breathes easy and smiles back at me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. It’s my ceremonial piece for the service. I thought it might look good on the stone altar,” he says, blushing. “I found everything around the camp. Come here. I want to show you something.”

  I step forward and strain my eyes to see against the darkness. Then I see it. The golden object reflects back at me and it is remarkable.

  “A golden arrowhead,” he says.

  My pupils turn thin and pale against the bright, golden rock. “It must be fake, right? I mean, golden arrowheads only exist in the legends. It’s not supposed to really exist. I’ve seen some sellers carry similar things.”

  “That’s what I thought,” he says. “But when I scooped it up, it nearly burned my hand off. Look.”

  Jonas holds his hand up in front of my face, proudly. Even though he’s smiling, his palm has third degree burns on it. It’s in the shape of the arrowhead.

  “Uh…” I begin weighing my options. Tell our dads, or tell the rest of the elders.

  “Don’t you d
are,” he says. “You never saw this.”


  “No buts. If you tell anyone, I’ll tell dad you’re skipping our tradition to see Logan in that gross hotel room,” he says.

  I grit my teeth and take a step back. “We really have no privacy in this family.”

  “What you’re doing this weekend is a great thing. I support you, one hundred percent. Some people wait a whole life to find a mate. I’m proud of you. Now, support me, big brother,” he says, with enough emotional resonance to let me know that he’s serious.

  “Alright. But don’t call me your big brother. We’re twins. Just because you were born a few seconds after me doesn’t mean that I’m older,” I say. My voice then turns to a light whisper. “Just promise me you’ll be careful. You nearly burned your hand off.”

  “This?” He lets out a hearty laugh. “This is nothing.”

  Moving forward from his creation, he pushes me toward the door. “Now, go have fun. You’ve been waiting a long time for this. We’ll talk about the arrowhead later. I promise I’ll be safe.”

  “I’ll hurry back,” I say, before opening his door and heading out into the bright sunlight.

  Chapter 3


  “You’re coming. I can already sniff out your scent. You’re close, aren’t you?” I ask.

  I begin pacing my room with excitement. I close my eyes and take in all the scents around me. I can feel my senses going wild. “Dammit, Jackson. This is making me go crazy. Where are you?”

  “You’re assuming things, Logan.” The tease. I know he’s here. He has to be. It can’t just be my imagination making all of this up.

  “It’s not the coffee that I’m smelling. Trust me,” I say.

  I hastily jerk open my window and nearly fall out, looking for him. “Shit!” I feel a strong palm tighten around my ankles.

  “I got you, Logan. Don’t worry!”


  We both fall onto the floor, exasperated. When I see him I pounce on top of him. Both of us roll over onto the dirty carpet, laughing.

  “My alpha!” I yell, and slide my palms over his chest.

  I look down and smirk when I notice the position that we’re in. His jeans are scrunched up in the middle, real tight. I feel the pressure build inside of me almost immediately. I just want to explode. I’ve waited so long for him. Six fucking years. And now he’s here with me.

  “Aren’t you going to kiss me?” he asks.

  I look down at his handsome face. His thick, pink lips part ways, revealing his perfect smile. “You really are cute. You know that?”

  I lower my head down until I feel his lips crush against mine. I give him the biggest kiss in the world. He bites down against my lower lip playfully and pulls back. “Rawr.” He winks and flips me over.

  “Oh, now you’re the alpha?” I run my hand underneath his shirt. I can feel my cock grow and swell. A knot forms in the back of my throat. I wish he’d get on his knees right now. But I want our first time to be special. I want it to be how we always planned it to be. It can’t happen in this hotel It needs to happen back in Frisky Pines.

  “You smell like chocolate,” he whispers. “I always loved your scent.”

  “And you, like oak and coffee grounds. Mmm… my favorite.”

  As he sits on my lap, he just looks into my eyes. The connection is deep. I’ve known him since we were kids. He was a jaguar shifter. I was always with the bear shifters, acting tough as hell.

  When I first saw him, I had these undeniable urges. It wasn’t enough just sleeping over at his house. There was so much more that I wanted to explore with him.

  But then the fires happened, and we had to grow up. Our families moved apart. There was a rift in the world, the elders said. And we all had a destiny to fulfill. I always said it was bullshit. I couldn’t understand how the fires could tear our town apart. I was still acting tough. But we both knew the truth. We were going to lose each other.

  As soon as the memory of the burned camps come into my mind, I have to slide away from him. “We can’t yet,” I say.

  “Can’t what?” He smirks and pushes forward, shifting into his dazzling fur coat. He nuzzles his chin against my chest, before shifting back.

  “I mean, I want it to be special. You know, after all we’ve been through. It needs to be special,” I say. “Have you told your dads yet?”

  He scratches the back of his head and laughs awkwardly. “Well… no. Have you told yours?”

  “You know that Genesis is being taken care of by my people right now,” I say. “I don’t know how I’d tell him, let alone face him right now. And Chip is beside himself with grief. Honestly, sometimes it feels like I’m just running away from my problems. I mean, look at this place. What am I doing here?”

  “Stop that right now,” Jackson says, kissing my cheek. “I came here to have a good time with you. You know that I’ve always supported you. You’re going to find your destiny, Logan. I know it.”

  The sound of loud footsteps can be heard on the stairs below the room. I haven’t been downstairs in a few days. I’ve been hibernating again, but in irregular intervals. Everything is starting to feel a lot stronger, like something is about to happen. Something big.

  “The dream I keep having. Remember I told you about it?” Jackson nods. “It’s getting more and more vivid. I think that’s why I had to come here, kitten. I think this crappy place makes it easier for me to see things. Still, I don’t understand. What is the plan behind all of this? Who should I trust?”

  Jackson’s eyes widen. Choking on his breath, he says, “Shit. So, I have to tell you something. My brother found a golden arrowhead in the middle of the pines. Think it means anything?”

  I bite my lower lip, feeling my animal urges kick in again. “Don’t be so damn cute and excitable all of the time.”

  “No, I’m serious, Logan. My twin, Jonas, found something in the woods the other day. It was a golden arrowhead. It nearly burned a hole through his hand,” he says.

  “Seriously? That has to be it,” I say. “But what can I do? I can’t just waltz into your camp during a time of ceremony. It could set some bad mojo off. They haven’t been around us bears since the fires, and I know that some of them still blame us for what happened.”

  “My dads know better. I’m going to have to tell them about us eventually. I am your fated mate, Logan. You can’t say no to fate,” he says.

  I pat him on the ass excitedly. He hikes up his jeans and tucks in his shirt. The hard outline of his cock can be seen through the denim. I can barely take my eyes off it. His ass is round and firm, and it’s just waiting for me to dive into it. But there’s more that needs to happen. We have so much to do before we can mate.

  His eyes tell the whole story. He’s ready for anything. “I know what you’re thinking. It’s going to be special. But first, you’re coming back home with me. You’re meeting the family again.”

  I nod and feel the tight air push against my lungs. “I guess it’s time to go back to Frisky Pines. Let’s do this.”

  Chapter 4


  “Wake up, sleepyhead. You can’t hibernate for a whole season on this plane,” I say, rousing him awake.

  Grumpily, Logan opens his eyes and stretches. “And why not?”

  I point out the window and grin. “Look outside. Do you see it?”

  Logan squints and sees the set of homes buried in between the trees. “The old neighborhood,” he whispers. “Goddess, I’ve missed Frisky Pines so much.”

  I nod, gleefully. “Yup!”

  “Makes me long for it. All of the old times. Do you remember?” His palm rests against my upper thigh. I remember it very fondly. We had some really hot nights together.

  “You used to slide your hand on my thigh just like this when I was dead asleep. You horn dog.” I smirk and feel my slick hole warm up with pleasure. “I loved that. You had no idea how I’d react. But I always knew it was coming. The fai
nt kisses on my neck. We never really pushed it much further than that. There was so much anticipation.”

  “It was our secret,” he says.

  “In a way, I feel like we’re breaking a sacred seal. Trust me when I say this, Logan. I want to tell my dads, and I know that we have to. But a part of me doesn’t want to,” I say.

  We both grab our bags from the compartment and begin walking the aisle, toward the outside of the plane. Logan’s big arms press against his sleeveless shirt.

  “I know it. We’re growing up. A part of me hates letting the past be the past.”

  “The past is just one aspect of the present.” A booming voice beckons at the end of the aisle. I recognize it immediately as Jergen’s voice.

  “Welcome back, Logan.”

  Logan stands upright and tall. He embraces my father, as if they had never parted ways in the first place. “Jergen. It’s an honor to be in your presence again.”

  “Papa,” I whisper, completely freaked out. I had no idea he would be waiting for us at the entry of the plane, but I should have known. “You knew the whole time, didn’t you?”

  “Of course I knew! We all use the gift in our family. You’re not any more special than us. Why all the secrecy son?”

  Dad wraps his arms around my shoulders and walks us to the vehicle parked off to the side. We step inside and begin driving toward the pines. Logan looks at me and laughs, completely amused by all of this.

  “It was my fault, sir,” he says. “I didn’t want any conflict. I know our families have had a falling out because of what happened back in the day. I was just trying to protect Jackson.”

  There’s a strange silence that inhabits the car. Then, my papa lets out a hearty laugh. “Wow,” he says.

  “Uh, dad?”

  “Stop worrying so much, my omega. I’m saying ‘wow’ because he’s perfect for you. You’ve found yourself a complete alpha,” he says.


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