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Love Everlasting

Page 17

by Tracie Peterson

  “Oh, but this is such a tragedy.” Aunt Poisie blew her nose into a lace handkerchief. “I am quite overcome. Do you suppose we might send him some cookies? He has always liked cookies.”

  “I can’t take him anything,” Kolbein replied. “They won’t allow it.”

  Aunt Selma spoke up. “If there is anything that any of us can do to help, Mr. Booth, you will let us know, won’t you?”

  “I promise you that I will.” He looked Abrianna in the eye. “I will come here every day and let you know what I’ve learned.”

  A kind of void engulfed Abrianna’s mind. Rational thought was impossible. Nothing in her life had ever prepared her for this moment. Nothing had ever been as seemingly hopeless.

  Oh, God, where are you? Why have you let this happen?

  Those two questions echoed over and over, but the answers didn’t come.

  Despite the tragedy Aunt Miriam said that they had to go on with a pretense of normalcy for the sake of the others in the school. With that in mind, the monthly reception for the bridal candidates was held the following Saturday. The day turned rainy and windy, which kept them from hosting the reception outdoors as they had originally planned.

  “I know this is difficult, Abrianna,” Aunt Miriam began, “but I want you to help at the refreshment table.”

  Abrianna knew better than to argue. Besides, she didn’t have the strength. “All right.”

  Aunt Miriam took hold of her and hugged her close. “Dear child, I know you think me cruel for forcing you to do this, but I assure you I am not. I, too, have dealt with tragedy in my life, and keeping busy was much better than sitting and imagining all the things that have gone wrong.”

  Already Abrianna had imagined such hideous things happening to Wade and her father that she couldn’t share such worries with Kolbein, much less Aunt Miriam. She held tight to her aunt for a moment and then straightened. “I’m sure you’re right. Thank you for directing me.”

  She took her place behind the refreshment table. God, please give me strength to endure this. She bit her lip to keep from dissolving in tears. I have always been strong and capable. Now, more than ever, I need to draw on those abilities. It will do Wade no good for me to be otherwise focused.

  The reception dragged on for nearly an hour, with all of the students preforming their various musical talents. Abrianna filled cups with punch and offered her best chitchat when someone came for refreshments, but all the while she wanted to run from the room in tears.

  “Um, Abrianna, I need to talk to you.” Flora’s whispered words came as a surprise. “That man, Mr. Welby . . . you know, the one with the big ears?”

  Abrianna nodded. “What about him?”

  “He wants to see you. He’s standing at the back of the room and said to tell you he will meet you downstairs in the first-floor parlor.”

  Looking out across the ballroom, Abrianna spied Welby in the corner near the door. He nodded her way then left the room. Abrianna had no idea why he’d come, and she was in no mood to deal with any of his nonsense. Even so, she pulled off her apron and decided to go see him, knowing that if she didn’t, he was just rude enough to make a scene.

  “Do you want me to come, too?” Flora asked.

  “No. That won’t be necessary. If any of the aunts ask after me, tell them I had to attend to something and I’ll be right back.”

  Abrianna made her way from the room, taking the back stairs in case Welby had paused on the way down to wait for her. She wanted a moment to compose her thoughts. An idea came to mind. Welby was a powerful man with many connections in the city. Perhaps he could help her. The murder and accusations toward Wade had been splashed across the newspaper, so no doubt he knew all the details of the matter. It gave her a flicker of hope that quickened her steps. She was very nearly breathless when she came to the large parlor and found Priam Welby standing by the hearth, a bouquet of flowers in hand.

  “You wished to speak to me?”

  “I heard what happened to your . . . to Mr. Ackerman.”

  She nodded. “No doubt everyone has.” She didn’t know whether to remain standing at the entry or to take a seat. Perhaps he was only here to offer his condolences, but then again, he hardly seemed the type to waste time on such matters. “Is that all?”

  “No.” He motioned her to the settee. “These are for you.” He handed her the flowers. “I thought it might cheer you.” She looked down at the flowers as he continued. “Please sit. I want to discuss something with you.”

  Abrianna thought to protest but didn’t wish to get on his bad side in case he might assist her. She took her place on the settee and continued to hold the flowers. Welby pulled a chair up and sat so close that their knees almost touched. Abrianna felt the heat of his suit, warmed by the fire, and she straightened. The intimacy of the moment made her most uncomfortable. “What is it you’ve come to say?”

  “The situation for Mr. Ackerman is quite serious, as I’m sure you already know. Murder is an offense that upon conviction will demand his life be forfeit either by death or life in prison.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded, still refusing to look up. If he came here to gloat, Abrianna was afraid she might very well take the fireplace poker to him. She bit her lip to keep from saying anything and tasted blood.

  “I am not a man of words, and it seems to me that getting right to the point is probably your preference, as well.”

  Again she nodded, but this time Welby reached out and put his fingers beneath her chin. With the slightest of pressure he raised her face to meet his. His dark eyes seemed to bore holes through her walls of defense. Abrianna steeled herself. She would not show emotion and give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

  “Abrianna, you know how I feel about you. I have made it quite clear. I am, as you know, a man of power in this city. I am not without my influences, and I believe it within my power to see your father and Mr. Ackerman set free.”

  She couldn’t help the sharp intake of air. The gasp seemed to echo throughout the room, and only the crackle and pop of wood in the fireplace made any other sound.

  Welby grinned in his leering fashion and dropped his hold. “I thought that might get me your full attention. Would you like me to go on?”

  Abrianna drew a deep breath. “How could you possibly ask me that? They are innocent. Of course I want you to continue. What can you do to help them? How can you see them set free?”

  “As I said, I’m not without my friends. There are also those who are indebted to me.” He sat back and despite their nearness crossed his legs. “Guilty or innocent, I believe I can arrange for all of the charges to be dropped.”

  “How? How would you be able to do this? Our lawyer has found no witnesses to support Wade’s innocence. And while my father did in fact hit Mr. Greene, he would never have threatened to kill him. So how can you arrange their freedom?”

  He chuckled, which only served to irritate her. “My dear, you are such an innocent. Men and their testimonies are easily bought and sold. I can have a dozen witnesses declare Mr. Ackerman to be nowhere near the murder site.”

  “And why would you do this?” There was something in his tone that made her want to run from the room.

  “I think you already know the answer to that. I would do it for you, because of my feelings for you.”

  “You would lie and cheat for me? How very noble.” She shook her head. “I don’t think either Wade or my father would approve.”

  “Perhaps not, but they certainly can’t agree or disagree to the matter if they are dead.” He stood and pulled her up with him. The flowers were crushed between them. “I’m through playing games, Abrianna. Either you want them to live, or you’re willing to let them die.”

  She began to shake from head to toe. “I want them to live, of course. I would do anything for them.”


  The thought of all that word might encompass stormed through her mind. His sneering smile left her little doubt that
he was thoroughly enjoying her discomfort.

  “What is it that you want, Mr. Welby?”

  “You, of course.”

  His matter-of-fact answer left her cold, while his grip on her arms seemed to burn. She couldn’t find the words to order him out of the house. The thought that there might be no other way to save her father and Wade left her unable to speak.

  Without warning, Welby dropped his hold and stepped away. “You have until Monday to decide.”

  “And what is it that I’m to decide?” she managed to say as he reached the door. She turned toward him, determined to prove that she was stronger than he thought.

  He paused and slowly faced her. “You have until Monday to decide if you will marry me. If your answer is yes, then I’ll see your loved ones set free. Otherwise . . . well, I’ll do what I can to hurry their demise. It’s entirely up to you. You hold their lives in your hands.”

  “But how can you do that?” She fought to keep from sounding frantic, but it was no use. “You appear to know they are innocent, yet you are willing to have them . . . killed?”

  He laughed. “I eliminate obstacles, dear Abrianna. I’ve done so all of my life, and it has gotten me great wealth and position. Now I am willing to use that wealth and position once again in order to have what I want.”

  “But to have innocent men killed just to get what you want is . . . it’s . . . evil.”

  His eyes narrowed, and his expression went completely blank. “Call it what you will. It really doesn’t matter to me. Your father and lover will be dead in a very short time unless you agree to marry me . . . and quickly. I won’t brook any nonsense of long engagements. We will marry immediately, and you will be my wife . . . in every way.”

  He started to leave and added, “Oh, and if you say one word about it either way, the outcome will go against them. This is a matter strictly between you and me.”


  Abrianna was still standing in the front room when Flora found her.

  “Is he gone?” she asked, looking around the room.


  Flora came to stand in front of her. “Are you all right?”

  Abrianna found the shock and horror she’d felt after Mr. Welby’s visit was now replaced by anger. Red-hot murderous anger.

  Seeming to sense there would be trouble, Flora took hold of her arm. “Let’s go to our room, and you can tell me everything.”

  Abrianna allowed Flora to lead her, but all the while her thoughts churned in rage. How dare he threaten them all in such a ruthless way? Life and death meant nothing to him unless it got him what he wanted.

  By the time they reached the bedroom, Abrianna began to understand how a person could plot the death of another. She very much wished Priam Welby would fall off the face of the earth and with little prompting she could be the one to give him a push.

  “Abrianna, you haven’t said a word since Mr. Welby left.” Flora closed the door to their room. Her gaze traveled Abrianna’s frame from head to toe. “And now you’re still as a statue. Goodness, what on earth is going on?”

  Abrianna inhaled a deep breath and glanced at the bouquet in her hands. Without a word she began to rip the flowers apart. Petals and stems littered the floor. But it wasn’t enough. She stomped them into the floor, crushing every last piece with the heels of her boots.

  “You’re scaring me.” Flora took a step back, shaking her head. “Abrianna, please. You can trust me. Please tell me what Mr. Welby did to make you so angry.”

  The urgency in Flora’s voice and tears in her eyes broke the spell of fury over Abrianna. She sank to the floor. “I cannot.”

  Flora wasn’t one to take no for an answer. She came and knelt beside Abrianna. “You must. Otherwise, it will destroy you as you have destroyed that bouquet. I promise you, I shan’t say a word to anyone else—no matter how much I might want to.”

  For several long minutes, Abrianna considered what to do. Flora was right. She had to confide in someone. “Very well. But it is both shocking and ugly. You must make certain you can bear up under the promise that you will tell no one.”

  “I can bear anything, if it will help you,” Flora said, wiping her eyes.

  Abrianna nodded, and the story of her time with Mr. Welby gushed out. She left nothing out, even sharing in details the expression on his face. “And then he left. Just like that.”

  Flora bore a look of disbelief. “What a cad. What a reprobate. He should be horsewhipped.” She shook her head and got to her feet. “No, that would be too good for him.”

  “I quite agree, but that isn’t why I told you.” Abrianna got up and began to pace the room. “Again, you must promise me that you won’t tell a soul!”

  “You can count on me.” Flora sat on the edge of her bed. “I promise.”

  “Thank you. I knew you were a kindred spirit. As you know, I’m not generally given over to anger and wrath, but Mr. Welby just seems to bring that out in me. I must say, I am ashamed of my display and hope you will forgive me.”

  “Of course. But how can I help? There must be a way.”

  Abrianna considered this for a moment. “I have to figure out how to put him in his place without risking the lives of those I love. He would just as soon see my father and Wade hanged. And I must say that until hearing what Mr. Welby had to say or threaten, as is the case, I didn’t think that was even possible.”

  Flora tucked her legs up under her in contemplation. Abrianna could see no easy answer in the matter. She knew that she only had tomorrow to figure out how to combat Mr. Welby and his intimidating threats.

  “Perhaps we could go to the authorities. He can’t own everyone in town. There has to be a man of power somewhere who could stand up to him.”

  “I don’t know who that would be,” Abrianna replied. Welby had long boasted of having all of Seattle’s elite and powerful obligated to him. Telling their story to the wrong person would just get back to Welby and prove Abrianna had talked. She couldn’t let that happen.

  “I won’t be bullied by him,” she decided. “It’s terrible that he would take advantage of a tragic situation like this. No doubt he has just been waiting for Wade to make some sort of compromising move.”

  “But God is bigger than this,” Flora murmured.

  Abrianna stopped her pacing and looked at the younger woman. “God truly is bigger than this, Flora. I get myself so worked up that I tend to forget that. I suppose my faith is much weaker than I knew, and this is just one of those trials to help me grow stronger. But never have I encountered such evil. It was like talking to the Devil himself.”

  She began to walk again, tapping her finger against her cheek. “This I know, I won’t sit by and do nothing.”

  Flora fixed her with a stern look. “But you can hardly return evil for evil. That would never be right, and unfortunately, a man like that can only understand evil. I’ve heard others say that about people who live and act without morals.”

  Abrianna plopped down on her bed. “I believe that evil is all that Mr. Welby understands.” A thought came to mind. “Perhaps that could be to our advantage.”

  Flora perked up. “Go on.”

  “Well, I’m just thinking that innocence and good are completely foreign to Mr. Welby. He believes he can master any situation by using evil, but remember, the Bible states quite clearly that God can use evil for His good. I can’t remember where that’s found just now, and it wouldn’t change the situation even if I did. Goodness, but my mind is in a whirl.” She pressed her hands to her temples. “Sometimes it’s best not to worry with the details. It’s enough that I know God can turn this around. However, I am quite confident He will need our help.”

  Flora nodded with great enthusiasm. “He often calls those who are the weakest and smallest to prove His glory.”

  “Indeed He does.” Abrianna jumped up from the bed. “Get some paper and a pencil. We have some plans to make.”

  “How’s she holding up?” Wade asked Kolbein late Sund
ay afternoon.

  “You know Abrianna. At first I thought we’d have to put her in a cell. She was ready to come down here and break the two of you out. Now, oddly enough, she’s not saying a whole lot.”

  Wade knew that this was how Abrianna normally responded when she was gravely worried. That’s how she’d been since childhood. It also signaled that she was up to something. “That can spell disaster, Kolbein. She’s most likely plotting something. Keep an eye on her.”

  “Lenore said the same thing, so we’re doing our best to watch out for any unreasonable action on her part.”

  “I keep thinking about Joseph being wrongly accused and thrown into prison.” Wade looked down at the Bible Kolbein brought him. “Speaking of which, I don’t know how you talked them into this, but thank you.”

  “I reminded them that practicing your religious beliefs was a constitutionally protected right. I threatened some legal complications, and the chief of police himself gave approval.”

  “I’m sure glad you thought of it. I kept going over all the Scriptures I’ve ever memorized and realized with great frustration that it wasn’t nearly enough. I’m going to use this time to commit more to memory.”

  “How are you feeling? Did the doctor say anything further about your head wound?”

  “No. He stitched it shut and told me to rest. That was about it. They don’t trust me enough around here to take me out on any of the work details, so rest is about all I get done anyway.” He put the Bible on the cot beside him. “What about Jay? How’s his recovery?”

  “Slow. They all but killed him. The doctor said he’ll recover, but it’ll take time. I took Jay a Bible and promised we’d figure a way out of this.”

  Wade smiled. “I hope that’s a promise you can keep.”

  “I intend to. The entire thing just seems to lack substance.” Kolbein shook his head and took out paper and a pencil. “Let’s go over all the details one more time. Maybe there’s something you’ve left out that can help us.”

  “All right. I don’t know what it could be, but I’m willing to do whatever necessary. What doesn’t make any sense to me is that nobody knew I was going to stop at the real estate office. I mean, I didn’t say I was going to talk to Greene when I left the jail. At least I don’t think I did.” He put his hand to his head. “It’s hard to remember everything. Maybe I did mention that. I wanted to talk to Greene, but it was a last-minute decision to go there. No one could have planned for that.”


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