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Dominick's Secret Baby

Page 21

by Iris Parker

  In detail.

  Like, a lot of detail. Even though Dominick had been a carefree bachelor when I was the single mother of a newborn baby, Dominick now knew more about cribs than I did.

  "How did you do all of this so quickly?" I asked finally, after he finished explaining his surprisingly nuanced views on co-sleeping. "Did you find a 24-hour baby store and mind-meld with the salesperson, or something? Or is it the same magic that let you build a porch in a single morning? Wait, you don't actually have a Time-Turner, do you?"

  Dominick shook his head and laughed. "That certainly would've been easier. But no, I just couldn't sleep last night and ended up doing a lot of reading."

  "Last night?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Last night, when you were with me all night? You know, being in two places at once doesn't exactly dispel the whole Time-Turner thing," I joked.

  Dominick laughed again, a sound that made me smile. "No time travel involved, I promise. Like I said, I just couldn't sleep, and I certainly wasn't about to wake you up just so you could entertain me."

  "So you didn't sleep at all?"

  "Not much," Dominick said with a yawn, and suddenly it became quite apparent why he'd been quiet that morning.

  "So what exactly did you read?" I asked, my curiosity now piqued.

  "The internet," Dominick said. "As much of it as I could fit into one night, anyway."

  "You mean blogs? Which ones? I can recommend a few, or maybe you found a good one I don't know about…."

  "A couple of blogs," Dominick said. "But mostly forums."

  "Forums? What kind of forums discuss cribs in that much detail?"

  "Mommy forums," Dominick clarified, his voice surprisingly matter-of-fact.

  "Mommy forums?" I asked, studying Dominick's face to see if he was joking or not. He was, after all, a professional athlete. In a sport that was infamously half athleticism and half armed combat. He was so masculine that I could've cut my teeth on his chest, and so tall that I needed to crane my head up just to make direct eye contact.

  And he'd spent the night sitting with a laptop, his massive hands covering the keyboard, reading mommy forums?

  That was unexpected, to say the least.

  But he wasn't joking.

  And, even more surprising, he wasn't embarrassed either. A lot of guys would've been ashamed to admit that, but not Dominick. He wasn't just embracing fatherhood; he was owning his decision with grace.

  "Did you sign up for any?" I asked, enthralled and wondering how far the rabbit hole went.

  "Yes. 'HockeyDad82,'" he said, returning my gaze. Just as I had been uncertain if he was joking or not, Dominick seemed to be wondering if I was going to laugh.

  I didn't laugh.

  But I did fall in love.


  As soon as Helena stepped back into the room, my eyes were glued to her. There were so many subtle changes and signs in her body that I'd completely missed before. Now that I knew she was pregnant, I didn't want to let myself overlook or forget a single detail. Ever since hearing the news, I'd caught myself admiring her even more than I used to.

  If that were even possible.

  Now, watching her do even the most mundane task held my attention like nothing else. She was just carrying in the duster she'd fetched from another room, but even that seemed graceful and smooth.

  I was so preoccupied by looking at her that it took me a moment to notice she was carrying a stepladder, too.

  "Wait, what's that for?" I asked, turning the vacuum cleaner off so we could talk.

  "For getting rid of the cobwebs, of course," Helena said, pointing up to the corners of the room.

  "You need a ladder for that?" I asked. My brain caught up with my mouth a split second later, and I winced at my own stupidity. Of course she needed a ladder to reach the ceiling. She practically needed a ladder to reach me.

  Not that I minded going down for her, of course.

  "Sorry, stupid question," I said, interrupting her answer before it began. "But how about I take care of that? It's much easier for me to reach everything, and it seems dangerous for you to be using that."

  "Dominick," Helena began calmly, giving me a look somewhere between gratitude and wanting to playfully slap me. "Moving everything up into the attic was one thing. You were right about that, it was a lot of heavy lifting and climbing. I'm glad you were here to help, thank you."


  "But remember yesterday in the car, when you suggested that a five minute drive would be too hard for me? And earlier today, when you thought that vacuuming was too much of a strain? Those were kind of pushing it a little. But, worrying that it's too dangerous for me to dust? I'm pregnant, Hon, not bedridden."

  Hearing her call me Hon was so sweet that it almost distracted me from the rest of what she said. Still, this was important. As much as I hated to argue, I reluctantly shook my head in disagreement.

  "You're right, I am being a little overprotective," I admitted. "Or a lot. But I do have a point here. Climbing a ladder in your condition is dangerous, and I don't just mean the pregnancy. What if you got dizzy and fell? It's already happened once recently, and what if you'd been up high?" I asked, shuddering at the thought. "I want to keep you safe. Both of you."

  "I know," Helena said with a warm, happy smile. She walked over to me, placing her hand against my hip reassuringly. "And I really, really appreciate everything you're doing. I don't want to sound ungrateful. It's just that I can't rely on you to do everything for me, because where would it end? Are you going to do all the shopping and my errands, too? I can't just take over your entire life like that."

  "Well, I'm not that far gone," I said, enjoying Helena's arm wrapped around my waist. "How is shopping dangerous?"

  "I could get hit by a car on the way to the market," Helena said bluntly.



  She was right, of course.

  "I hadn't even thought of that," I said, frowning.

  "It's still early, I'm sure you would've worked your way up to it. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience here. I had all the same thoughts about Ali just after she was born, you know."

  "Well, you're a good mom."

  "And you're a good man," Helena said, reaching up to give me a kiss. "But the world is a dangerous place, and nothing will ever be one hundred percent safe. Something might happen to me while I'm out shopping, but it's just as likely I'd have an accident if I stayed home instead. Maybe even more likely, if we checked the statistics."

  "I guess," I said, having a hard time disagreeing with her logic.

  It was harder to win a disagreement with a PhD than you'd expect.

  "I could let you dust, but only if I vacuum. I need to do something, Dom. I can't just sit here and watch you do everything by yourself. I don't want to take advantage of you like that."

  "Letting me do a few light chores is hardly taking advantage," I insisted.

  "For a day or two, no. But I'm going to be pregnant for months. You would basically be a full-time housekeeper. You already have a job, and a good one at that."

  "But summer is the off-season, and you won't be pregnant forever."

  "Do you really think that you'll feel less protective afterwards, once there's a brand new baby around?" Helena asked.

  Well, crap.

  She was right.


  "So what do you suggest?" I asked hesitantly.

  "You have a point about the dizziness, so I think it's best if I brave the dangers of the vacuum after all," Helena said before dropping her voice to a low and sultry whisper. "And if anyone is going to be taking advantage of anyone here, I'd much prefer that you take advantage of me some more."

  My cock throbbed at the thought, and suddenly our conversation about chores felt a lot less urgent.

  "After all, I think we've proven that there's at least one strenuous activity that I can safely do," Helena murmured seductively, burying her face against my chest as she spoke.

  "We're…we're not going to get any more cleaning done today, are we?" I asked huskily, kissing the top of Helena's head and running my palms along her shoulders and back.

  "Probably not," she agreed with a purr. Her hand, already in the area, dipped below the waistband of my shorts.

  When her fingers found my penis a moment later, it was already hard.

  She continued to explore, and I began to do the same. She made it below my underwear just as my fingers hooked below her skirt, tugging it down to the floor. Her panties went next, and soon both of us were half naked.

  Taking Helena into my arms, I carefully lifted her up and began to carry her back into the hallway. Grinding against me, she wrapped her legs around my back as I kissed her with a deep hunger. She returned the kiss with equal intensity, and soon we were making out for the second time that day.

  Except, unlike when we were in the driveway, now we actually had privacy.

  And a bed.

  And at least a couple more hours before Ali got back home.

  Today was going to be a good day.

  A really good day.


  Dominick placed me down gently onto the bed, his face a mask of desire that matched my own. I had no idea how we'd both managed to resist for as long as we had, spending long hours apart earlier today. And then Dominick had actually gotten here, and somehow we'd been able to work in the nursery for quite a while before our urges got the better of us.

  But now those urges had won, and every single second where Dominick wasn't inside of me felt like an intolerable eternity. I had become an addict, craving his touch like it was the only thing that could erase this burning need inside of me.

  Because that's exactly what it was.

  Dominick must've felt the same way, because neither of us wasted any time.

  We didn't even bother to take off our shirts.

  The moment I made contact with the bed, Dominick was on top of me. The familiar presence of his hot, strong chest felt like coming home again. My breath was already ragged when I felt his body on top of mine, his tall and muscled frame pressing down into me.

  But last night had taught me that Dominick had so much more to offer than the solid weight of his chest against mine. With a rush of excitement in my stomach, I quickly wrapped my legs around Dominick's hips and pulled him down further against me. His cock was rock hard, and my own arousal was already enough to accept him inside of me.

  When I felt him rubbing against my crotch, I shuddered with desperate passion and deep lust. I knew that Dominick liked calling the shots in bed as much as I enjoyed him doing it, but it still took every bit of willpower I had to behave. Inwardly my mind was shouting at me, telling me that all I needed to do was lift my hips and buck up against him.

  "Please, Dom…," I whispered in his ear, my voice barely recognizable even to myself. He licked his lips hungrily, and I reached down to stroke the underside of his shaft. His cock throbbed with power above my palm, and I twitched with anticipation. Spreading my legs a little wider, I guided him down to perfectly align with my entrance.

  "Please," I repeated.

  I didn't need to ask again. It felt like all the air was being shoved out of my lungs as Dominick pushed his cock inside of me, and my legs strained to draw him in as deeply as possible. He entered me with a single swift, deep thrust, one that I probably would've found painful just a couple of days ago.

  But after last night, I was used to the sensation.

  Craving it.

  It was a stretching feeling, a sensation that somehow just felt perfectly right. It hurt, but in the same way that a long and rewarding workout hurt.

  And I wanted more.

  Dominick was happy to provide. With a deep, throaty grunt he pulled halfway out, then slammed back in me. Our hips connected with a loud slapping sound, and I barely suppressed a loud groan that would've convinced the neighbors to call the police. The thickness of his cock was filling me in places I hadn't even realized were sensitive before meeting him, igniting wild passion and rivers of desire.

  Dominick thrust into me a few more times, and I grabbed his shoulders as tightly as my legs were still wrapped around his waist. Pressing my face against the knotted muscles at the base of his neck, I did my best to muffle the half-sobbing, half-moaning sounds that were coming from my throat.

  There was a time for slow, artful sex, and there was a time for fucking.

  Dominick clearly knew what time it was.

  We rutted in bed until both of us were soaked with sweat—or until I was soaked with his sweat, anyway—and then some more. I breathed in his scent, reveling in the fact that this glorious man was all mine and that I was all his. One of my hands let him go and shamelessly ran between my legs, my fingers circling my most sensitive area in rhythm to his powerful, quick strokes.

  Strokes that were picking up speed.

  I didn't need much, and that was more than enough. A wave of pure pleasure washed over me, crashing into my soul and making me cry out into Dominick's chest. Moments later, I felt his body tensing up above me, grunting and swearing under his breath as he released himself inside of me.

  Dominick collapsed onto me, and once again I enjoyed the manly weight pressing down into my body. His heart was beating fast and loud, mirroring my own hectic rhythm.

  Both of us were panting, sweating messes.

  Still gasping for air, I turned my head to check my alarm clock.

  The entire thing had only taken fifteen minutes.

  Fifteen incredibly fulfilling minutes, time I wouldn't have traded for anything.

  "Thanks," Dominick grunted after a few more blissful seconds of silence. "I needed that. Badly."

  I nodded in agreement, knowing just what he meant.

  I had felt exactly the same thing.


  We spent the better part of the afternoon working in the nursery, stopping occasionally for more mind-blowing sex whenever the urges once again became too much to ignore.

  Or…maybe we spent the afternoon having mind-blowing sex, forcing ourselves to take little breaks in the nursery so that we didn't burn the house down from all the heat that must've been pouring off of us.

  Either way, by late afternoon two things had become abundantly clear.

  One, the storage room had a promising future as the new nursery.

  Two, my relationship with Dominick had an equally promising future. The worst of my fears had been thoroughly drained away, quieted by the man's obvious warmth and devotion. His determination to help was inspiring, and the connection we shared was profound.

  Also, the mind-blowing sex.

  That helped, too.

  Was it really worth mentioning the sex so many times?

  Fuck yes it was.

  In any case, a few more hours with him had been good for the soul. We'd cleaned house not just physically, but emotionally as well. Ali still wouldn't be back until dinner, and I felt more relaxed than I had been in a long time. The sun was bright, the air tasted sweet, and the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I'd been living in worry and guilt over hiding the pregnancy for so long that it simply breathing felt good.

  Things were good. Really, really good. Ordinarily, it would've been around now that I started to wonder what horrible thing would happen and cause the other shoe to drop, except this time that negativity was nowhere to be found. I wasn't going to let pessimism steal away my newfound happiness, not a chance.

  Dominick had actually managed to pound some sense into me, easing my hangups and anxiety with a day of…well, you know.

  In fact, I was feeling downright playful.

  Cloying, even.

  "This is crazy, you know," I said, suppressing a giggle as I mixed together a large bowl of batter.

  "No, pancakes for dinner is crazy. Pancakes as a late lunch is just delightfully eccentric. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere," Dominick said, carefully heating the cast-iron griddle he'd found while up in t
he attic. "Besides, I think we're both in the mood for something sweet."

  I gave an enthusiastic nod. I'd been craving pancakes all day, but making such an indulgent meal any time past noon just felt wrong. I could probably thank my job for that; every year I saw a new batch of students and watched as the freshman fifteen claimed at least half of them. Apparently, switching over to a diet of pure sugar, caffeine, pizza, and alcohol was not the best choice.

  Thankfully, Dominick had saved me from my own stuffiness. Just because a bunch of teenagers went overboard with syrupy goodness did not mean I had to abstain completely, and so now we were making pancakes without a care in the world.

  "Ali is going to be excited, to say the least," I said, chuckling at the thought.

  "So were you, when I brought that grille down."

  "Well, yeah. I'd been wanting something like that for a while, and then you just pull one practically out of thin air? I had no idea it was even up there," I said with a smile. "You didn't happen to see any other treasures up there, did you?"

  "Nope," Dominick said. "Not unless you count that undiscovered Van Gogh painting, anyway."

  "Oh? I have one of those?" I asked, picking up on Dominick's playful mood and hoping to out-cutesy him.

  Lord help us all.

  "Well, you did," Dominick began slowly. "But, see, it was covered in a lot of dust."

  "The dust destroyed it?"

  "No. But it did give me a sneezing fit. While that was going on, I bumped into this shelf that was full of marbles. One of the marbles rolled a loooong way, into a bunch of mousetraps, which then…you know, I'll just save us both a lot of time here and cut to the end. The portrait fell into a puddle of paint stripper. It was a total loss. Sorry about that."

  "There was a puddle of paint stripper in my attic?" I laughed, playing along.

  "Yeah, someone had suspended a can of it from the rafters with an old length of fraying twine. Damnedest thing," Dominick said with a shrug.

  "Has anyone ever told you that you're painfully sweet?" I asked, giving Dominick a kiss for being so adorable. "Like, actually painful. I think between your sense of humor and the pancakes, I'm going to end up with diabetes."


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