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Claiming the Alpha

Page 14

by Alicia Montgomery

“You handled it well, mimma, I’m so proud of you,” Frankie said. “Which means we should celebrate. We’re having dinner at Petite Louve tonight.”

  “I didn’t get a chance to eat there during my last visit to New York. I only ate at Muccino’s of course,” Alesso declared.

  “Dominic and Aunt Holly said they’re preparing a special menu. Your father will be there,” Frankie said. “And—”

  “Pardon me for the interruption. I just wanted to let Miss Anderson know I’ve arrived.”

  Adrianna’s heart soared when she heard the familiar voice. “Darius,” she said, trying to make her voice as even as possible. “You’re here.”

  “I apologize, Alpha,” he said to Frankie. “I was delayed on my way here.”

  Delayed? He should have arrived yesterday. “I’m glad you’re back,” Adrianna said, giving him a warm smile.

  “Yes, so am I,” Frankie said. “Darius, I wanted to thank you personally for saving my daughter’s life. I owe you a debt I can never repay.”

  His jaw tightened. “It was my duty, Alpha, to protect you and yours.”

  “I’ve already spoken with your uncle and I assured him that you and your, er, family will be rewarded generously,” Frankie said.

  “Thank you, Alpha.” He bowed his head. “If there is nothing else you need me for …”

  “You may go, of course,” Frankie said.

  Adrianna watched helplessly as Darius pivoted and left, not even giving her a second glance. She wanted to go after him and ask him how he was. Her wolf too, was elated at the sight of him, and urged her to go after him. But she knew she couldn’t be rude to their guest. Besides, she had already decided to tell Frankie about Darius, as it would be better coming from her and not Julianna. But she couldn’t exactly do that in front of Alesso.

  “So, Adrianna, what do you say?”


  Frankie raised a brow at her. “Dinner?”

  She felt a headache coming on. “I’m really tired, Mama.”

  “But Alesso’s only here for tonight,” she said.

  “If you’re tired, Adrianna, I understand,” Alesso said. “Disappointed, but I understand, given what you have gone through.”

  Her mother gave her a pleading look, and Adrianna sighed. “Can you … give me a second please?” she asked. “I just … let me er, get refreshed and I’ll come down and let you know how I feel.”

  “Excellent.” Frankie clapped her hands together. “We’ll be right here.”

  Adrianna hoped neither Frankie or Alesso noticed how fast she dashed out of the living room. She knew what her mother was up to. After all, it was only days ago she tried to matchmake with William. She was going to put a stop to this, because she wasn’t interested in any of the men her mother presented. In fact, she was only interested in one, albeit one who was currently missing.

  She took a deep breath and called her wolf, hoping it would pick up Darius’s scent. True enough, she got a hint of vanilla in the air and followed it outside to the back porch, where he was standing, his back to her.


  He turned around slowly. “Miss Anderson.”

  She tried not to flinch at his formality. “I’m sorry, that was awkward.” She sucked in a breath. “She just kind of ambushed me, being here and bringing Alesso with her.”

  “It’s fine.”

  She knew it wasn’t fine. From the way his entire body stiffened and how his teeth ground together, he was not fine. “Darius. We should talk—”

  “I must secure the perimeter.” He turned away from her. “You never know what could have happened in the last two days. Our defenses may have been breached.”

  “Darius, don’t—”

  He didn’t seem to hear her, and she watched, her heart sinking all the way to her stomach as he walked away from her. She pushed down the burning at her throat, swallowing the bitterness she felt. If only her mother hadn’t shown up with Alesso. She and Darius could have had some time alone, maybe to talk. Instead, now he was probably mad at her, thinking she wanted to go out with Alesso. She could only hope that he would talk to her.

  “Adrianna? I thought you went upstairs to get refreshed?”

  The sound of her mother’s voice made her jump. She took a deep breath and turned around. “Sorry. I was just … I need some fresh air.”

  Frankie put an arm around her. “Are you still traumatized by what happened? Just take deep breaths, mimma. You don’t have to come tonight if you don’t want to.”

  “I don’t?”

  “Alesso’s going to be disappointed. Lucas, too.”

  “Lucas?” she asked hopefully. “Lucas will be there?”

  “Your father approved it, and we’re bringing extra security with us. Lucas was pretty insistent on coming, especially if you were going to be there.”

  It had only been three days since she saw Lucas, but it seemed like it was forever. Maybe seeing her brother would help cheer her up. “Of course I’ll be there.”

  “Wonderful!” Frankie exclaimed. “By the way, I have something special for you from Rome. It’s in your room. I hope you’ll wear it tonight, I want to see how it looks on you.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a surprise,” her mother said mysteriously.

  She wasn’t sure she wanted any more of Frankie’s “surprises”, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue. “All right.”

  “We’re going to head out now. I’ll tell Alesso the good news. Go ahead and get some rest, mimma, no need to say goodbye. We’ll see you soon enough.” Frankie gave her a kiss on the cheek then left her alone on the porch.

  She shivered involuntarily when a cold gust of wind blew by. She rubbed her arms and turned to go back inside but stopped when she heard a long howl in the distance. Darius. Her own she-wolf cried out, her ears ringing with the duet of her inner animal and Darius’s, singing a doleful song. She wanted him to come back so they could talk. Her mind was a mess, and she would do anything to see him the way he was in the past two days when it was just the two of them. She wanted his arms around her, to reassure her that what they had was real.

  She waited and waited, hoping he would come back. The sun had begun to set in the distance and sadness turned to despair, and somehow, as her mind went in circles, anger seeped in. How could he just leave her like that? Didn’t he think what they shared meant a lot to her? Had it meant anything to him?

  Annoyed at herself for acting like some lovesick schoolgirl, she stormed inside, letting the door slam loudly behind her. Let him stew in his own juices. If he was going to act like a jerk, she wanted no part of it. He could sulk alone. She was going to take a long luxurious bubble bath, get dressed, see her family, eat delicious French food, and show Darius that things were just fine for her, too.

  After a long luxurious bubble bath, Adrianna felt calmer and more relaxed. Her wolf, however, was not, but she was getting impatient with the damned thing, so she ignored its whines and cries. She was determined to have a good time tonight, to move on and forget … whatever it was she and Darius had.

  She put on her makeup, some perfume, and some lingerie—because nothing made her feel better than wearing something lacy and sexy under her clothes—then walked over to her closet. She unzipped the garment bag hanging from the hook, carefully taking out the dress and laying it on the bed.

  The red, off-the-shoulder dress was truly breathtaking. She gasped out loud and nearly cried when she saw it. Her grandmother Guilia had the exact same vintage Valentino dress that Frankie loved to wear, but over the years it had gotten old and delicate, so she had it preserved and put in storage. Her mother had always talked about buying something similar or having it recreated. And it looked like she finally got around to it, and custom-made at Maison Valentino to boot. She thought there was no way it would fit her—though she and Frankie were both curvy, she was taller. To her surprise it was a perfect fit, down to the length of the hem. Frankie had this dress made just for her.

  Her heart was racing as she descended the stairs; why, she didn’t know. Was Darius still there? She supposed she was taking it for granted he would be or that he was even going to drive her to dinner. If he wasn’t, then it wouldn’t be a problem to have someone fetch her. Her damn brain and heart were at war, with the former wanting him out of her life and the latter longing to see him again.

  When she heard the familiar sound of the Dodge Charger engine outside, her heart soared and fluttered in her chest. She dashed outside, lifting her skirt so she wouldn’t stumble on it. When she stepped out, she saw Darius, standing next to his car, the rear passenger door open. The disappointment crushed her heart.

  “Good evening, Miss Anderson.”

  She stiffened her spine. “Good evening,” she managed to say before climbing into the back seat.

  The tension inside the car was thick, and the normally forty-five-minute trip felt like a lifetime. As soon as they arrived outside Petite Louve, she didn’t even bother to wait for him to open the door. She stepped out without a word and walked into the restaurant by herself. When she got in, she saw the familiar figure of the restaurant’s owner and head chef.

  “Adrianna?” Holly Muccino exclaimed. “You look gorgeous! I love that dress.”

  She kissed the other woman on the cheek. “Thanks, Aunt Holly. You don’t look too bad yourself.” An understatement, of course. Despite the deeper lines in the corner of her eyes and around her mouth, Aunt Holly looked just as beautiful as she did when she married Uncle Dante. She remembered the first time she came here as a child, playing with Lucas and Hannah in this very dining room. That seemed like a million years ago, back when everything was simpler.

  “You’re the last one to arrive,” Holly said. “C’mon, we have the private dining room set up.”

  She followed Aunt Holly toward the back. Originally, Petite Louve didn’t have a private dining room like Muccino’s did, but as its popularity grew, their regular VIPs clamored for it, and so they built one. Holly’s partner, Sharice, who also happened to be married to her uncle Enzo, designed it herself. It was made to look like a classic French countryside dining room and it was a hit with all their guests.

  “Finally,” Grant Anderson said as she entered. “Hello, baby.”

  “Papa!” She couldn’t help herself; it felt like she hadn’t seen her father in a long time, even though they danced at Zac and Astrid’s wedding. She hugged him tight, breathing in his familiar, ocean-scented smell. “I missed you.”

  “Ooh, wow,” he chuckled at her exuberant greeting. “I missed you, too, baby.”

  Normally, she would have bristled at the pet name, but she just laughed. “How are you, old man?”

  “Old?” Grant mocked. “Old, eh? Well, maybe I’m not so glad to see you.”

  “Adrianna,” Lucas greeted.

  She embraced her brother next. “Nice to see you again,” she whispered.

  “Same here.” She was hoping that things had improved with him, but looking at his face, she realized that wasn’t the case. In fact, he seemed worse. More weary and irritated. “By the way,” he stepped aside. “This is my date, Barbara Davis.”

  The tall, stunning blonde beside him gave her a bright smile. “Hello, you must be Adrianna,” she said and grabbed her hand. “Nice to meet you. I love that dress.”

  “Thanks. Er, nice to meet you too, Barbara.” With her expensive designer dress, highlights that must have cost a fortune, and perfectly-manicured nails, she didn’t look like a police officer. And by her scent—gardenias—she was definitely not human. She shot her brother a curious look, but he ignored her and instead, lead Barbara to the table.

  “Mimma!” Frankie exclaimed. “I knew that dress would look perfect on you.”

  “Thanks, Mama, it’s beautiful.”

  “You look exquisite,” Alesso said as he offered her a glass of champagne. “I’m so glad you decided to come.”

  “Thank you.” She accepted the champagne, but when she put the glass to her lips and got a whiff of the alcohol, her stomach recoiled. “Er, I think I’m a little queasy from the drive over. Maybe later.” She glanced around. “Are Julianna or Isabelle coming?” she asked.

  “Julianna’s at work,” Frankie said, then frowned. “Isabelle is supposed to be here, but she’s gone AWOL.”

  “She probably had a crisis. Like her favorite designer retired or something.” She loved her youngest sister, but Isabelle tended to be vapid and spoiled. “I’m starving. Are we going to eat soon?”

  “Spoken like a true Italian,” Alesso declared heartily.

  Holly laughed. “I’ll head into the kitchen and let Dominic know we’re ready to serve dinner. Everyone, please go ahead and get seated.”

  The food was exquisite as always, and Aunt Holly and Dominic truly outdid themselves with the special meal they created. It was a fusion of French and Italian food, to celebrate their guest of honor, while still maintaining the classic French cooking they were known for.

  Adrianna ate her fill, and while the meal was delicious and she loved being around her family, she just felt miserable. Glancing over at Lucas, he looked just as gloomy despite the efforts of his date to engage him in conversation.

  At the end of the meal, Dominic Muccino came out to serve them dessert—a cross between a cannoli and Mille-feuille—and greet his guests.

  “Dinner was amazing, Dom,” Frankie said.

  “Thanks, Aunt Frankie,” he replied. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  Grant motioned for him to sit down. “Dominic, come and stay for a bit.”

  “I can’t—”

  “Dom,” Holly said gently. “Just stay for a glass of wine.”

  He finally relented. “Of course.” He took his seat on the empty chair beside his mother and accepted the wine she offered. As he took a sip, he met Adrianna’s gaze. He smirked when she gave him a knowing look.

  If it wasn’t for the mismatched eyes, most people wouldn’t think Dominic was a Muccino. With his fair coloring and his long blond hair, he looked nothing like his father. In fact, it was a joke in the family that Aunt Holly had somehow spontaneously given birth to him without any assistance from her husband. Dom was also more reserved and aloof, the total opposite of the boisterous and fiery Gio. The Ice Man, she’d heard the whispers of the staff, and she guessed that nickname didn’t just come from the cold efficiency he employed to run his kitchen.

  “Should we have a toast?” Alesso said, raising his glass.

  “Excellent idea,” Frankie said.

  Adrianna discreetly grabbed her water goblet instead of her untouched wine glass.

  “To what?” Grant asked.

  “How about,” Alesso looked at Adrianna meaningfully, “to new friends and new alliances?” Everyone agreed, then raised and clinked their glasses together.

  After the toast, it was obvious things were winding down. The staff was coming in to clear the plates, and finally, Grant stood up declaring that it was late. They filed out of the dining room, heading to the front of the restaurant. Aunt Holly had bid them goodnight as she went back to the kitchen. Frankie and Grant’s car was the first to arrive and so they left after a few more quick goodbyes.

  “It was lovely to meet you, Adrianna,” Alesso said as his limo pulled up to the front. “I do hope this isn’t the last time we meet.”

  “Same here,” she said weakly.

  “Please, come to Rome anytime. You are most welcome.” Alesso kissed her hand again, then bid them goodnight before he stepped into his limo.

  “Lucas, darling,” Barbara cooed. “Would you mind if I went back in? I need to take a quick trip to the ladies’ room.”

  “Go ahead,” Lucas said.

  “Don’t leave without me!” she jested before she stepped back inside.

  “She seems nice,” Adrianna said. “Exactly your type.”

  Lucas’s head whipped back to her. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  The arrival of the gray Dodge Charger
stopped what would probably have been an awkward conversation. Darius stepped out, but before he could open the door, Lucas approached him. Adrianna stayed where she was, curious as to what her brother was planning.

  “Darius,” Lucas called.

  “Yes, Alpha?” he asked.

  “I heard you saved my sister’s life.” He offered his hand. “Thank you. If you ever need anything, just ask.”

  “It was my duty, Alpha.” He did take Lucas’s hand, then leaned forward and said something in a low voice that Adrianna didn’t quite catch. Whatever it was made Lucas freeze and his shoulders stiffen. He nodded at Darius then walked back to Adrianna.

  She was itching to ask him what Darius had said but she knew better. “I’m glad I came, if only to see you,” she said.

  “I’m glad too.” He glanced back at the door to the restaurant, as if checking to see if Barbara was coming back, then turned to her. “Are you all right, Adrianna?”

  She wanted to open up to him, to tell him what she was keeping in her heart, but it looked like he was having enough trouble himself in that same department. “I’m good,” she lied. “You should go in and check on Barbara.”

  “I suppose I should,” he said with a long sigh. “Stay safe.”

  “You too.”

  She turned and walked toward the car. As she expected, Darius held the door of the rear passenger seat open. Sweeping past him, she climbed in without any protest.

  The drive home was quick, thanks to the late hour. By the time she got home, the anger she felt toward Darius had simmered down. Frankly, she was tired of the whole thing. If he was going to act this way, then there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn’t fight it, couldn’t make him want her again no matter how hard she tried.

  She didn’t say a word when he opened the door, just walked straight into the house. Halfway up the steps, she heard the door slam behind her and she stopped. Her hand trembled on the handrail as she steadied herself, her shoulders slumped, and the tears she had been fighting finally streamed down her cheeks.


  Her fingers tightened around the handrail and her spine went stiff. She wiped the tears from her face. “Y-yes?” she said as she glanced back at him.


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