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Page 18

by Bernadette Marie

  He watched her walk out to the car without another word to him and load up the kids into her car.

  She was wise and sneaky, that mother of his. He'd put a reminder in his phone to ask Gia to find something nice for him to give her as a thank you gift. It seemed as if his mother was there to save his ass.

  As soon as his mother's car was out of sight, he sat down at his kitchen table and began making calls.

  The bail money wasn't going to be a problem. They could secure that, and he'd started the process of making that happen first. Next, he called Gerald.

  "I hear you put in a phone call to Ella for us. That's mighty big of you to do," Ben said as he rubbed the tension from his forehead.

  "Just because a woman turns down your marriage proposal and starts dating your best friend the next week, it doesn't mean you can't give her credit for being a great lawyer. She can help, Ben."

  "I appreciate it. Mom just took the kids to her house and I'm headed into town to post Nichole's bail."

  He heard the sigh from his brother. "This is a messed-up situation. I've never heard of someone getting arrested because their identity was stolen. I guess it happens, but…"

  "Yeah, well someone is going to pay for this," Ben promised as he finished his phone call with his brother, gathered his checkbook, and his keys before heading into town.

  His phone rang as he passed from the gravel to the paved road. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he noticed Audrey's face on the screen.

  "What's up, cuz?"

  "My manager was arrested? What the hell is going on, Ben?" Her voice echoed in his head.

  "Yes, but it's all a big mistake. Someone stole her identity and her father's identity. It's gotten out of hand. We have a lawyer, and Phillip had to take her in, but he's on her side, Audrey. She didn't do anything wrong."

  "Her ex-husband gambles. Does this have anything to do with him?"

  "I thought that too. But it doesn't seem to be leading to him, yet anyway. I'm headed into the station now. I'll have her touch base with you when everything is taken care of."

  Ben pulled into the parking lot of the police station next to the familiar silver BMW of Ella Mills. Gerald was right, she'd be able to help, however, Ben still held tight to the anger he had for the woman. Ben knew it was stupid to feel the way he did about her. After all, his brother was the one that had been miserably dumped, but Ben held that grudge. He figured this was as good a time as any to get over it. If the woman could help clear Nichole's name, then Ben could certainly let go of any resentment.

  When he walked into the station, he could see Ella sitting in the conference room with Nichole. She'd been crying, and that tore him to bits.


  He turned when he heard his name called and walked toward Phillip, who stood in the doorway to his office.

  "I have her bail," Ben said as he walked toward Phillip.

  Phillip only nodded. "Yeah, well, we will talk about that in a bit. Come sit down."

  Ben tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans when he realized they were shaking.

  Phillip walked around to the back of his desk, motioning to Ben to shut the door before taking a seat.

  "What's going on?" Ben asked as he sat down across from Phillip in the tiny office that had him sucking in breath because it was claustrophobic with its tiny window and wood paneling.

  "You haven't had any calls or visitors, have you?"

  Ben stared at him, not able to piece together his question. "No. Why?"

  Pushing a piece of paper across the desk, Phillip leaned in and steepled his fingers. "This is an invoice from Gia's store."

  Ben picked it up and looked it over. It was for a set of custom made glasses, and the name on the order was Nichole Lewis. On the receipt was a copy of the signed credit card slip with Nichole's signature.

  "What is this? This is dated yesterday."

  Phillip nodded. "Yeah."

  "Nichole was at my house all day yesterday. Well, after she got off work." He looked at the receipt again. "This receipt was made at one o'clock in the afternoon. Nichole was at work."

  "Yeah, well, I have it on good authority that she had a client in her chair at one o'clock," he said running his fingers over his newly cropped hair. "Our identity thief was in Gia's store while I was sitting in Nichole's chair."

  "Why didn't Gia catch this?"

  "Sunshine was helping her out for the day. Nichole Lewis is a common enough name. Gia caught it this morning."

  "Video. Gia's store has cameras."

  "And the woman had on a large hat. You can't see her face," Phillip said as he sat back in his chair. "I'm going to let Nichole go, but as long as she's with you the whole time. Keep the bail money. Who knows, you might need it later for something else."

  "Why is she talking to Ella then?"

  "Because when they find out who this person is, they're going to go after her."

  That brought some joy to him. It seemed as if they were closer to cracking down on this maniac. But the fact that she was in town, and as close as she was didn't sit well with him. If this woman who was impersonating Nichole was bold enough to follow her within a few feet, what was she capable of?

  Phillip stood and Ben followed. "I want you to keep her in your sights. When she goes into work, Audrey will keep an eye on her. I've already talked to her."

  "I'm not very comfortable with her in this situation."

  "The two of you can work it out then. But I don't want her alone."

  "What about her ex-husband. I'm still worried about him finding her."

  Phillip ran the back of his hand under his chin, brushing it against the stubble that had been obviously unshaven for days. "He's M.I.A. right now."

  "Well, crap. If this woman found her, he could find her too."

  "We've got ears to the ground and we're not going to let him get to her or the kids. Ben, nothing is going to happen to her."

  "You can't promise that."

  "No, I can't. But I sure as hell will do everything in my power to make sure that's the case."

  What more could he ask for? Phillip was a man of his word, and Ben knew that. But no one was going to hurt the woman Ben loved, or the children he loved. If it came down to it, he'd pack up his own life and hit the road too. Nichole would never be without him, and that he could promise her, and he would.


  Ben waited for Nichole in the hallway. Not letting her out of his sight started right now, he thought. He'd called his mother as well and let her know about the woman at Gia's store. She promised to keep the kids within reach at all times, and his father and his brothers were going to be very vigilant against anyone on the property.

  It was another twenty minutes before he watched Nichole stand and hug Ella. Even from out in the hallway, Ben could see how red her eyes were from the tears she'd shed.

  When she opened the door and saw him there, she smiled. "What are you doing here? Where are the kids?"

  "My mom and dad have them. They're okay, I just talked to her. I came in to get you, and it seems as if you're off the hook."

  She fidgeted with the wadded-up tissue in her hand. "Well, they don't think I've been defrauding anyone. But I don't see that I'm off the hook. The woman was in Gia's store. That means she's here, Ben."

  He moved to her now and took her hand. "I know. And I can guarantee you that there are enough Walkers around town that are on the lookout, she won't get very far."

  That was met with a smile as Ella walked out of the conference room and stopped. "Hello, Ben. It's been a long time."

  He bit back his resentment because now wasn't the time for it. "Hello, Ella. Thank you for helping Nichole out. I really appreciate it."

  "Anything for the Walkers. I was glad that Gerald called. I've promised Nichole that when we find this woman and any accomplices, we will prosecute and we won't be soft."

  And that was the Ella he remembered. The small frame and sunny blonde hair was a false exterior, he'd
always thought. She was ruthless and downright mean when she needed to be. Luckily, that was usually saved for those she was prosecuting, and for that he was grateful. This woman and anyone else involved would pay greatly.

  "I appreciate that," Ben said and realized it might not have been his place to say it, but he meant it. He turned his attention back to Nichole. "Are you ready to go?"

  She nodded. "Yes. I need to call my parents."

  He took her hand, and they headed for the front door as Ella walked backed to the conference room and gathered her things.

  Ben could feel her shaking as he held her hand and they walked toward his truck. What could possibly be going on in that head of hers, he wondered and worried. He sure as hell hoped she wasn't even thinking about running again. But considering he didn't plan to leave her side until all of this was done, there was no way she'd be able to run without him.

  He opened the door for her to climb into the truck, but they both stopped as Phillip ran down the steps of the station and toward them.

  "You two better get back inside. We just got some news," he said quickly before waving them back toward the building and running inside.

  * * *

  Nichole exchanged looks with Ben before taking his hand and following him back into the building. She wasn't sure she could handle much more. Her body ached, and her heart was sick with the thought that she and her parents were part of all of this. All she wanted to do was get back home to her babies. And if she needed to, they would leave in the middle of the night. No one was going to take her away from them again.

  As they entered the building, Ella was walking from the conference room and heading toward Phillip's office.

  Phillip sat behind his desk hitting keys on his computer.

  "What's going on?" Ben asked as he and Nichole crossed into the office. "What news do you have?"

  Phillip raised his eyes to Nichole. "Jerome Whittaker."

  She felt the sweat bead up on her brow. "What about him?"


  Ben squeezed her hand, and she exchanged a quick look with him before focusing back on Phillip. "Yes."

  "He was arrested last night on embezzlement charges at the casino where he worked."

  She wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel because the mad and elated were mixing in a fight that had her stomach tied up in knots. If he were locked away, where he belonged as far as she was concerned, then she was free to have her babies anywhere with her.

  "So he's not the one who's been doing this to me, or at least he wasn't involved?"

  Phillip turned the monitor of his computer to face them, and for the first time in a year, she saw the face of the man she'd once thought she'd loved. And at that moment, she knew she'd always been mistaken.

  "That's him."

  Phillip nodded and clicked the mouse to open another screen. Another photo popped up, and Nichole sucked in a hard breath.

  "Justine Meyers," she said as she studied the still shot that had been taken from a surveillance video of Jerome and Justine walking with their arms around each other.

  Phillip sat back in his chair. "She turned him over to the police. She had all the evidence on him."

  Nichole reached for the back of the chair in front of her, and then broke free from Ben's hand and sat down when her knees threatened to give out.

  Ben moved in behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders. "And who is Justine Meyers? That picture doesn't look as if they're enemies."

  Phillip ran his tongue over his teeth as he watched Nichole. Perhaps he was looking for her reaction, but she wasn't going to give him one. Justine Meyers was a thorn in her side and had been since she'd first left Jerome. She shouldn't have been surprised to see them together. Perhaps she was surprised that she'd rolled over on him and turned him in.

  Phillip rested his arms on his desk and eased in. "You've had run-ins with Justine in the past, haven't you?" he asked, and she felt her skin break out in a cold sweat.

  "Yes," she said flatly.

  "She's the reason you didn't take your husband's last name."

  Now she couldn't hold back the tears that were choking her. "How do you know that?"

  "She's been involved with Jerome Whittaker since before you were married."


  "So, you knew that."

  "And because my husband was never loyal to me and gambled everything away, this is my fault?"

  "I didn't say that. I'm confirming that she's been around for a long time. She turned him in for the embezzlement, but records trace back to her as well. I think that's why she's on the run and I think she's running under your identity."

  Nichole brushed away the tears that had fallen over her cheek as the mad broke through and she gritted her teeth.

  "You think she's the one behind all of this?"

  "It makes sense. You had what she wanted, right? Jerome Whittaker and his family. But you didn't want it enough to even take his name or give it to his children. That sounds like a solid reason to me."

  Nichole turned and looked at Ben. With a nod he pulled his phone from his pocket. "I'll call Mom again and check on the kids," he said as he turned and stepped out into the hallway.

  Nichole looked at Phillip. "But you don't know that it's her."

  "I called Sunshine and asked her to come in and look at the picture. The cameras in the store might not have a good shot of her face, but she might be able to identify her. And if it is her, then we know who we're looking for."

  Nichole placed her hand on her chest and took in a long, slow breath. Could it be possible that the woman who had caused her so much pain through the years was the one causing it now? If she'd somehow framed Jerome for the embezzlement at the casino, then why did she need to go after the measly savings of a single mother? And how in the hell had she found her?

  Then again, that last question was probably easy enough to determine. If she'd been able to get into her parents' accounts, then she probably could have easily learned where Nichole had landed.

  Ben placed his hand on her shoulder again when he entered the room. "Mom says they are all together and fine. The house is full of people, she said. My brothers won't let anyone get near them."

  Phillip reached his hand across the desk and placed it on hers. "Why don't the two of you head home. I'll let you know what I find out from Sunshine."

  Nichole nodded and stood. "Thank you all for everything you're doing to help me. I don't know how all of this followed me here or why someone would want to do this to me and my family."

  Ella reached her hand out and touched her arm. "They're criminals for a reason. They don't have a conscience. And if it is her, she won't get away with it," she promised.

  Nichole took Ben's hand and let him lead her back to the truck.

  "Are you okay?" he asked as he opened the door for her.

  "None of this makes sense, Ben. I know he wasn't on the up and up, ever, but this is beyond him."

  "It seems as if he could be easily persuaded then. Let's not worry about it for the rest of the day. Let's get the kids and get home."

  Turning, she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek to his chest. "I love you, Ben. You need to know that no matter what happens with all of this, I love you."

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Oh, Nichole, I love you too. And all of this doesn't mean anything, and you know that. It's a bump in the road of the rest of our lives."

  Looking up at him she could read that truth in his eyes. "Do you really mean it? The rest of our lives?"

  Brushing his thumb over her cheek, he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "I have permission, you know. When seven-year-olds give you permission to spend the rest of your life with their mother, you take that very seriously."

  Nichole smiled. "The sooner we can make this go away, the better then. It sounds like there's so much more out there for us."

  "You can guarantee it."

  Nichole climbed into the truck and Ben closed the
door before walking around to the other side and jumping in.

  As they stopped at the stop sign, Nichole looked out the window to see Ella get into her car, and another car pulled out of a space and followed them through the stop. Sunday afternoon at the police department was a busy time, she thought as she closed her eyes and rested her head back against the seat.


  Sleep didn't come that night. Nichole found herself sitting in the hallway outside her children’s bedroom while they slept. Her mind raced in a million different directions. Jerome was in jail, and it wasn't just going to be for a night or two. This was a big-time felony now, but it eased the worry from her taking the kids. Ella said they'd work to get the wording in the divorce agreement changed so that she not only had full custody, but she could go anywhere at any time with them, and he couldn't say a word.

  Of course, had that been all she'd learned that day, she'd be sleeping like a baby. But the fact that Phillip had called to inform them that Sunshine confirmed the woman's identity, that had her up wandering the house and sitting in the hallway.

  There was no doubt in her mind that Justine Meyers was the person who had stolen her identity. With the help of Jerome, she'd have had a lot of information to go on. But again, why? Of all the people Justine could have stolen from, why chose someone who didn't have anything?

  It wasn't worth arguing that in her head. She knew exactly why Justine would do such a thing. Oh, she might have always been in the picture, even when Jerome and Nichole were married, but she'd never been the one Jerome chose over anyone else. Justine was always the other woman.

  Nichole might not have much, but she had more than Justine Meyers ever would. She had a life she had built all by herself. She had three incredible kids and a family that loved and supported her. And, if she was really in town and had been for any length of time, then she knew Nichole also had the love of a good man from a good family. That had to drive Justine insane with jealousy.

  "What are you doing sitting out here?" Ben's sleep-filled voice stirred her from her thoughts.


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