The Half-Light

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The Half-Light Page 20

by A D Lombardo

  Kai kicked at a rock on the ground. “Small change in plans. I kind of invited Rayna.” He started, folding his arms around himself. “And Julia. And Amelia.” He waited for Shane to get mad, but no words came.

  Winter cut to the right and Shane slid from his saddle. “I thought we were going fishing. Just us,” he pressed. “Wait, did you say Julia is coming?” Shane’s tone changed, and his expression beamed.

  “She is.” Kai nodded.

  “Rayna seems nice. And you know I like…well, Julia is nice too.” Shane added with a controlled grin. “Amelia. Do you mean the girl you’re meant to marry? Awkward mix, don’t you think? But what do I know? You know them best. I am just happy not to be working today.”

  Confident in his relationships, Kai knew this would be a good day. Amelia understood him, and she felt the same about Tolan. “Everyone will enjoy the festival. Trust me.”

  “Wait, where are we going?” Shane asked, confused. “I thought we were going to Baden Lake—fishing.”

  “We were,” Kai responded. “But then I heard there is a festival today in Henley. I thought it might be more fun than going to the lake. We have all summer to fish and swim. The Henley Estate is only a short ride west,” he assured his friend.

  Inside the stables Kai found Weston inspecting the straps of his chestnut saddle. Rayna entered behind him with Julia. They were both wearing black pants and white shirts, ready for the day’s ride. “Are you two girls ready to go riding?” Kai asked.

  Rayna approached Ember. “Julia is. She’s rides all the time.” She looked up at Ember’s large head and paused. “But I’ve only ridden a few times, on my father’s pony. She is small and extremely stubborn.”

  “Julia, you will be riding Misty. Finlee is saddling her now if you want to meet her.” Kai gestured toward the gray mare. Julia dropped Rayna’s hand to spend time with her horse for the day.

  “Rayna, would you like to pick your own horse?” Kai motioned down the long line of stalls. “You can ride any horse you choose. Riding a horse is not much different than a pony. The only real difference is size, and horses are not as stubborn. Usually.”

  “I thought there would be guards going with us.” Rayna eyed the groomsmen.

  Shane stood between the girls. “Hello, Julia. Rayna. The guards and Kempery-men have their own stables and should be down shortly. Why is Amelia not here yet?” He bent his neck around to search the doorway.

  Julia blushed at Shane. “We didn’t see her when we left, but then again, I wouldn’t expect her to leave the palace through the laundry.” Looking at her feet she pushed a clump of straw, avoiding eye contact with Shane.

  Kai took Rayna by the hand. “Time to choose. If you pick the horse that speaks to you, you will find the ride more enjoyable. How about this one? Her name is Honey.” He laughed. “Some of the names are not very original. Most are named for their coloring or temperament. He motioned across the aisle. I would never put you on Pepper; she has too much attitude. Bolt here, he is too quick to spook and requires an experienced rider.”

  Rayna slowly walked down the center of the stables, looking right and left at each horse she passed. She smiled at the names as she went. “Cinnamon, Scout, Brandy, and Blaze.” At the end of the aisle, she read the name “Snowflake.” She smiled wider. “Snowflake sounds nice. I can see how she got her name. I love the white spots across her ears and the white flecks across her hips. They stand out against her dark chestnut coloring.”

  Snowflake bobbed her head up and down. Rayna was delighted by the gesture. Kai eased Rayna forward and opened his hand for the horse to sniff his palm. “I think she likes you. Step a little closer.”

  “Kai, catch.” Shane tossed Kai a large red apple. “Rayna should give her an apple. It will help them become friends.”

  Kai handed Rayna the apple. “Let her sniff your empty hand first. Then offer her the apple. You can stroke her head as she eats.”

  Rayna did as instructed. When Snowflake took the apple, she giggled. “That tickles.” She ran her hands over the horse. “She is so gentle. I can feel her delight.”

  Kai opened the gate, clipped the lead to the halter and pulled Snowflake out of her stall. Rayna continued to fawn over the horse. He watched as the two melded together. The horse curled its head around Rayna, while Rayna rubbed her face, neck, and mane.

  “I don’t think Snowflake gets much attention,” Rayna said, leaning her head in close.

  He had never seen a horse take to a person in this manner. “Seems like a good match. Here, hold the lead, and I will get Finlee to bring a saddle.”

  When he returned with Finlee, Rayna still had her head nuzzled into Snowflakes dark mane. Finlee stopped short of the happy pair. “She can’t ride her!” Finlee stammered. “You didn’t tell me she chose Snowflake. How did you even get the horse out of her stall? Put her back.”

  “What do you mean?” Kai protested. “She has been fine. One would think those two were soulmates the way they are coiled around each other. Who cares what horse she chooses? I told her which ones are too wild. I have never seen anyone ride Snowflake, but she seems harmless.”

  Finlee hefted the heavy saddle onto a nearby barrel. “Look, all I know is everyone who rides her says she is high strung and anxious. She has good days and bad days. She will never let me put a saddle on her, let alone take her out of the barn. Haygan thinks she has a sight problem. She can’t see far away, and he said her milky eyes are a sign of moon blindness. Haygan is the only person who can handle her.”

  While they spoke, Kai continued to watch Rayna. To everyone’s astonishment, Snowflake knelt, and Rayna hopped up on her bareback. Still holding the lead, she squeezed her legs, and Snowflake stood and walked the length of the stables. Kai took note of her eyes. The faint cloudy layer over her dark eyes was there. He had not noticed it before.

  Everyone gawked as Rayna rode Snowflake. Speechless, they ran outside to watch her confidently navigate the side yard. “Finlee, get Haygan,” Kai instructed while he kept his eyes on Rayna. The pair slowly traversed the yard. Rayna continued to fawn over the horse, rubbing her neck and mane.

  Haygan joined the onlookers. “Kai, come with me. I need to see how she is when you approach her now that she has a rider. Stay calm and reach out to Snowflake, let her sense your nature.” Haygan kept his hands in his pocket and leaned against the nearest tree.

  Connecting with a gentle horse was easy. Kai felt her nature, timid, and sweet. Palm up, he reached for Snowflake. Her soft nose nuzzled his hand. With a side glance, he inspected her eyes. The milky white cloud was definitely there.

  Through the trees, Dresnor approached. The Kempery-man moved at a fast pace, always on point. He went straight for Rayna and touched Snowflake’s neck. “Miss Rayna, I see you’ve made a friend. I have never seen this horse before. Is she yours?” Dresnor looked over the horse and then up to Rayna.

  “She is not my horse. I wish she were.” Rayna looked over the moon with delight.

  “You don’t intend riding bareback, do you?” Dresnor pulled them towards the stables.

  She laughed. “It is the strangest thing. She knelt, and I felt this overwhelming urge to ride. She has such a big heart and sweet soul—if you can know that about a horse.”

  “Great coloring. People call her pattern the dappled Moroka, which looks great against the dark bay. They are rare wild horses from the north. Didn’t know we had one in the stables.” Dresnor reached up to Rayna. “Here, let me help you down so we can get a saddle on her.”

  Kai stepped backward. Haygan leaned forward. “If she wants to ride her, it is good to know Dresnor can handle her. The horse seems to trust the man.”

  Rayna hopped down, and Snowflake allowed Dresnor to lead her back to the stables. “Did you see that?” Rayna skipped across the yard, wrapped in sunshine. “She is wonderful.” Rayna looked back and forth between Kai and Haygan. “What?”

  Haygan nodded respectfully. “We are happy to see you’ve bonded with S
nowflake. You had better help get her saddled. Keep her calm.” He directed Rayna to the stables.

  “Kai, hold up.” Haygan let Rayna get out of earshot and continued. “The Grand Duke asked me to replace Snowflake. He wanted me to turn her out since I was the only person who could get near her. Up till now, she was taking up space. I should inform him Rayna has a fondness for her. It is doubtful Dante will even remember. I will have the horse transferred with a saddle to the servants’ stables with the Kendrick pony. Then Rayna can ride anytime she wishes.”

  “Do you want me to tell her?” Kai asked.

  “Let me tell her father first. He should know he just acquired a horse. If her father is willing, I will make the arrangements, maybe even toss in food for a year to sweeten the deal. Let her father tell her tonight.”

  Slowly a large group of soldiers converged with their mounts at the royal stables. Kai could tell their rank by their uniforms; eight guards joined his three Kempery-men—Dresnor, Redmon, and Albey. The man bringing up the rear was a man he knew—Drew. His uniform indicated he would be their scout. It pleased Kai to see his old guard.

  Amelia strolled out of the palace and joined the group. “Sorry it took me so long. Hello Rayna, Julia. It is a pleasure to see you both again.”

  “Miss Amelia. Good to see you today,” Rayna said with a pleasant smile.

  “Now that we are all friends, can we go?” Shane insisted.

  While the others mounted up, Haygan pulled Kai to the side. “Keep an eye on Snowflake. Her eyes still have a thin haze, but I believe her sight has improved. Rayna’s doing, no doubt.” Haygan whispered.

  The stablemasters words concerned Kai. “Is there any reason to worry? Should Rayna pick a different horse?” Kai hesitated.

  “No, Snowflake will be fine. Like with me, I imagine she was fine with you and Rayna because you’re able to share your emotions with her. She trusts you. I doubt Rayna even realizes she’s doing it. You might not have noticed, but I believe Rayna is Katori. Her aura is unusually bright,” Haygan confided. “And now this bonding, I would bet my life on it.”

  “What do we do? She must be taught to control her powers. We are the same age, so it makes sense she would only now be experiencing an awakening.” Kai looked at Rayna.

  “There is no time to speak to her before we leave for the summer. Kendra can keep an eye on her. Kai, you might be best suited to start the conversation. Find out what she knows about where she comes from. One look at her parents’ energy, and you know they are not Katori. See what you can find out. You better join your friends before they leave without you.”

  Chapter 23

  Cheese Pie

  Cream-colored cottages and shops with thatched rooftops popping over short stone walls, came into view as they crested the hill above the town of Henley. Inside the tall gatehouse, Kai noticed the stone walls didn’t completely encircle the city. Several sections were in various stages of repair, though nobody worked on them today.

  Drew led the group around the outskirts of town to the Henley estate. Smoke leapt through one of the gaps in the walls and closed in on the group near the stables. Three groomsmen exited as they rode up and helped everyone dismount.

  The lead groomsman took the reigns as Drew slid off his horse. “Master Drew, a pleasure to have you home.”

  “Hello, Eli. Good to be home.” Drew responded.

  “Prince Kai, I will inform my parents you are here,” Drew said. “They will want to host you for a time. Say, afternoon tea in the park?”

  How did I not know? Kai felt embarrassed he’d never asked about Drew’s family. The guards and the Kempery-men formally addressed one another by their last names. He had always just called him Drew. “Drew, you are a Henley? Are you related to Kempery-man Henley?”

  “I am. Kempery-man Marcus Henley is my uncle. Don’t worry—everyone calls me Drew. It makes it easier not to confuse me with my uncle. I also avoid favoritism based on his reputation.”

  “Afternoon tea would be nice,” Kai said, suddenly seeing his old guard in a new light. It was odd that knowing Drew came from money changed how Kai looked at the man.

  “Follow this road back into the center of town,” Drew said as he walked toward his family’s home. “You will find the festival in the city park. Look for the gazebo with the Henley name on the post.”

  The estate road was paved with large flagstone and surrounded by large billowing oaks and rose bushes. Amelia looped arms with Rayna and Julia. “Ladies, we have a festival to attend!”

  They walked down the road arm-in-arm, Smoke leading the way. Hands in his pockets, Kai trailed behind with Shane. He watched the girls giggle and chatter away.

  What are they saying? Kai strolled behind them. “Today is not turning out at all the way I planned,” he huffed.

  With a small huff of his own, Shane looked at his friend. “I know what you mean. What was your plan again? Mine was going fishing.”

  “I wanted to spend the day with…” Kai trailed off; he couldn’t finish. Shane was right. They were supposed to go fishing. But he’d been so caught in the moment when he saw Rayna. Julia simply came by default so Rayna’s parents would say yes. Then he invited Amelia to cheer her up.

  “I am sorry, it was our day. I saw Rayna, and my mind went sideways. Then Amelia was crying, and I couldn’t leave her behind.” He gestured to the girls up ahead.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not mad. You’re a good friend. Besides, you also brought Julia.” Shane paused, looking around. “I hear music. We must be close.”

  The road turned sharply to the left, and the trees ended. Music echoed through the streets. People were converging in one direction—the city park.

  Dresnor placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Everyone, I need you to stop,” he called loudly. “Each of you has an assigned guard. He rode beside you on the way here. They are personally responsible for your well-being. They go where you go. The remaining guards will filter throughout the crowd. I prefer you all to stay close together. Nobody should wander off alone. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” they each answered.

  “Prince Kai, we are going to an unknown event. It is my job to keep you safe. You and you alone. The others will also turn to protect you if necessary—over the others. Do you understand?”

  “I understand, Dresnor. We will be fine. If we stay together, it will be easier for you and your men. So we will keep the group together!” Kai assured him.

  The small town unfolded into a wide-open park. Colorful awnings and tents, tall trees and park benches dotted the area. People were everywhere, young and old. The presence of Diu guards parted the crowds. Their royal blue-and-silver uniforms stood out. Swords strapped to their waists and shields at their backs were a bit out of place in this quaint little borough.

  Henley guards, dressed in gray-and-black leather armor stamped with a wolf, mingled with the crowd. While they patrolled, Kai noticed they did not have the same discipline and confidence that his men shared.

  Desperate to keep them together and spend a little time with Rayna, he stepped up between her and Amelia. “I smell apple pie. Who wants some?” he asked.

  Elbows out, he offered them both an arm. Shane offered Julia his arm, and together they approached a vendor. The sign over the red booth read: Grandma’s Fried Apple Pie with Cream.

  “Can we share a large bowl please?” Amelia asked. While Kai paid, a lady handed Amelia a large bowl and five spoons.

  Kai held the bowl as his friends all took a bite. This moment would be something he would treasure for years to come. He took a heaping spoonful and then another. “This is wonderful. I love apple pie, but I’ve never had it with frozen cream before.” Kai took a third bite.

  Everyone else agreed it was magnificent. Shane took the last bite and handed the bowl back to the young lady. “Thank you, that was delicious. What’s next?” Shane pointed to the next tent. The sign read: Aunt Shelly’s Custard Cream Pie. “Not sure what custard is, but I’m will
ing to give it a try. Anyone else?”

  “Five please,” Kai said, handing the woman a few coins. In return, she distributed five small plates. The golden cream stood tall on the plate, held up by a thick pastry shell. He slid his fork through the pie wedge and took a bite. To his surprise, it had a hint of orange to the tongue. “I wouldn’t have expected orange. Wonderful,” he said carving off another bite.

  The others all made yummy noises in agreement, enjoying their treat. While this was good, Kai still thought the apple was the best. Maybe because he knew his mother liked apple, too. Finished, they returned their plates and forks.

  The next few stalls sold fruit, clothing, and trinkets. Julia pulled away from Shane to unfold a small quilt. Her hands roamed the floral and ivy pattern. The back was solid emerald green to match the ivy design on the front. “This is outstanding work. Fine stitching. Rayna, you have a look at this quilt. Isn’t it lovely?”

  “Julia, that is divine,” Rayna agreed. “The rich green fabric suits you. Are you going to buy it?” Rayna lifted the other end to help refold the quilt.

  “Oh no, I shouldn’t. I only brought a little. My mother wouldn’t approve of me spending all my money.” Julia's fingers traced the fabric’s stitching once more.

  “How much do you need?” Amelia pushed in between them, inspecting the craftsmanship. One look at the sign and she pulled out a small change pouch from her dress. “That is not too much, I have enough.” She handed Julia the money.

  “I could never accept it, Lady Amelia. My mother would not approve.” Julia pushed back Amelia’s offered coin. “Thank you. You're sweet…”

  Amelia cut her off. “Consider it an early birthday gift. Your birthday is next month. Surely your mother couldn’t object to a gift. And call me Amelia. Formality sounds ridiculous between friends!”

  “Lady Amelia…I mean Amelia. Thank you, I will cherish it.” Red-cheeked Julia lovingly picked up the quilt and held it close to her chest. “This is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you.”


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