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Wolves and Roses

Page 14

by Christina Bauer

  Every muscle in my body stiffens. “That’s right. Everything changes when you turn eighteen.” How many lies have people been telling this girl? And why are they hiding so much from her?

  “What’s wrong, Knox?”

  I shake my head. There’s nothing for it but to just tell her. She has a right to know. After all, today is Friday. Tomorrow is her birthday. If she doesn’t shift, her wolf will die before sundown. “You better sit for this one.”

  A voice sounds from the smashed-in doorway. It’s one of the security guards. “Excuse me, Knox?”

  I glare at the guy, but I’m not really looking at him. Rage streams through me. I can’t believe we’re being interrupted. Not now, of all times. “You got a question, you need to find Alec.”

  “But we can’t find Alec, and it’s not really his problem anyway.”

  My mind starts to think through the haze of anger. I know this guard. He’s a total whiner with a bad haircut. Elle maced him in the kisser once. Alec and I watched it on video replay like twenty times.

  “Is it a problem in LeCharme?” I ask.

  “Why, yes, sir.”

  “Then it’s Alec’s problem.”

  “No, it’s the problem of your new employee there. The intern who works in this office. Miss Bryar Rose.”

  Bry steps forward and straightens her suit. “What seems to be the trouble?”

  “Well, I don’t mean to interrupt you and Knox…”

  I don’t like the tone in this scumbag’s voice. “Get to your point,” I warn.

  “Fine. There’s a man on the first-floor sales area who’s causing trouble. Says he’s Philpot Herbert Utrecht the Third. Claims we have his fiancée hostage, and if he can’t speak to her right now, he’ll call his cousin on the NYPD.”

  I turn to Bry. “Is this true?”

  “Philpot is a little possessive. And yes, his cousin is on the NYPD.”

  The guard shifts his weight from foot to foot. “I tried to find Alec, but he’s not around. And when it came to the interns, he ordered us to speak only to him or you.” The guard squints at Bry. “Have we met?”

  Bry steps back to her workstation and starts typing away. “Nope, never.” She angles her body away from the guard.

  I wave the guy off. “We’ll be down shortly to handle this situation. You aren’t needed anymore.”

  The guard sets his hands on his hips. “What if this Philpot gets dangerous?”

  I glare at him. “If Philpot causes trouble, then Bry and I will kick his ass.”

  That seems to convince him. The guard stares at the shattered door. “I’ll tell maintenance to bring up a fresh door.”

  “You do that.” I have rage issues, so this isn’t the first door I’ve smashed in. I point toward the exit. “Really, you can go.”

  That seems to do the trick, and the guard walks away. Once he’s out of earshot, I turn to Bry. “Are you sure you want to do this? I can go down to the lobby and see him alone.”

  “I don’t want to, but I need to.” She grins, and it’s like my birthday and Christmas rolled into one. “Maybe it’s when you calmed me down instead of my medicine, but I can’t remember ever feeling this good. It’s like I fit in my own skin.” She blushes, which is adorable. “That must sound crazy.”

  “Hey, I’m glad to help.” And by “help,” I really mean to help get rid of Philpot so I can tell Bry the truth. She doesn’t know she’s a werewolf, and she’s never shifted. Worry coils through my stomach. Her eighteenth birthday is almost here. If she doesn’t shift by then, her animal will die.

  No question about it. Once we get rid of Philpot, I’ll let Bry know the truth.

  We walk side by side toward the main elevator bank. I try to focus on how to confront this Philpot loser, but I can’t stop thinking about the fact that Bry is really a werewolf.

  What if my wolf is right? Could Bry be my mate?

  A weight of sadness settles on my shoulders. I’m a warden. We don’t have mates. And even if we did, I couldn’t risk the mating ceremony with her. No one’s lived past that. Plus, what kind of ass would I be to lock someone as amazing as Bryar Rose into my crazy life? I roam the world hunting Denarii. She deserves so much more than I could ever give her.

  No, I’ll let Bry know who she is, and then, I’ll let her go.

  With that decision behind me, I focus on facing the dead man who claims to be her fiancé.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bryar Rose

  Knox and I walk toward the main set of elevators. The hallways around here are all deserted. The offices are too. The ones with open doors only hold a few sticks of furniture.

  “Where is everybody?” I ask.

  “Alec doesn’t let anyone work near our papyri.”

  “Makes sense.”

  The place is so quiet I can hear my own breathing. A heavy sense of worry fills the air. I really don’t want to deal with Philpot right now. I’d rather think about how Knox just made me feel better without my inhaler. What was up with that?

  I sigh. Much as I’d like to contemplate Knox, there’s no way to avoid Philpot when he’s in a snit. I’ll just have to deal with my fake boyfriend now and think about what happened with Knox later.

  Once we reach the elevators, Knox cups my face in his hands. “You ready?”

  The more I see Knox’s face close-up, the more I love the scars on his eyebrow and chin. I reach up and run my pointer finger along the one on his brow. “Did you get this fighting Denarii?”

  Knox closes his eyes and leans into my touch. “Yeah.”

  I gently brush the one along his jawline. “And this too?”

  “Same.” He opens his eyes, and the intense flash of ice blue makes my breath catch. “You’re not answering my question.”

  “You noticed, huh?”

  “What can I say? I’m smart like that.” A small smile rounds his full mouth while his thumbs make little arcs on my cheeks. It makes my stomach flip-flop with happiness.

  “Look, I appreciate your offer and all, but I think I should go alone.”

  “Absolutely not. I’m going with you.” His eyes flash with specks of gold. That must mean his wolf is getting riled up.

  All the more reason for me to face Philpot solo. If my fake boyfriend is already making enough of a scene to drag in security, then adding a wolfed-up Knox into the mix isn’t a good idea.

  I give Knox my most casual smile. “I won’t be alone. I’ve texted Elle about a million times today.” I carefully avoid sharing how she hasn’t replied yet. “She’ll show up and help.”

  Here’s the real deal on this one. I know Elle is a lost cause. My texts aren’t even going through. Still, I do not want to have Knox around while Philpot’s having one of his hissy fits. Plus, if I know His Highness of Whine-ness, I’m sure he’s called my aunties in as well. If those three show up, that’s even more humiliation. I’d rather Knox never saw any of it.

  Knox slides his hand down to entwine our fingers. “Look, Bry. I’m in this now. You’re strong, beautiful, and smart. And all the work you’ve done on the papyri? You could have been hanging with Philpot or listening to nonsense from your aunties, but you’ve chosen to do something with your life. I respect the hell out of that. I’m guessing this guy is downstairs and acting like an ass.”

  I nod. Nothing else to say to that, really.

  “So, you’re walking into a tough situation. There’s no way I’ll allow someone as amazing as you to walk into the line of fire alone. I will be at your side.”

  I open my mouth, ready to clarify who exactly will be in that line of fire. “Um—”

  “Hey, I get where you’re going with this. You’re all worried that your aunties will show or Philpot will be a freak, but you have to give me more credit than to be turned away by something like that. Please know this. Whatever happens, I will fight with everything in me to stand at your side right now.”

  Well, okay then.

  That was quite the awesome speech. In fact, I can
’t stop the huge smile that spreads across my face. “Just don’t break down any more doors.”

  Knox chuckles. “That’s between Alec and me. Over the years, he’s learned to buy them in bulk.”

  I give his hand a squeeze and then let go. I’m glad that Knox is offering to help out, but it’s a little scary how much I’ve come to rely on him in just a few short days. I have to be cautious. My feelings for him are growing too strong and too fast.

  Taking a big step away from Knox, I hitch my thumb toward the door. “I know a shortcut to the lobby.”

  “Somehow, I never doubted that.” He lowers his voice to a sexy growl. “Alec and I have seen you two on the security tapes, you know.”

  “Oh. The first time I met Alec, he knew Elle and I had, uh, visited LeCharme before, but you’ve been watching us?” Come on. I specifically hacked up a special security code to avoid video, not that I’m sharing that with Knox.

  “A little.” He gives me a lopsided grin.

  “Oh.” I can’t seem to stop saying that over and over. The urge to kiss Knox hits me again, so I decide to do the mature thing. Walk away—and fast.

  With quick steps, I lead us on the fast path to the elevator banks and press a button for the reception floor. Once we’re inside and on the move, I can’t help but notice how much fancier this elevator is than the last one that Knox and I just rode in to see Reggie. Also, I can’t help but think about the kiss we shared there, too.

  Focus, Bryar.

  Less than a minute later, the metal doors slide open to reveal the main sales floor of LeCharme. This morning when Elle and I walked in here, the place was abuzz with activity. Now, it’s absolutely quiet. Everyone stands around staring. Some buyers are leaning over display cases with half-finished purchases in their hands. All eyes are fixed on Philpot.

  Nightmare, table for one.

  The quiet is broken as Philpot marches around the sales floor while waving his arms. “Who’s in charge here? Where is my fiancée? Someone is holding her hostage!”

  Wow. He looks like a total loon. That’s an achievement, too, considering that he’s wearing a blue banking suit with a red power tie. But he’s hitting the crazy-guy vibe and then some. A few people have their cell phones out and are taking video.

  Shoot me now.

  Philpot sets his hands on his hips. That’s his I’m important, and I’m in charge pose. It usually works. But I hate it. And I hate him, really. Funny how that thought is just hitting me right now.

  I loathe Philpot Herbert Utrecht the Third with all my soul.

  Philpot steps up to a random guard. He hasn’t seen me yet. “I won’t say it again. I’m here for my fiancée, Bryar Rose.”

  I roll my eyes. That was my name right there, and he said it really loudly for all the phone cameras. Great move, dickhead. Why don’t you give out my Social Security number while you’re at it?

  Philpot scans the room. His gaze quickly stops on me. “My love! They wouldn’t let me see you. I’ve been so afraid!”

  I shake my head. “You’ve been so afraid. You.” Because, of course, this is all about Philpot Herbert Utrecht the Third.

  My fake fiancé starts to make his way through the maze of display cases. For the record, everyone is still totally quiet and watching his every move.

  This sucks.

  Well, I’ve come this far, and I won’t slink away. I march up to him and speak in a loud voice. No point whispering; they’re all listening intently anyway. “I am fine. I am not your fiancée. As of this moment, I am not even your fake girlfriend anymore. I want nothing to do with you ever again. Please leave.”

  A zing of happy energy moves through my limbs. Saying that out loud makes me feel like a million bucks. And there’s some little part of me that got extra-energized by doing that while standing a few yards in front of Knox. It’s something primal inside me, and it’s super-happy that I finally broke it off.

  In front of a crowd of people.

  With all their cell phone cameras locked right on my face.

  I. Am. Awesome.

  Like always, Philpot ignores what I said. Instead, he goes right on being the star of his own drama. “Bryar Rose!” He points to Knox, who is hanging a respectful distance behind me. “Who is this man?”

  That does it.

  Now, my rebel-reflex kicks in, and how. I stride over to Knox, grip his face in my hands, and kiss him. Hard. Whatever we did in the elevator, that was like sissy-hot compared to the smooch we share now. A few people in the crowd whistle. I’ve never felt more free.

  Leaning back, I break the kiss and look at Knox. “Sorry for using you like my boy toy, but I’m trying to make a point.”

  “What?” A sly grin rounds his full mouth. “I wasn’t done being used.”

  Philpot steps over. “How can you do this to us?”

  “There is no us. I just broke up with you. Not that we ever kissed anyway, which is technically, I think, an official requirement for dating. So the fake relationship is over.”

  More people have filtered onto the retail floor. I’m pretty sure word is getting out through the building that there’s a scene going on. Fine with me.

  Somehow, Tamara ended up not far away from us. She raises her hand. “The girl is right. If you haven’t kissed her, you haven’t dated her.”

  “Thank-you, Tamara.” I’d offer her a fist bump, but she’s standing too far away.

  All of which calls to mind the fact that Elle still hasn’t showed up yet. It’s getting on my nerves. If I should be fist-bumping anyone at this point, it should be Elle. I’m torn between irritation and worry. I sure hope she’s okay.

  Philpot runs his fingers along his chiseled jawline. “You haven’t been taking your medicine, have you?”

  With that, Knox steps right between Philpot and me. Waves of rage positively roll off the guy. “Leave Bry alone.”

  Philpot points to Knox’s eyes. “You’re a werewolf.”

  “No kidding.” I like how Knox adds a nice level of snarl to his voice.

  At these words, a chorus of gasps sounds around the room. The two people who hadn’t yet cracked out their cell phones now dig around and bring them up. Even the guard’s taking video. It’s a big deal to spot a real werewolf these days. Great.

  Philpot’s face turns pink with rage. “You’re the one who should leave. I’ve been working this girl for months. You can’t sweep in and fill her head with lies. You’re not the only one who’s powerful.”

  For a few seconds, I can only stare at Philpot. Working me? Who says that? It’s like I don’t know him at all. Plus, the way he says Knox is “sweeping in,” it’s like I’m a sack of potatoes on the shelf. And that powerful stuff? Philpot invests in hedge funds; he isn’t a superhero. A creeping sense of dread oozes up my spine.

  There’s something wrong with Philpot. Way wrong.

  But there’s no time to analyze my ex-fake-boyfriend. At last, Elle pushes her way through the growing crowd in her classic New Yorker style. “Bry, I found you. Are you okay?”

  “I’m maintaining.” I give her the side-eye. “Where have you been? A guard came and found Knox and me. No one could find you or Alec.”

  “Oh.” My guilty friend looks totes guilty.

  I know that look on Elle. She won’t blab the details here, which is fine. I can be patient.

  All of a sudden, Alec steps onto the sales floor and raises his arms. His right hand is clasped into a fist. Red light oozes out from between his fingers. I don’t know much about wizards, but I’d bet that Alec is casting a spell right now. And considering the fact that no one is noticing that fact? I’d bet that he’s casting a cloaking spell, too, which makes him one powerful wizard.

  “Hello, everyone! We’re closing down LeCharme for a few hours for some unexpected maintenance. Please follow the guards and leave the lobby. Anyone with purchases, we will finalize your transactions at a later time with a steep discount. Thank-you!”

  As he makes this announcement, Alec is a
ll surfer-boy smile and charm. His spell works, and how. The crowd simply marches toward the front door in an orderly line. Knox told me that Alec was a wizard who keeps his powers under wraps. He wasn’t kidding. In less than a minute, everyone’s gone.

  Everyone, that is, except Philpot. What is it with this guy? He stands by the revolving door and glares at me. “This isn’t over.”

  “Yes, it is over.” I point toward the street. “Go away. And for the record, I never want to see you again.”

  Philpot makes a growling noise, which is super-weird. After that, he finally marches out of the building. I’ve never been happier to see someone leave in my life.

  Once the retail floor is emptied out, Alec turns to me. “You’ve had a busy time of it. Why don’t you and Elle take the rest of the day off?”

  I could kiss Alec for offering me an out here, but it would be weird on multiple levels. Instead, I try my best to look unconvinced.

  “Are you sure?” I don’t want to look like a wimp, but between Knox, Reggie, and Philpot, I’m already over quota for overwhelming experiences.

  “Positive,” says Alec.

  At this point, Elle’s smiling so hard, it’s like she’s surrounded by a halo of happy. She tugs on my elbow. “Let’s go to my place and catch up.” One guess what she wants to talk about: Alec. I wonder if we both got our first kisses on the same day. That would be something.

  “I’d like that, sweetie.” I turn to Knox. “I know you wanted to tell me something serious, but I really need some downtime. And food.” Let’s not forget the fact that I skipped lunch.

  Knox steps closer. “What I have to talk about with you is important. It can’t wait.”

  People talk about having an inner child, but I never really met mine until this moment. Inside me, my inner two-year-old sticks her fingers in her ears and screams, La la la, I can’t hear you. In other words, whatever Knox is talking about? It doesn’t really register. All I want is to take a break.

  “Look, Knox, in the last few days, I’ve been attacked by my ex-group leader, had a conversation with an undead nut job from Julius Caesar’s army, and broke up with my fake fiancé. I really need a few hours to regroup.”


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