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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 21

by Sarah Tork

  I let her drag me into the huddle and quickly got back into the groove of the party.

  Casting aside all thoughts of James and whoever he was with now, my arms shot up as the beat of the song changed to more trance like. The dance floor became a sea of waved arms, swishing back and forth.

  A hard body grazed my back, taking me off guard. Even though the dance floor was packed and I had bumped into some people before, this touch felt different, it felt deliberate. Through the darkness, only being able to see through the light of cellphones and lighters, I caught the back of James’s black t-shirt as he made his way with his crew to the center of the dance floor, doing their version of a trance dance, but more manlier.

  If that was even possible.

  I laughed at the sight of them fist pumping in slow motion. James looked up for a split second and our eyes met. I shook my head, laughing louder as he smirked back, shrugging.

  He can’t dance for shit! I laughed turning back towards Jenna and friends, returning back to the moment, where the song and I were one.

  Yeah, this was the life!


  My eyelids fluttered open at the sound of someone slapping their car door shut. I twisted out of the sleeping bag I slept in last night in Jenna’s room.

  It was nearly seven in the morning and the sun was in the process of rising. Yawning, I stretched my joints, which still ached from dancing all last night.

  Okay well not all night. We left the party around 1:30am and got to Jenna’s house around 2am. I completely forgot that I had to work this morning and knowing that I needed the money, there was no way I was going to call in sick.

  So I had to go and work on less than five hours of sleep. The feeling that a lack of sleep casted over my body was a new one, my legs and arms felt sluggish, as well as my brain.

  I glanced out her window for a second taking in the new morning breeze, hoping it would instill some life into me. I felt like a zombie.

  “Lucky bitch.” I whispered at the sleeping beauty, sprawled sideways across her bed looking peaceful. I was jealous that she got to sleep in and I didn’t.

  Using her bathroom, I cleaned up quickly.

  I woke her up and told her goodbye before leaving. All I got was a muffled cast off and a lazy fling of an arm, which made me laugh. This was probably one of the first Saturday’s Jenna didn’t have swim practice and she was going to sleep in no matter what.

  It took me fifteen minutes to get home. When I crossed the threshold, the entire house was silent. Both my siblings were still at their friend’s houses, and mom and dad were probably relishing in a childless house for once in a long time.

  I hope to God that they’re sleeping right now. I prayed, going up the stairs as quietly as possible. I wanted to get my stuff and be out as fast as possible. I was still in my party clothes from last night, and I didn’t need an interrogation from mom asking what I actually did last night. I quickly changed my clothes, putting on my uniform and grabbed some clothes for later.

  James wanted to take me out today, but he didn’t say when and where. I sent him a quick text telling him I was going to work and that my shift was till 2pm today.

  I exited my room to an empty hallway. Mom and dad were still sleeping. Thank God. I slipped out without a trace, but stalled in front of my bike.

  Should I take it?

  I should take it, just in case he canceled. I didn’t fully trust him yet. He had been up and down with me this last month and a half, so to be safe I’d bring my own transportation. God knows I didn’t want to walk home. The club was farther than school was to walk to.

  And I felt like shit too, so the bike was the right choice.


  For half an hour, I sat on the bench in front of the bike rack after work. There was no word from James.

  Tired as I was, that didn’t stop every angry emotion under the sun from consuming me.

  My mind was telling me she told me so. I should have seen this coming, especially with his record in pulling through on his promises.

  Just as I took my lock off my bike, my phone beeped.

  New message from Tiger! I read across my iPhone.

  Tiger: Hey! I just got your message. Was passed out till about five minutes ago! I’m sorry baby!

  His apology instantly cleared part of the fire I had roaring inside of me. He probably came in late last night and had slept in, considering he didn’t have a job that he needed to wake up for like I did. The fact that he didn’t respond to my earlier text was making sense now. It made me feel a hundred times better knowing that I wasn’t being stood up and that it wasn’t same old James again.

  I didn’t want that James. I wanted the James that was going to do what he said he was going to do.

  I texted him back.

  Annabelle: it’s fine. So now what?

  I got another message from him quickly. My phone beeped seconds later.

  Tiger: Now we go out, wait for me at the club, I’m coming now!

  I stifled a happy smile as I read his message.

  He was coming.

  He was coming to get me!

  I glanced down at my outfit. I wore a pair of flared blue jeans and a simple red t-shirt that went past my hips, along with my signature black slip on chucks. Loved them!

  In no time, a horn honked startling me out of my daydream about how today’s date was going to go. I twisted my neck and did my best to not smile like an overjoyed idiot at the sight of James driving up in his black SUV.

  Play it cool, don’t make it obvious that he controls your happiness! I ordered myself as the SUV drove to a stop right in front of me. The window rolled down and James smiled at me with his Ray Bans hiding his beautiful green eyes.

  “Hi.” He said softly as I came up to the door.

  “Hi.” I said back.

  “My lips are all clean.” James smirked.


  James drove us to Mark Theatres, the same one we first saw a movie together.

  My heart melted a little at the gesture.

  “You know what this is?” He said, looking at the theatre through the windshield.

  “The first theatre we saw a movie at together.” I faced him and answered.

  “Our first date.” He answered instead and my heart nearly popped out of my chest.


  This was really happening.

  “That was a date?” I asked, stifling my lovesick reaction to a small smile.

  “It wasn’t in the beginning but in the end it was.” He reminded.

  “So what’s this now?” I sighed, leaning my head back against the seat.

  “This is our second date.” He gave me a sideways smile, reaching over for my hand, which I gladly gave him.

  He squeezed my hand and pulled it into his lap. I stared at our joined hands for a few second before asking my next question. “Are we going to watch a movie?”

  “Yep, if that’s okay with you, I love movies.” He said.

  I sighed. “So do I.” My heart rate tripled. We even liked the same things. How could this all be possible? Everything was slowly falling into place and it was heavenly.

  He smiled at me and raised our joined hands, giving my hand a soft kiss that lingered. “Let’s go baby.” He said lowering our hands and letting mine go. As he got out of the car, I struggled with my smile, if I let it loose there’s no telling how far it’d expand. I was so happy. I fumbled with my seat belt, trying to get it off so I could get this date started. I finally got the thing off and climbed out, the movie theatre in full view as I shut the door.

  I was so happy.

  I loved movies!

  James walked around the car and grabbed my hand, pulling me next to him as we entered inside the theatre. He squeezed my hand as we waited in line. My heart palpitated each time his hand flexed around mine, making me feel things everywhere.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy! I stared at him with stars in my eyes, not caring if I was bei
ng obvious anymore. He was here, with me and that’s all that mattered.


  His tongue danced against mine as my head leaned back from the force of his kiss. A bucket of popcorn, a Coke and a movie, three hours later, we were a block away from my house in his car, making out.

  Things had gotten steamy, quickly.

  “James!” I panted against his hungry lips. He reluctantly pulled back, breathing hard.

  “Yeah!” He panted. “Is it okay?”

  I nodded. “I just need to catch my breath.”

  He chuckled at that before leaning back down and kissing me softly on the lips. “You’re cute, you know that.”

  “Thanks, I think.” I murmured into his lips.

  He kissed me uncontrollably, running his fingers through my hair, among other places. I was in seventh heaven as every inch of his touch exploded tingles all across my skin. I didn’t want to let go.

  But I had to. I was late.

  I messaged mom earlier, telling her that my shift was going to run late today because someone had called in sick and that I’d be home around 5pm.

  She fell for it, but not without another beautiful reminder to maintain my calories if I decided to eat anything.

  I didn’t do that either, all though James and I did share a medium bucket of popcorn and a Coke. He ate and drank most of it, which was fine by me.

  “James.” I murmured again in his kiss. “I’ve got to go.”

  He pulled back immediately. “Really?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, my parents are expecting me.”

  James kissed me goodbye and I miserably, horribly, tragically left the comfort and heat of his touch, exiting the car and making my way depressingly back home.

  Back to mom, back to life, back to calorie counting and constant interrogation. It’d been one hell of a weekend so far. Who would have thought things would have changed this drastically, all with a simple explanation that I’d wanted desperately to make sense.


  After a surprisingly calm and peaceful dinner where I wasn’t interrogated about what I had done today or what I’d eaten, I was now in the comforts of my room, staring up at my ceiling, imagining things.

  Things like, James and me, today, holding hands, kissing. It was a sight worth a million dollars in my opinion.

  My phone beeped.

  I grinned joyously when I saw who it was.

  It was James!

  Tiger: Miss you…

  My heart melted. Really!

  I texted him back.

  Annabelle: I miss you too….

  My phone beeped almost immediately after sending the text.

  Tiger: Baby…What are you doing tomorrow?

  A smile so large broke across my face that my cheeks ached in pain. A pain I’d welcome every day from now if it involved beautiful, amazing, life altering texts like that.

  Annabelle: Nothing…

  Tiger: Good, because you’re with me tomorrow.

  I lunged backwards on to my bed, squealing as quietly as I could. This was really happening, James and I, we were getting closer and who knew what that would turn into.


  The next day, after I’d lied to my parents about going to the library to study, I met James a block away from my house at the same park he picked me up at the first time. He drove us to his house, which made me excited and nervous. At his house we were going to be all alone. His dad and step mother and his brother and sister had left town again, going to a cottage they owned. James opted to stay behind, telling them it was the first week of school and he’d wanted to stay home and study, to get a head start on everything.

  Which was a crock of bull, James didn’t seem like the type to stay home and study, especially when he could go to the lake instead.

  This time, I didn’t go up to his room. Instead, we sat in his media room down in the basement, which was an amazing rec room. There were theatre seats with cup holders and a large 72 inch television screen hanging on the wall.

  We watched two different movies, laughing, joking, cuddling and kissing with one another.

  I’d never had this much fun, especially since I was all alone with a guy. I’d never been this comfortable with a guy. This was turning out to be the best Sunday ever, in the history of Sundays.

  This led me to my next thought.

  What was going on here?

  I glanced up at James who was concentrating on the third movie he just put on. One of my favorites. Gladiator.

  “James?” I said.

  “Yeah?” He turned, facing me. But I didn’t really know how to ask what I wanted. I could feel myself growing more anxious as the seconds rolled by.

  “Nothing.” I said, returning to watch the movie. I could feel his fingers intertwine with mine, pulling them.

  “Tell me.” He ordered softly. I sighed and glanced back at him.

  “I really like hanging out with you.” I told him slowly.

  “I really like hanging out with you too.” He smiled.

  I sighed in relief. “That’s good.”

  “And that’s not all, what is it really?” He asked, warily.

  Taking a deep breath, I continued with the million dollar question. “Are you going to be watching movies with anybody else?”

  He took a few seconds before answering. “Are you?”

  “No.” I gulped, shaking my head.

  “Then I’m not either.” He answered, firmly.

  I grinned, overjoyed. “Alright then, it’s settled.”

  “Yep.” He smiled warmly. He was happy too!

  “Good!” I continued.

  “Great!” He grinned, matching my enthusiasm, making me laugh.

  “I’m going to watch the movie now.” I informed him, looking away, but he was having none of it. He pulled my arm, pulling me closer to his body.

  “I don’t think so.” He stated amusedly, an inch from my mouth. “You can’t just do that and leave me dry girl!”

  “I left you dry?” I gushed.

  He leaned closer, staring deep into my eyes, tucking a loose strand of hair over my ear. “Yep, and I’m about to claim what I deserve.”

  “And what’s that?” I giggled a breath away from his lips.

  “This!” He said loudly, then plastered his lips across mine, kissing me for the first time today. It wasn’t a delicate kiss, it was a hungry one. He leaned his body forward, pushing against mine so that my body lay back against the couch as he layed over me.

  “Anna?” He whispered, looking deep into my eyes. “Fireball?”

  “Yeah.” I responded softly, smoothing his wavy hair away from his eyes.

  “You’re cute you know that.” He stated, and then rubbed his nose against mine.

  “Yeah, I know.” I smiled and he leaned down, kissing me sweetly, softly.

  Yeah, best Sunday ever.


  “Did you hear?”

  A barrage of whispers echoed throughout the hallway Monday morning, making the back of my head tingle. I lowered my backpack to the ground, pretending to search through it as I waited to hear what news was traveling through the halls of school today that had everyone’s interest.

  Why is my heart beating so fast?

  “Donna!” The hall echoed whisperingly.

  Donna! My heart picked up in speed at the sound of her name. Her name was associated with someone else’s, especially the past few days since school had begun. Everyone knew she was out on the hunt for James.

  But he’s with you now! I tried to convince myself to ease my rapidly beating heartbeats for a second.

  Even after I’d reminded myself of the amazing weekend James and I had together, really getting to know one another, it still didn’t help. The whispers continued and by the time the echoes reached me at full blast, I only heard two words. “Hooked up!”

  With who? A small bead of sweat broke out on my forehead. The curiosity was killing me now. I’d hoped to God that it wasn’t him, beggi
ng him to make it anybody but James.

  I slammed my locker shut, the hallway behind me overcrowding by the second, class was going to start in ten minutes.

  “She hooked up with who?”

  “The new guy on the Baseball team?”


  “What’s his name again, the really cute one right?”

  “James, I think.”


  “Last night, the Baseball team had a little party out on one of the fields at the park.”

  I couldn’t think straight, my heart was beating so fast, it made noise that made my brain feel drunk.

  Last night…..last night, I wasn’t with him. He dropped me off at home around 6pm, saying that he had to go meet a friend. I didn’t think anything of it. I wasn’t going to be one of those clingy questioning types. But I didn’t know there was another party. And this was the second party he’d failed to mention.

  I could feel my body sway drunkenly. I felt nauseous and I wanted to throw up. Struggling to contain the bile from stretching out my throat, I crossed the hallway, zigzagging around people towards the washroom.

  I entered inside and thank God it was empty. I entered the stall furthest from the entrance, kneeling in front of the toilet just in time as vomit escaped me uncontrollably.

  Why! I cried to myself as I leaned back from the rim of the toilet, spitting out the last of it. I flushed the contents away and slumped down against the hard wall, panting and wiping away any leftover remnants of vomit around my lips with toilet paper. A flood of tears began flowing speedily down my face.


  Why did he do me wrong again?


  “Anna, where are you?” Jenna asked worriedly through the receiver. I didn’t go to home room after my vomit explosion in the washroom. There was no way I could face him after finding out what he did. I waited till the bell rang and the hallway to clear before leaving the premises. I called mom, telling her that my stomach was hurting and that I was coming home. I’d never taken a sick day in my life and I’d never skipped school before. So when I told her I wasn’t feeling good, she believed me and told me to come home right away.


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