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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 39

by Sarah Tork

“That was ‘I’m not in love’ by 10cc, now for all those love sick optimists out there, here’s ‘Baby it’s you’ by The Beatles, right here on Light 107 fm.” The radio hummed, filling my room with their calming voice, making me sway slowly, calmly. Soon enough, I was knee deep into another fantasy….

  “Baby,” James murmured as the warning bell rung behind us, sending whoever was left in the hallway scrambling to class and leaving James and me, to our moment. “You belong to me?”

  “Only if you belong to me.” I murmured back as his soft but coarse finger tips glided along my bare arm, making every single spot on my body tingle.


  “Baby,” James murmured with a smile, wrapping his strong arm around my waist and pulling me in. “I’m only yours.”

  “You’re crazy about me?” I smiled shyly, leaning up, stopping an inch away from his smile. Without answering, he bent down and kissed me.

  James pulled back, without letting go of my waist. “More than you’ll ever know.”

  Oh My God!

  What was wrong with me?

  Probably a lot of things, and no, I didn’t know how to fix them at this moment. What I did know was this messy situation with James wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. And in order to survive my remaining days at Royal Heights High, I had to come up with a plan.

  A plan of attack.


  I woke up fresh the next day and early.

  Today, I would show James that I was over him and that he could go screw himself. From here on out, there would be no more fantasy’s, no more daydreams, and no more giving in.

  Honest…..I swear.

  I hoped that was the optimist in me speaking and not the delusional.

  Alright, let’s do this.

  My closet, thanks to mom’s pre-weightloss shopping, actually provided me with options I never would have considered on my own.

  Meaning… clothes.

  I needed something that would make me stand out. The only thing I could think of were clothes that showed a lot of skin and left little to the imagination. Shorts and tight tops were exactly what I needed to make the impression that I wanted today.

  I had a point to prove.


  Because I made a choice, and whether it was the right choice or the sanest, it didn’t matter to me.

  I know…..I have problems.

  Call me stupid, a masochist, and even brain dead, it’s the choice I made. If played with, I choose to fight back and bring a certain ‘asshole’ to his knees, begging for my mercy.

  Hopefully Jenna wouldn’t be too upset that I wasn’t going to ignore him and move on. She’s probably going to think I’ve become obsessed with him.

  Or, she might join me.

  “Annabelle.” Mom blinked as I entered the kitchen. “Good morning, sweetheart.” Her eyes followed me as I took a seat next to a shell shocked Katherine.

  “Morning little sis,” I smiled at her and poured healthy cereal for myself. I held the box out to mom. “Is it okay that I continue eating this? I’ll eat more than usual.”

  Mom sighed and sat down, spinning a spoon in her coffee. “It’s my fault. I’ve been drilling it into your head for the last few months that you shouldn’t eat this and eat more of things like the healthy cereal. I just….I don’t….I don’t want you going down a bad path. I pushed you too much. I’m sorry.”

  “I won’t go down a bad path. I’ll switch from dieting to eating in moderation.” I promised her, pouring the two percent milk that was on the table. “You see, two percent milk.”

  “Yes, that’s what we’ll do from now on. Healthy, but not scary healthy.” Mom smiled, then took a sip of her steaming cup of coffee. She lowered her cup and eyed my outfit confusedly. “That’s some outfit darling.”

  “It’s really hot today,” I replied, avoiding eye contact.

  “Your hair might frizz in that heat, which would be a shame, all that work you put into making it straight. And I hope you don’t sweat off that light make up you’ve done.’ Mom assessed.

  “I’ll be fine.” I mumbled.

  “Are you sure?” Mom asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered her, getting busy eating my breakfast in record speed.

  I grabbed my bowl and got up, dumping it in the sink. “I’m off.” I called halfway out the kitchen.

  “Anna, wait a minute please.” Mom called, joining me as I, for the first time since school started, slid into black flip flops instead of my black slip on Chucks. “You look lovely,”

  “Thanks,” I told her, my hand on the door knob, turning it slowly. “Anything else?”

  Mom looked like she wanted to say something, but she shook her head and smiled warmly at me. “No, it’s nothing. Have a good day.”


  Jenna’s jaw dropped as I headed towards her. She was waiting at our usual spot beside the pillars next to the front stairs. “Um…who the hell are you and what have you done with my best friend?”

  “You like?” I smiled timidly, pulling at the hem of my tropical printed shorts and my tight waist level peach colored tank top. The clothes looked good on me, but I had to be careful. If I ran too fast or jumped, the shirt would go up and my navel would be exposed to everyone. I wasn’t ready to show that much skin in public just yet.

  Even if it was hot as hell in Florida.

  “Um,” Jenna cringed, eyeing my outfit for the thousandth time. “It’s nice, but it’s a little sexy for school. Maybe for the beach it’d have been nice, like a cool beach party, but Anna, we’re at school.”

  You can do this!


  “I know,” I gulped. “I did it on purpose.”

  Jenna eyed me confusedly. “Why?”

  “I made a choice,” I told her.

  “You made a choice?” Jenna repeated, with no amusement in her eyes. “Another bad one again?”

  “I don’t think so.” I blinked, taking a deep breath before continuing.

  “Spit it out,” Jenna demanded, quietly.

  “I made a choice last night,” I started, taking a sharp breath as my heart rate accelerated. “I’m going to fight back.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened. She pushed off the pillar she was leaning against. “What?”

  I gulped again. “I’m fighting back.”

  “How?” Jenna grinned all of a sudden. “By dressing like a two cent hookah!”

  “I’m serious!” I screeched, pulling at the hem of my shirt as she burst out laughing. “Is it really that bad? Have I gone too far?”

  Jenna dimmed her laugh down and became serious. “Relax,” She sighed. “I’m playing with you. I think it’s great. You look awesome. Sexy as hell and I’m a little jealous, because I want your legs.”

  “Yeah, okay.” I didn’t believe her, she had an amazing body. If anything I was jealous of her legs.

  Jenna grabbed my shoulder and eyed me sternly. “Today, is, going, to, be, a, great, day.”

  “It, is.” I matched her slow but determined tone. “He wants to play dirty and put me on blast in front of the entire school, well, let’s see him try and do it now. This girl right here, she looks good.”

  “Hell yeah she does.” Jenna rejoiced, shaking my shoulders. “We, are, going, to, rock, today!”

  “Yes, we, are.” I stated.

  “Let’s do this, we have a school to conquer.” Jenna ordered, heading up the stairs with me trailing beside her. On the patio I grabbed her bag strap as she led the way around our fellow classmates. Some were eyeing me peculiarly, especially the boys.

  “Look at all the guys staring at you Anna!” Jenna hissed, ecstatic. “Should I yell out, ‘hot girl coming through’?”

  I laughed at her comedic timing, feeling a hundred times better than yesterday.

  “Work those hips girl.” Jenna laughed, walking away to her locker, leaving me standing by myself.

  Here we go.

  I turned and all I saw were warm brown eyes and a twin
kle of amusement. Then I took in the rest of him and it was a boy I had been going to school with since freshman year. I forgot his name though. “Hey,” He grinned, eyeing me funnily. “You’re new here?”

  “No,” I grinned. “I’ve been going here since freshman year. I know who you are.”

  “You know me?” The guy’s eyes widened. “How come I don’t remember you? I’d remember a cutie like you.”

  “I know you, but I don’t know you, if that makes sense? I don’t remember your name.” I shook my head grinning, feeling my heart beat faster at the term of endearment.

  “Josh,” He replied, eyeing me in flirty way. “And you are……?”

  “Annabelle.” I replied, like ‘duh’.

  His jaw dropped. “Annabelle?”

  “Yeah?” I said.

  “I remember we had Bio last year, last period. You changed so much,” Josh mumbled, barely coherent. “You didn’t look like this before.”

  “Duh,” I grinned at him. I checked the hallway and the popular crew hadn’t arrived yet.

  “Where did you come from?” He murmured behind me, “It’s not my birthday till March.”

  I raised an eyebrow, stifling my smile. This was so crazy. The attention was making me feel weird. “I’ve been here all this time.” I could feel my face heating up on route to my locker.

  “Better than ever, right?” Josh grinned, adjusting his backpack strap as I opened my locker. “What class do you have now?”

  “English.” I answered, changing notebooks. “And yourself.”

  “Yeah, what’s your next class?” A familiar voice mocked, making my entire body freeze. In a matter of seconds, everything around me went quiet. I closed my locker and turned slowly, coming face to face with a pair of angry green eyes and a row of backward Baseball caps with their arms crossed.

  James! And the Kings of the hallway!




  Holy shit!

  “Well, what class do you have next……Studmuffin?” James sneered. His boy’s sniggered at that comment, but Josh’s face went stony.

  Asshole! I scowled at James and the rest of the Kings of the hallway. Why’d he have to do that in front of everyone?

  “I asked you a question, and you’re not answering me.” James stood in front of Josh, eyeing him sternly. “So it makes me think we got a problem?”

  “No man,” Josh murmured, taking a step away, without another glance at me. “We don’t have a problem.”

  “Then don’t ever let me see you near my girl again.” James threatened quietly, his jaw clenching hostilely. “Got it, bitch?”


  I wasn’t his girl!

  Josh nodded and speed walked away, escaping into the crowd that surrounded us. After that, it was like everything went into slow motion. The guys standing behind James rubbed his shoulders in a congratulations gesture while others slapped hands with him. He grinned widely, eyeing them and nodding like he proved his point.

  This was it. The time to show him what was up was about to start.

  I took a deep breath. “You’re an asshole.” I told him, taking a step closer towards him, eyeing him sternly. “And I’m not your girl.”

  The hallway became a whispered frenzy. The guys behind James eyed one another incredulously, like they couldn’t believe what I’d just said. I went there, in public, again.

  Oh yeah….I was out for the kill.

  I placed my hand to my waist and tilted my head to the side, waiting for him to say something. But he didn’t say anything. He just stood there, gazing blankly at me. After a few seconds the warning bell rang and the crowd dispersed. The Kings murmured their goodbye’s and fled the scene, leaving James and I, in our little stare-off.

  “You look nice today,” He murmured all of sudden, stunning me.

  I looked nice today?

  He wasn’t supposed to be saying these things to me. He was supposed to be ignoring me forever. What was wrong with him? He couldn’t keep any of his promises, good or bad.

  I shook my head, feeling my heart go BOOM. He was trying to trap me again with his famous soft gaze and heart melting tone.

  Not this time….

  Not freaking this time…..I was on a mission….I was fighting back.

  He was obviously playing with me!

  Be strong Annabelle!

  “Don’t talk to me.” I murmured and walked around him towards English. I felt his body close behind me.

  “Look who’s all strong today. What happened? Had a good pep talk with your crazy best friend from the Swim team?” James sneered behind me. “Girl power, right?”

  “Screw you,” I hissed, eyeing him deathly before heading into class and leaving him with his stupid face in the hallway. English was almost filled, and horribly, there were only two seats left, and they were together in the back row beside the window.

  James’s regular spot.

  Great….just freaking great. Now I’d have to ignore him for an entire period.

  Note to self, get to class faster from now on.

  Since James liked sitting next to the window and I walked into class first, I gladly took the seat next to the window just to piss him off. Before, when things were less hostile between us, I would have gladly given that seat to him.

  But not today….there was no mercy today.

  I struggled not to laugh as James took the seat next to me.

  “You’re in my seat, Fireball.” James stated as I took my notebook out of my bag. I kind of knew he was going to say that and I had a witty response to fire back at him, but him calling me ‘Fireball’ again left me enraged…..making my blood boil.

  “Don’t call me that,” I hissed, eyeing him sternly. “You never call me that again, you understand?”

  His jaw clenched. “Stop acting like a bitch.”

  My jaw dropped.

  Um…..excuse me?

  What did he just call me?

  Before I could fire back, the bell rang and Mr. Doors shut the front door loudly, motioning everyone to stop talking.

  I closed my mouth and shook my head at him as he started to smirk.


  “Okay, class, let’s pick up where we left off yesterday.” Mr. Doors began the lesson and I positioned my body so that James would face the side of my back. As class went on, James started making strange grunting noises on the down low. It reminded me of how he acted on the first day of school. And just like the first day, I was beginning to question his intelligence level.

  Then it got worse. And when I say worse, it was more like, ‘I can’t believe it could get worse’ kind of way.

  This guy had no shame.

  At all.

  “Oh James….more,” James moaned quietly in a soft feminine-like voice. “I want you James,”

  My jaw literally dropped to the floor. What was he thinking?


  What was wrong with him? He was such a stupid asshole!

  While Mr. Doors lectured loudly at the front, I could hear giggles from the students sitting around us. They could obviously hear James moaning. It took everything I had to not get up and hit him. I had to stay calm.

  “Baby, you make me feel so good,” He kept on going in the same hushed feminine voice. “Harder…faster, do me faster…..make me explode right now.”

  The bell rang and I quickly stuffed my notebook into my bag.

  I shook my head, desperately trying to keep my side to him so he wouldn’t see my heated face. I knew my face was turning red. After a few moments to collect myself, I faced him. He sat, leaning into his chair with a smirk on his face.

  “What?” James sneered quietly. “You got something you want to say?”

  I exhaled through my nose. “Yeah, I do.” I got up from my seat and leaned into him. “You’re a dumbass.”

  “Anything else?” James’s face became serious.

  “There are too many things I want to call you right now.”
I leaned back. “But I have to get to second period.”

  James got up and stood beside me, eyeing me firmly. “That’s too bad,” He murmured. “I like it when you insult me.”

  His fingers found their way to my bare arm, instantly resulting in intense shivers that I had to restrain my body from showing. I gave him a scowl, grabbed my backpack and rushed out of the room.

  Note to self…..don’t stand too close to James in fear of his toxic….yet alluring touch.

  Damn it!


  By the time it was lunch time, I was beginning to notice more and more ‘boys’ looking at me funnily. I hadn’t seen Josh since this morning, and thanks to James, and because I was almost positive I didn’t have any classes with Josh, I probably wouldn’t see him again.

  If James did that with every guy that approached me, there was no way I could move on.

  What was wrong with him!

  Jenna was already in the cafeteria by the time I made it to my locker. I had a few things to finish up last period and I was running a little behind. So far, fighting back wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. The ‘James’ from yesterday seemed to have dimmed down a bit….okay more microscopic…but still….I’d take any advantage I could get. He was strong and really good at fighting back, especially with his words. I wasn’t an idiot and I knew that I couldn’t take him on if he was at a hundred percent.

  I just hoped he’d stay out of my way during lunch. Or else, I might have to cause another huge scene. A little show for the cafeteria wasn’t on the agenda today, but I could make it work if need to.

  I entered the cafeteria and its loud soundtrack collided into me instantaneously, making me flinch from the high volume of it. I found Jenna at the same table as yesterday, but decided to head straight for the lunch line. I was actually starving today. Using every ounce of courage to walk into school looking like ‘not’ me had been draining, then adding dealing with James this morning, and I was low in fuel. As I took my spot in line, the guys in front of me stopped talking all of a sudden. I knew who they were, but I didn’t really ‘know’ them.

  “Hey….Anna right?” And apparently they knew me too. I glanced up at the tall red head in front of me, his blue eyes shining as he smiled.


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