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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 41

by Sarah Tork

  Jenna’s eyes widened. “Oh really? Who between the two us rocks a one piece swimsuit better?”

  Silence as Latisha’s jaw clenched.

  “That’s what I thought. Girl, please! You know my thighs don’t jiggle like yours. Don’t you even go there with me.” Jenna smirked, tilting her head with attitude.

  “Screw you,” Latisha murmured, looking uncomfortable.

  “Oh really,” Jenna mocked. “We’ll see how you feel when I get Ronald from Yearbook Club to cut your ho face out of the official team photo. And yes, I totally slut shamed you there and no, I’m not sorry I did it.”

  Latisha’s jaw dropped. “You can’t do that.”

  Jenna smirked. “I totally can do that, just watch me.”

  “You people are ruining my life!” Latisha cried and ran into the bathroom with a few of the hot girls following behind her. “Why is she such a bitch!” Latisha’s angry cry echoed out, making us all laugh.

  Jenna grinned and opened the washroom door. “Because, that’s my job. Now hurry up and find some more taken guys to hook up with so I can make your life an even bigger living hell. You’ve awakened the evil inside me.”

  “You’re mean,” I chuckled at her.

  “Thank you! Nicest thing you’ve ever called me.” Jenna grinned back, letting the door close behind her. She leaped into her team’s arms and they cheered for her. “Jenna! Jenna!”

  “Yes, yes, I am a God. Bow down to me now.” Jenna sang.

  I grinned at the whole lot of them, feeling lightness over take me.

  Sixty percent better.


  Jenna: Going to Dana’s house for a long debrief of her convo with Roy, you wanna come?

  Annabelle: No it’s okay, you go ahead. I’ll catch up with you later.

  Jenna: Are you going to be okay? I know lunch kind of became about Dana, but I haven’t forgotten about my newly just as emotionally abused best friend.

  Annabelle: I have to go to work anyways. No worries, you can’t protect me all the time, I gotta learn how to stand up for myself without you.


  Jenna: We’ll see. Anyways, off to Dana’s. Text yah later!

  Annabelle: Later.

  I tucked my phone into my bag and faced the growing crowd of the hallway. History went on without a hitch, but it was after school now, and I was about to be tested again.

  Head up, chin straight!

  You can do this!

  “You,” An angry hiss echoed into my ear, halting me. I glanced up as Donna got right into my face. “You people need to know your place.”

  Here we go….round one with the angry beast that was Donna, was officially about to begin.

  This was a long time coming.

  I narrowed my eyes at her, taking a step back. “What do you mean ‘you people’?”

  She leaned back, and was promptly joined by the rest of her hot girl crew, including Latisha who gave me a nasty scowl. “I mean you and the rest of those losers need to know your place.”

  “She broke up with him Anna,” Latisha hissed all of sudden.

  “Quiet Latisha!” Donna ordered, eyeing her deathly before giving me a cocked eyebrow. “My girl is devastated because you losers got in her business.”

  All of sudden Latisha stormed into the washroom, followed quickly by most of the hot girl crew. “Latisha! Don’t cry, he’s not worth it!”

  He’s not worth it?

  Girl, you got yourself into this mess, just like I had.

  “Look what you did.” Donna snarled, clenching her hands to her hips.

  My eyes narrowed at her trembling hands. “What I did?”

  “Yeah, you,” Donna hissed, taking a step closer into my personal space again. “You, are, always, ruining, everything.”

  “Ladies, what’s going on here?” A familiar voice interrupted. Since he was taller than the both of us, I knew it was Tom in an instant. “There’s a time and a place for a catfight, and it’s not here.”

  Then Peter jumped in. “Yeah, for one, there’s not a pool of jello or a mud hole, can’t have a catfight without one or the other!”

  Everyone around us laughed, and shockingly, Donna’s scowl vanished and she was grinning at them like an idiot. I shook my head at her. Wasn’t she about to ‘teach’ me a lesson?

  “You guys, stop it. I’m trying to take care of some business!” She hissed like a valley girl, eying them flirtatiously before turning back to me with another raised eyebrow. “You heard me, Fire – freak? Stay out of our way.”

  Fire – freak?

  Great, just great.

  My heart started beating out of my chest, everything went into slow motion. She was waiting for my answer, but I didn’t have one.

  “Donna,” Peter gasped. “Why’d you have to go there?”

  “What’s going on?” I heard James ask from somewhere.

  “Nothing,” Donna said. “Just having a friendly chat with Annabelle.”

  A friendly chat?

  Damn….I could only imagine how she’d be in an actual fight…..horror.

  James stood beside Tom and Peter, and as soon as I made eye contact with him, he started to smirk like it was all so funny.

  I exhaled and looked away. There was no point trying to find some empathy from him. “This has been fun, but I’ve got places to be.” I rounded their little group without another glance and headed outside onto the patio. My phone beeped as I hit the stairs.

  Tiger: Off to see your pussy pitcher, that didn’t take long. Well don’t worry, Donna won’t have to wait long either.

  Pussy pitcher? Then it dawned on me. He meant Dean. It was so weird. The text sounded jealous. From this morning’s incident, to the one at lunch, you’d think somebody still had feelings.

  My heart thumped as I considered that possibility.

  Don’t go there Annabelle! I thought as I typed back a message.

  Annabelle: Then do it quickly….before you lose her too.


  After a surprisingly busy two hours serving lemonade to guests for the Clubs party, I changed back into my tank top and headed out.

  I stood in front of the club, unsure if I should take the bus or walk home. It would take me some time walking home, and I didn’t have the energy, so taking the bus it was.

  I got on the bus and checked my phone for any messages, hoping there’d be one from Dean. I had one text and it was from Jenna.

  Jenna: As of tomorrow the Swim team is going to cast out Latisha, she’s out of the brotherhood. OFFICIALLY! Maybe she’ll learn a little lesson in loyalty from here on. How was work?

  Annabelle: It was busy. I made twenty dollars in tips so that was cool.

  Jenna: Anything from Dean?

  Annabelle: No, you’re the only one that texted me.

  Jenna: Well that’s good and bad. Good because that douchebag didn’t try and text you again and bad well, because of Dean. Sorry.

  Annabelle: It’s okay. I deserve a little silence. I should take some pointers from him. This is what I should have done with James the first time he screwed me over. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

  Jenna: You got that right. What are you doing now?

  Annabelle: I’m going home and I’m going to reflect.

  Jenna: I might do the same.

  Annabelle: ttyl

  Jenna: bye

  I tapped out of messages and checked Facebook to pass the time. I was about to close the Facebook app when I saw a status update from Dean.

  I forgot that Jenna added him. He probably forgot that he added me too.

  Dean: At Wilsons Arcade 6:15pm

  He was at Wilsons Arcade! The bus came to my stop, but I didn’t get off. This might be one of the only chances I have to speak with him in person.

  It was decided, I was off to Wilsons Arcade!


  The bright lights of the arcade shined brightly as I crossed the intersection. Wilsons Arcade was packed tonight, especially the front entrance ar
ea which was filled with kids my age. I made it inside after a few minutes of navigating around them. Now I had to figure out where Dean was. Just as I was about the scour the arcade area, I saw a sign for batting cages in the back. He had to be there.

  I went through more people and got to the back where there were more people, and about fifteen batting cages set up. There were short lines behind each of them. I scoured through the thick crowds of people for Deans dirty blonde hair. Luckily, surprisingly, I found him next to batting cage one, cheering loudly and with his arm around a girl.

  Okay….that was fast. I guess he’s not as devastated as I thought. Coming out of the batting cage was another familiar face.


  The joy I felt spotting them quickly dispersed once I found Joe’s arm around another girl. Dean could do whatever he wanted, but Joe, I thought he was into Jenna.

  I pulled out my phone.

  Annabelle: I had a change of plans. I’m at Wilsons Arcade.

  Jenna: Why?

  Annabelle: Because I found out on Facebook that Dean was here. I wanted to come here and explain myself.

  Jenna: Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too. I want to come too.

  Annabelle: I just got here. I found them.

  Jenna: Who’s them?

  Annabelle: Dean and friends. His arm is around another girl.

  Jenna: Well look who bounced back from depression. He should at least text you back if he’s already moving on. Is he by himself?

  Annabelle: No.

  Jenna: Is Joe with him?

  Annabelle: Yeah, but I’m sorry, he’s not alone either.

  Jenna: Wait for me, I’m coming there. Be there in twenty minutes!


  I headed to the bathroom, deciding to wait in there until Jenna arrived. Just as I was closing the stall, a few girls came in.

  “Raina,” A girl screeched. “I can’t believe it, finally!”

  “I know.” Another girl sighed. “It’s about time Dean and Joe asked us out.”

  My jaw dropped. So they were here on a date.

  “Make sure to play weak when it’s your turn batting. Dean will notice and he’ll just have to show you how to hold a bat.” Girl one giggled.

  “Denise, you do know that Dean doesn’t bat, he’s a pitcher.” Raina informed (I’m guessing she’s Raina).

  “I know, but I’m sure he knows how to bat too.” Denise (I’m assuming as well) giggled. “I hope Joe, even though he’s not on the team, shows me a thing or two about balls.”

  “Oh God, you need to control yourself, before you ruin this for the both of us.” Raina said, sternly. “Maybe Joe doesn’t like fast girls.”

  “He’s a guy. They’re not that hard to figure out.” Denise snorted.

  “Denise, don’t ruin this for me by going too fast. You know how long I’ve been waiting for Dean to ask me out.” Raina said. “You know I’m crazy about him.”

  “I know.” Denise murmured. “I won’t ruin things. I’ll be cool as a cucumber. Totally chill.”

  “Thank you.” Raina sighed in relief.

  “And after tonight, he’s going to be crazy about you. I mean look at you. My girl looks damn sexy tonight.” Denise giggled.

  “And there she goes again, a new record, what is it this time, a good ten seconds before you reverted back to your horny self.” Raina exclaimed, sounding as if she was walking away, with Denise hot on her trails, giggling deliriously behind her.

  I exited the bathroom and found Dean, Joe and the girls (I’m assuming) Raina and Denise with a few other people waiting behind one of the batting cages. All of them were laughing and smiling widely, especially Dean.

  It was in that moment I decided I would leave things as they were. Dean was happy and he didn’t need me coming and ruining his night trying to explain something that was pretty much self-explanatory. He could move on with Raina, whichever one of the girls she was. They were both cute and would probably treat him better than I did or could. And they went to the same school, so it was all for the better.

  Jenna! I remembered and pulled out my phone to text her not to come, but stopped when I saw that I got a text from her.

  Jenna: Change of plans, going to Dana’s, she’s having another meltdown. Something’s happened, she won’t say until I get to her house. Screw Dean and Joe, let them have fun and we’ll move on. Sorry, but Swim team members for life and you got this anyways. You’re strong.

  Annabelle: It’s all good. I was about to text you to not come. I’m leaving.

  I didn’t get a text back, so I assumed she was already at Dana’s. I tucked my phone back in my bag and headed around the cages, taking a few minutes to observe the process of playing. One by one, people would go inside, put on a helmet and wait with a bat while the ball shooting machine shot balls at what seemed like a thousand miles an hour.

  This was supposed to be fun?

  Maybe I should try it? It would be a new experience. I walked up to a newly emptied cage.

  “How much?’ I asked the attendant who was responsible for four cages. He was around my age and the same height as James with brown hair and blue eyes.

  “Ten dollars for thirty throws.” He smiled, eyeing me. “Don’t see many girls wanting to play.”

  “Is it hard?” I asked, gulping as I eyed the next cage which had the balls flying out like crazy.

  “I’ll put it at a low speed for you.” He smiled again. “A beginner level.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  I went inside, put on the helmet and the attendant, which I found out his name was Greg, showed me how to swing the bat. The first time the ball flew at me, I squealed out of the way. After the last ball flew and I missed it like all the other ones, I heard Greg laughing behind me.

  “It’s not funny.” I squealed, turning to scowl at him, but stopped with the bat stumbling out of my hands as I saw familiar blue eyes, grasping the fence and eyeing me deathly.

  “Dean?” I murmured, transfixed. I pulled off the helmet and Greg entered the cage.

  “You want to go again?” Greg asked as I handed him the helmet and bat.

  I shook my head. “It was fun, maybe another time.”

  “Let’s hope so.” He smiled at me and placed the bat and helmet down. He glanced in Dean’s direction and back at me. “Is that your boyfriend? He seems kinda pissed.”

  I shook my head again and murmured. “No.”

  I stepped out of the batting cage and Dean pushed off the fence, crossing his arms over his chest. “What are you doing here?”

  I smiled timidly. “To hit some baseballs.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you.” He said, bitterly. “Didn’t you get that by the way I didn’t answer your text.”

  “I got that.” I stammered.

  “Everything okay there?” Greg asked from behind us.

  I nodded, facing him. “Yeah, everything’s cool.”

  Greg nodded and turned to attend another customer.

  Dean smirked, shaking his head. “Already got another fool lined up, Anna? Damn, you work fast.”

  My eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

  “You pretend to be so innocent, but you’re not. You know exactly what you’re doing.” Dean sneered. “You played me.”

  “I didn’t.” I murmured, not wanting to make a scene, even though I felt myself go ‘there’ again with his mean accusations. I did not want to cry here.

  “You did.” He murmured back. “I’ve been going crazy these last few weeks. All I did was think about you and how much I’d screwed up on our date. All this time you were playing with that asshole James guy. You should have said something.”

  “He wasn’t my boyfriend when you met me.” I explained. “I barely knew you and he was always there.”

  “Right,” He grimaced, smoothing his hair back nervously. “Anyways, I don’t care anymore. It’s better like this.”

  “I’m sorry.” I murmured. “I never meant to hurt you.�

  “Yeah, well, it is what it is.” He eyed me sternly. I didn’t know what else to say.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmured to him after a few more seconds of silence.

  “I can’t believe you actually like that asshole.” Dean exclaimed.

  “I don’t anymore.” I exhaled and started again. “Dean, we go to different schools. And you never called after our first date. James was there to pick up the pieces.”

  Dean snorted. “You chose him over me! There really might be something wrong with you.”

  I jerked back. “Excuse me?”

  “What’s going on here?” A familiar voice, the horn dog from the bathroom called out from behind us. We turned simultaneously and the two girls he was hanging out with were approaching us with Joe running to catch up, giving a cringing look to Dean.

  “Well?” Denise demanded, eyeing me deathly. I eyed Raina, a blonde with blue eyes, who was actually very cute close up. She looked confused.

  “Ladies,” Joe exclaimed, breathily. “Let’s get back to the group. My boy here is trying to have a conversation.”

  They nodded, well Raina nodded and grabbed a reluctant to leave Denise. Denise narrowed her eyes at me as Raina dragged her away. I think she was trying to make me feel like I was doing something wrong. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Dean wasn’t official with her girl just yet, if this was even their first date. There was a whole group of them.

  Bitch Annabelle was coming out.

  “Hey Anna, is Jenna here too?” Joe asked once the girls were out of ear shot.

  I shook my head. “No, she’s at her friend’s house.”


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