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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 53

by Sarah Tork

  Jenna turned the corner, away from my eye sight. I couldn’t yell for her to stop because I’d disrupt a class. Hell, I’m surprised the ruckus from the washroom hadn’t disrupted the classrooms close by. I guess…the washrooms at Royal Heights High had good sound proofing?

  “Hey Boy Wonder!” Jenna’s voice echoed from the hallway I was about to turn into.

  Boy Wonder?

  My eyes widened. James! I jogged around the corner, instantly finding Jenna half way down the hallway marching towards a group of guys I could distinguish even from this distance. Tom, Roy, Peter and James were walking down, towards Jenna. Although, seeing Jenna storm towards them their pacing slowed down, seeming apprehensive.

  “Look what your psycho friend did to my best friend!” Jenna hissed, careful not to disrupt the ongoing classes. She pointed at me, not stopping.

  “What are you talking about?” James murmured, scowling at her for a second before looking past her shoulders at me with worry. “What is she talking about?”

  I ran the rest of the way. “Donna cornered me in the washroom.” I explained. “She wanted to teach me a lesson on the hierarchy’s of life.”

  Tom moved beside me, eyeing my shoulders. “Damn, they scratched your shoulders too.”

  James jaw clenched, fury masking every pore in his body. “Why didn’t you call me?”

  Jenna snorted. “Call you, she didn’t even call me. And yeah, Anna, why didn’t you call one of us to come and help you?”

  “My phone’s in my locker.” I explained, rubbing my shoulders while at the same time trying to hide the scratches. They weren’t that bad, I’m sure in a couple of days they’d go away.

  “Where is she?” Roy asked, eyeing the hallway.

  Jenna pointed to the washroom in the middle of the hallway. “Last time we saw them, they were crying in pain in there.”

  James marched to the washroom, but came to a halt right outside the door. He looked at Jenna. “Get them to come outside.” He growled quietly.

  Jenna went inside, I tried to follow but James’ arm quickly wrapped around my waist, stopping me. “Baby, stay with me.”

  The door popped open a few seconds later. “They’re not in there. They’ve escaped.” Jenna exclaimed, disgust in her voice.

  “They’re probably outside, by one of their cars.” Peter added, backing away toward the exit. Roy and Tom quickly joined him.

  James let’s go of my waist and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry baby, I’m going to have a talk with her. I’ll fix this. Go to the cafeteria with Jenna, I’ll be there soon.”

  “Are you sure?” I grabbed his hand, squeezing it. I could feel Jenna’s eyes roll in disgust. This was the first time I’ve done something like this with James in front of her. You know….expressing heartfelt emotion.

  “I’ll be back soon.” James promised and then ran to join the three others who were half way out the exit.

  Once they were all outside, Jenna faced me. “Hopefully they’ll check their ‘girl’ into place. I’d hate to have to touch her again just to teach her a lesson again. God knows what kind of lotion it’s going to take to get her DNA off of me?” She grabbed my arm and we headed towards the cafeteria. “Sit with me and the team today. I’ll feel better if you’re close by, that way I can be your security.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know if Dana and Tina would approve of me sitting with you guys.”

  Jenna halted, pulling me to a stop. “Why? They’re cool with you. Yeah there was that little issue yesterday, but they’re so over it.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “But you left Swim practice early yesterday.”

  “Yeah, but that’s only because I felt like crap after our fight and was in no mood to train.” Jenna explained, with a crease on her forehead.

  “I came to talk to you after practice was over, but I ran into Tina and Dana instead. They gave me a talking to.” I told her, cringing at the memory.

  Jenna’s jaw clenched. “What do you mean they gave you a talking to?”

  I shrugged. “Well…if I’m being honest…they kind of ripped me a new one.”

  Jenna’s eyes bulged. “What!”


  “Come on,” Jenna steered us towards the Swim team’s table. “I’ve got a few things to address Dana and Tina with.”

  “Wait.” I pulled Jenna, stopping her. “Why? Don’t you think they were right for scolding me?”

  Jenna jerked her head back, seeming appalled. “Hell no!”

  “But they said_” I started to say but she held out her palm, motioning for me to stop.

  “They…had no business talking to my friend, giving her crap. You’re not their best friend, you’re mine. They need to know that what they did yesterday has totally pissed me off.” Jenna hissed.

  I sighed. “What about Swim team members for life?”

  Jenna snorted. “Best friends for life will always trump that, I should have figured that out sooner.”

  “You guys,” Jenna pulled me to her table. Dana and Tina stopped talking and looked at us with open jaws. “Tina and Dana, you guys need to know a few things about my friend here. Nobody’s allowed to give her crap about the dumbass mistakes she makes except for me.”

  Their jaws dropped, looking at Jenna like she’d lost it. But before they could agree or disagree, Jenna quickly pulled me away from the Swim team’s table, far enough that we were out of ear shot. “I was so angry at you for going back to him yesterday.” Jenna murmured.

  “But Jenna_” I began but she held up her hand, motioning for me to stop.

  “Just let me say what I need to.” Jenna shook her head rapidly. “I’ve been nothing but a judgemental cow to you.”

  I exhaled. “I kind of deserved it.”

  “For some parts, perhaps, but today we should have hashed things out. I should have just accepted that James would be in your life again and moved on. I mean it’s your business. You should be able to date whoever you want. It has nothing to do with me.” Jenna stated.

  “You’re my best friend, it kind of is your business.” I sighed.

  “Some best friend I am. I had no idea you were being tag teamed. If it wasn’t for Latisha texting me, and I almost didn’t read her text too…..Things could have been so much worse.” Jenna shivered from the thought, as did I.

  Now that I really thought about it, I didn’t know how I would have taken on Donna and Stacey alone.

  The cafeteria doors popped open, bringing in a collection of animal noises. Following the over indulgent noises, James rolled in with the rest of the Baseball team, heading for their table. He seemed calm, causally walking with Peter at his side. They were in the midst of discussing something, so our eyes didn’t meet.

  Donna rolled in afterwords, looking upset. She headed with Stacey hot on her tail, limping towards the rest of the ‘hot’ girls who were seated together with Latisha. Donna’s eyes found mine and I was greeted with a nasty snarl. The way her lips curled reminded me of an angry/agitated panther on one of those Discovery channel episodes on life in the jungle. Oblivious to Donna marching towards them, Latisha and the ‘hot’ girls laughed loudly. Right as Donna arrived at the head of their table, Latisha rose from her seat and pointed to an empty table across the cafeteria. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but it didn’t look pretty. Donna scowled at Latisha, saying something to her beneath the shield of clenched teeth. It was a growl, obviously. Latisha, all of a sudden pointed to me and then made a crazy sign with her hand, directing it towards Donna. Latisha pointed to every girl at the table and they all nodded. It kind of reminded me of an election, a silent one since I couldn’t hear them battle/campaign. It ended with Latisha victorious, as every seated ‘hot’ girl waved Donna and Stacey away.

  “No crazies allowed there, huh? Looks like someone was just kicked out of the group she created. Latisha actually overthrew Donna, I can’t believe.” Jenna exclaimed, watching the scene with me.

  “Latisha made her move.” I murmured, i
ncredulous. “She didn’t just text you out of the goodness of her heart.”

  “I should have known she had an ulterior motive. She wants the title of Queen ‘B’, well it’s hers now, or it will be inevitably.” Jenna smirked. She turned, and I followed facing James, who was seated with the rest of the Baseball team. His back was to the table top and he was staring at us. “You’ve got my blessing, Anna. Go be with your man. Give him a huge hug or whatever it is you guys do to express ‘lovey dovey’ stuff to one another.”

  I chuckled. “You sure, you’re not going to change your mind later and declare that he’s still an asshole for acting like a dick earlier in the week?”

  “Oh, he’s still an asshole who acted like a dick earlier this week. But don’t worry, you tell Boy Wonder that your BFF is going to be hard at work coming up with a suitable punishment for his unharmonious actions.” Jenna smirked.

  “Really?” I grinned. “Damn, now he’s going to probably be nervous with anticipation, especially after I explain how bad your punishments can be.”

  Jenna grinned. “Then I better get started. The sooner I declare a punishment the sooner I can sit back and laugh at him squirm.”

  I laughed at her dramatic delivery. “So it’s really all good?”

  “Yeah, it is. Be happy Annabelle. It’s about time, don’t you think?” Jenna smirked, walking backwards.

  I smiled at my best friend and made my way to my….sigh…boyfriend. He was waiting for me.

  “Oh my God, Anna!” Becky all of a sudden at my side, exclaimed. She eyed my shoulders. “Is the rumor true? Did Donna and Stacey really try and attack you in the washroom?”

  “Unfortunately, but it’s okay.” I stopped, and stared at Jenna taking a seat next to a sullen Tina. “My best friend was there for me.”

  “Dude, next time something like that happens, call me, text me. I’m there, a hundred percent.” Becky stated. “I’m kind of sad I missed out, I wished you’d called me too. What I wouldn’t give to have an opportunity to take a swing at that narcissistic psycho.”

  I laughed. “Alright, the next time I get into a fight with Donna, I’ll call you for backup.”

  “Good.” She nodded, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. “What are new friends for, right?”

  I smiled at her, the term ‘new friends’ making my insides feel all warm and fuzzy. “How are things with Johnny?”

  She let out an exasperated moan and shook her head. “That guy is a walking box of confusion. Check this out, he texted me like crazy all last night, begging for me to hear him explain ‘what really happened’. Then I get to school this morning and he’s flirting with Carla, right beside my locker?”

  My jaw dropped. “Carla, as in your closest friend?”

  “Ex closest friend as of a couple of hours ago. I don’t have time for disloyal friends like that, especially when I’m spoiled with choice right in front of me.” Becky eyed me, grinning.

  I laughed for a few seconds before feeling an arm pull me into a hard embrace. “Excuse me, ladies.” James murmured, curling me into his body. “But I just can’t wait any longer for my baby to come to me.”

  Becky laughed and began to walk away. “I totally get it, quality time. Anna, I’ll talk to you later.”

  Peter walked up to her. “You don’t have to go. Join us?” He motioned with his chin at their table.

  “Really?” Becky murmured, eyeing me in confusion. “But, I’ve been sitting on the Soccer team’s side since school started. Aren’t I like the enemy?”

  Peter wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “We ‘Baseball’ players don’t discriminate, especially when it comes to cuties like you. We won’t hold it against you that you’ve been sitting on the wrong side. We’re all allowed one or two mistakes in life. Come on, Cutie, you can sit beside me.”

  “Okay,” Becky murmured, dazed. Peter guided her to the Baseball team’s table, pulling her down next to him.

  I took a seat next to James, holding his hand tightly in my lap. “Well, it’s been an interesting lunch, hasn’t it?” I chuckled, bewilderedly.

  James squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry this happened to you. If I knew she’d try and tag team you in the washroom, I would have said something to her earlier. A warning or something.”

  “Is everything okay now? You spoke with her right?” I gulped.

  “Yeah,” James breathed. “She wasn’t happy at the end of our ‘conversation’, but she finally gets it now.”

  “That it’s you and me, Tiger?” I asked, hoping and knowing what the answer was.

  James gave me a small smile, however, it melted my heart nevertheless. “Yeah, Fireball. You and me.”


  I wasn’t naïve, I just….I just….I just chose to accept his answer…..since everything with Donna had been sorted.

  I hoped at least.

  So this is what happened. The boys had a talk with Donna and Stacey outside. Apparently after Jenna and I left the washroom, those two high tailed it to Stacey’s car to hide out till lunch was over. What they didn’t count on was James, Tom, Roy and Peter to come running up to them, demanding answers as to why ‘Donna’ attacked James’ girlfriend, especially when they were all supposed to be ‘friends’ and that it was a ‘bitch’ move for her to do. That was as far as they went into that conversation, and the topic quickly changed to the bogus meeting they were all forced to go to. It had eaten up half of the lunch period and the only reason they weren’t as angry was because it was Friday. If the meeting had happened earlier in the week, there would have been some grouchy Baseball players.

  “Baby, I don’t want you to go.” James murmured into my lips, lifting me up by my hips.

  My eyes widened. We were in the hallway, right outside of my History class. “James, put me down. People are staring.”

  “So what. Let them watch. Nothing’s going to stop me kissing my girl. I won’t see you till tonight.” James pouted, kissing me again and not letting me respond. I guess he did, kind of, make sense. We weren’t going to be seeing each other till tonight. He had practice this afternoon and I was planning on heading home right after school. We planned a chill night…relaxing with one another, carefree…eating frozen yogurt.



  “See you later, Fireball.” James smirked an inch away from my lips, placing me back down and heading to his shop class with Peter and Roy.

  “Well that was…..” Jenna started to say.

  “Amazing…exhilarating….heart melting?” I offered, practically swooning as I watched the contours of my man’s back as he rounded the hallway.

  Jenna snorted, pushing me into class. “Actually I was going to say, stomach quivering…..bile rising….nastiness. You were close though.”

  My heart warmed as I laughed at her delivery. What a great way to end the school day, even though most of lunch was crazy.

  That was the optimist in me….

  I sat in between Tom and Jenna. All through class I had the biggest grin on my face. My best friend was talking to me again and she was going to support my relationship with James. I couldn’t ask for anymore to be happy.

  “Date night tonight?” Jenna rolled her eyes at the end of class.

  I nodded, beaming. “Yep, we’re going for frozen yogurt.”

  “Sweet!” Tom exclaimed. “I can’t wait. Big Tom here loves his frozen yogurt.”

  “It’s a date duffus!” Jenna screeched at him. “Only two people allowed.”

  “What? No fair!” Tom pouted to me. “Well, I don’t care. Big Tom wants his frozen yogurt and if you guys happened to be sitting in one of Yogurty’s booths, all sweet and cuddled up, not to worry, I’ll keep you company and I’ll help you finish any last bits of frozen yogurt you can’t finish.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes and started to slowly walk backwards. “Anna, call me later.” She shook her head at Tom and turned the corner.

  “Your friend is a firecracker!” Tom smirked. �
�Me, like, a, lot!”

  “Later, Tom.” I laughed, heading towards my locker.

  After emptying and reloading my bag, I decided to make a stop to the washroom, because for once, I needed to use it. Right as I was about to head into my washroom, I stopped just outside the entrance. I felt funny going in there all alone, especially after lunch time. I turned around and decided to use the washroom Becky used often. Donna didn’t have any classes around there, so I wouldn’t have to worry about her hanging about, eyeing me and following me inside for another round. The hallway crowd dimmed quickly and by the time I made it to that washroom, there was barely any students left. I entered an empty washroom. It kind of felt weird being in here. I entered the last stall and shut the door. Right as I was about to do what I needed to do, the entrance popped open. A clicking noise echoed in as someone obviously came inside. Whoever came inside stood in the center from what I could see through the gap of the stall door.

  “Answer your phone!” A familiar voice screeched for a few seconds before I realized who it was.


  Oh no not again!

  She actually followed me again!

  “Where are you?” Donna whimpered, dramatically. “I’ve been calling you all day. You only picked up once this morning. You don’t care about me, is that what this is?”

  She was on the phone. I stayed frozen, trying to hear exactly what was being said.

  “You said you would always be there for me Dougie.” Donna cried. “So how come you’re just calling me now?”


  “But you said you were going to talk to him!” Donna whimpered. “I thought you understood how I wanted my senior year. You promised me!”

  Who was she talking to? There was no one at our school named Dougie, or Doug… least not in our senior class.

  “I know you let us use your cabin, but he kept pulling away from me, and there’s that stupid video that Latisha put up on Facebook showing him blowing me off. Everyone’s already watched it and Latisha wouldn’t take it off until I made her at lunch yesterday.”


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