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The Goodbye Girl

Page 15

by Angela Verdenius

  He squeezed her hand again, that gentle, comforting contact that touched her to her soul. For the first time someone actually cared. That he didn’t ask questions or interrupt was welcome. It meant she could talk, follow her thoughts as she remembered.

  “It wasn’t all bad, you know. Mum was an okay sheila if a bit on the warped side now and again. She kept me clothed, fed and educated, even if the education was more advanced in sex ed, and that more through accidental show than tell.” She gave a shudder. “Some things kids aren’t meant to see their parent doing.”

  Silently, Nick nodded. His thumb stroked along the side of her hand.

  “Anyway, we only stopped travelling when I insisted on getting a job and training to be a hairdresser. Mum still went out on forays and I joined her when I could, but I wanted more than just drifting around from place to place, chasing UFOs and other things. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe, it was that I didn’t want my life to be like hers. I wanted more.” Bree paused, remembering. “I wanted stability, a regular income, a career. I wasn’t as obsessed about the hunts. For me it was becoming more of a hobby when I had the time and inclination. Mum didn’t understand and we kind of went our own way during the week, coming together on weekends. I had just started my apprenticeship when Mum got killed in a car accident. Tests showed she was full of happy weed and probably died quite relaxed. Kind of ironic, really, but at least she didn’t take anyone with her. God, I still miss her.”

  “She was your Mum.” Nick broke the silence. “Your Mum is always your Mum.”

  “Yeah. I know she loved me, and I loved her. Still do, that’ll never stop. She did her best by me, even if her best was questionable by other’s standards.”

  Nick looked at her. “Your Mum did a great job raising you, honey. You turned out perfectly.”

  As sweet as that was, it made her uncomfortable. She gave a self-deprecating smile. “I’m a nutty UFO hunter and believer, Nick, don’t forget that. I’m a hairdresser who chases weird things for a hobby.”

  “And you’re a fully functioning human being, don’t forget that.” He paused. “Everyone needs a hobby. Mine is knitting.”

  That had her staring. “Really?”

  “No. I just thought I’d throw it in there.”

  She elbowed him in the side, making him grunt. “So that’s my deep, dark secret, soldier boy. What about you?”

  “Hmm, my life is pretty bland in comparison.” Nick continued rocking the swing chair with his foot on the veranda. “I lived in a three by one house in Perth, went to school, and helped my Dad in his repair shop after school and on weekends. I left school after year ten and trained under him for two years. Our plan was always for me to go into partnership with him, take over the shop when he retired.” Nick’s gaze wandered down to Bast as she walked up the steps onto the veranda. “I liked working with my hands, liked repairing and building things. Dad and Mum got killed in a car accident, too, and I was kind of lost. Had no other relatives. I was just an eighteen year old kid with a house and a shop that I wasn’t properly trained to run. So I sold the house, sold the business and went into the Army. I belonged there, it became my life. I’ve served in different countries, made and lost some good friends. Still have some good friends.”

  It was her turn to give his hand a gentle squeeze.

  Nick returned it. “I’ve come to Whicha before with Alex, so I know what you mean about this town. It calls to me, too. Small, friendly, everyone knows everyone. The bush, the rain, the sun, the fields. The UFO phenomena kind of caught me by surprise, but hey, I’m always open to new experiences.”

  Seeing Bast strut closer, Bree patted her knee. The blue-pt Siamese jumped up onto her lap, sniffed Nick’s hand and curled up into a ball, her purring filling the air as Bree stroked her.

  “Even in the Army with so many people around it can get lonely.” Nick tickled the top of Bast’s head, rubbing between her ears and making her purr louder. “Almost everyone gets letters or packages from home, talk to their families on Skype, email. I had no one. Until the day your address was given to me, the next lonely soldier boy chosen to get letters and care packages from The Goodbye Girl.”

  “Who’s The Goodbye Girl?”

  Chapter 6

  Nick hesitated.

  Startled, she shook her head. “Not me? That can’t be me.”


  “Oh, Nick, surely not?” When he just glanced at her, she held up one hand palm up. “Why call me ‘The Goodbye Girl?’”

  “Don’t be offended.”

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “You have no idea how much your letters have meant to lonely soldiers over the years. You’re quite well-known amongst the unit. You’ve brought a touch of home, laughter, to the soldiers who have written to you. But everyone knows that when they finally go home, or meet a woman of their own, that you say goodbye and take on another lonely soldier. Your nickname is ‘The Goodbye Girl’, but it’s said with affection. Don’t be offended. It’s considered an honour to be chosen to be a pen pal to The Goodbye Girl.”

  “Really?” Absurdly, she felt pleased. “Though I’m still not sure about ‘The Goodbye Girl’ tag. Why not ‘The Hello Girl?’”

  “Doesn’t really have the same ring to it.”

  “Huh. Should I start signing my letters from ‘The Goodbye Girl’?”

  “Don’t you dare. The soldiers will skin me alive. You’re in possession of a top secret nickname.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Really.” He stroked Bast. “You’ve been writing for years, haven’t you?”

  “I started when one of Mum’s UFO friends went into the Army. I really liked him, had this secret fourteen year old crush on him, poor man. But he kept writing to me, and I’d write to him, and then he was coming back to Australia and asked me if I’d mind writing to another soldier. I liked the idea, said yes, changed my age to eighteen so no one would freak out and my letter writing career to military men continued. I’ve written to hundreds over the years, probably. Never did keep count.” Bree paused. “My God, I’m a letter whore.”

  Nick’s chuckle rumbled through the quiet.

  “I really am my mother’s daughter.’

  “Only the good parts.”

  “How would you know?”

  Nick tapped the side of his nose.

  “Oh right. Mind reader.”

  “Intuition, but if it makes you feel better, we can go with mind reader.”

  Hesitating, she looked at him, wanting him to know something she’d never told another soul, had never felt the need to until this moment. She wondered why it mattered, why she should even care, but it did.

  Not quite knowing how to start, what to say, she opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, then looked down at Bast.

  “Tell me,” Nick said quietly.

  “You’re not even looking at me. How did you know I was going to say anything?”

  “Honey, I know.”

  “That’s creepy, and not really in a good way.”

  “Tell me.”

  Now that she had an opening, embarrassment crept through her. “Um…”

  He waited.

  “Nick…so…” She coughed. Sighed.

  “I’m not going to judge you, Bree. Just tell me whatever is on your mind.”

  She blew out a breath. “Fine. Okay.” Scratched her head, dislodging the ponytail holder. Gathering her hair up she piled it on top of her head and secured it with the holder. With nothing further to put it off, yet wanting him to know, she said hurriedly, “My Mum…she slept around.”

  Nodding, Nick’s gaze slid to her.

  “I’m not…I don’t…it’s not me.”

  He nodded again.

  Looking down at Bast, she fiddled with one of the soft, blue ears. “I just… If we’re going anywhere, you know, if anything’s between us, or going to be…” She frowned.

  Nick shifted, his hand leaving hers, and Bast jumped off in a huff as Bree looked
up, startled.

  Facing her, his big hand cupped her cheek, his gaze steady on her. “Tell me what you feel, what’s wrong. Just talk to me, Bree. You can always talk to me, tell me anything.”

  “Not that easy.”

  “Try me.”

  “I’m not easy.”

  “I figured that.”

  “No, I mean I’m not easy as in I don’t sleep around. Seeing my Mum, what she did, what the men did, how they treated her before and afterwards, I…” Bree bit her lip, then straightened her shoulders. Damn it, she had nothing of which to be ashamed. Lifting her chin, she stated boldly, “Going out together doesn’t mean I’ll sleep with you.”

  There wasn’t a thing on Nick’s face that gave her any idea what he was thinking. His thumb still brushed her cheek, his eyes gazed into hers, and he didn’t shift.

  Wondering what he was thinking, she refused to break eye contact.

  His eyes warmed. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” That was it? No arguments? No enticement?


  “You’re really okay with it?”


  “No blue balls excuse?”

  His hand jerked, a surprised laugh exploding from him. “Oh lord, honey, the things you say!”

  “I’m just surprised, you know? There’s a been a couple of men over the years who wanted to get into my plus-size panties, they didn’t understand when I said I was saving myself for one man only, if I ever found him. And he’d have to be special.”

  “I see.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. You’re saving yourself. I respect that. No arguments.”

  “Wow.” She eyed him suspiciously. “Really?”

  Leaning forward, he kissed her chastely on the forehead. “Absolutely.”

  “So you’re not even going to try?” The words were out before she even thought about it, but hell, she was disappointed. And wasn’t that the kicker? Jesus, she’d just told a man she’d probably never shag him and he was happily accepting. A sudden thought caused her to draw back from his hand, disappointment and a touch of humiliation filling through her. “Oh. I’m not surprised, I guess.”

  Nick’s eyebrows shot up. “Pardon?”

  Turning to face forward, Bree put both feet flat on the veranda. “I get it. It’s not that unusual.”

  “Oh no, you don’t.” His voice was no longer easygoing, it rang with command. “Spill, Bree.”

  Trying to sound breezy and uncaring, she waved one hand dismissively. “Forget it.”

  “Not in this lifetime.”

  “Look, it’s nothing.”

  “You have five seconds to spill the beans.”

  “Or what?’

  “Or I pull down those plus-size knickers and - hang on.” His eyes narrowed.

  She knew they were narrowed because she was looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. But all she heard was - “What do you mean, you’re pulling down my plus-size knickers?”

  “Goddamn it, Bree! Really? Are you bloody serious?”

  Startled at his vehemence, Bree shot to her feet.

  Nick was just as fast, but his next action took her off-guard. In one swift move he had her pinned back against the wall, his hands braced each side of her head as he leaned down to glare into her startled face. “Are you bloody serious?”

  “Uh…” was all she could manage. Holy crap, the man moved fast.

  God, she must be one sick puppy, because wow, having him all authoritative and menacing like this, wow… Alien residue? Because liking a man like this was freakin’ weird.

  Well, liking Nick like this was freakin’ weird, because if any other man had pulled this shit, he’d be eating his nuts, they’d be so far up his throat.

  Somehow, she knew if she tried that with Nick she’d be regretting it, because he wouldn’t be the kind of man to just take it. When he got back up, he’d be looking for vengeance.

  Oh lordy, the cheap, dirty thrill that shot through her at that thought just didn’t bare contemplating. God, she’d never smoked whacky baccy in her life yet look at her, having weird thoughts. Weird, dirty, kinky thoughts.

  “You better answer me, Bree. Right now.”

  The steel in his low, tight tone broke through her musings, bringing commonsense flooding back. Recalling the reason for this latest confrontation had her getting her back up, because hell, she knew what was happening.

  “And just what is happening?” Nick growled.

  Oops. Had she said that out loud?

  “Back off,” she snapped.

  “Not happening.”

  “I’ll knee you in the nuts. You have been warned.”

  “I’ll smack your arse. You have been warned.”

  Her mouth fell open. Well, hallelujah, her dirty thoughts had been given voice. Wait…what? “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “You have no idea what I’d dare.” His eyes glinted a warning. “Want to try it?”

  Jesus, yes. What? No. Hell no!


  She blinked up at him.




  “What are you doing?”

  “Countdown. Two.”

  “For what?”

  “Sore arse coming up. One.”

  “Holy crap! I’m fat!”

  The silence that fell between them was…loud. The birds twittered in nearby trees, Sheba screeched somewhere behind the house, a breeze rustled in the leaves, a distant car engine hummed along the road.

  Nick kept looking at her, the anger inside him leashed but nevertheless tangible in the very air. His gaze bored right into her, and she wondered if it was burning a hole in her brain.

  “What did you just say?” The quiet menace in his low tone had a lick of fire in it.

  Controlled or not, the man was furious.

  “Um…” Nervously, she licked her lips.

  “Answer the question, Bree.”

  “Holy crap?”

  His nostrils actually flared. The fire of his anger was back-lighting his eyes. Or maybe that was just her overactive imagination.

  “I think I hear the phone ringing.” Placing both hands on his chest, she pushed.

  He didn’t shift an inch. “You’re going nowhere until we sort this out.”

  “Nothing to sort out.” She huffed, trying to still her quavering nerves. “Nick, really-”




  “Shit. Are we doing this again?”



  “Because you’re not answering something that affects both of us. Two.”

  “Oh, come on.”



  He grabbed her shoulders.

  “I’m fat!” Geez, who knew she could cave so easily?

  Big hands released her to again slam against the wall either side of her head. Hard eyes pinned her to the spot.

  Her palms got damp and so did her panties. Eureka, she’d just discovered she liked some force. But only from Nick, it would seem. No other man had ever made her emotions churn between fear, panic and desire like he could. Damn him. Had to be alien residue.

  Or maybe it was just Nick residue. She had a feeling it was Nick residue.

  “Let’s get this straight right now.” His jaw was square, a muscle ticking in it reinforcing his anger. “You’re a big girl-”

  “Wow, don’t hold back on my account, Nick.” Prick.

  “I’m laying it on the line, Bree. Honesty all the way.”

  “Is that so?” Arse. Good looking, but still an arse.

  “You’re a big girl-”

  “Repeat it once more, why don’t you?”


  Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “What?”


  “Holy crap. I’m sorry, okay? Fine, go ahead! Explain!” Her arse cheeks were almost clenched a little
in fear.

  Kinkily enough, also a little in excitement, but mostly fear. Fear won out this time.

  Reaching out, he cupped her chin, but his grip wasn’t ruthless, just firm. Strong. His gaze bore into her. “You’re a big girl. I don’t care. I like your curves, I like your body, I sure as hell want to see a lot more of it. I like your laughter, your character, even your mood swings-”

  “Mood swings? Hang on a minute-”


  “Oh God.”


  This time Bree kept her mouth shut.

  His gaze drifted across her face. “You’re learning.”

  That had her gritting her teeth.

  His smile held a hint of amusement, but his gaze remained hard as he locked his gaze to hers. “Listen up, woman. I want you. I want you beneath me, above me, bent over in front of me, pretty much anyway I can take you. I like a woman who can take some handling, who is the exact opposite of me. I like softness in a body, I like fleshy parts. Big boobs, big hips, plump thighs. But I wouldn’t care if you were built like a broom stick, I’d still want you. And do you know why?”

  Mouth slightly agape as she listened in awe, she shook her head.

  “Because you’re Bree Ford, my Goodbye Girl. I want you. I don’t care if you’re skinny or fat, short or tall. I don’t care about the colour of your skin - you could be pink with purple polka dots and I’d still want to bury myself inside you, so far inside that you wouldn’t know where I started and you stopped. You hearing me?”

  Was the sky blue? Did birds fly? Did fish swim?

  Bree nodded dumbly.

  “I respect you enough that I’m willing to wait for you to realise that I’m the right man for you. Still listening?” At her silent, wide-eyed nod, he continued, “Good. Right now I am so tempted to drag you inside, strip you down and lick you all over like an ice cream.”

  Holy crap, her knees were weak. She had to lock them just to keep herself from sliding down the wall in a limp, hot heap of quivering sexual desire.

  His eyes were now burning with carnal lust. “I want to shove you onto the bed, drape those luscious thighs across my shoulders and just drive into you. Drive hard and fast and so deep. But I’m not going to. Know why?”


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