The Goodbye Girl
Page 21
“How are Jack and Will taking that?”
“They have no idea. It’s being done behind Paul’s house.”
“Do they have all those tools they need?”
“I don’t ask. I just warn the naughty boys and watch them go off to their doom.” Harly shook her head. “There’s no telling them.”
Bree grinned. “You love having Alex home.”
“You must miss him so much when he goes away.”
“You have no idea how much.” Harly paused, lifted her gaze to where a photo of her and Alex sat on the wall.
Curiously, Bree looked at the photo. She’d seen it many times but had never really taken notice. Alex and Harly were embracing, cheek to cheek, smiling at the camera. Eyes warm with love, Alex’s arm was protectively surrounding Harly, holding her close. There was no denying the love between them, it was plain on their happy faces.
She looked back at Harly to find her peeling a potato. “Why don’t you ask Alex to leave the Army and stay here?”
“Because he loves the Army. It’s his career.”
“But if he loves you…”
“He loves me. I don’t doubt it. And he’d leave the Army in a heartbeat if I asked him.” Harly looked Bree squarely in the eyes. “I love him too much to ask him.”
“You don’t think he’d be happy here?”
“Alex is always happy here. He’s happy in the Army, too. When I married him, I knew he’d go away, knew he’d fight for the freedom of our country. The Army is just as much a part of him as I am.”
“Huh. And you’re content to wait for him?”
Picking up the iced chocolate, Harly took a couple of mouthfuls before placing it back on the bench and resuming peeling vegetables. “Yes, I am. I had a life here before Alex, I have a life here when he’s home, and I have a life here when he’s gone. Having him come home makes it richer, no doubt about it, but I’m content to continue living my life while he’s away, and sharing it when he’s home.” Harly glanced at her. “I’m happy. He’s happy. It works for us.”
Suddenly realising how nosey she was being, Bree blushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. It’s not my business.”
“No,” Harly agreed quietly. “It isn’t, but I don’t mind telling you because it’s true. I don’t care what other people think, as long as Alex and I are happy.”
Unable to help it, Bree asked hesitantly, “What if he decided to leave the Army and live here permanently? Wouldn’t he drive you mad if you’re so used to being alone?”
“Any couple living together do things that annoy the other, its human nature. I’d be the happiest woman alive if he stayed here. I’m also the happiest woman alive when he’s off doing what he loves, too.” Harly smiled. “I’m the happiest woman alive, full stop.”
Bree had no doubt about that. It was kind of heart-warming. “I’m glad.”
“Me, too.” Harly started another potato. “So you’re wanting advice.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Bree pushed a stray lock of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear. “Nick.”
“What about Nick?”
“He’s a nice bloke.”
Harly nodded while continuing to peel.
Not having her friend watch her while she stumbled through questions made it a little easier. Bree ran her fingertips through the condensation on the plastic cup. “Really nice.”
“One of the nicest.”
“Keeps his word.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less of him.”
“Yeah.” Bree watched Harly pick up a parsnip. “Yuck.”
“Don’t like parsnip, huh?”
“Does the word ‘ew’ mean anything to you?”
“I’m thinking you don’t like parsnip.”
“You haven’t tasted it in my stew. You wouldn’t know it was there.”
“Unfortunately, I do know. I’m watching you peel it.”
Harly grinned.
It was a nice diversion, but over. Bree focussed back on the problem at hand. “When did you know it was time to know…with Alex.”
“The wedding plan discussion?”
“No. The other thing.”
“How to stop his brother Marty from pulling my mother’s leg until it fell off?”
“No. The other thing.”
“Are we talking sex?”
Bree nodded.
Harly looked at her. “Are you worried about sex with Nick?”
Put so bluntly, it had the power to make Bree wince just a little. “When did you know it was the right time with Alex?”
“Didn’t your mother ever talk to you about this?”
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” Feeling suddenly stupid, Bree started to slide off the stool. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t-”
“Get back up there, missy.” Expression stern, Harly jabbed the vegetable peeler at the stool. “Right now.”
“Really, this was silly. I-”
“I swear, you take off now and I’ll chase you in my car.”
“That’s a little extreme.”
“You’ve never seen me extreme. Now sit.”
Feeling decidedly chastised, Bree got back up on the stool.
Harly, bless her cotton socks, recommenced peeling vegetables. “So, you’re worried about you and Nick having sex.”
“Well, not really the sex part.” One thing she wasn’t going to confess was her virginity. She wasn’t ashamed of it, she just wasn’t going to broadcast it. “When to have it.”
“Ah. I see.”
Bree was glad she did, because Bree certainly didn’t. She was in a bit of a fog.
“Has he asked you?” Harly asked. “Made any overtures?”
“Overtures. How delightfully old fashioned.”
“Don’t make me force you to peel the onions.”
“Sorry. Overtures.” Bree paused. “Um…we’ve kissed.”
“That’s always a good start.”
“Kind of had a little grope.”
Harly nodded.
“Or two. Two gropes.”
“Well, it’s probably been more ‘cause we’ve been going out for a few weeks now.”
“A lot of kisses.”
“Uh huh.”
“Pretty hot kisses, actually.” Just the memory of some of the more lustier ones had Bree’s toes curling in her fluoro pink sneakers.
“All natural,” Harly stated calmly. “Sounds good so far.”
Bree stared at the chopping board. “That’s as far as it’s gone.”
Silently, Harly started peeling onions.
“You know, I want to go further.”
Harley continued peeling.
“I’ve never wanted to go further with any other bloke.”
“Nothing wrong with that.”
“Yeah. But now…”
“You want to go further.”
“But when?”
“Only you can know that.”
“See, I come to you for advice. You have to advise me.”
Taking the vegetables to the sink, Harly washed them, patted them dry and brought them back to the chopping board. Slicing carrots, she glanced at Bree. “Doesn’t Nick initiate anything that lets you know when he wants it?”
“Nick wants it,” Bree said bluntly. “He’s just being noble.”
“In what way? Holding out?”
Bree laughed a little. “Nick would have sex in a flash if he thought I was ready.”
“He doesn’t think you’re ready? How does he know that?” Harly sounded genuinely perplexed.
“Well, doesn’t Alex know when you’re not in the mood?”
“Sweetie, when it comes to Alex, I’m always in the mood.” Harly laughed at Bree’s expression. “Okay, yes, he knows when I’m not in the mood. It’s rare, but does happen. Sometimes I just want to cuddle.
He knows it, and we cuddle.”
“When you’re not boinking like bunnies,” Bree said dryly.
“Yep.” Harly said it so happily that Bree had to laugh again. “Okay, back to you. So Nick doesn’t think you’re ready.”
“What gave him that idea?”
Bree took several mouthfuls of iced chocolate, welcoming the cool slide of it down her throat. “Well, my Mum was a little loose when it came to men, not fussy, you know? Turned me off a little.” Ah, to hell with it. She sighed. “I decided not to settle for second best. I waited for that special man. I wasn’t dropping my daks for just anyone.”
“And you told Nick.”
“I think I’m starting to understand now.”
“Good. He won’t have sex until I’m ready.”
“I’m ready.” Bree sighed. “I think.”
“You think. Bree, you have to be certain.”
“Look, I want the man. I’m ready. I’m just…I mean, hell, Harly, when do I know is the right time?”
“To tell him?”
“No, to ride him like a wild bull and surprise him.”
Harly’s lips twitched, but give the woman credit, she didn’t break out into laughter. “Yeah, that’d surprise him.”
“Make him run a mile.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it.”
Bree sighed. “So when do I know is the right time to tell him?”
“How about when you’re doing some of that kissing and groping?”
“We did that the other week, and he backed off and said I wasn’t ready.”
“So he was mistaken. He’s only human.”
“Well, I guess…”
“You weren’t ready after all.” Thank God there was no judgemental expression in her friend’s face or voice.
“Well, it wouldn’t have taken much. I was kind of riding a high, you know?”
“And Nick didn’t take advantage of it.” Harly clucked her tongue admiringly. “What a man.”
“Yeah, he’s a real peach.”
“So you’re upset because he didn’t push you?”
“His respect is kind of driving me a little wild.”
“It’d be easier if he took control.”
Harly did laugh this time. “Sweetie, believe me, when the time comes Nick isn’t the kind of man not to take control.”
“So when did you know…with Alex?”
Cheeks blooming softly, Harly’s eyes grew decidedly dreamy. “It just happened.”
“Just happened,” Bree echoed.
“Yes. The time, the place, the mood. It just happened.” Harly picked up a potato, weighed it in her hands as she refocussed on Bree. “I can’t tell you when the time is right. It just is.”
“Oh, thanks. That’s so much clearer now.” Disgruntled, Bree dropped her chin in her palm.
“Just tell Nick you’re ready.”
“Oh yes. ‘Hi Nick. Listen, should we schedule that sex into the calendar? Say, one o’clock Tuesday, week after next? I’ll be ready then.’ Kind of a mood killer, don’t you think?”
“Your way?” Harly chuckled. “Yeah.”
“Argh!” Bree flung up her hands. “Why isn’t this easy?”
“Because you’re making too much out of it.”
“You don’t think swapping bodily fluids falls into that category?”
“You’ll insist Nick wears a condom so there is no swapping of body fluids. Or not much, anyway.” Harly put the potato down and fixed a steady gaze on Bree. “There will come a moment when it all falls into place. When it seems right, when it is right. Go with your gut.”
“It’s too busy jiggling with butterflies when he kisses me.”
“Good sign. If you’re ready, let him know. However you do it, let him know.”
“Maybe I can send him a letter.”
“He might think you’re saying goodbye.”
Bree raised her eyebrows. “He told you.”
“About your letter writing? Wasn’t hard to put two and two together. And yes, he did tell me. I think it’s romantic.” Harly touched one hand to her chest. “You actually knew each other a long time ago.”
“Yeah. Kinda cosmic like, right?”
“Don’t know about cosmic stuff, but I think it means something.”
“You do?” Bree brightened.
Harly nodded. “Anyone can see that you two are meant to be together. You fit each other perfectly.”
“Two pieces of a puzzle, huh?” Bree liked that idea.
“Now you just have to get those two pieces together.” Harly resumed slicing and dicing.
“So, you know, it’s a little intimidating…”
“It’s wonderful between two people who love each other.”
“I’m sure it is. I mean, he’s so perfect. Great body, muscled, well-conditioned, and I’m…” Bree poked her belly. “Kinda squishy.”
Harly nodded. “I thought the same when Alex and I were first together.”
“You did?” Bree was surprised. Somehow, she’d thought Harly had always been comfortable with herself.
“At first. Had the doubts, you know? I was big, he was perfect. But Alex didn’t care. He saw below my exterior, saw me for me.” Harly smiled, again all soft and sweet and a little dreamy. “He loves every part of me, really loves me. All of me. That’s what makes him so perfect.”
“Well, I’ve never doubted he loves you. Any idiot with half a brain can see he dotes on you. Man always looks hungry as soon as you walk into the room, and it’s not for food, I can tell you.”
Harly looked pleased, but she didn’t try to deny it. False modesty wasn’t part of her nature. Quiet modesty, yes, but not when it came to her husband. The doting was returned tenfold. Yeah, Alex and Harly were definitely two pieces of the one puzzle, and they fit perfectly.
Feeling a lot better and deciding to let nature take its course, because it was really starting to freak her out, Bree changed the subject and settled down to enjoy the remainder of the visit.
When she left, it was starting to drizzle. Alex’s Jeep passed her on the way to his house, and he flashed his headlights at her, both he and Nick waving to her through the windshield.
She smiled and waved back, watching the jeep disappear in the rear-view mirror. Before she had a chance to ponder further on a certain rugged soldier, the mobile rang from the holder on the dashboard. Switching it onto speaker, she answered, “Hello?”
“Jackie. How are you?”
“You alone?”
“Nothing but me and the rain. And the van.”
“No sunshine?”
Bree rolled her eyes. ‘No sunshine’ was Jackie’s secret code in case there was someone in Bree’s presence who was forcing her to say she was alone. Paranoia ran a little rampant in Jackie’s veins. In the whole lot the UFO Hunter Team, in fact. Many UFO hunters weren’t paranoid, but this particular team had a stranglehold on the rights of the word ‘paranoia’.
“Sun ain’t shining today,” she replied, giving the secret password. “Now that the paranoid pleasantries are out of the way, what’s cooking good looking?”
“There have been reports of lights heading in your direction.”
“Yeah, there’s a truck approaching now. Fancy you knowing that.”
“This is no joking matter. These lights are in the sky.”
Bree peered up at the sky. “Nothing here.”
“I said heading in your direction.”
“Right. So do I have an ETA?”
“Twenty hundred hours.”
“What am I, a mind reader?”
“That thought has crossed my mind more than once.” Bree grinned. “What, you didn’t pick that up earlier?”
Jackie ignored her. “All I know at this time is that the lights are heading in your direction.”
“Is someone watching them now?”
“No. If that was so, then it’d be on the news. Providing the government didn’t put a cloak of silence on the media, of course.”
Well, that was likely.
“But various reports over the last few days have given the general direction of Whicha. They will possibly pass over the town tonight.”
“Okay, I’ll be out there, camera at the ready.” Feeling enthused, Bree started mentally planning what she’d bring.
“Report to me before, during and after,” Jackie ordered. “We need to know you’re safe and haven’t been abducted.”
“They’d need a hell of a strong beam.”
“Not funny.” Jackie hung up.
Cool. A hunt. That’d take her mind off things. She’d need to pack some hot tea to drink, a couple of apples to munch on, the Full Spectrum HD camcorder, and the camera for still shots.
And Nick.
Smiling, she reached forward and pressed the speed dial. Nick answered within seconds.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hey, honey.” His voice was smooth, deep, and made her toes curl. “What’s up?”
“We’re going UFO hunting tonight.”
He didn’t miss a beat. “Is that so?”
“Well now, what time do I pick you up?”
“Sweetie, we’re taking the van. I’m picking you up at nineteen thirty hours. Toodles!” Smiling hugely, Bree hung up.
Getting into the van, Nick put the small backpack on the floor behind the seats before sitting down.
“Supplies?” Bree glanced at it curiously.
“Grenades for when the aliens land.”
“Nick, really. They come in peace.”
“I heard they probe in delicate areas.”
“Okay, yes, apparently they do have a bit of a fascination for the rear end. Try to think of it as having a colonoscopy in exotic surroundings.”
“Honey, nothing gets near my rear. You, of course, are free to cop a feel anytime.”
“Wow, I feel so special.”
“That’s because you are.” Leaning across the gap separating them, Nick kissed her lightly on her laughing lips, smiling down at her when he lifted his head.
Holy crap, one light kiss and she was ready to forget about the unexplained lights and take Nick home.
“So, what’s the plan?” Settling back in the passenger seat, he clipped on the seatbelt.