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Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2)

Page 31

by J. L. Myers

  As the words left my mouth, fear crushed my heart. Squeezing tension threatened to burst the muscle. I pressed the amulet hidden beneath my blouse’s neckline to my chest. I knew who the other boy was.

  “No.” The ghostly whisper of my voice barely registered through the bickering council noise. “You said you’d stay away.”

  Gold rippled across the boy’s sad, silver eyes. Then his body began to shake, trembling and blurring. A nail gun of small snaps erupted and pain contorted his pale face. Black hair replaced golden brown, and growing muscles bulged under his once loose jeans and shirt as he morphed back to his true form. “Sorry.”

  Caius’s smile was wicked and triumphant. “Lycan.” He hissed the word through fully extended fangs. “Arrest him!”

  The room jumped into chaos, council members hissing and leaping away. More guards rushed in from every angle, responding to the threat. In a matter of seconds they had their intruder incapacitated. Ty struggled as chains whipped out, locking around his wrists and ankles.

  Tears muddied my sight as my mom came to Caius’s side. “Caius, please,” I begged. “Let him go.”

  Caius’s smile broadened. “The wolves know our laws, and he was trespassing. I love you, Amelia.” A fire grew in the pit of my stomach at his insincere words. “But I will not bestow special treatment onto him. Instead, I urge you to exhibit some restraint, lest you disgrace yourself as our Oracle.”

  I lifted my tear-filled eyes to my mom. “You know he’s not a spy. Mom, please. Do something.”

  She shook her head, deep sadness cutting her lineless face. “It’s not in my power. He’s trespassed on council land. He’s our enemy. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  I raked my eyes over the room, searching for an escape route. There had to be some way to get us out of here alive. But there were so many guards, not just restraining Ty who continued to struggle behind me, but around the entire room, at every door and pitched window. There was no way out.

  I glared at Caius, fists clenching as electricity welled beneath my gloves. “What will you do to him?”

  “He will be imprisoned…until the execution.”

  My blood ran cold as death and I staggered. Kendrick’s hand shot out to catch me, a static shock above the cover of my glove forcing him to jerk away. Instead, Marcus was the one to break my fall, pulling me up before I hit the ground. The static was again absorbed with his touch. But I couldn’t think about how or why.

  Staring at my former uncle, I gritted my teeth. “When?”

  The prick waved a dismissive hand and the guards began hauling Ty away, swords forcing him on. “Your coronation as Oracle will commence during the next full moon. As is custom. The execution will be carried out afterward.”

  Dazed, I watched as Ty was dragged around a bend down the hallway. My stomach seized and I fought back the rising urge to vomit. The moon would be full in three night’s time. That was all that separated Ty from death.

  Caius turned back to the council members, calming their still outraged remarks. He began talking in a deep, level voice, bringing continuity back to the meeting and planning out the details for my coronation.

  I heard none of it. My heart and mind felt a million miles away. My body was numb and detached.

  Marcus lifted me into his arms and walked out the main doors. Kendrick remained tight behind us. “Don’t worry,” Marcus whispered into my ear. “He won’t be executed. I have a plan.”


  “I wouldn’t dream of calling you my friend, but—” I hesitated into my iPhone’s speaker, managing to rein in the static without my gloves. “But, thank you.” I hung up and shoved the phone into my hoodie. “It’s done.”

  We were in the rec room upstairs and Dorian was perched on the edge of the leather couch in suspense. Beside him Kendrick’s head was twisted over his shoulder, watching as I paced.

  Marcus was lounged on an armchair. His body was relaxed, but his face was serious as hell. “Good. Now—”

  “Marcus, you don’t have to do this,” I said, unable to stop pacing. “I mean, I appreciate it. I do. But you shouldn’t be burdened with helping me save Ty.”

  Marcus’s gaze turned vacant, staring into space. Was he remembering the moment he found his father, throat torn out in the entry of the Vladimir manor? He shook himself and clenched his jaw. “Amelia, I want to do this. I need to.”

  There was no talking him out of this. And really, I didn’t want to. If we were going to save Ty, I needed his help. “Fine.” I leapt over the back of the other armchair, needing to sit before my legs gave out.

  Marcus clapped his hands together, all business as he turned to Dorian and Kendrick. “Now, Dorian, you’ll be expected to arrive with your mother for the coronation, but once you’ve been seen by—”

  “That SOB Caius,” Dorian cut in.

  Marcus nodded. “You’ll need to slip out, without being noticed. You’re our best bet for compelling the guards if needed. I’d go myself, but I have to witness the event from the Vladimir’s throne on stage.”

  Kendrick slumped back into the couch, slinging his arms over his chest. He already knew his role, and he wasn’t happy about it. “I still don’t see why I can’t go with Amelia to get Ty.”

  “You know why,” I said before Marcus could reply. “You need to be our visual link to the ceremony.”

  “Our warning signal if the guards decide to come and get Ty early,” Dorian added.

  “And,” Marcus cut in. “You need to hold up the facade that everything is as it should be. As long as Amelia escapes with Ty, and Dorian, you get back before the completion of the coronation, you’ll all have an alibi. Caius won’t be able to pin Ty’s escape on any of you.”

  “And if we get caught?” My voice sounded like a grim shadow of the dread swimming through my veins.

  Marcus grasped my hand and squeezed. “I won’t let that happen.”

  Even though it wasn’t Ty or even Kendrick, having someone touch my bare skin, even just my hand, felt nice.

  Marcus came closer, his next words whispered into my ear. “I would never let any harm come to you, my—Amelia.”

  A sudden flame of irritation flared up my neck. Unbridled jealousy streamed from Kendrick. His eyes were fixed like flesh-burning lasers on our joined hands. I reared, about to hit him with a look that said, c’mon, you’re jealous of Marcus too? Before I could, an eerily light tingling warmed my heart. Then the sensation split down the length of my body. My eyes rolled back and my knees gave out.

  When my lids snapped open, the scene before me sent splintering ice through my veins. There was movement and shouting all around. A sound like hissing snakes.

  Terror swarmed my bones. The damned. They were everywhere. Chairs were upended and black and red slicked the ground. The ground where lifeless bodies lay, cooling on the marble. They were slaughtering every vampire in sight.

  A blunt force connected with my chest and I fell to my knees. My lungs ached and my breath was hard and fast.

  Around me the background became a hazy rush, like I was centered on a spindle. The only thing I now saw was Ty. He was across the room and snarling, fully transformed into a towering black wolf. Bunching lines creased his muzzle, bearing sharp teeth that dripped glossy black.

  Before him was Caius, brandishing a silver sword that he had trained at Ty. He traced an arc with the blade, slicing through the pungent air. Its thickness was drenched with fresh spilled blood. There was another scent too. It was vile and decomposing. In any other circumstance it would have forced me to retch. But not now. I couldn’t crumble with the scene before me.

  Tacky red oozed from wide gashes across Ty’s shoulders, legs, and back. He grunted and snarled as he weaved out of the blade’s path. Then he lunged back to snap at Caius. But something was wrong, even more than everything I could see. Ty was tired. His movements had become less precise and more desperate. Every gliding arc of Caius’s sword now afforded closer calls with Ty’s flesh.

A surge of fear, stronger and more compelling than any I had ever experienced, had my pulse pounding through my ears. The ice in my veins thawed with a sudden surge of adrenaline. My legs began hammering without order, pounding the red and black slicked ground. I darted around and over figures—faceless people—warring around me.

  Then, like a pair of tightening hands inside my chest cavity, the air was squeezed from my lungs. Everything became black. A complete body spasm shot me from the vision.

  I gasped, and something pressed against my lips. Broken flesh spilled blood into my mouth. Against my will my fangs unsheathed, biting down, clamping the source like a bear trap.

  “You’re okay. I’ve got you.” Marcus’s lips brushed against my ear.

  As my mind caught up to reality, I could feel his supporting arm, cradling me against his trembling chest. A streak of anger pierced my soul, too. I retracted my fangs, blinking against light-blinding starbursts while boiling jealousy seared up my throat.

  A new set of arms tore me from Marcus’s hold. “I’ll take it from here.” Kendrick’s tone was sharp, betraying his not so latent feelings for me.

  I glared up at him. How could he be possessive after what I’d just seen? “Really?”

  Kendrick shrugged, his expression innocent. “What?”

  “Let me down.”

  Before I could wriggle out of his arms, simultaneous sparks erupted from my body. Kendrick’s arms shot away from me, forced by the power, and I fell. But this time no one caught me. Instead, I used Ty’s training, twisting my body to plant my feet as I landed in a crouch. I stood slowly, limbs and mind still recovering as I slid back onto the armchair.

  Marcus ran a finger along his healing wrist. Another person I’d used. And another time I’d broken my promise to Ty. “Why did you do that? Bottled would have been fine.”

  Marcus half laughed. “You’re the Oracle. Bottled human blood may have cut it before, but not anymore. Once your residence is arranged, I’m sure they’ll assign you a personal donor.”

  I stared, shocked and speechless. I wouldn’t agree to it. They couldn’t make me.

  “Back to the fire,” Dorian cut in, knowing the look on my face meant I wanted to change the subject. “So, what did you see, sis?”

  Marcus seemed to flinch at the interruption. Then he knelt before me. His face was riddled with worry as he pressed a hand against my knee. “Go on.”

  I breathed in and out, working through the horrifying vision and feeling the shock of what I’d seen. Kendrick was already sifting through my thoughts while the others waited. I cleared my throat. “The damned are coming. It’s going to happen at the Portsmouth Council.”

  “The night of your coronation?” Dorian guessed.

  “It has to be,” Kendrick answered for me, his jealousy for Marcus now replaced by fear. “The place was packed.”

  “So much blood…it was everywhere.” I coughed, remembering the other pungent smell that had thickened the air. Damned blood. “Caius will stand against us all. I saw him.”

  “Then we all need to get out straight after your coronation.” Kendrick spoke the words I was thinking. “Drug our moms and cart them out if need be. But it has to be done before the guards are summoned to retrieve Ty for the execution.”

  “Why before?” Dorian questioned.

  “Because Ty was there,” I said, bile exploding up my throat like little live grenades.

  “And the guards won’t be sent to retrieve him until you’re named,” Marcus said, looking at me.

  “Exactly,” Kendrick and I chimed in unison.

  Then I added. “We can’t mess this up.” Ty’s life depends on it, was my internal thought to Kendrick. “And we need to go back to The Council and force them to listen. They need to know what’s coming for them, all of them.”

  “That could force them to postpone the coronation.” Kendrick slid back onto the couch, his mind reeling with my thoughts.

  “As well as the execution,” I finished, feeling a gentle current of hope.

  Dorian slapped his hands together. “Oh, I see. If the council grounds are evacuated, it’ll be easier to break Ty out.”

  “Unless they decide to extradite him back to the Armaya,” Marcus, being the voice of reason, spoke up. At my worried look he waved me off. “But I wouldn’t expect them to. They’ll have much more pressing issues to contend with than moving a prisoner when they don’t care if he lives or dies.”

  I gulped at that, imagining the damned streaming in while we made our escape. We knew from my vision when the damned would come. But could alerting The Council alter their time of attack? There was no way to know, and even with the risk, this way was our best option.

  Feeling like I was suddenly desperate for air, I sucked in a deep breath. My lungs ached in response. “Let’s hope everything goes to plan.”

  Kendrick scrubbed a hand down his face. “What if it doesn’t?”

  I cracked my knuckles. The release did nothing to loosen the tension stiffening my bones. It also had no effect on the rising vengeance that had begun to throb through my veins. “We still have plan B.”


  In twenty minutes I’d fled the rec room, suburbia, and miles of thick forest. Still no matter how fast or far I ran, I couldn’t escape the mounting shit storm that my life was becoming. The words It’s all over by Three Days Grace pumping through my earbuds only fed my rising hate. Because I was just like a junkie. Whether it was my animalistic need for blood, being the freaking Oracle, or turning into a human lightning rod, everything I touched turned to shit. I was continually endangering not only my own life, but also everyone’s I loved.

  Kendrick was wrong. I was cursed.

  Breaking through the tree line, I fell to my knees in crunching snow and screamed into the darkness of early night. A rustle of tree leaves from behind alerted me to Kendrick’s arrival, but he had the good sense to butt out. Right now I needed to let off steam. Over-bubbling, poison pots of the stuff. And anyone who got in my way was going to fry.

  With my entire body shaking with the need to release, I flung out my whip. It cracked loud as thunder in the air, my gloves relinquishing the voltage from its silver links. Again and again, I flicked the weapon out, hitting air and mulching up dirt and snow. But it wasn’t helping. I needed to cause irrevocable damage, like the damage I felt in my tearing internals. Like the damage I’d brought upon Ty.

  I made for a copse. The young clustering trees vibrated, as if they quaked in fear with the gusty wind. My arm drew back, then surged the whip forward. The silver spikes flared out mid-air, biting into the saplings and capturing them in a bear hug of silver. I yanked back and its grip constricted, decapitating the trees halfway up. The destruction didn’t relieve my pain, my heartache, or my fear. How could it? If we couldn’t convince The Council, there’d be a battle to the death. Damned against vampire. Good versus evil.

  I thought of Ty and the moment he’d been chained and dragged away. If my vision came true, he’d be there too, wolf form and all. Battling for survival against my sorry excuse for an uncle.

  “We’ll get him out.” Kendrick was now behind me, far enough back to escape a lash from my whip. “Whatever happens, I promise you that.”

  Even with his reassurance and belief, rage suffocated me like plastic blocking my airway. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  The fight inside me was building, voltage swarming into dangerous pockets beneath my skin. It grew like wildfire, coalescing into a human-shaped bomb ready to explode. With my flesh burning up like hot coals, I tore off my gloves. Fire streamed down my arm. A thick blue fork plunged into the whip as I struck at the largest maple in sight. The hit cracked straight through the trunk, blue veins streaming from the whip’s speared tip down the wood. A shockwave ricocheted off the destroyed tree, hitting our bodies like a blast and sending us flying back onto our butts.

  Groggy and feeling the voltage recede, I lurch up as the tree fell. Snow dampened my
jeans, but my focus was frozen. The whip in my hands was intact. The metal was heated, but otherwise unharmed.

  Kendrick groaned and lifted himself up, elbows perching on his knees. He wasn’t hurt, so I didn’t bother asking. “That was crazy.”

  I shook my head, hand covering my mouth before dropping. “Check this out.”

  Concentrating, I gathered a few small sparks, watching the electric-blue travel to my right hand. Then I picked up the whip and rolled it out along the snow. Blue streaks shot along the silver, escaping the spikes and melting the icy white covering. As this occurred I grabbed Kendrick’s hand with my free one, raising it to eye level. Not a single volt came up my other arm. “I can control it. I can channel the power.”


  My nerves were shot the following afternoon. Having to wait for The Council to agree to hear me out was torture, but it had given us time to put Plan B into action. Now it was half an hour past twilight as I stood before Kendrick in the back corner of the council property’s parking lot. He opened the top few buttons on his shirt, revealing the mark Vanessa had etched into his chest. I reached out with my rubber-lined glove and ran a finger over the mark. It was gold, as all her tattooed markings were, a symbol resembling a drop of blood. “I hope this works,” I said, glancing at Dorian behind us.

  Kendrick glared down and my hand shot back. Then he licked a drop of blood from his lower lip. “I may not be on board with this whole plan, but I do trust Vanessa. If she says it’ll work, it will work.”

  Dorian gave Kendrick a hard look, and then nodded down the gravel path to the council hall’s soaring doors. “Well, there’s no time like the present. Let’s do this already.”

  The sword-armed guards nodded with respect as we passed through the thick wooden doors. Then one frowned, eying the stiffness that corded the muscles along Kendrick’s neck. Still, in keeping with custom, he said nothing.


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