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Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2)

Page 5

by G. Bailey

  She takes my hands snapping my attention back to her.

  "I could never hate you! I love you Maisybear." she says with her blue eyes locked on mine so I know how serious she is and I nod back at her as I say

  "Love you too Alliecat."

  "I missed our nicknames." She sighs giving me a side hug and moving away.

  "Can we go inside now? Maisy might be getting cold," Seb says with a gentle smile in my direction.

  "Shush overprotective daddy. I can't wait for you to meet Izzy." she smiles as I frown, wondering why she would introduce me to some random girl.

  "Hey, I'm doing the introductions and I’m not sure I like you calling me daddy." Seb grunts and it makes me smile.

  “But daddy I’ve been a bad girl,” Allie says in a deep throaty voice but her face is going red from how much she is trying not to laugh.

  “Allie, for fuck sake, I’m not going to be able to hear anyone call me daddy now” Seb groans in annoyance while we all laugh. Allie winks at me as she links her arm in mine and leads us into the house while Seb follows.

  The house is as stunning as I remember, with old grey stonework on the outside. The house looks like a mansion and has massive windows that match the big front door. The house is in the middle of nowhere with its own driveway and trees surrounding the house. The inside is all old wooden floors, that I remember creak in certain places. The walls are newly painted cream and most of the original features have been kept, like the big chandeliers on the ceilings. The massive staircase in the hallway is my favourite part of the house; it makes you feel like a queen. My own house is large but it doesn’t have a homely feel like this home always did. Everything from the worn fur rug in the lounge to the hand painted beautiful paintings throughout the house, make it seem like home.

  My worry returns as we walk in the house, though the entrance hall and straight to the kitchen, where the blonde from the restaurant is cutting salad.

  She turns when she hears us and walks over to Seb. She gives him a side hug before looking at me with a kind smile. I can't return it as I feel sick with worry at what Seb is going to say, the girl is very beautiful with a perfect figure and bright green eyes around a near perfect face too. She still looks so familiar but I can't place it, and I end up really staring at her as I try to figure it out.

  "Maisy, this is Izzy my sister. Izzy this is Maisy." Seb says and I'm in shock as my jaw drops. I move closer, so I can look at her more and I can see it in her face, she has similar looks to Harley I would say. The most obvious thing is the eyes; they are nearly the same as Seb, the same as all the King Brothers, a bright green.

  "Wow, a sister huh?” I say to Seb who grins moving to my side.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Izzy." I hold out my hand which she shoves away gently and pulls me into a hug.

  "I've heard so much about you and it’s great to finally be able to put a face to the name." she says smiling at me as she pulls away.

  "I hope it’s all good things." I joke.

  "Of course, Allie and Sebastian haven't stopped talking about you since the restaurant. Sorry, we didn't get a chance to speak then." she offers.

  "Me too." I smile and I instantly like her, I’m a little jealous at how pretty she is but she is a King and they all look like gods, of course, their sister would be a knockout.

  "I've cooked lasagne with a side salad. I checked online and it's all stuff you can have while pregnant." She grins and my heart tightens a little at how much she clearly cares already.

  "Thank you, you didn’t have to go to so much trouble for me," I say and I mean it.

  "Told you would like her," Allie says with a grin. It's clear they are close and I hope I can be that close to Allie again, maybe even become friends with Izzy.

  "Hand your phone over now missy," Allie says with an open hand and I pull it out my bag. Allie instantly taking it from my hand, with a big grin.

  “Same password as usual?” Allie asks with a knowing smirk, I don’t want to admit it because I know I should have an easy password to guess.

  “Yes.” I sigh with a blush and Seb smirks at me, clearly thinking the same thing.

  "What you doing?" I ask while she pulls out her own phone and starts typing away.

  "I'm going to put everyone's number in and text them so you have our numbers," she says like it’s obvious. Izzy goes back to cooking as I try to hop on a stool and I find it embarrassing that I can't get up on it. Just as I give up, two large hands lift me up by my hips and place me on the stool. I glance over to see Sebastian smiling but he doesn't say anything and I nod at him in thanks as I’m sure my cheeks are redder than a tomato.

  “So a new sister, how did that happen?" I ask Sebastian as he sits close as he can to me on another stool, the whole side of his body is pressed against mine and I resist the urge to lay my head on his shoulder.

  "Our dad left information on Izzy in his will but we only read it earlier this year. So Harley found her and got custody so she could live with us instead of foster care," he tells me quietly.

  "She seems nice," I say with a smile.

  "She is. Until you came home she was the only one to make me smile," he whispers just to me and my heart beats fast when he says that but I look away because I can't deal with the pain.

  Allie hands me back my phone with a smile and a question

  "What's it like being pregnant?"

  "It’s difficult. I feel like I'm carrying a watermelon around but at the same time, it feels amazing. Every time he kicks, I don’t feel alone anymore." I say as she looks at me curiously.

  "I can't wait to meet him. With both your good looks he is going to be a heartbreaker." She grins.

  "If he looks anything like his mum, then he will be," Sebastian says and I blush.

  "I'm sure he will inherit the King’s good looks," I say and regret it when Sebastian says,

  "See I know you still want me."

  "Pregnancy hormones make me crazy," I say back quickly.

  "Sure hormones…" he laughs and Allie gives me a look that says she knows too much.

  "Lunch is ready," Izzy shouts and I’m relieved for the interruption. We all help carry things into the dining room that never seems to be used when I was around. Even when I and Sebastian were dating we only used it Maybe two times for family meals.

  "It's a shame we never use this room,” Izzy says voicing my thoughts as we start to dig into our food. Looking around I agree with her, it’s a lovely wooden table that beautifully handcrafted.

  "So are you at college?" Allie asks while we eat.

  "No," I say quietly.

  "Why the hell are you not Maisybear? You were top of every one of our classes since pre-school. You’re too smart not to." She frowns a little at me.

  "I can't. Just leave it, Allie." I say a little too harshly as she looks down.

  "Just because you’re having a baby doesn't mean you have to give up on a decent career." She finally replies.

  "I have a job and I'm trying my hardest to get away from my parents before this baby is born. I do everything alone." I tell her and I know my voice is rising.

  "Maisy, I'm going to buy you somewhere to live and don't you dare say no. I'm the baby's father and you can take it as child support or whatever but you’re not paying me rent." Seb tells me interrupting Allie from replying and I turn my glare to him.

  "I can't accept that," I say getting more flustered and annoyed by the second.

  "You can. My child and the women I," he stops and shakes his head before continuing.

  "You are not going to struggle to find somewhere to live. I’ll have somewhere in a month, I promise but if your parents are still an issue you can move in here," he says watching my reaction, I’m first thought is how annoying he is and then I don’t know what to say about his speech.

  I sit in shock not knowing how to argue with him for a few minutes. Izzy and Allie are smirking so I frown at them which cause Allie to snort in laughter.

  "Give up M
aisy bear. You've lost this fight." she laughs throwing me a wink.

  "Fine," I say with a huff leaning back in my chair and folding my arms. I watch as Sebastian's face lights up in a big grin.

  "Thank you," he says gently before we all finish our food. The door opens and Blake frost, the brother’s best friend, walks in and gives Izzy a deep kiss before sitting next to her.

  "Hey Maisy, It's good to see you." he nods as I sit in more shock for the day. I cannot believe that Blake is dating Izzy, he was a massive player in school and I know Seb wouldn’t let him date her.

  "You two are together?!" I state a little louder than I should. Sebastian laughs loudly at me.

  "Yes, they kept that a secret from us at the start but its cool now." He says as Blake grins at me.

  "Congrats, I thought I'd never see the day Blake settles down." I smile at them. They look so happy together as Izzy is leaning on Blake’s shoulder and smiles at me.

  "I just needed to meet the right woman." Blake jokes and kisses Izzy’s cheek which makes her blush. I remember being that in love with someone and I remember blushing at everything Sebastian said to me. I used to love his touch but remembering our past makes me remember that night.

  I stand up quickly and Seb stand with me but I raise a hand at him.

  "Just using the bathroom," I say and rush to the downstairs bathroom next to the lounge. I rest against the door when I’ve shut it and breath in before a sob of tears comes out. I can't stop the tears and cover my face with my hands as the memory of that night fills my head.

  As I walk in the door of my boyfriend’s house I’m a little taken back at the massive party going on, I mean I heard the music down the road as I drove up but it’s still shocking how many people are here. I haven’t seen Seb in three days and tonight’s the first time he has text me back. I don’t know what’s going on with him but I’ve had enough lies and I’m going to make him tell me tonight. I smile at a few people as they say hello as I walk through the packed house. I find Elliot in the kitchen and walk over as he frowns at me.

  “Elliot, have you seen Seb?” I ask.

  “In the lounge, you shouldn’t be here.” he tells me looking much scarier than his twin as he glares down at me.

  “I'll find him,” I tell Elliot with my own glare, I know it’s not really me he doesn’t like, more my best friend Allie.

  I have to tell Seb about my parents going abroad tomorrow, they didn’t tell me as usual and it’s only going to be for a few months. I asked them and they said I could stay with Allie but I really want to stay with Seb if he will have me, I hope so.

  The lounge isn’t as packed as the rest of the house, and as I walk in my heart feels like it fell out of my chest. On the sofa with his hands wrapped around a girl from school is Seb, I can’t see his face but it’s clear they are kissing as she grinds herself on him.

  “Seb,” I shout in anger and I see Elena turn to smile at me a grin, she has been flirting with Seb for years and she looks like she just won the lottery, while I feel sick. I move my gaze to Seb, whose eyes widen in shock but I turn and run. By the time I’m at my car, I stop throwing up all over the floor. Why did he do this, we’ve been together years, how long has he been cheating on me? All these thoughts float around my mind as I pull myself up and get into my car. As I drive away my heart breaks as I don’t see Seb trying to follow me and I know there’s nothing left for me here anymore.

  "Let me in please." Sebastian's rough voice comes from the other side of the bathroom door.

  I open the door and just stand in front of him, wishing I could see the cheeky boy with perfect hair that I fell in love with.

  "Maisy, come with me. We need to talk," he tells me in a gentle voice and holds out his hand. I stare at his hand for a long time, deciding if I want to hear this story before sliding my hand into his. The simple touch of his hand sends shivers up my arm.

  Chapter Four


  The screams and uproar of the crowd are deafening me as bad as the stench of alcohol and sweat that fills the air as I watch Luke fight. My fists are clenched as I fucking wish I could stop this, I'm seriously mad that my other brothers aren’t here tonight. Luke is getting beat bad, the man who is not much older than my seventeen years old little brother is built like a tank and every hit is knocking the shit out of Luke. I mentally review my brother as he circles his opponent, his one arm is hanging uselessly at his side as it most likely broken and his face is covered in his blood. The rest of him looks good but I know he can hide his pain as well as all of us, another fucking trick our father taught us. Thank fuck he is dead.

  Luke dodges another blow and manages a hit the man’s face but it doesn't seem to bother him as he grins like the lunatic I think he likely is. Luke is fast but without any way to stop this man, he will tire out soon or be knocked out. We can't lose a fucking fight here, it not worth it.

  The man moves closer and before I can shout he has a knife out and moves to stab it into Luke's chest but thank fuck he is fast as it goes through his arm instead as he defends himself. That arm is seriously going to need looking at if he makes it out of the fucking cage.

  "Get the fuck out my way," I shout pushing stupid drunk people out the way as I run to the cage. The amount of people in here means it takes me too long and the bodyguard hasn't even stopped the fight. The fucker wouldn't because I bet our boss has something to do with this shit. I suck in a breath when I get to the door and see Luke standing holding the knife, his blood mixing with the blood covered knife as it drips on the floor. As if sensing how close I am to him, my brother turns to the side and I see the dead man on the floor. The overhead speaker’s blast that Luke has won but the haunted look in his eyes shows me that no one won tonight. Luke shoves the door open and I follow him into the backroom as the music starts blasting and only quiet when I slam the door shut behind me.

  "Luke, fuck bro," I say though gritted teeth, moving to his side as he sits on the bench. His arm is still dripping blood as it hangs at his side and his one eye is almost closed. My heart aches for him as much as the rest of me want to defend him and somehow protect him from the bitch of a life that we have.

  "You need to go to the hospital," I tell him as I’m not sure what to say, Luke hasn't ever had to kill to survive before. I have twice and their faces still haunt my every move, but mine were because they wouldn’t stop fighting me, and I ended up hitting them too hard. What Luke just did, fuck, I don't know what to say to him.

  "Seb I," he stops as he shakes and I wrap an arm around his shoulder.

  "You didn't have a choice, it was you or him, and I’m fucking glad it's not you," I tell him as he nods.

  We don't talk anymore as I drive him the hospital, Harley pays a fortune for no questions, and Luke is kept in overnight, with a guaranteed broken arm being the worse of his issues. I leave him to tell my brothers as he said he wanted to sleep and I hate seeing him lying there knowing I can’t do anything. When I get home the house is filled with random fucking people. I hope Maisy is here, I need her. My girlfriend is fucking everything to me, other than my brothers and I haven't seen her in days because Luke needed me to train him. I had to tell her I was ill because she would come over, and tensions were too high in the house for someone as pure as her.

  I spot Elliot in the kitchen as I grab a beer.

  "We need a chat," I pull his arm to get his attention and one look at my face he decides wisely to follow me into the spare study. I slam the door shut and punch it, fuck this couldn't be worse and I fucking hate this shit. I just want to get hammered and forget it all.

  "Luke is in the hospital; the fucker pulled a knife and stabbed his arm. Luke killed him." I tell Elliot as his face darkens.

  "I bet the bodyguards did fuck all to help right?" He asks as I nod.

  "Fuck," he draws out slams his arms on the desk as he leans over it.

  "I will call Harley," Elliot says and I leave him to it, I pull my phone out and find the stupid thing i
s flat. I can't just turn up at Maisy house because of her parents.

  "Hey, Seb," Elena from school smiles at me as she walks over. Elena has hit on me way too many times and looking at her now I know I made the best decision by ignoring her and focusing on my beautiful Maisy.

  "Hey, Elena," I say basically ignoring her as I turn to watch some guys playing beer pong, I don't want to chat to anyone tonight, especially not some girl I don't know.

  "I got you a drink, you look stressed." she pouts as I sigh looking back at her, she lifts a beer higher as she offers me it again. What the hell I guess a drink can't hurt, I think as I accept it.

  "Some of the guys from the football team are playing Xbox in the lounge, are you coming?" She asks moving closer and I just nod taking a sip of beer and walking away without her. The night isn't too bad, I think a few hours later. I’m sat in a chair as the room spins around me making me laugh. Has it been hours? I don't know but I grab my beer that Elena keeps finding for me and drink more as a blurry figure moves to sit on my lap.

  "Maisy," I sigh as her lips meet mine in a passion that I'm not exactly used to, her taste is too sweet almost sickening and I'm about to ask why she tastes different when I hear my name being shouted by Maisy. How can she be kissing me and calling me? I lean away breaking the kiss and realise it's not Maisy, it’s Elena. I push her off to find Maisy but I can't see her before the rook darkens and I fall into a darkness that I can’t escape.

  Chapter Five


  Seb takes me straight to his bedroom and I halt at the door as I take in the memories that flood me. The room is the same as I remember, with Pale blue walls, a massive dark wooden bed that is beyond comfort and dark wooden wardrobes lined up on the one side. I look at his bed and the second thought those goes through my mind is that there must have been a lot of girls in it with him. I’m still shocked how much the thought hurts and I gasp not being able to hide the pain on my face Sebastian frowns at me.


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