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Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2)

Page 14

by G. Bailey

  "Go dance and I’ll find you, I need to chat with my brother," he says and she wanders off. I grab a beer from the bar, ordering Blake one too.

  "I've messaged Maisy that you are alright. She sent me a million messages about the fight, and if you doing ok though out it." he smiles at me as I feel a little relieved.

  "Thanks," I say checking my phone to see she sent me a text not long ago saying she is happy I'm ok.

  "Hey, baby." An unwelcome hand slides up my back and I turn to see Elena. She is more dressed up than I remember her ever being, or maybe she always dressed like this. She is wearing a tight red dress and her hair is everywhere.

  "Elena you know you shouldn't be around me," I say referring to the restraining order. I hoped she got the message after that, but it doesn't seem like it, by the way, she is looking at me.

  "I know that bitch made you do it. It's ok; once she has our baby we can be together." She smiles like she didn’t just say something completely crazy. She is still trying to touch me but I just move out the way. I notice Luke and Blake moving closer to my sides.

  "Elena, you’re acting a little crazy now. I don't understand why you won't just forget me. I love Maisy. You grew up with us and you knew I always loved her. I shouldn't have used you to try and get over her, for that I am sorry." I say trying to reason with her, I know I’ve said sorry before but Maybe she needs to hear it again.

  She goes to say something and Arthur comes to her side, making her glance at him instead. She instantly goes to the older man, hugging his side. I grimace at that, because she is the same age as me and he is in his fifties. I know he sleeps around a lot with the normal girls at the cage but I didn't think he would go after her. Well someone as young as her.

  "Sebastian, another wonderful fight tonight," he says in that fake way he always speaks. Since he hurt my sister, I can't help but want to kill him. It was bad enough for Izzy but seeing her tied up on a chair in the cage is never something I can never forget. Arthur is dressed in a blue suit, which stands out in the room full of more casually dressed people. His hair is almost all grey now and it highlights his empty blue eyes.

  "Luke, I hear you are fighting for me next week. Blake, how I wish you would fight for me." he says as he leers at Luke and I see Blake tense up.

  "I'd rather kill you," Blake smirks at Arthur who glares at him in return.

  "Don't be rude boy. Come on Elena, I have something to show you." he says as she nods her head up and down in excitement. They walk off with Elena still staring back at me, until the crowd swallows her up.

  "They suit each other, both bat shit crazy," Luke says and I laugh.

  "Yeah, hopefully, she starts stalking him instead," I say with a grimace.

  "I'm off, I want to see Izzy. Do you want a lift?" Blake asks. I know Izzy is staying at our house with Maisy so it makes sense. Blake is staying over and Luke drove me up.

  "Yeah sounds good, have fun with the blonde bro," I say to Luke who attention is on another girl in the crowd. It’s not the blonde from earlier but that doesn’t surprise me.

  "He is worse than us before we found our girls," Blake says when we are walking to the car.

  "That's true. Some girl will knock him off his feet. I'm looking forward to that day." I say with a grin.

  "Me too, I'm thinking of asking Izzy to move in with me, she stays over nearly every night now." He says and it seems like he is asking me for permission. I know him and my sister are perfect for each other.

  "You should be asking Harley but I think it's cool. She is crazy about you, so she will say yes." I say patting his back.

  "I hope so, I know it's soon but I can't imagine my life without her," he says unlocking the car. I get in the car before I reply.

  "I understand that feeling but less of the girly talk." I say with a smile, thinking of my beautiful girlfriend at home, who would hopefully be my wife soon. I know I'm only eighteen but I refuse to live without her any longer.

  "How are you feeling about the baby coming? It must be fucking scary. Yes, I know it’s a girly question." Blake asks with a slight shiver, as he drives us home.

  "I'm excited. I've always wanted children, maybe not so young but I wouldn’t change a thing." I tell him.

  "I’m happy Maisy is back, fuck, I almost lost my best friend back there. She makes you happy and that's good," he says

  "Thanks for sticking by me, I was off the rails, I know that," I say with a slight grimace.

  "I would be the same without Izzy. Plus you were my brother before I met Izzy," he tells me and I laugh.

  "Man, that is true," I smirk remembering how Blake and we all grew up together.

  "Remember when we were eleven, and we swore we wouldn't get girlfriends because we didn't like girls." Blake laughs.

  "I remember we were idiots." I laugh with him. My phone buzzes and I see it’s Elliot.

  Elliot: come back to the cage, Luke needs us.

  Me: on way with Blake.

  "We need to head back, Luke’s in trouble." I say and Blake does a turn in the road. We have only been driving for half an hour, how much shit could he have gotten into.

  I text Maisy,

  Me: had to go back, won't be late, don't worry. Luke needs my help x

  Maisy: Ok me and Izzy are going to bed a see you soon love you x

  I smile but I'm still worried about what my little brother has gotten himself into.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I hear a bang as the front door opens and I sit up on the sofa, I was watching some TV after Izzy went to bed and I must have fallen asleep. I get up and the door opens, the first thing I see is Elliot carrying Seb over his shoulder. I gasp and move out the way as Elliot places Seb on the sofa, his face is covered in bruises and cuts.

  "What the hell happened?" I demand, Elliot collapses into the other sofa. He has a black eye and his clothes look ripped like Seb. I want to help him but I rush over to Seb first, looking him over. He looks worse, one eye is nearly shut and the rest of his face is black and blue. I lift his shirt to see he has bruises on his stomach but nothing looks too bad.

  "He weighs a fucking tonne. What the fuck do you feed him?" He pants and I glare at him.

  "He is fine; Luke fucked some girl, who was a girlfriend of a gang of big guys. We managed to knock them all out but they beat Luke, and Seb got knocked out during the fight." He tells me a little breathless as he takes off his leather jacket.

  "Do you need some ice?" I ask and he grunts at me, which I take as a yes. I go to the kitchen and get an ice bag for him and a bottle of water. He takes them from me with a nod.

  "Is Luke alright?" I say placing a blanket over Seb and stroking his cheek. He looks alright, just in a deep sleep. I'll get some water and clean up the blood in a bit.

  "Yeah, Blake has taken him to his mum to check him over. He might have a few broken ribs." Elliot says as rests the ice pack on his bleeding knuckles.

  I go to sit next to him on the other sofa and lean my head back, looking at the ceiling.

  "I can't imagine having a baby when Seb is caught up in this life. Does that make me a bad person? I love him so much but I'm worried about the danger the cage brings to our baby." I sigh and look over at Elliot who is staring out the window.

  "I understand Maisy. To be real with you, it's a hard life but we will keep you and the baby safe. The cage seems to have ruined most of our lives. I'm glad you have fixed one of my brothers." he tells me, without looking once at me.

  I place my hand on his shoulder and he goes tense.

  "Someone will fix yours too but you have a family. I consider you a brother to me, like Sebastian thinks of you and not just because you’re his twin. It's because you’re a good man under all the leather and tattoos. Let’s not even mention the happy personality." I say moving my hand of his shoulder with smile. His head drops, looking down at his knuckles.

  "I'm not a good man Maisy," he whispers.

  "You are," I whisper back. He gets
up to check Seb and takes off his boots for him. I can see how much he cares for his twin, even if he doesn't say it.

  "I'm going to check on Luke." He says walking towards the front door.

  "Message me when you know anything," I say and he nods before leaving. I walk upstairs and gently knock on Izzy door before opening it. I wake Izzy up, to explain why Blake won't be here tonight. She calls Blake and I leave her to it.

  I eventually fall to sleep on the other sofa, watching Seb after I cleaned his face with some water. He looks so peaceful sleeping. His dark hair is longer than I've ever seen it and it's just growing into his eyes. His top is ripped so I can see that amazing chest that I love to lie on. He is so handsome it's breath-taking and I know someone is looking out for me, by making him all mine.

  "May, wake up," Seb says gently like a whisper and moves my hair from my face. He sitting next to me on the sofa where I fell asleep, the sun is just rising, so it must be early.

  "Hey, you ok?" I ask cupping his swollen face when all of the last night comes back to me.

  "Yeah, just sore. I'm sorry I didn't think there would be that many guys. I couldn't let them hurt Luke anymore." he says looking down in guilt.

  "Izzy woke me up while you were sleeping; she said Luke is home with three broken ribs but nothing too bad. Blake’s mum had some strong painkillers that she gave him and a telling off too." He smiles at me.

  "Oh I'm glad he is home at least, Elliot looked like he had a few bruises. Is Izzy still here?" I ask.

  "Nah Blake took her home to his." He says and sits next to me, rubbing my bump.

  "Morning little man, don't come too early for us please or mummy will mad that daddy won't look good in the pictures." he chuckles and I can't but smile.

  "Mummy won't mind." I sigh enjoying his hands on my bump.

  "I need to tell you that I saw Elena last night, she was with Arthur. I don't know what she is playing at but what she said was scary and crazy," he says I tense.

  "She doesn't sound right in the head." I tell him, remembering the last time I saw her.

  "No she isn't and I want you to walk away from her if you see her, or call the police if your alone." He asks me and I look up as I gently kiss him.

  "I will. I promise but I'm never alone right now. Someone is always with me, so don't worry." I say grinning. It's so nice to have family always around. I know Seb has something to do with it but he says they all just like being around me. I'm not worried because I trust him that they wouldn’t spend time with me if they didn’t want to.

  "Is Allie coming later still?" He asks.

  "Yeah I can't wait; we are watching TV and ordering pizza." I grin. I can't wait to start running again and eating right. It's difficult to stay healthy during pregnancy and worse when I was working all those hours. Seb made me give in my notice for the end of my maternity leave the other day and promised we will sort our future out when the baby comes.

  "Good. I'm meeting Harley at twelve but I won't be too long." he kisses my cheek.

  "You go and shower and I’ll make breakfast," I say getting up slowly with Seb's help.

  "Why don't you rest and I’ll do them both," he says still trying to look after me. He has become a little overbearing in these last few weeks as I've got bigger.

  "No Seb, I'm fine honestly. Go for your shower." I say and give him a kiss on his cheek to stop that worried face.

  He mutters something but walks off smiling. I shake my head heading to our kitchen and start making breakfast. I'm half way through cooking when Elliot wonders in and puts his bike helmet on the kitchen side.

  "Hey, your door was open." he says without a care in the world and sits at the stools on the breakfast table.

  "No problem, want some breakfast?" I ask as I've cooked too much bacon, eggs and toast anyway.

  "Sounds great. I just came to check on Seb." He says as I sort out a plate out for him.

  "I'm good bro," Seb says walking into the room, kissing my cheek before taking his plate of food and sitting next to Elliot. I glance at the twins while they chat, as they look the same in their faces but so different in every other way. Elliot hair is much darker than Seb's and he always has a little stubble on his jaw, whereas Seb is usually clean shaven. The way they dress is so different too; Elliot is always in all black, looking like a scary biker. Well, he does have a bike, so I guess that makes sense and Seb looks like a college student. I shake my head and place a plate in front of Elliot, before taking my seat.

  "So what's my nephew going to be named?" Elliot asks and then starts eating.

  "We haven't decided yet but I think anything like Sebastian is a good idea." Seb grins and I shake my head smiling.

  "No chance," I say and giggle when he tickles me.

  "Cheeky girl." he kisses me and then leans back to eat.

  "I agree with Maisy." Elliot mutters before his phone goes off. I can’t help the giggle that escapes as his phone is playing the song about a girl’s milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard. Elliot glares at me as he takes the phone call, in the other room. Me and Seb look at each other over the table and burst into laughter, thankfully we have stopped when Elliot comes back into the room.

  "Good news, the club is nearly done. The contractors think it will be about one month and it can be opened." Elliot says with a small grin.

  "That's great man; you can finally do something other than work on that Harley of yours," Seb says patting Elliot on the back.

  “Don’t knock it, you should watch and learn something asshole.” Elliot fires back and I have to ask.

  “Isn’t it odd that you like bikes and own a Harley and your brother is named after them, yet he doesn’t drive one?” I say and Seb laughs.

  “Harley hates his name and isn’t a fan of bikes,” Seb tells me and Elliot nods in agreement.

  “I only brought the Harley to piss him off to start off with, but then I liked it,” Elliot says with a smirk.

  “I guess you don’t always like what your parents named you,” I say, with a slight chuckle.

  "Thanks for the food Maisy. I can't wait to meet my nephew." Elliot says before getting his helmet and doing up his leather jacket. He waves bye before he leaves as I eat my food.

  "Elliot talks a hell of lot more than he used too," I say to Seb, who seems to think about it. Growing up around Elliot, he never spoke to me unless he needed something.

  "He does seem to be trying to become nicer to people," Seb notes before taking the empty plates to clean. I walk over to him and rest my head on his back.

  "You know, it turns me on to see a man cleaning," I tell him and lower my hands to the waistband of his joggers.

  "Well, I won't be taking you to see anyone else clean." He growls and I giggle when he picks me up in his arms like I weigh nothing.

  "Sebby, your hands are wet," I say and he laughs

  "I plan to get you wet anyway May" he growls and then kisses me as he carries me up the stairs. We spend most of the morning in bed before he has to leave and I can't help but think I have the perfect man for me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  "All done bro," I say signing the last of the paperwork with our solicitor and Harley grins from his seat behind his desk.

  "Congratulations Mr King, everything is done and good luck with the expansion." Says our family lawyer John, and he shakes my hand before leaving.

  "When are you going to tell Maisy?" Harley asks with a slightly disapproving face. I know he doesn't agree with me not telling Maisy but I think I’m doing the right thing. She has spent months alone and worrying about money, I want to take over that for her. I want to give her a chance to have a future she controls, like being able to go to university.

  "Soon. She is stressed enough about the baby coming and Elena. I just don't want to stress her out with another thing to worry about.” I tell him with a sigh and watch as puts the paperwork in his briefcase.

  "I get that." he finally replies, before taking his
seat at his desk.

  "You’re going to have to make room for my desk," I smirk.

  "I've already ordered you one, that you can have in your own damn office," he says with a chuckle, I can’t wait to have my own office. I'll have to make sure the door has a lock for when Maisy comes over and I find out how sturdy the desk is. Thankfully before I get any harder from that thought, there's a knock at the door.

  "Come in," Harley shouts and I lean against a wall as a pretty woman with short blonde hair walks in. She looks in her early thirties and is wearing tight yoga shorts with just a sports bra on. Even though she is pretty hot, my thoughts go straight to Maisy and I start comparing. She always wins.

  "Harley baby, I wondered if you wanted to go out again tonight. You could stay at mine, again," she says leaning over Harley's desk.

  "Jessica, this isn't a good time but no I'm busy," he says looking bored and leaning back in his chair to watch her. I honestly feel like leaving because this seems like it’s going to get awkward in here, I’ve left enough girls after one night to know where this conversation is going.

  "How about tomorrow?" she asks sounding a little desperate now.

  "I can go," I say, smirking at how awkward Harley looks right now. He glares at me before coming to stand next to Jessica and holding her one arm gently but firmly as he leads her out.

  "I'm sorry Jessica, I enjoyed last night but I'm not looking for anything more right now. I did explain this yesterday and nothing has changed," he tells her and stops by the door.

  "Fine, you’re the one missing out." she shoves past him and slams the door on the way out.

  "Damn, that was bad." I whistle and as Harley shake his head at me. I get a bottle of water out the mini fridge he has in here. I have to order myself a mini fridge too.

  "How is Maisy doing?" He changes the subject. I send him a knowing glance but I don't say anything. I've never seen any of Harley's one night stands but I've heard he has them. Always with older women, so I'm guessing he has a thing for them.


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