Take A Chance On Me

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Take A Chance On Me Page 9

by Max Hudson

  He reached around Dave and got the gel, rubbing it into his skin while he leaned against the tiled wall. Dave watched in fascination as Jake washed his whole body, knowing he was missing the opportunity of a lifetime to get his hands on him. He didn’t care. He wanted to see how Jake managed to live with what Dave thought was a horrific impediment. Jake braced against the wall, or against him, when he needed to steady himself, and they finished their shower together. Once they’d changed, as Dave watched him put his prosthetic back on, he repeated his offer.

  “Pizza’s fine. Order two…I’m starving.”

  After dinner, Jake sat with him, sharing the landscape photos he had been commissioned to take and discussing choices. They settled on the best dozen, and once that was decided, Jake sat back and listened as Dave brought him up to speed on the new story. He could tell that Jake was exhausted, and going with his gut again, he said,

  “Hey, you can crash here tonight if you like. I have a guest bedroom with a bed I can sleep in. You take mine…it’ll fit you better.”

  Jake didn’t protest, but followed him down the hall to his master suite. But as he turned to walk out, Jake’s hand on his arm stopped him.

  “You don’t have to give up your bed for me. I’ll leave you some room. Deal?”

  Dave answered Jake’s smile with one of his own. “We’ll see.” He might not even end up going to bed, though now, after that brief interlude in the shower, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up against Jake’s chest.

  Dave left him in his bedroom and went back to work, but now the words didn’t flow. It was as though the source had been choked, and nothing he did could dislodge Jake from his thoughts. Maybe if he took the laptop into the bedroom, he could sit by the chair and write while Jake slept. He settled in the big armchair by the window, but now he was distracted by watching Jake’s chest rise and fall, and listening to his soft snores. And when he managed to write two pages, Jake’s thrashing in his sleep brought Dave’s eyes back over to the bed, where the sheet covering him had been dislodged, and his stump lay exposed.

  Dave slid the laptop to the floor and crept quietly over to the bed, sitting on the edge as carefully as he could. He wanted to touch the evidence of Jake’s strength, but he knew it would be an invasion of privacy, like molesting a woman in her sleep. He stared down at Jake, fighting his warring urges, so lost in the struggle to do the right thing that he missed Jake’s eyes opening.

  “What happened?” Jake’s question was harsh, his eyes cautious as he sprang up in bed.

  Dave started in surprise. “Nothing. Why?”

  “Nothing…” He must have seen the disbelief on Dave’s face because he said, “Sometimes I have nightmares. I just wondered if that’s why you were staring at me when I woke up.”

  Dave sensed Jake’s discomfort in the way he pulled his stump under the sheet and shuttered his expression. He imagined the nightmares were about the incident that cost him his leg. Someday, he’d get the whole story out of him. But for now, he needed the relaxed Jake back.

  “No nightmares. I…I just wanted to look at you. I’m not getting much writing done now anyway.”

  Jake moved over on the bed and patted the empty space beside him. “Bed’s ready when you are.”

  And so they spent their first night together with Dave snuggled into Jake’s chest, Jake’s arms wrapped around him. And all they did was sleep, which both surprised and delighted Dave when he woke up the next morning. Jake was already awake and watching him. Dave was glad that what he felt was more than the need to scratch an itch. He was too old for that shit.

  “You’re a real pretty boy, you know that?” Jake’s voice was husky with desire. “And pretty damn sexy, too, even in your sleep.”

  Dave chuckled. “Thanks, Captain Badass. Compliments from you are gold.”

  Jake laughed. “I guess ‘Captain Badass’ is better than ‘asshole’ or ‘wise ass.’ You’re not a writer for nothing.” He paused, cupping his chin in thought. “Seems you've got a thing for asses, though.”

  Flames of embarrassment rode up Dave’s cheeks, making Jake laugh again as he pulled him in for a quick good morning kiss.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered, stroking Dave’s burning cheeks. “I’m an ass man myself. A match made in heaven.”

  He followed his teasing words with a kiss that went from slow and gentle to heated then scorching in no time. Dave opened his mouth beneath the assault of Jake’s lips and tongue and let himself be bowled over by passion and desire.

  The doorbell rang, and Jake looked at him inquiringly.

  Dave looked at the time. Nine thirty…no one came to visit him in the city without telling him, except…

  “It’s my sister. She comes in once a month to meet her girlfriends for some fun and starts her day by harassing me.”

  “Do you want me to stay in here?”

  Dave could see the concern in Jake’s eyes. And suddenly, he didn’t care. Maybe this was what needed to happen. He had left his emotions hanging in the air too long, and it was time to decide what he wanted. He knew what he wanted…Jake Pratt in his life, in every way a man could want another. He needed Jake’s friendship, his strength, his passion. He needed his touch…his heart and soul. And he refused to deny himself any of it anymore. Jake was his, if he would only say yes to his heart’s desires.

  “No. Come out when you’re ready.”

  “Are you sure? I can wait…”

  “I’m sure.”

  He leaned in and kissed Jake’s lips gently before sliding out of bed and dragging on shorts and a tee shirt. As he walked out, Jake said, “Hey.” Dave looked back, liking what he saw, loving the way that accepting this man into his life made him feel. “I’ve got you, okay?”

  Dave smiled. “I know. Thanks.”

  Then he went to let his sister in. When Jake walked in, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, Dave had just handed Carla a cup of coffee and was about to sit down. Instead, he walked over to Jake and smiled.

  “Coffee?” he asked, trying to hide his nerves. He knew he wouldn’t change his mind, but he was still unsure of his family’s reaction.


  Jake’s smile turned his heart over in his chest, and he resisted the urge to reach over and kiss him. That might be too much information all at once. Instead, he made introductions.

  “Carla, this is my friend Jake. Remember the vet I told you about, the one who’s now an artist? This is the guy. Jake, Carla, my youngest sister.”

  Dave watched his sister size up Jake, looking him over from head to toe, before extending her hand.

  “Pleased to meet you, Jake.” She gave Dave a meaningful stare, and he chuckled. “I’ll be right back.” He turned to Jake again. “Sugar? Cream?”

  “Just cream, thanks.”

  He took his and Jake’s coffee back into the living room and sat next to Carla. Jake had chosen to sit in the extra wide chair by the fireplace.

  “Here you go.” He handed Jake a mug and sat back, turning to Carla. “So, what are plans for today?”

  “After breakfast, which you will buy me, the girls and I are going museum hopping, and then shopping. Dinner, a movie, and then we’ll take the late train back home.”

  “Full day. But I can’t buy you breakfast today. I have other plans.”

  Carla turned her bright eyes to his face and smirked. “So I see.”

  Dave rolled his eyes, fighting to keep his cheeks from flushing, but only said, “So, breakfast here, or solo at some cafe?”

  “What do you think? I want to be the first to grill Jake.”

  Dave looked over at Jake whose lips twitched in amusement, though he still said nothing.

  “He’s an ex-Army captain. You think you can get anything out of him he’s not willing to give up?”

  “I’m willing to start with name, rank and serial number,” she said, straight-faced.

  Jake burst out laughing, his shoulders shaking, his eyes tearing up. Dave’s heart melted at the si
ght. Eventually, he managed to stall his amusement long enough to say, “Captain Jacob Pratt, retired, United States Army, at your service, ma’am. I don’t give my social security number to anyone. Serial numbers went out of style when social security numbers became a thing.”

  And then he collapsed into helpless laughter again at the astonishment on Carla’s face. Dave knew he was in love in that moment, and he knew he would fight for moments like these to continue for the rest of his life.

  Chapter Nine

  One month later, his backyard was overflowing with people, but Jake had eyes for only one man. He watched as Dave walked away from the knot of family and friends who had come out at his invitation to celebrate Dave’s getting another novel onto the New York Times Bestseller list. His series was doing phenomenally, and his first novel in the new series was almost complete. In the month since they had been together, Jake had discovered David Boone and had devoured every book his lover had written. He fell in love with David the writer as much as he was in love with Dave, the man he knew he would spend the rest of his life with.

  Since that first meeting with Carla, Jake had found himself inexorably drawn into the family gatherings at the Moussa household. Mrs. Moussa had been the last to be won over, though she was still cool around him. She had been the soul of courtesy whenever he was around, but he read her well enough to know she wasn’t sure she approved of her son’s relationship with a man. He hated needing her approval, but it was important to Dave, and Jake was prepared to do whatever he needed to do to keep the man he had fallen in love with by his side. His ears still rang from her scathing inquisition when he told her he wanted Dave for himself for life.

  “What do you have to offer my son? A broken man like you? What can you give him to make him better? What will you bring to our family?”

  Rage had welled up inside him at her dismissive words, but he had met her toe to toe. He would not let her separate them, after all they had been through to get to each other. He would overcome this barrier as he had all the others…with honesty.

  “I offer him choice. He can be whoever he wants to be and not have to bear any guilt for his choices. He’s not a boy to be told how to live and who to love. He’s a man, with a man’s heart and a man’s needs. And I can meet those needs.”

  He had felt no guilt in telling her that she had stifled her son and that she was the reason Dave had not come out as bi sooner. He had never been one to hold his tongue, and he wouldn’t start now with a woman whose prejudice could have ruined his chance to be with Dave.

  “You have two choices. You can accept what Dave chooses to do with his life and be part of our family. Or you can reject it, and we'll still be together, just without you in our lives. I know you love your son. I hope you make the right choice.”

  He had also never told Dave about that angry conversation.

  “You’ve got yourself quite a man there, son.”

  Jake smiled at his dad, who had catered the party for him. “I know. I appreciate your help, Dad.”

  “Your mother and I have only waited our whole lives to see you this happy.” He sighed. “When you came home two years ago, we were in despair. You had gone so far away from us. We worried that we had lost you to the war, to your nightmares, to your anger and guilt. Any man who can get you to see past all that is worth holding on to.”

  A shriek of childish laughter caught their attention, and Jake watched as Dave’s niece and nephew chased each other. Jake was content to have him by his side as he faced down the demons that sometimes still woke him at night.

  “We both had issues when we met,” Jake confessed. “So, I guess we’re both good for each other.”

  “Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake! Tell Benny you can beat any bad guy. He says you can’t because you’ve only got one leg!”

  Jake smiled. The secret of his leg had come out as accidentally as his relationship with Dave had done. Another sleepover at Dave’s had been interrupted by the arrival of his oldest sister and her kids. Dave had gone out for a run, and Jake had slept in. When the doorbell rang, he had gone to answer it without thinking, using his forearm crutch, and the shock on her face, followed almost immediately by the children’s gasps had alerted him to the fact that, for the first time in two years, he had not thought about wearing his leg outside of the bedroom.

  The children’s questions had been inevitable, and he had been grateful for the total lack of pity in Cindy’s eyes. Instead, they had warmed with understanding and affection. The memory of her hug still made him warm inside.

  “I’ll beat off the bad guys with my artificial leg!”

  Both children laughed, and he watched them affectionately as they ran off again. The party was winding down, and before too long, people started to drift over to say their goodbyes. Dave joined him on the porch, wrapping an arm around his waist. Public displays of affection were another of the things Dave had helped him to accept. He leaned in to his lover, inhaling the scent of his favorite cologne, wishing their guests safe travels, kissing cheeks and shaking hands, hugging anyone who offered one.

  “When can we come back, Uncle Jake?” Benny’s question broke into his musings.

  “Whenever your parents say it’s okay.”

  “You promised me a back rub,” Dave reminded him as they locked up before bed. “I’ve been writing flat out for the last two weeks, and I’m beginning to feel like someone rolled over me with a semi.”

  “Bath first?”

  “Only if you’ll join me.”

  Jake knew before the bath water grew cold around them that he would seduce the man he loved. He wanted him forever, and tonight he would ask him the question he had been holding in his heart for the last few weeks. He began with slow kisses in the tub, stroking him almost to orgasm before backing off, leaving Dave wanting. They loved to play this game, edging each other until they were beyond wild for release. And then when they took their full pleasure, the orgasm was mind-blowing.

  Once they were dry, he took Dave to bed. “Face down. Spread ‘em.”

  Dave chuckled into the sheets. “Ay ay, captain!”

  “Wrong branch, wrong response.” Jake smoothed the fragrant oil over Dave’s skin. “Sir, yes, sir?” Dave’s grin was infectious, but his moans as Jake began to massage his aching muscles were the ultimate turn-on.

  “Kinky.” Jake dug his fingers into the mounds of Dave’s round buttocks, smoothing and squeezing them, spreading his cheeks so he could spread some of the oil into the tempting crack. He slid his finger between the cheeks, and slipped his thumb into Dave’s hole to the first knuckle. Bending down to Dave’s ear, he whispered, “When I’m done with your massage, I’m going to fuck you hard, and then there’ll be a test. Only one question. Get it right, and there’ll be much more of this in your future.”

  Then he stopped talking, and rolled Dave over, smoothing the oil all over his front. He avoided Dave’s cock and balls until his lover was once again on the brink.

  “Shhh!” He kissed Dave’s moans out of his mouth, finally reaching his cock and stroking him teasingly. “I love making love to you,” he told him. “You’re so responsive. And I love it when you touch me.”

  Dave rewarded him by tracing his fingers over Jake’s hard rod, and they stroked each other, Jake eventually lying on top and lining up their cocks as they rode each other to a raging madness. Then Jake pulled away, reaching for a condom and lube. Dave took the condom from him, rolling it on with shaking hands while Jake held on patiently to the need surging in his bones as he spread lube on his lover and himself. By the time Dave was done, he was a mess of shivering want.

  “I’ll do it better next time, but right now, I need to be inside you.”

  Dave spread his legs and raised his ass, and Jake took him, plunging in to the balls. He didn’t move for a long moment, letting Dave’s body adjust to his invasion, giving himself time to cool off before he began thrusting in.

  “Move, for fuck’s sake!” Dave growled, and Jake lost it.
/>   Sex had never been this good before. His whole body burned and glowed, and his heart raced as he took his lover over the edge with him, thrusting and pumping him, leaning in to kiss him, wrapping his arms around him and taking everything Dave was offering. Jake rode him hard, plunging into him relentlessly, hungry for the fullness of the connection with Dave, giving him his whole being with each deep plunge into his ass. When his orgasm hit, he roared, going faster, unable to think beyond the need to empty himself inside his lover. Dave followed a moment later, spraying both their bellies with cum.

  Gasping for air, Jake rolled to the side, pulling his lover with him. He smoothed his hands over Dave’s sweaty skin, needing to keep contact with him in every way. His cock was still inside him, and he felt it jerk and pulse before it slipped out.

  “You okay?”

  “Sure was an easy test,” Dave sassed him.

  Jake had just enough brain power to remember his earlier promise. He chuckled. “Wise ass. That’s not the question.”

  “Thought you said that wasn’t acceptable love language.” Dave’s moan when Jake bit his earlobe was delicious torture for them both.

  “Do you want to hear the question or not?”

  “Fire away, captain!”

  Jake rolled his eyes, chuckling, but he didn’t let go of Dave. Instead, he sat up, pulling Dave with him, and when they were facing each other, he switched to his knees between Dave’s legs.

  “I didn’t think I’d ever be normal again. I was angry, afraid, and guilty as hell when I met you. Sure, Doug had helped me figure out how to put a good face on things, and I was doing better than before, but when you walked though my front door and upended my world, I had two choices. I could embrace the exploding feelings, or I could shut them down.”

  He picked up Dave’s hand and kissed the palm. “I’ve never said these words to anyone else, not even Mike. I love you, Dave. I want you with me for always. Marry me. What do you say?”

  Dave cocked his head to the side, smiling slowly at Jake. “Was that the question?”


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