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Broken Dreams

Page 17

by Kelly Elliott

  Whitley touched my hand, causing me to jump. “Have you missed your period, Court?”

  My heart started pounding when I realized I hadn’t started yet, and when I looked up at Whitley, she smiled that big, stupid smile again.

  “I was, um…I should have…last week. I should have started last week. I guess I wasn’t paying attention. It’s all been such a crazy ride, and I wasn’t even…” Then, I thought about Reed again. Oh. My. God. Reed. What’s Reed going to think about this? I felt the tears building in my eyes. “Well, hell, I guess this explains why I keep getting all emotional,” I said as I wiped away a tear.

  “Are you not happy about this, Court?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I think I am. I mean, I guess I’m just in shock, ya know? Reed and I haven’t even talked about kids. What if he…what if he gets upset? We haven’t even gotten to spend time together, and now…” I brought my hands up to my face and attempted to stop myself from crying. Then, another thought hit me. I dropped my hands and started laughing.

  Whitley looked at me like I was crazy. “Oh shit, you’re going to be fun through this pregnancy. You’re laughing and crying at the same time, Courtney.”

  “My mother, Whitley! I told my mother I wasn’t pregnant, and here I am…” I started laughing harder. “It’s like karma. I was going to tease her with your pregnancy test, and here I am, pregnant after all!” I started laughing so hard that I couldn’t breathe.

  That got Whitley laughing, and before I knew it, we both had tears streaming down our faces.

  I glanced up and saw Reed. I instantly stopped laughing and wiped away my tears. I jumped up, almost causing my chair to fall backward.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked in a panicked voice.

  Whitley cleared her throat. “Court, settle down, honey.”

  Reed brought me into his arms and whispered in my ear, “I missed your warmth.”

  I instantly felt my need for him and let out a low moan. “Oh God, Reed,” I whispered.

  He pulled back and smiled before looking down at my plate. “What’s wrong with the food?” He looked at Whitley’s almost cleared plate and then back at my full plate.

  “I, um…I wasn’t really hungry. I couldn’t eat.”

  I looked at Whitley as she grinned in the most obvious way.

  Reed winked at me and asked, “Are y’all about finished?”

  “Yes!” Whit yelled as I screamed, “No!”

  Layton and Reed both started laughing.

  “Whit says yes, and Courtney says no. This should be fun,” Layton said.

  Whitley stood up and put her hands on her stomach. “Whew, I just all of a sudden got so tired. We have such a big day tomorrow. I should head up to the room and take it easy for the rest of the night.”

  I gave her the dirtiest look I could muster up. Traitor.

  Layton pulled Whitley closer to him. “That sounds like a wonderful plan. What are y’all going to do?”

  Reed looked into my eyes. “Probably head up to the room. I need to make sure my princess gets her beauty sleep.”

  Whitley let out a gruff laugh. “Yeah, right. I highly doubt either of you will sleep tonight.”

  I snapped my head over and glared at her.

  “Sex, Court. I’m talking about pre-wedding sex.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down as she started making her way over to me. She pulled me into her arms and said in my ear, just low enough for only me to hear, “Tell him tonight. He’s going to be over the moon, I promise you.”

  When she stepped back, I instantly missed her calming touch. I nodded my head and said, “I promise, I will.”

  Layton walked up, leaned down, and kissed me on the cheek. “You’re going to be beautiful tomorrow, Courtney. Get some sleep, sweetheart.”

  I smiled a weak smile. “Thanks, Layton. I will. Take care of my girl, or I’ll bust you in the nuts.”

  Layton’s smile faded for a second, and then he started laughing. “God, I love you, Courtney. You always catch me off guard.”

  Reed laughed as he pulled out some money, set it down on the table, and then grabbed my hand.

  I quickly turned to get my purse and felt dizzy. Shit. The room began spinning. I had to hold on to the chair until everything stopped moving.

  “Court? Are you okay?” Whitley asked.

  Reed held on to me to steady my swaying body.

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just spun around too fast and got dizzy, that’s all.”

  As we walked to the elevators, Layton and Reed were planning something for after the wedding tomorrow.

  I had a million things running through my head. How in the hell do I tell Reed? When do I tell Reed? Do I tell him before or after the wedding? If I tell him after the wedding and he is upset with the idea, he might think I trapped him. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  My cell phone went off with a text message notification. I pulled it out and sucked in a breath of air.

  Mom: Well, how long does a pregnancy test take?

  I peeked up at Whitley and mouthed, My mom.

  She smiled and winked at me.

  Nice. Some friend she is.

  She thought the whole thing was romantic and sweet—not to mention, funnier than shit.

  I mouthed back, I hate you.

  She made a heart with her hands and giggled.

  “Who’s the text from, baby?” Reed asked.

  I panicked. He was with me when I bought the tests. He’s going to ask if I sent my mom a pic of the test.

  “My mom,” I barely said.

  “Oh yeah? Did y’all ever trick her by sending her a pic of Whit’s positive pregnancy test?” Reed asked as he let out a small chuckle.

  “So mean, Courtney, but so you,” Layton said as we stepped into the elevator and headed up to our suites.

  Whitley finally snapped out of her happy fairy-wonderland state. “What did y’all do this evening while we pampered ourselves?”

  Layton grabbed on to Whitley as he said, “Suffered without our women, fought off girls left and right, drank a few beers, and watched football.”

  “Wow, sounds like a busy evening,” Whitley said as she pushed Layton away and punched him in the stomach.

  “Man, it was rough.” Layton pulled Whit in and kissed her.

  They soon got lost in their kiss, and I had to look away. I glanced up at Reed, and the passion in his eyes caused that familiar buildup deep in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to feel him inside me so badly. I needed to feel him inside me. It was the only time I ever felt completely whole.

  When the elevator doors opened, Reed grabbed my hands, pulled me out of the elevator, and practically dragged me down the hallway to our suite. “Night, y’all,” he called out.

  Layton and Whitley both laughed.

  I turned and gave them a small wave, and Whitley gave me a thumbs-up before the bitch started giggling. I knew she was going to tell Layton, so I had to tell Reed tonight before he saw Layton tomorrow.

  When Reed opened the door, I let out a gasp.

  “Oh my.” I looked around the room in awe. I hadn’t really paid attention to the room the first time I was in it. Now, I was taking it all in.

  It was beautiful, and every available countertop was covered in vases filled with white and red roses. The smell in the room was heavenly. The massive fireplace had a fire going in it. I put my hand up to my mouth and looked at the rose petals arranged into two paths on the floor.

  “Oh, Reed, this is so…it’s so…”

  Reed walked up behind me and pulled me to him. “Nick swoon-worthy?”

  I let out a laugh as I felt a tear slowly slide down my cheek. “No, this is better.”

  Reed rested his chin on top of my head. “There’s something better than Nick swoon-worthy?”

  I turned around and pulled his lips to mine. Before we kissed, I whispered against his lips, “Yes. This is Reed swoon-worthy. Nothing is better than that.”

  Reed’s eyes lit up with passio
n, and he captured my lips with his. The kiss started off slow and sweet, and then it quickly turned more heated. He walked me backward until my legs bumped into the sofa, and he slowly began pushing me down.

  I tried to push everything out of my mind, but I couldn’t do it. I can’t do this. I can’t pretend and go on like everything is okay. I pulled back from Reed’s lips, placed my hands on his chest, and then barely pushed him away.

  He looked confused. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  I took in a shaky breath and slowly let it out. “Reed, I, um…I need to talk to you before we do anything else.”

  He pulled back and sat up. I sat up and pulled my legs into my body as I looked into his eyes. Just a few seconds ago, they had been filled with so much love, and now, they were filled with…concern.

  “Please tell me you haven’t changed your mind about getting married,” he whispered.

  What? “No! Absolutely not. I want nothing more than to marry you, Reed.”

  His body instantly relaxed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think I was having doubts. I’ve never wanted something so much in my life,” I said as I smiled at him.

  I wanted nothing more than to crawl into the safety of his lap and just tell him everything, but I knew if I touched him, I’d let him make love to me, and I really needed to tell him about the baby.

  “I feel the same way, Courtney. I have to admit that you’re kind of still making me worry here. Angel, please talk to me.”

  I closed my eyes, said a silent prayer, and just went for it. “Okay, so you know how I was going to have Whitley pee on one of the tests to play a joke on my mom?”

  He nodded his head. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I didn’t need Whit after all,” I said with a weak smile, waiting for it to click in Reed’s head.


  He just stared at me, like he was expecting me to keep going on with the story.

  “Is there more to the story?” he asked as he scrunched up his nose.

  He is so damn sexy. I wanted to jump him just for scrunching up his damn nose.

  I let out a giggle and shook my head. “Not really.”

  “Why didn’t you need her? Did your mom tell you not to do it?”

  I tilted my head. “No. She’s still waiting for me to send her a picture of a negative test.”

  He looked so confused, and it was so damn cute.

  “Why haven’t you sent it yet?”

  I smiled bigger. “Because all the tests were positive.”

  “All the tests were…”

  Then, it clicked. Bingo! He’s finally got it. God, please don’t let him be angry.

  He stared at me for a few seconds before his smile matched mine. “Court…are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  I stood up and walked over to my purse. I grabbed all eight tests and placed them on the coffee table. “I hope you’re not mad. I was just as surprised as you are. I didn’t believe it. Oh God, I’m so sorry, but I might have missed a pill…or two. I’m so bad about taking them, and…well, I had no idea, and I’m not that late, so…”

  Reed got up, never taking his eyes off the tests. He just stood there, staring down at the table. The longer he stayed silent, the more scared I got. He finally looked at me, and I gave him a smile.

  He smiled back and asked, “We’re having a baby?”

  I nodded my head and pointed to the tests. “Unless they’re all wrong. Are you upset?”

  The next thing I knew, Reed was pulling me to him and picking me up. He started walking us toward the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He looked at me and let out a laugh. “I’m going to make love to you, Courtney. I didn’t think you could ever make me as happy as I have been, but you just made me the happiest man in the world.”

  He walked up to the side of the bed and slowly let me slide down his body. I could feel how much he wanted me. My heart was beating so fast, and I had the strangest feeling in my stomach.

  He’s happy?

  He’s happy.

  I bit down on my lower lip. “You’re not upset? I was so afraid you’d be upset with me.”

  He placed his hands on the sides of my face, and I watched as his eyes moved all over my face until his eyes locked with mine.

  “I could never be upset about something like this. Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of you having my child? How many times I’ve thought about how wonderful it would be to make love to you when your stomach is full and round with our baby? You’re my whole world. You’re my dreams come true.” He took his thumbs and gently wiped away my tears. Then, he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “I pray to God every night that this isn’t a dream and that I don’t fuck this up in some way and make you leave me.”

  I shook my head and tried to talk, but I was so choked up that I couldn’t get anything out. Reed gave me that crooked smile of his as he took a few steps back. He reached down and picked something up. I didn’t want to pull my eyes from his, so I didn’t know what he was doing until I heard Norah Jones singing “Come Away with Me.”

  He walked back over and began undressing me. “Do you know what my goals are for us, Court?”

  I whispered, “No.”

  After removing my shirt, he reached behind me and unclasped my bra. He slowly pushed the straps off my shoulders, and every inch of my skin he touched was on fire.

  Please don’t let me be dreaming.

  He took one nipple into his mouth as his hand played with the other one.

  I dropped my head back and moaned, “Oh God.”

  He moved his lips up and began brushing them along my jawline. I was completely on fire at this point and ready to combust.

  “My goals for us are as follows…”

  He dropped down to his knees and began taking off my pants. My legs felt like lead while I lifted each one up as he slipped off my pants and panties. He sat back on his heels and looked my body up and down as he licked his lips.


  I could almost feel my orgasm building just from him idolizing my body the way he was.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he reached out for me and pulled me closer to him.

  He leaned up and began kissing my stomach. I let out a gasp and ran my hands through his hair.

  He kissed all over my stomach and then said, “I’m going to make you the happiest woman on earth.”

  “I’m so happy, Reed. You have no idea how happy I am right now,” I said as my breathing became needy.

  “My first goal is to love you completely.” He lifted my leg and put it over his shoulder.

  My whole body began trembling as I anticipated what he was going to do next. “Yes…” I whispered.

  He began kissing the inside of my thigh. “My second goal is to make every single one of your dreams come true,” he whispered.

  I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled on it as I begged, “Please, Reed. Please touch me.”

  He took his tongue and teased my clit with one fast movement. I jerked my hips and let out a moan.

  “My third goal is to make you scream out my name in passion…often.”

  “Like now! Now would be a good time to do that,” I said as I tried to push his face into me.

  He licked my clit again and slid two fingers inside me. He slowly moved them in and out, and I felt my world beginning to unravel.

  “My fourth goal is to wake up every morning to the sound of your heartbeat, and I will always tell you how beautiful you are and how happy you make me.”

  My breathing was getting so ragged with the way he was teasing me with his fingers.

  “Okay…Reed…please…I can’t…I need you…”

  He started kissing my clit, and my hips began thrusting harder against him.

  Oh God, yes. I need this so badly.

  He pulled back, and I let out a whimper.

  “No…no, no, no…please don’t stop.”

>   “I’m not done with my goals, baby,” he whispered as he began fucking me harder with this fingers.

  “Yes…Reed, faster.”

  He slowed down and pulled his fingers out, and then he began to tease my clit with them. “My last goal is to make love to you all the time, Court, but I’m also going to give you a good fuck when you need it, too.”

  My eyes widened as I said, “Now, Reed. I need it now!”

  He stood up quickly and spun me around. He bent me over and leaned into me as he whispered, “I’m going to fuck you from behind, Courtney. Don’t come.”


  He slammed into me, and I almost came on the spot. He dug his fingertips into my hips as he began thrusting so hard and fast. I felt that familiar feeling beginning to build.

  “Don’t. Come. Courtney,” Reed said in between thrusts.

  “I can’t stop myself from coming! Oh God, Reed…please…”

  I started to move my hand down to touch myself, but Reed pulled out some and stopped.

  “No! Why are you doing this?” I yelled out.

  He slowly began moving in and out of me, and I’d never felt such pleasure. There was no way I could stop myself from coming. When he reached around and pinched my nipple, I let out a gasp.

  “Reed! I need to come.”

  He began kissing my back as his fingers dug into my hips again, and then he started slamming in and out of my body. I felt it start in my toes. I was so close.


  “Courtney, you feel so good,” Reed said as he picked up his pace. “Come now, baby…I’m so close.”

  Yes! Finally!

  I pushed myself against him every time he slammed into me. I could feel the buildup as I prepared for an intense orgasm.

  “Court…I’m close, baby.”

  “Deeper, Reed. Harder!”

  Somehow, Reed pushed my one leg out more, causing him to go deeper into me.

  Heaven. Pure heaven.

  Then, he moved his right hand and brushed the cheek of my ass before he grazed down the middle of my ass. As he pushed harder, he said, “Someday, I want this, too, baby.”

  The moment he pushed on my ass, it was my undoing, and the orgasm hit me so hard that I let out a scream and began calling out his name.


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