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The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)

Page 7

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  “Heal, Alex,” she whispered and I inhaled as the warmth spread through me. The pain eased and I opened my eyes for a moment but my eyelids still felt heavy. Kelly shook her head, “Lay here and rest while you heal. We’ve got this.”

  I nodded unable to hold my eyes open any longer. I closed my eyes and was sucked down into darkness.


  “You know Legion was right,” I heard Semarias whisper, “They will keep coming back. You’ll need to find a better way.”

  I frowned as I opened my eyes and saw Semarias standing with his wings neatly tucked into his back. He looked like a normal man like this. Still, I experienced an unexpected burst of relief that he was talking to me. That relief ended when I saw how guarded he was.

  “Are you going to act like you‘re afraid of me every time I see you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes, “I mean I really think we need to talk about all of this.”

  “I don‘t want to,” he said with so much force that I flinched, “I don’t ever want to talk about it again. It’s not important.”

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, stepping toward him, “Are you mad at me?”

  He ran his hand through his hair, frustrated and then, shook his head, “There are other things more important than my feelings or even yours for that matter. For example, I‘m here to give you a message that will help you and your friends.”

  My lip trembled and I bit my bottom lip to keep from showing the hurt he had caused. I swallowed and rose my chin, “Tell me what it is you need to tell me and then, you can go back to ignoring me,” I said, through clenched teeth. It was better to seem mad than hurt.

  He blinked as if surprised, “I haven’t been ignoring you,” he said, raising his brows, “I’ve been here the whole time. You just haven’t seen me. Besides, I am here because you are in trouble,” he sighed as he looked away and then, he turned back to me. His voice wasn‘t as harsh when he spoke, “Just tell Kelly that she can heal them in groups at the same time. Tell Jenna to tell her where the most energy is concentrated. Everyone else will have to fight them all but they can do it. Tell Catherine to keep them subdued and tell Jace to use his gift to determine which ones will act first.”

  I nodded, jerkily as I fought back tears from confusion. I suddenly wondered if I had lost one of my best friends. I raised my chin, “Send me back,” I said, stepping back from him.

  He looked at me pained and then, nodded, “Wake up, Alex.”

  Darkness took me but not before I saw a single tear roll down his cheek.


  “Alex,” I heard Kelly say, “You have to wake up. There are too many of them.”

  I forced my eyes open and peered up at her. I blinked as I saw the terror on her face. Slowly, I looked around and realized what was happening. I stood and a tremble shook through me. It wasn’t only the teachers who were possessed but some of the students too.

  “Kelly,” I whispered, “Semarias visited me. He said that you can heal them in groups.”

  She shook her head, “I can’t,” she said, frowning, “I don’t have that much strength.”

  “You do,” I said, looking around, “Semarias told me that you do.”

  “Alex, I don’t know,” she said in a small voice.

  “Please believe me,” I said, looking at Jenna, “You just need her help. Tell her where the most energy is. Then keep telling her from there.”

  “Alex, are you sure?” Kelly asked, frightened.

  “Trust me,” I whispered, “Tell Legion to leave them.”

  She nodded as Jenna pointed toward a group of students. I saw Brady within walking within them, “There,” Jenna said, softly.

  Kelly stretched out her hand, “Legion you are cast from the bodies of these humans in the name of Jesus,” She said, shakily, “Ever one of you is healed.”

  “Everyone with an physical gift get ready because you’re going to have to use them,” I said, glancing around as the air broke with unholy wails of fallen angels. I inhaled sharply as they were pulled from their hosts body. Kelly continued to follow Jenna’s directions more confident than before and a moment later, there was eerie silence. I held my breath and I could see that everyone else was too.

  “Catherine,” I whispered and she came forward, “Use your gift to subdue them until the others can send them back to hell.”

  “But they’re not doing anything,” she said, with wide eyes.

  “Like what…ripping our limbs from our bodies?” I asked, giving her a sideways glance.

  “They aren’t going to do that, are they?” She asked, frightened.

  “They’re thinking about it,” Jace said, behind her.

  “Close enough,” she whispered and then, projected her voice over the crowd before us, “You have burning blisters all over your skin. You see them. You feel the pain of them as they burst.”

  I winced, “You’re getting more creative, aren’t you?” I asked with raised brows.

  “You’ve got to keep it fresh,” she whispered as the moans of pain echoed through the air.

  “Jace tell them who is going to attack. The rest of you, do your damage,” I said, stepping out of the way to stand next to the Appointed with no physical gifts.

  I watched with my heart in my throat as Jonathon speared demons and Jeremy singed them quickly afterward. They made a great team. Raina held them back with her gift and the ones she couldn’t hold back, Clyde would throw them backwards by hitting them harder than any human could possibly hit. Then, I noticed my father who was helping Raina with his gift of wind. Jace was shouting out which one had broken free of Catherine’s charms. Daniel was saving the previous hosts from being trampled as Will stood within the fray. I could not tell if he was using his gift but I suspected he was. Then, there was Sara who had turned into a lion and was ripping the fallen angels to shreds. Everything that had happened slammed through my head….Ky’s jealousy…My angel being in love with me…The fact that I could be the reason why he could fall…Lucifer’s visits…The war around me. A dam of emotion broke and hysterical laughter bubbled up from me as the enormity of the situation hit and I knew I had finally lost it. Still, I couldn’t stop as I grabbed my stomach and tears rolled down my cheeks. Great hiccupping laughs poured from me.

  “Alex, why are you laughing?” Ky asked, frightened.

  Gloria stepped up to me and touched me lightly. She shook her head as she stood in front of me and grasped my shoulders, “It’s okay, Alex,” she said, softly, “You can cry if you want to.”

  “But she’s not crying,” Ky said, confused, “She’s laughing.”

  Just like that, I realized that was exactly what I wanted to do…Cry. I wanted to cry because Ky was upset with me for hanging out with Daniel. I wanted to cry because my guardian angel was in love with me and risked falling because of it and because he had hurt my feelings. I wanted to cry because Lucifer was attacking us and I wanted to cry because I couldn’t even sleep without something happening. Worst of all, I wanted to cry because my friends and family were in the middle of a battle with Lucifer’s minions. I wanted to cry for every reason I had begun to laugh. I just thought I wasn’t allowed to until Gloria gave me permission.

  Finally, the laughter became sobs and then, I collapsed onto the ground and sobbed and sobbed. Gloria held me close as Ky’s eyes widened in fear.

  “It’s okay,” Gloria said, rocking me and then, looked up at everyone who stood around us, “It’s just become too much. She needed to cry it out.”

  I heard my brothers running to us, “Is she hurt?” Jeremy asked with obvious concern in his voice. I hadn’t even realized that it was silent until then. I rose my head and looked around. All evidence of the fallen angels were gone.

  I sniffled as Jonathon looked down and grinned, “You don’t need another vacation at Running Rivers, do you?” He joked and that caused laughter to ripple up from me again.

  I shook my head, realizing how crazy I must seem as I jumped from one mood to a
nother, “No, I don’t,” I said, through hiccups, “At least I don’t think I do.”

  “Did you get it all out?” Gloria asked, frowning.

  I nodded and then, looked at each of the Appointed, “Yes,” I said but then, I looked around again, “Are all the demons really gone?”

  “Yes,” Gloria said, frowning.

  I swallowed as yet another mood hit me, “What do we tell all the people who were possessed?” I asked, looking up at Bastian, anxiously.

  He shook his head, “Nothing,” he said, shrugging, “They won’t remember anything but they will have a lapse of time.”

  I sighed, feeling the tightness in my chest release, “At least we don’t have that to worry about.”

  “I don’t think you should worry about anything for a while,” Gloria said, softly, “Let’s get you home so you can get some rest.”

  I nodded as Ky led me to his car with the support of the rest of the Appointed.

  Chapter Ten

  Facing the Facts

  Rest had seemed like a good idea at first but unfortunately rest was not something I did well. I found that even though I was forcing my eyes closed I could not sleep. Everything was playing through my mind and I found that even though we had won the latest battle there was more to come. For the first time, I realized we were never going to be safe…not while we were awake…not while we were asleep.

  I trembled and I had to admit that I was afraid to close my eyes. I was expecting for something to happen. Still, no matter how afraid I was, sleep eventually did come and so did someone else. I stiffened when I felt his caress on my cheek as soon as I fell into my dreams. A tear slipped from my eye.

  “Alex,” I heard my name whisper to me, softly and I relaxed immediately, realizing that I was safe.

  I opened my eyes slowly and looked into the familiar planes of Semarias‘ face. Unease slid through me only a moment later and I swallowed as I saw that his features were hardened but this time it wasn’t in anger. It was in concern.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, sitting on the edge of my bed, “I really am.”

  I blinked as I looked up at him. The unease faded as I realized that the only thing wrong was Semarias’ guilt over hurting my feelings.

  I blinked again as tears burned my eyes at the memory of his callous behavior, “Are you mad at me?” I asked and even to myself, I sounded like a child.

  He shook his head in remorse, “No,” he sighed heavily, “I’m mad at myself.”

  “Because you are in love with me?” I whispered, feeling my heart break just saying the words.

  He scoffed, “I’m not mad that I’m in love with you,” he said and waved that thought away, “I’m at the most peace when I’m with you. Most of that is because I know that even though your love isn’t the same, you do love me. I’m content with that. I’m content with your friendship.”

  “Then, what are you mad about?” I asked, frowning.

  “I’m upset that the admission let me falter at my job,” he whispered, “I have put you in danger simply based upon my embarrassment. I won’t do that again.”

  I smiled sadly, “I’m glad,” I said in all sincerity, “I missed my friend. You are the only one I can talk to about everything. It hurts when you are unavailable.”

  “You know most people aren’t able to talk to their guardian angels,” Semarias said with a small laugh, “They won’t answer back anyway.”

  “I know,” I said, laughing tiredly, “But I’m special.”

  He grinned, “That, you are,” he said but then, he frowned, “So, talk to me. Tell me what it is that is bothering you that you aren’t telling everyone else. Tell me what’s causing this zap of your energy.”

  “Everything,” I said, swallowing.

  “Start explaining,” he said, taking my hand and rubbing small circles across the top with his thumb.

  “Let’s start with the small stuff,” I said, shrugging, “I have to be able to get along with Daniel. I still care about him. I want to be his friend. Ky doesn’t want me to be alone with him. His jealousy is really causing a lot of stress.”

  Semarias nodded, “It’s natural for humans to be jealous when there is a threat.”

  “There isn’t a threat,” I said with a frustrated sigh.

  “Are you sure?” He asked with raised brows, “I mean really think about it. How deep are your feeling for Daniel, really?”

  I frowned, “He’s been my friend since I was little.”

  Semarias’ brow shot up higher, “He’s been more than your friend since then.”

  I blew air out from between my lips, “Yes,” I admitted, “He is but I would never cheat on Ky with him, even if I…”

  “Love him,” he said, blinking down at me.

  “Yes…even though I love him,” I said, sighing again.

  “Now, try to figure out if you’re still in love with him,” Semarias said.

  I didn‘t answer. I just winced because on some level I knew it was the truth, “I’ll let you think about that one for a while,” he said, smirking, “But for the time being, try to reassure Ky that you wouldn’t betray him.”

  I nodded and then, shifted, “I will do that,” I said and then, frowned as I studied him, “I know it doesn’t seem like it but I still have to ask…Are you sure you aren’t upset with me anymore?”

  “I told you that I’m not upset with you,” he said, rolling his eyes, “Don’t worry about that anymore. I’m back to being the same supportive me.”

  “Good,” I said with a smile, “That’s the second thing.”

  “Well, we got the boy problems straightened out,” he said, shaking his head with a grin, “What else?”

  “The possessions,” I said, frowning.

  “What about them?” He asked, tilting his head.

  “Something doesn’t feel exactly right,” I said with a shrug, “It felt so ridiculous that I started laughing…crazily. This battle felt like a slap on the wrist. I think it‘s just beginning.”

  My eyes widened as I realized that was exactly what was wrong. It had felt like more of a fight when Jezebel and Asmodis faced us and there were only two of them.

  “It’s because it is a slap on the wrist,” he said, looking worried, “I hope that’s all it will be but I know Lucifer.”

  My heart sank and fear slid down my spine, “What do you mean?”

  He shifted, “There are levels of the fallen,” He said as his face darkened, “Legion is the first line. They are easy to cast away.”

  “How many levels?” I asked, swallowing over the lump in my throat.

  “Seven,” he said, biting his lip, “For each level of hell.”

  “What level were Asmodis and Jezebel at?” I asked as a tremble shook me.

  “They were level four demons,” he said, pursing his lips, “But you should know there is only one of the fallen who is at level seven and that is Lucifer.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel better,” I said, covering my face, “There are still other levels. I’ll never sleep again, knowing that.”

  His grin widened, “That’s why you have angels.”

  Immediately, the room lit up and I saw within the light, angels everywhere.

  “They’re going to help us?” I asked in awe.

  “These angels and so many more,” he said, smiling triumphantly as my face lit up in awe, “Now for the change. You and your father aren’t the only ones who can see them. Every member of the Appointed can now too.”

  I covered my mouth as the enormity hit me. My heart swelled with so much peace and love that I couldn’t feel the worry that had been plaguing me before.

  “Do you think you can sleep now?” He asked, grinning.

  “As long as it‘s not this bright when I do,” I said, laughing.

  “You’re asleep now,” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, I am. You interrupted my dreams. I’m sure the others will begin soon. Will you stay with me while I dream those dreams?” I asked
as the walls around me began to shake and a new dream began to take over.

  The light dimmed and darkness surrounded me, “I‘m always with you,” he whispered, “Now, dream and tell us what to do, Alex. Always, remember that even when you can’t see me, you are never alone.”


  The dream was strange and though I knew I wasn’t alone, the scenes were disturbing. I saw red…everywhere. There was blood on a wooden floor and blood on a wall. Screams assaulted my ears and I closed my eyes.

  “Don’t close your eyes, Alex,” I heard Semerias say, “You have to face the vision. Lucifer is trying to hide it behid this so you won‘t look.”

  “I’m afraid,” I whispered as I shook, “There is something that is…too much in this vision.”

  His voice was sympathetic and I felt his hand on my shoulder, “I’m here with you,” he said, “Open your eyes. You won’t be alone.”

  I nodded and then, slowly, slid my eyelids open, facing the scene before me. Red coated everything and I gasped in terror. Still I kept my eyes open as I saw as the scene fall apart. Suddenly, I found myself standing in the middle of a parking lot looking on as a battle raged. I shook my head as I saw who the enemies were.

  “No,” I said as I trembled. Tears fell down my cheeks, “That can’t happen.”

  “If you see it,” Semarias said, frowning, “It can happen.”

  I looked around the area in which I stood, finding Jace and then, Catherine. Their eyes pulsed red. I swallowed as I remembered how Drake had been possessed for years before we were able to save him. I couldn’t let that happen again.

  Then, I glanced around again and my heart froze in my chest. My father stood within the center of the fray. When he looked up, his eyes were the same scarlet as Catherine and Jace‘s eyes had been. I nearly fell to my knees in heartache but Semarias caught me.

  “Don’t give in, Alex,” he said, almost harshly, “Look around for the solution.”


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