The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)

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The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) Page 8

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  I swallowed as I glanced around terrified. I wanted to block the scene out by closing my eyes. Instead, I forced myself to scan the crowd again. Finally, my eyes landed on the group in the very center of the crowd. Darkness drifted from it but in the middle was light. Jenna, Kelly, Jeremy and Jonathon were standing amongst the demons. My future self was coming toward them. My heart froze as I saw my eyes. Possession was in my future.

  Tears fell down Kelly’s face as she reached forward and pulled the demon from me with the power of her voice. Her eyes widened as my body was thrown backwards and a fallen angel stood in my place. My future self sat up with wide, terrified eyes.

  “Kelly, remember to continue!” My future self screamed, “Don’t stop just because you think we’re hurt! You have to keep going!”

  Kelly reached forward again and pulled another demon from the body of my father as my brothers sent the demons back to hell. Still, there were more and more coming. My mother ran past me, demon possessed also.

  Semarias frowned as we were suddenly thrown backwards and I saw the earth split. I heard Semarias inhale sharply.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as the dream began to fade.

  “They are going to try to open a pit,” he said, terrified, “All demons will be able to enter Earth….even Lucifer.”

  Understanding came as darkness surrounded me. Lucifer was going to try to bring the Apocolypse early if we didn‘t stop him.

  Chapter Eleven


  It felt as if my skin were crawling and I climbed from my bed with tears flowing down my cheeks. Slowly, I went to the wall which separated my brother’s room from mine and Kelly’s and knocked three times. It was less than a minute before Jeremy and Jonathon entered looking around frightened.

  “Jeez, Alex,” Jonathon said when he realized there was no danger. His eyes were wide, “We thought you were being attacked.”

  “Not yet,” I said, sitting back on my bed and pulling my knees up to my chest, “But soon we all will be.”

  Jeremy tilted his head, concerned as he walked across the room and sat next to me, “Did you have a vision?” He asked, softly.

  I nodded my head as I turned to meet his eyes, “I did. You have to prepare yourself, you will be battling our own members.”

  He frowned and then, his eyes widened as he realized what I meant.

  “Members of the Appointed were possessed?” He asked, frightened.

  “Yes,” I said, nodding as a tear fell down my cheek.

  “Okay,” Jeremy said, sighing deeply. I could tell he was struggling to remain calm, “Can you tell us what you saw?”

  “You , Jenna, Jonathon and Kelly were standing in the middle of a crowd of demon possessed people. Kelly was pulling demons out. Jenna was telling her who to pull out and you and Jonathon were sending the demons back to hell.”

  “Wait,” Jonathon said as his eyes widened, “You said people. If it was just the Appointed you would have called them that.”

  “There were regular people too,” I said, shifting, “Our mother was one of them.”

  “Our mom?” Jonathon asked as his face paled.

  “Yes,” I said, shifting with the thought.

  “Okay,” Jonathon said and took a deep breath as he began to pace the length of my room, “And who isn’t possessed?”

  I swallowed, “I told you. I saw you, Jeremy, Kelly and Jenna,” I said, raising my chin as I met his eyes, “I don‘t know if anyone else wasn‘t possessed. I just know you four weren‘t touched by a demon.”

  “Did you see yourself?” Jeremy asked, narrowing his eyes, “I mean…You usually do.”

  “I did see myself,” I said, meeting his eyes. I’m sure he could see the fear within them.

  “You’re possessed in this vision?” Jeremy asked in a voice so breathless that it sounded like he had been punched in the gut.

  “Yes,” I whispered as a tremor shook me.

  He blinked terrified, “Who else did you see possessed.”

  “My dad,” I whispered, shifting uncomfortably, “Jace and Catherine.”

  “My God,” he said, grabbing his stomach as if pained. I bit my bottom lip, knowing that I would have to tell the rest.

  “That isn’t all,” I said, frowning as both of my brothers looked at me horrified.

  “What else could there be?” Jonathon asked taking as step closer to me.

  “ Lucifer tries to open a pit from hell,” I said, trying to remain brave for my brothers. Still, a shiver shook down my spine.

  “What does that mean?” Jonathon asked, frightened.

  “It means Lucifer is going to try to enter earth early,” I said, swallowing hard.

  “What do we do?” Jonathon asked beginning to pace.

  Suddenly, the room began to glow and I smiled instantly at ease, “We trust them,” I said as my brother’s eyes widened.

  “Who?” Jeremy asked, cringing slightly.

  “The angels,” I said as the glow faded, leaving ten angels standing within my small room. I grinned because for once, my brothers were speechless.


  Semarias stood beside me as a very large angel stood within the center of the room. This angel sported the bronzed body of a warrior with rope after rope of muscle covering his over six and a half foot frame. His eyes were a beautiful grey and if I looked close enough I could see storm clouds rolling within their depths. His hair was long and different shades of brown.

  “Who is he?” I asked, Semarias and he chuckled.

  “That is Michael,” he said, grinning proudly. It was clear that Semarias respected him as he continued to speak. His tone was reverant, “He cast Lucifer to hell the first time. He’s God’s greatest warrior.”

  “Well, that would explain why I feel like he could crush me with two fingers,” I whispered as Michael turned toward me.

  His smile disarmed me and I forced the corners of my lips upward. I knew my smile probably seemed more a grimace. He walked over to me and I had to force myself to stay where I was.

  “Alex,” he said in a strong, sure voice, “I would never crush you. I only want to help you. I want you to know that.”

  “Okay,” I said, stupidly and forced myself to stand up straight.

  He walked over to where Kelly still slept. I frowned. How could she have slept through all of this? I swore sometimes that she could sleep through a freight train running through our room.

  “This is our healer,” he said, brushing her hair from her face, “She will be a fierce warrior.”

  My brothers scoffed and Michael turned back to them, “You may think it’s funny but don’t lose faith in either of your sister’s abilities to protect themselves or you.”

  “We do have faith in Alex,” they said, looking at their little sister and frowning.

  “Why is that?” He asked, facing them with genuine curiosity.

  “She’s sacrificed herself for us,” Jeremy said, raising his brows, “She’s nearly died before trying to save us.”

  “And yet, this one has saved all of your lives too,” he said, causing Jeremy and Jonathon to bow their heads in shame, “It’s an important lesson for the two of you to learn. Both of your sisters are valuable and thoroughly capable of defending not only themselves but each of you.”

  They nodded, “They’re our sisters,” Jonathon said, frowning, “We’re supposed to protect them.”

  “You do protect them,” he said, smiling as he placed a calming hand on Jonathon’s shoulders, “But you have to learn when and you also needed to see how valuable each of them truly are. You had no problem seeing Alex’s value…You must see Kelly’s value too. You also have to see each member of the Appointed’s value. It’s the only way you can work together.”

  My brothers nodded as Michael turned to me. He tilted his head as he studied me and then, smiled, “Alex,” he breathed my name like a prayer, “You are a stubborn one.”

  “I’m not that stubborn,” I said, frowning.
r />   He laughed, “You’re arguing with an angel about whether you are or are not stubborn,” he said, amused, “I think I’ve proven my point.”

  I blushed, “Okay,” I whispered, grudgingly, “Maybe I’m a little stubborn.”

  “I’m glad you are,” he said, smiling almost lovingly.

  “You are?” I asked, surprised.

  “Of course,” he said, laughing, “Without your stubborness, all of the Appointed and a good amount of the rest of the human race would have perished. So, please don’t lose your stubborness.”

  I smiled, “I won’t.”

  He narrowed his eyes as he studied me further, “I don’t want to impose but I know you can use your gift another way,” He said, frowning, “I would like to see your vision.”

  “You mean that you want me to use my gift on you?” I asked, suddenly frightened.

  “Yes,” he said, “I know that you have the ability.”

  I nodded, “It’s just that…”

  “You are afraid because we’re angels,” he said and his smile widened, “Do me a favor and treat us like the rest of your friends.”

  I nodded and then, inhaled, “Okay,” I said, still a bit nervous.

  I put my hand out like I was blowing a kiss and then, closed my eyes placing the vision firmly in my mind. Slowly, I blew out. A moment later, I heard Michael inhale. I opened my eyes in time to see the light fading from his eyes.

  He blinked and then, shook his head, “Oh that will not do at all,” he said, frowning as he turned to the other angels in the room, “What Semarias and Alex saw is true. Lucifer is going to try to open the pit.”

  “So, what are we going to do about that?” I asked, frowning.

  He patted my shoulder and then, looked around before saying, “We’re going to fight.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The First Falls

  I had slept peacefully after the angels met with us with the promise that the demons would not possess me while I slept. I had no visions, no dreams, I just slept more peacefully than I had in days. When I woke, the sun streamed through the windows, blinding me.

  I frowned as I looked across the room at the bed where Kelly slept. She was snoring lightly. I blinked as I saw that Semarias was standing next to my door, guarding it as if afraid that a demon would break in at any moment. I guess I couldn’t blame him because it was true. A demon could attack any time now. I tried not to think who in the room was at the most risk of being possessed.

  Instead, I glanced at the clock and started as I saw the time. 7:40 a.m. I was going to be late for school. I stood quickly and then, sat back down hard, feeling dizzy from the sudden movement.

  “You can’t leave yet,” Semarias said, causing me to frown. For the first time since waking, I gazed into his face. I blinked in shock as I saw the intense worry. He wore a frown so fierce that his brows nearly met in the middle of his forehead. His lips were pressed tightly together, causing lines of white to branch out from around them.

  “Why can’t I leave?” I asked as my stomach hardened in guilt.

  “Because I need to speak to you,” he whispered.

  A thrill of alarm traveled up my spine finally loosening my stomach so that it could spin, “What about?”

  “People have been taken,” he said, shifting, “The possessions will begin soon. You can’t go to school. You have to figure out the plan. You have to decide what the best way is to deafeat Lucifer.”

  His words slammed through me and I understood in an instant what he did not say. People were taken. He meant at least one person that I knew was missing.

  “Has any of the Appointed been taken?” I asked, bracing myself for the answer.

  He shook his head, “Not yet.”

  Relief slammed through me and I needed to hold on to that emotion for a little while longer. I refused to ask if anyone else had been taken that I knew.

  “Then, I’ll start by calling them,” I said, frowning when I picked up my phone. His eyes followed my actions and I realized he was trying to figure out how to tell me whatever had happened.

  “Alex, there is something else you need to know,” he said, swallowing. I closed my eyes wishing I could find a way to avoid whatever he was going to say but I knew I couldn’t.

  I sighed as I opened my eyes. I turned to face him. A warning whispered in my ear as I looked into his face, “Who is missing that I know?” I asked trying to swallow over the lump that had suddenly risen into my throat.

  He shifted, “Before I tell you, I want you to know that this doesn’t necessarily mean possession,” he said without giving the name, “It just means that this person is missing and the guardian angel in charge isn’t answering our summons which means he could be bound because of the possession or that he’s just busy protecting his charge.

  “I‘ll remember” I said as my heart picked up speed, “Just tell me who it is.”

  He shifted again, “Your mother,” he said.

  I grasped my chest as all the air left me. One of my worst fears slammed through me. I looked up at him as a tear fell down my cheek.

  I shook my head, “No,” I whispered, “I can not lose my mother.”


  My mother still had not been found by twelve o‘clock. I had called her job four times and each time they voiced concern over her absence. On the fifth call, her boss suggested calling the police. When he said those words, my heart had sunk. The police would not be able to help her. No one but the Appointed could.

  Thankfully, I wasn’t alone. Semarias had allowed me out of my room shortly after telling me about my mother. I had woken Kelly and my brothers and had broken the news to them. Afterwards, I had called each of the Appointed. Most were with us. Only Leighton was late but that wasn’t unusual for him. The angels were with us too and though that should have made me feel safer, it didn’t. We knew we could still be possessed in their presence.

  “Alex,” Gloria said, softly, breaking me from my thoughts, “Are you sure your mother was possessed in the dream?”

  I nodded, “Not just her. There were some of us that were too,” I said, voicing that I saw some of the Appointed possessed.

  “Who?” Drake asked with wide eyes. I knew it was his worst fear to be possessed again after spending years trapped inside his own head as Asmodis made use of his body in horrible, murderous ways. Asmodis had been still in control of him when Reverend Boothe had died. I couldn’t imagine how it felt to see Asmodis use his body to commit such an act. I blinked, realizing that I hadn’t answered his question.

  “The only Appointed who I saw who weren’t possessed were Jeremy, Jonathon, Kelly and Jenna,” I whispered as Drake’s face paled.

  “Wait,” Lynne said as she stepped toward me, “You didn’t say you weren’t possessed.”

  “That’s because I am possessed in my vision,” I said, swallowing hard, “Kelly pulls out the demon who possessed me.”

  “Okay,” Gloria said, frowning, “Are we sure we all get possessed?”

  “No,” I said, blinking rapidly, “I only saw a few of us for sure.”

  “Who else did you see?” Gloria asked, terrified.

  I looked at Jace and Catherine as tears flooded my eyes, “I‘m sorry,” I whispered as I looked at Catherine and then, Jace.

  “Me and Jace?” Cathreine asked, blinking back tears, “Are you sure?”

  I nodded releasing the tears from my eyes, “I saw you two and you were definitely possessed.”

  Catherine began to sob and Jace pulled her into his arms. He was pale as he nodded his head.

  “Anyone else?” Drake asked.

  “Yes,” I said, walking to the chair where my father sat.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I said as a tear fell down my cheek, “I saw you too.”

  He nodded but his eyes filled with tears as he stood and pulled me into his arms, “It’s okay, Baby Girl.”

  I sobbed as he rubbed my back and made shushing noises. A few minutes later, I backed away s
till sniffling as I looked at the others.

  “So, that’s four of us for sure,” Drake said, worried.

  I nodded but a moment later, pain slammed into my head. Though the vision only lasted a second, it was enough to confirm we were not the only ones. Leighton was writhing in pain on the floor. A black cloud surrounded him finally rising up through his nostrils. He closed his eyes as he screamed. When he opened his eyes they pulsed red.

  I opened my eyes and shook my head as the vision faded, “No, five,” I said, breathlessly as I looked around the room.

  “Who else?” Ky asked, concerned.

  I swallowed, “Leighton,” I cried, “I saw Leighton and I think it‘s happening right now.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Little Games

  I couldn’t handle it anymore. I had to get away from my living room where everyone was crammed together. I inhaled shakily as Ky came to my side. His brows were creased with worry.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, softly.

  I swallowed over the lump in my throat and I found that it was hard not to cry, “No,” I said, feeling my heart sink.

  “Do you want to go out to the deck?” He asked and I nodded relieved that he knew me so well.

  “Yes,” I said, fanning myself, “It’s too…”

  He gave me a small smile, “Suffocating,” he finished for me.

  “Yes,” I said, nodding.

  He grabbed my hand, “I’ll go with you,” he said, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand, “You don’t need to be alone.”

  I nodded but just as we left the room Semarias followed. I turned, “I’m just going out to the deck,” I said, frowning.

  His eyes darkened, “I only wanted to say that if you need me,” he said, looking from me to Ky, “You only need to say my name.”

  I smiled, relieved that he wasn’t going to stop me, “Thank you.”

  We turned and I was finally able to step out into the cool breeze of the almost chilly air. Ky stood beside me silently. When I looked up at him, his face had darkened.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I studied him.


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