The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)

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The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) Page 9

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  “Nothing that’s your fault,” he said, shifting, “It’s just that sometimes it feels like you have so many people who want you that I’m insignificant in all of it.”

  My eyes widened, surprised, “You are not insignificant,” I said, stepping closer to him and caressing his cheek, “I love you. Don’t ever think different.”

  “I love you too,” he said, leaning down to kiss me.

  My eyes closed as his lips pressed against mine becoming more and more urgent. He had not kissed me like this since before he had seen me with Daniel and I nearly became lost in it. It was only the strange hiss of the wind which made me open my eyes. The darkness thickened around us. I pulled away and Ky looked around, confused. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Immediately, he pushed me behind him, trying to save me.

  “Semarias,” I said in no more than a whisper but he was there with Michael and four other angels, fighting valiantly.

  A moment later, Daniel appeared beside me, “Hold on to each other,” he said, laying his hands on our shoulders. A moment later, we were inside the living room.

  All of the Appointed were standing in the center with angels surrounding us. I looked around unable to see past them. I felt Ky’s hand grip mine and then, Lynne was beside me.

  “What’s happening?” I asked, frightened.

  “Leighton’s out there and he’s brought the demons with him to possess us,” she said, frightened.

  I trembled as a thought occurred to me, “Leighton can enter our dreams,” I said, swallowing hard, “Can the demons possess us there?”

  “No,” Bastian said and then, his eyes widened as he looked at me, “The demons can contact us and even attack us but they can‘t possess us in our dreams. It must be done physically.”

  I blinked as I tried to crane my neck to see Bastian, “Can Leighton reach us there without the demons knowing?”

  Bastian’s eyes widened, “Yes,” he said, excited, “He can. We just need to figure out who he would contact.”

  I looked at Sarah as the angels ceased fighting. The demons had finally fled, “I think I know,” I said and Sarah frowned as she looked at me, “Sarah you need a nap.”


  Sarah laid down on Kelly’s bed opposite from me. Her eyes found mine. She was worried. I could see it in the darkness of her blue eyes.

  “Are you sure he’ll visit me?” She asked, frowning as she looked into my face. I couldn’t believe that she had never realized Leighton’s feelings for her. I was still unwilling to tell her. That would have to be left up to Leighton.

  “If he’s going to visit anyone, it will be you. You‘re his best friend,” I said, giving her a small smile, “When he does visit you, tell him to pull me into your dream.”

  “If he does,” she said doubtful as she turned to look up at the ceiling with a sigh, “What if I can’t go to sleep?”

  “Oh, you will,” I said and then called for Catherine who immediately entered the room with a warm smile.

  “Can you help us go to sleep?” I asked and instantly Catherine‘s smile widened.

  “Of course,” she said, rubbing her hands together and looked toward Sarah whose eyes enlarged when she realized that Catherine was going to use her gift. Catherine shook her head, “It won’t hurt. I promise.”

  “Okay,” Sarah said with a heavy dose of skeptisism in her voice. I realized she was frightened of Catherine’s power which was the ability to control others senses. She could make you hear, feel, taste, see or smell whatever she wanted. With her gift, she could put you in serious pain.

  “Just close your eyes,” Catherine said, narrowing hers as she peered intently at Sarah, “And trust me.”

  Sarah didn’t argue. Instead, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she let it out slowly. I closed my eyes right after I was sure Sarah wouldn’t open hers again.

  A moment later, Catherine’s voice surrounded us with its power. It lulled us as she spoke calmly and softly within the confines of my room.

  “You feel a soft cool breeze caressing your skin,” she said and moment later a breeze washed over me scented with the smell of a meadow. I didn’t have to ask to know that Sarah was feeling it too because of the soft inhale of her breath.

  A moment later, Catherine continued, “Your muscles are relaxed,” she said as I began to drift, “Your eyes are heavy.”

  I guess I was a ligthweight when it came to Catherine’s suggestions because seconds later, I was sinking into darkness. Minutes passed and my body was suddenly pulled down a dark cavern. I closed my eyes as my stomach flipped. When I opened them, I was standing next to Sarah. Leighton stood in front of me.

  He smiled at me in his shy way. His pale hands were shoved into his pockets as his brown eyes met mine.

  Relief flooded me, “Are you okay?”

  He laughed, “Not exactly but I’m alive,” he said and then, gave me a hug, “Thank you for figuring out that I could talk to you this way. I was waiting for Sarah to fall asleep.”

  I gave Sarah a look that said I told you so and she rolled her eyes. I looked back at Leighton, “How did you become possessed?” I asked.

  “I was walking through my living room to get my keys and this black cloud surrounded me,” he said, swallowing, “I ran but it was fast…really, really fast. When it entered me, it burned like acid. Then, I found that I could see everything that was happening but I couldn’t move. I had no control over anything.”

  “Do you know what they are planning to do?” I asked, frowning.

  “They’re going to open hell,” he said with wide eyes, “Somehow, that has something to do with possessing us.”

  I nodded, “They won’t get to,” I said, pressing my lips together, “I saw it. They won’t get the ones that matter.”

  “Well, tell those members to hurry,” he said, tortured, “It is really hard to live like this. I don’t know how Drake did it for so long.”

  “I will,” I said, frowning, “Do you know where all of the demons are?”

  He thought for a moment, “Do you know where the old shoe factory is?”

  I nodded, “Yes, I do,” I whispered, swallowing hard. The place had always given me the creeps.

  “That’s where we are,” He said.

  “We?” I asked frowning.

  “Me, a few members of Barrington police department, our mayor and your mom and even more than that,” he said, sadly, “The numbers grow by the second. Be careful, Alex. They want you really bad.”

  “I will,” I said, hugging him again and then, stepped back as Sarah embraced him, “We better get back so we can get to you and everyone else. Try to keep my mom safe.”

  “I’ll do what I can which isn’t much,” he said, beginning to walk away, “I love all of you. I just want to say it just in case.”

  “There is no just in case,” I said, “But we love you too.”

  Then, he was gone and me and Sarah were rising to the light which had appeared above us.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Factory

  The old shoe factory rose above us as we moved past the fence which surrounded the five story building. The building had once been painted white but had turned a ghostly grey. The windows were black as the souls which inhabited the bodies within.

  A violent shudder shook through me and I tried to suppress it before the fear could take over, causing me to lose my nerve. A tentative hand grasping my wrist is the only reason my fear faded enough to bring back my bravery.

  I turned to the owner of the hand, surprised to find Lynne, trembling slightly as she peered up at the building.

  “Alex, I’m scared,” Lynne whispered with a quivering lip. I frowned as I studied her. My normally too brave friend was pale. Again that feeling that something wasn’t quite right slid down my spine and settled in my stomach like an anchor. The problem was I couldn’t figure what was causing the emotion to be so persistant.

  For a moment, it seemed she would put the myster
y to an end. She even opened her mouth but closed it quickly. I wanted to beg her to tell me…to let me help her but I didn’t. Instead, I found my answer through someone else.

  Semarias who was beside me leaned over and whispered, “It’s because she’s with child,” The words slid through my mind and I turned to stare at him shocked as he continued, “She doesn’t need to be here. I’ve been told to tell you to allow Bastian to get her far away from here.”

  I nodded relieved as I stopped the others from proceeding. I glanced at Lynne, wondering why she had come in the first place but I knew. She believed she was supposed to and was putting her trust in God to protect her child. Thankfully, her trust was well-placed and he was guarding her and her baby.

  “Wait,” I said, looking at Lynne. I gave her a small smile as I spoke as gently and discreetly as I could. After all, it wasn‘t my job to tell everyone her secret, “Lynne, you and Bastian need to leave. It’s not safe for you. Do not stay in Barrington. We will call you when you can come back.”

  Lynne sighed in relief and tears filled her eyes as she pulled me to her almost roughly in an embrace, “Be safe,” she whispered in my ear.

  “I will be as safe as I can,” I whispered back, “Take care of yourself.”

  She gave me another weak smile as she took Bastian’s hand before she turned to the opening in the fence. She gave us one last look before disappearing.

  I glanced up at Semarias, “Promise me that Bastian and Lynne will be safe.”

  “I promise,” he said, pointing his chin toward them. I could see their guardian angels followed close behind them. I nodded, relieved.

  “Okay,” I said as my bravery fully returned because there was one more reason to win this battle. If I didn’t, Lynne’s baby would never be safe. I raised my chin as I faced the building where the battle would truly begin.


  I looked up at the factory again as that tingling came to me once more. There was still something that needed to be done but I couldn‘t discern what it was. Semarias tilted his head as he studied me. Then, he nodded once as if he understood what was happening inside my head.

  “Close your eyes, Alex,” he said, softly, “Ask God to show you what you need to do.”

  I nodded and I whispered a quick prayer to God to help me see…to truly see what needed to be done here. Warmth washed over me and for once there was no pain with my vision. It flowed through my mind and I was able to focus on every detail. When it faded, I was at peace because I had seen everthing. I opened my eyes with a smile as everything that was going to take place played through my head. I rose my chin confident and turned to face my siblings.

  “You have to stay here,” I said to them, realizing they would put up a fight before the words left my mouth.

  “Who needs to stay here?” Jonathon asked already shaking his head in protest.

  “You, Jeremy, Kelly and Jenna,” I said, glancing toward Jenna as I said her name. She opened her mouth to say something but the determination blanketing my face must have told her that this was how it needed to be.

  “Absolutely not,” Jeremy said with his dark brows knitted together, “We aren’t letting you be the sacrifice anymore.”

  I grinned, “I’m not trying to be a sacrifice,” I said with a raised brow, “I’m doing what I was told to do by God. I won’t lie to you. I will be possessed for a short time but that’s the way it’s supposed to be. So, is this. This is the only way, you can fight them. They’ll come to you because we’ll lead them that way.”

  “Alex, are you sure?” Kelly asked with wide eyes.

  I caressed her cheek as I looked into her pretty face, “I’m sure that it’s your turn to show what you’re made of. You’re about to show how strong you are.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “I never knew I could either,” I said with a deep breath, “Not until I did it. Listen to Jenna. She’ll tell you who to pull out and then, don’t stop. No matter what…don’t stop.”

  I looked at my brothers and raised a brow, “Whether you like it or not, this is the way it needs to be,” I said, pleading with them, “Trust me please.”

  They both sighed at the same time. In that moment, their differences faded and they looked exactly the same. They were just my brothers who loved me and wanted to protect me.

  “Okay,” They said in unison.

  “Kelly, you’ll listen to Jenna,” I said, glancing at her before moving my eyes back to my brothers, “And you will pay attention to who Kelly frees of their demons and you will send them back to hell.”

  “What do we do?” Drake asked, frowning.

  I raised my chin as I looked up at the dark building which held every nightmare I had ever had. I closed my eyes and said another quick prayer for our safety and strength before facing the others.

  I could feel the tears just beneath my lids and I had to blink them back as they threatened to come. I was asking the rest of the Appointed to go into the deepest, darkest part of evil. They would be attacked. They would be possessed but it was to win the war and protect not only ourselves but humankind.

  I took a deep breath and looked each one in the eyes before saying in as determined a voice as I could manage, “We lead them to them.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  We entered the building through a side entrance which had obviously not been used in a while. The door had fallen to the side, leaving a gaping hole with paper and wood cluttering the threshold. We moved the door and rubbish out of the way as quietly as we could.

  Upon entering a musty aroma hit us, causing us to fight to keep from coughing. It was ice cold and it was only made worse by the darkness marred only by the open door. I had to fight the shiver that raced down my spine to step further into the building.

  When we were all inside the small hall like area just beyond the door, we stood perfectly still as we listened for any movement within the darkness. It became apparent a few minutes later that no one knew we had arrived. Slowly, I turned to my father and my friends, hoping that the confidence of my vision lasted long enough to give them instructions.

  I gazed at each of them the best I could in the darkened hallway, “We’ll need to split up if we are going to find all of the possessed,” I whispered, wincing as my voice carried further than I wanted it to.

  We listened in silence again but when nothing came for us, I squinted at the Appointed trying to make out their faces. Finally, my gaze settled on Sarah, “Will you go with Gloria and Drake, so they have someone with a more physical gift?”

  “Of course, Alex,” She said, offering me a small worried smile.

  My heart clenched as my mind brought forth the image of our possessed Appointed and then, the one person familiar to all of us within my vision, “Remember, if you see Leighton or my mom or anyone else we may know, it’s not really them. They are possessed. Just try not to kill them if you have to fight them. If you hurt them, Kelly can heal them if they’re still alive.”

  “Okay, Alex,” She said in a small voice. I could tell that she really didn’t want to think about harming people she knew. I could only hope she would be strong enough to do what she must when the time came.

  I squinted again and found Clyde easily, “I need you to protect Raina,” I said, looking into his dark eyes.

  “I can do that,” he said, looking around the darkened room until he found her and stepped to her side.

  “Daddy, I’ll need you to go with Daniel and Will,” I said, softly, realizing there was about to be an argument.

  “Why can’t I go with you?” He asked, frowning.

  “Because it needs to happen this way,” I said, determined, “If you’re with me it will distract you. You’ll try to protect me instead of doing what you need to do.”

  He gave a heavy sigh, “You’re right,” he said, “I’ll go with them.”

  I turned my gaze to Daniel and then, Will, “Do not mess with time
and under no circumstances, do not transport anyone anywhere until you are outside and demon free.”

  Neither of them were happy but they both nodded. Finally, I looked at Jace and Catherine, “You’ll be with me,” then, I smiled at Ky as I took his hand, “You too.”

  They both nodded, “Can I use my gift?” Catherine asked.

  “As long as you don’t do permanent damage,” I said and she nodded. I took a deep breath and slowly, let it out before whispering, “Okay. It’s time.”

  We turned on the flashlights we brought with us, illuminating the area in which we stood. I realized that it would attract the demons to us but we couldn’t risk tripping in the darkness. I turned and began down the hallway until I found a set of metal stairs which led to the top floor of the building.

  “Daddy, Daniel and Will, this is where you will go,” I whispered as they looked up into the darkness, “As soon as they spot you, run to the door. Don’t use your gifts. Just run and when they possess you, let them. Daniel, do not use your gift even to save someone. If you do, it changes the vision and it could change the outcome.”

  He nodded, “I’ll do what needs to be done. I promise I won‘t use my gift.”

  I smiled weakly and nodded, “Thank you,” I said, “You‘ve just given me less to worry about.”

  Will, Daniel and my dad turned and rose up the stairs as quietly as they could. I watched until they had disappeared into the darkness before taking a few steps forward where a hallway stretched across from the stairwell.

  I turned to the group behind me, “Sarah, go with Drake and Gloria here,” I whispered and she nodded.

  “Is there anything different to tell me than you told them,” she said pointing her chin up the hallway.

  “No. The same rules apply,” I said and she nodded before turning with Drake and Gloria to walk down the hallway.

  When I could see them no longer I led the rest of the group a little further down the hall until we came to another set of stairs. Just beyond the stairwell was the entrance to the factory’s work room. I gave Raina a guilty smile realizing she would understand what I had not told her within a matter of seconds.


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