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Desire Oklahoma The Founding Fathers Trilogy

Page 6

by Leah Brooke

  Taking another calming breath, Eb had to make a conscious effort to relax his jaw before he could speak. “I know that. You won’t legally have two husbands—”

  “Then what’s all this about? You said you both want to marry me. I think living in Oklahoma has affected your brains. I will have two husbands. I won’t have two husbands. Nothing more reassuring to a woman than a man who knows what he wants.”

  Jeremiah ran a hand up her thigh. “We know what we want, Maggie. We’ve known it for a long time. You damned well will have two husbands. Not legally, but every other way. Let me show you.” He sunk into her.

  Watching them, Eb could find no better way to describe it.

  His brother wrapped his arms around Maggie and pulled her to him while bending over her, his hair falling to cover both of their faces.

  Eb’s cock came straight to attention as he watched Jeremiah’s hand slide over Maggie’s full breast, his lust even stronger when he imagined his brother watching him touch Maggie the same way.

  Maggie pushed against his shoulder at first, but within seconds grabbed on to them, her little hand fisting in Jeremiah’s jacket.

  Clenching his jaw against yet another surge of need, he couldn’t help wondering what that little hand would feel like stroking his cock.

  He couldn’t wait to find out.

  * * * *

  Maggie automatically grabbed Jeremiah’s shoulders to steady herself, even though it immediately became obvious that his strength made it unnecessary.

  Still, she held on, loving the feel of the muscles shifting beneath his jacket, and she couldn’t quite hide a gasp when her nipples brushed against his chest.

  Hard arms wrapped around her and pulled her against a chest much wider than it had been five years earlier. Cupping her jaw, he lifted her head, his eyes intense as they searched hers. “Husbands in every way, Maggie.”

  She held her breath as he bent his head and caught her lips with his own.

  With a hand cupping the back of her head and the other at her waist, Jeremiah surrounded her with his heat and strength, warming her inside and out.

  Maggie shivered as his tongue slid over hers, gasping when his silky hair brushed over her cheek. She hadn’t even felt the cold until his warmth began to seep in, warmth that grew with every sweep of his tongue.

  When his hand slid to her breast, she went limp in his arms, amazed at the hunger that took hold almost immediately and soon raged inside her. Every slide of his hand over her nipples sent an answering pull to her slit. Each clench of her pussy released more of her juices, her clit tingling more with each slide of Jeremiah’s tongue over hers.

  Her clit burned, swollen and with an ache that no amount of squirming could relieve. Her breasts warmed and swelled, and Jeremiah’s attention to her nipple only made it worse.

  He pinched lightly, forcing a cry from her which he met with an answering groan.

  Desperate for attention to her other nipple, she rubbed against him, thrilling at the warm hard feel of him.

  No matter how tightly he held her, she couldn’t seem to get close enough.

  When he lifted his head and pinched her nipple harder, the cry she released startled even her. The sharp jolt of pleasure to her pussy and clit had her writhing in his hold, gulping in as much air as she could in an effort to fight off the dizziness.

  She could feel Eb’s gaze on her and knew he watched her surrender in Jeremiah’s arms, something that should have embarrassed her but instead sent her lust soaring.

  Breathing heavily, she stared up at Jeremiah, trying to read his expression, but the brim of his hat blocked the moonlight from his features.

  His hand gently massaged her breast, the possessiveness in his touch just as potent to her senses as the pleasure it gave her.

  “You’ll be my wife, too, Maggie. Make no mistake about that.”

  His soft tone held both tenderness and a hint of danger, a combination that proved lethal to her resistance.

  “Impossible.” But some little part inside her knew that she could never give herself to anyone else.

  The years that she’d missed them and their possessive gentleness wiped away all her defenses, sweeping her along until Eb and Jeremiah were the only solid things in her world.

  Jeremiah’s hand slid under her shirt and closed over a breast. “Mine.” The rough texture of his palm against her nipple sent an answering wave of hot sizzles through her, making her clit pulse.

  Crying out as the sensation grew, she kicked her legs as her abdomen tightened and more of her juices flowed. Twisting restlessly, she whimpered in her throat, beating against Jeremiah’s shoulder in frustration, and then held on for dear life as another wave shot through her.

  “Give her to me.” Eb’s raw, gravelly tone sounded as though he’d just swallowed splintered glass.

  Jeremiah’s hand moved from her breast down to her hip and under her bottom. “No. I’ve got her.”

  Lifting her high against his chest, he swung one leg over his horse’s back and slid from the saddle, his secure hold never faltering.

  Eb came forward, running a hand up and down her leg as Jeremiah strode several feet away and lowered her to the blanket Eb had obviously spread.

  Jeremiah settled himself on one side of her while Eb did the same on the other, neither man relinquishing his hold on her.

  Maggie couldn’t breathe in enough air, couldn’t get close enough.

  Completely surrounded, she’d never felt so small, so powerless and yet safer than she could ever remember feeling. Being this way with them released a bubble of happiness inside her, an effervescence that made her light-headed and increased her desire for both of them even more.

  Her breath came out in frantic gulps as she writhed on the blanket, fighting her growing need, unsure if she could take any more.

  This had to be some kind of dream. The men who’d always been larger than life to her wanted her and seemed enthralled with every inch of her. When both men reached for her, she sucked in a sharp breath and forgot how to breathe altogether.

  Their warm, firm hands touched her everywhere at once, from her arms and shoulders to her breasts, from her hips and thighs to her abdomen and stomach, making everything in their path come alive with awareness.

  Eb’s fingers, both firm and caressing, stroked her jaw, turning her toward him. “You grew into a beautiful woman, Maggie, one who’s smart and daring.” He tapped her chin. “Maybe a little too daring. It was adorable when you were younger but won’t be tolerated in Oklahoma. There’s too much danger. You’re going to have to get used to doing what we tell you so we can protect you. Our wife.” His mouth covered hers before she could respond, his hand warm on her breast.

  Or is it Jeremiah’s?

  When a firm hand covered her other breast, the knowledge that both of them touched her nearly sent her over the edge. With a whimpered moan, she held on to them as the last of her control over her body slipped effortlessly into their hands.

  Eb’s hand went into her hair, keeping her head turned toward him as he deepened his kiss, moving his lips over hers and sliding his tongue inside.

  Restless and edgy, Maggie couldn’t stop writhing as their hands moved over her. The cool air on her bare breasts was like nothing she’d ever felt before, the decadent sensation sending her senses soaring.

  Her nipples pebbled even more, the cool caress of air contrasting sharply with the heat of their hands. Eb teased a nipple, running his work-roughened palm over it in slow circles, lifting his head to stare down at her as though mesmerized by her reaction.

  At the same time, Jeremiah traced his fingers over her other breast, and to her frustration, he avoided her nipple completely.

  The contrast of hot friction on one and cold need on the other made her more aware of both. She couldn’t lie still, twisting from one side to the other in an effort to satisfy the craving building inside her.

  Lying between them, she neither knew nor cared which one of them caressed

her. It didn’t matter as one touch blended into another.

  Eb’s voice sounded even deeper than before. “Look how she’s trying to get you to touch her nipple.”

  Jeremiah groaned. “God, she’s going wild.”

  Stunned that they talked about her as though she wasn’t even there and the tension in their deep voices as they did, Maggie shivered.

  An awareness began to grow inside her, an awareness of the touch of her lovers’ hands that gradually made it possible to tell one from the other.

  Jeremiah’s teasing hands moved over her lightly, his fingers strumming over her flesh from one place to another and making her tingle everywhere. She couldn’t anticipate where he’d touch her next, but he seemed to be determined to touch her everywhere.

  His fleeting touch slowed occasionally to give her extra attention here and there, but she never knew when or where it would be or how long he would remain in one spot before his devious fingers made their way to another.

  It drove her wild.

  Eb, on the other hand, savored. He explored each inch of her body with a thoroughness that left her reeling. He touched, he pinched, he tasted, and the different textures of his fingers, lips, and tongue against her sensitive flesh brought every nerve ending alive and teased them mercilessly before moving on to another.

  It stole her sanity.

  The knowledge added an intimacy that had been lacking

  She wondered briefly if they felt the same but couldn’t dwell on it as the combination of their caresses impossible to resist and robbing her of all reason.

  She just knew she wanted more.

  She held on to Eb with a hand in his hair, knocking his hat off and fisting her fingers in the silky strands. The entire area between her legs tingled hotly, growing hotter as their hands roamed over her, Jeremiah’s light caresses keeping her guessing while Eb’s firmer touch explored each place on her body with a possessiveness that made her melt..

  With the other hand, she held on to Jeremiah, digging her heels into the blanket to arch toward him in an attempt to get him to touch her other nipple.

  The ache had become unbearable, her nipple pebbling tighter as the cool night air caressed it. His warm fingers, only inches away, made the cold feel even colder, making her crave the heat of his touch even more.

  Eb continued to manipulate her breast, running a rough palm repeatedly over her nipple so lightly she wanted to scream, as though fascinated by it.

  Jeremiah teased her, running his fingers from her breast to the waistband of her pants, and back up again, doing it over and over. Her stomach muscles quivered under his hand, her abdomen becoming so tight it hurt.

  Eb bent to kiss her again. “So sweet. I think this marriage is going to work out just fine.”

  Turning her face toward him, Jeremiah brushed her lips with his. “Damned fine.”

  Maggie licked her lips, savoring the combined taste of both of them as much as she loved their combined caresses. “I can’t believe you’re both touching me. It feels so good.” Oh, God, nothing had ever felt better. The closeness she’d missed with them came back with a suddenness that had tears stinging her eyes.

  Different now than when she’d been younger, the intimacy between them was that of a man and a woman needing to be as close as possible to each other. More fulfilling, it made her want even more.

  Jeremiah pinched her nipple, nuzzling her neck. “It’ll feel even better in a little while.”

  Eb’s hand went to the fastening of her pants. “Much better. Let me show you.”

  Maggie shook her head from side to side in denial of her loss of control, but couldn’t get the words out before Jeremiah covered her mouth with his, swallowing her cries when Eb’s lips began a slow journey down her body. Her cries became distressed whimpers when Eb began to lower her pants, allowing the cool air to touch parts of her that had never been exposed outdoor.

  Already learning how thoroughly he explored every part he touched, she wondered if she’d ever survive that kind of attention on her clit and pussy, which already had become so sensitive she feared even one of Jeremiah’s fleeting caresses would be too much.

  Eb used his weight to hold her legs down, hooking his arms over them, effectively stilling her squirming. He slid his hands up her thighs, lingering about halfway up and massaging gently before continuing higher and using his thumbs to part her folds.

  The cold breeze caressed her exposed slit, the juices wetting her folds and clit, making the feeling even more intense. Crying out, she fought their hold, unable to remain still at such a decadent sensation.

  Jeremiah’s long, drugging kisses made her dizzy, and she arched her back, lifting her breasts in invitation. With a groan, he finally gave her what she needed.

  He ran the palm of his hand over a nipple before pinching it lightly between his thumb and forefinger, gradually increasing the pressure and tugging it upward, the sharp pleasure making her clit swell and tingle even more.

  Eb kept her clit exposed, making her writhe in frustration, but his hold on her hips kept her from getting away from him.

  Caught up in the passion in Jeremiah’s kiss, the ribbons of pleasure from the sharp tugs on her nipples, and the raw sexuality of having her clit so exposed, she wasn’t prepared for the touch of Eb’s tongue.

  The soft warmth brushing her clit hit her like a bolt of lightning, and she screamed into Jeremiah’s mouth as her entire body jerked in his arms. Unable to believe her body was capable of such an erotic sensation, she bucked her hips against it, but couldn’t budge Eb at all.

  After a few strokes of his talented tongue, strokes that robbed her of reason, she no longer wanted to.

  She lifted now, not to push him away, but to get more, her cries becoming frantic when his tongue slid over her clit, circling it and then stroking it with fast little flicks.

  Eb lifted his head, allowing the cool night air to caress her clit again, drawing a tortured moan from her. “Jeremiah, I want to hear her.”

  Jeremiah lifted his head, no longer muffling her cries and whimpers, only to lower it over her other nipple. He swirled his hot tongue all around it before catching it with his teeth to tug on it.

  Maggie couldn’t hold back her cries against such incredible pleasure. The animalistic sounds splitting the night air alarmed her, especially when she realized they came from her. “Please! It’s too much. Oh, God. What are you doing to me?”

  Eb’s hands tightened on her thighs, his tongue delving within her folds, unerringly finding just the right place to keep the pressure inside her growing.

  She couldn’t take much more. She never wanted him to stop.

  How could she have lived her entire life without ever knowing that this kind of pleasure existed?

  Jeremiah’s mouth felt too hot on her nipples, as he used his lips and tongue on one and then the other. The cool breeze blowing across the wetness he left behind sent even more sizzles to her clit, made hotter by the strokes of Eb’s tongue.

  The swell inside her kept growing, the bubbles racing through her veins adding to the pressure.

  Suddenly, it burst free.

  Frightened at the intensity, she cried out as it showered her with sparks that raced over every inch of her body. They kept falling over her, the pinpricks of heat going on and on and rendering her senseless. The sheer ecstasy of it blinded and deafened her to everything else.

  Her body tightened and bowed of its own volition, once again taken over by Eb and Jeremiah.

  Jeremiah’s soft murmur went unheard, his words drowned out by her own cries. Eb slowed the strokes on her clit, each flick of his tongue now like a jolt to her system, making her jerk in Jeremiah’s hold.

  Wrapping his arms completely around her, Jeremiah pulled her close, running his hands up and down her back. “Hell, honey. If I’d known you’d be like this, we would have come to get you a year ago.”

  Eb came up on her other side, burying his face in her neck and caressing a bare thigh, sliding a warm
hand around to cup her bottom. He slid his hand between her thighs from behind and pushed a finger into her. “If you didn’t seem so surprised by the pleasure, I’d think you’d done this before.”

  Trembling and holding on to Jeremiah’s shirt, it took several moments before Eb’s words penetrated. The finger poised just inside her pussy felt strange and very intimate, but she couldn’t keep from tightening on it. Too embarrassed to face him, she buried her face deeper into Jeremiah’s shirt, breathing in his masculine scent. “Are you asking me if I’m free with my affections?”

  How could they expect her to talk to them now? Lethargic and shaky, she wanted nothing more than to hide someplace warm until she could rebuild her defenses.

  Eb pressed his thick finger a little deeper. “I’m asking if you’re still a virgin. Have you let anyone fuck you, Maggie? Don’t lie to me because I’m about to find out the truth.”

  Moaning, Maggie buried her face deeper. “Leave me alone.”

  Jeremiah cupped her jaw, his thumb and fingers firm but gentle on her cheeks as he held her face turned, backing away and staring down at her. “Never. We want to know if anyone’s taken what belongs to us.”

  Eb had already started to press his finger deeper, not stopping until he pressed against her barrier firmly enough to draw a whimper from her. “She’s intact.” He removed his finger and patted her thigh as though she were a horse that pleased him.

  Mortified, Maggie pushed out of Jeremiah’s hold and struggled to her feet, losing her balance when her pants tangled around her ankles. “How dare you! Neither one of you is ever touching me again!”

  It infuriated her even more when both men started laughing. Still trembling from her first orgasm, she felt far too vulnerable to face their callousness now.

  Eb somehow managed to slide a hand over her naked bottom as he helped her up. “Calm down, honey. You have to admit it’s a little funny to tell the men you’re going to marry that they’re never going to touch you again. Come here. Let me hold you. You’re still shaking.”


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