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Adrift: Book Two of The Crashing Tides Duet

Page 21

by Ruby Rowe

  “Of course. You need a lot of rest while you’re pregnant.” Smiling, Faye pats my arm and strides away. That was the most attention she’s shown me since we came face to face yesterday. Maybe she’s looking forward to the baby, too. It would be nice to have one of our parents excited about it.

  I rush out of the hospital, and the cool March weather blankets my skin. As I suck in the fresh air, my mind spins with each cool breath, and my stomach churns.

  I’m plagued with guilt for leaving, but Elliott doesn’t need my negative energy. When he wakes up, he shouldn’t have to pretend I’m the woman he wants by his side.

  He’s going to break his promise to love me forever. I feel it in my gut, and the unknown of how that will change our futures frightens me.

  Will Elliott and I even raise Payton together? I picture us sharing custody and me having to hand my newborn over to him when it’s his turn to be with her.

  I can feel the tension between us–the tension between him and Jake. No. That can’t happen. We’re all adults and love each other. Even if Elliott and I don’t stay together, we’ll find a way to be a family.


  I open the front door to the condo and look around. The lights are off, and I’m wondering which bed Sailor found comfort in. When she’s upset with Elliott, she’s usually in mine, and if she feels the need to shut us both out, we find her in the spare bed.

  I walk to my room first and find her there, which makes me happy. Taking off my tennis shoes and long-sleeve shirt, I climb in bed behind her and bring her back against me.

  “Why are you already home?” she mumbles. “It’s only been a few hours.”

  “He slept the whole time, so I figured it would be better if I was there this evening. I thought you might be needing me more right now.”

  She twists around in my arms, and I notice her face is pink and puffy.

  “I think he has feelings for Nicole.”

  “I think so, too, but he needs the chance to speak for himself. We could be wrong.”

  “Did he say something to you about it?”

  I avert my gaze faster than a dog who’s been caught pissing on the floor.

  “Oh, my gosh, he told you he does.”

  “No. He said he was confused about it and unsure.”

  Sailor worms herself away from me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

  “Elliott and I are good friends. I won’t betray his trust unless it’s necessary. He said he wasn’t sure if he had feelings for her, so I wasn’t about to stir up a hornets’ nest over nothing.”

  “All I heard for months was how much he loved me and how he’d never leave. He said he intended to give me the world. Blah, blah, blah.”

  “Elliott does love you, and I think he always will.”

  “But he may not be in love with me. Knowing he has feeling for Nicole after he professed his love for me for months made my old self-talk resurface.

  “The belief that everyone will eventually leave me was echoing in my mind, but then I came home and got in your bed–our bed. I feel confident that you and I will always love each other.”

  “You’re right. You won’t be able to get rid of me.” Smiling, I give her a passionate kiss to reassure her that I meant what I said.

  “Will you hold me for a little while? Then, we’ll go back to the hospital and be there for Elliott. I was surprised and hurt earlier by what he said, but regardless of how he feels about Nicole, I’ll always be there for him.”


  “I want this fucking chest tube out of my side!” I snap. “If it doesn’t happen tomorrow, I’m ripping it out on my own.”

  “Dude, I can only imagine how bad it sucks,” Jake replies as he helps me back into bed, “but getting this pissed about it isn’t going to change anything.”

  “It’s been three days. They better remove it soon.” Grabbing the oxygen cannula I’m sick of wearing, I growl from the pain and straighten my body in bed.

  “Sailor will be here in a minute, and your disposition needs to change beforehand. You’re going to stress her out.” He takes a seat in the reclining chair in my private room.

  “I knew the surgery was going to be rough, but I had no idea it would be this bad. I’m in excruciating pain even with the pain medication, and I can’t take a much-needed shit because of them. Every time I try to sleep, someone disrupts me. It’s either respiratory therapy torturing me or a phlebotomist vampire wanting my blood.

  “An aide wants me to walk down the hall every five fucking minutes with my ass hanging out of my gown for the world to see, and I don’t know if Dr. Raynard gave the nurses the third degree, but they keep smothering me, and somehow, not a one of them is attractive.”

  Jake grins. “You have to be the worst patient this hospital has ever seen, and it’s funny since you know what medical professionals put up with on the job.”

  “I wish you could feel my pain. I bet you wouldn’t last five minutes before you’d be crying like an infant.”

  “You’re probably right, and I can’t believe you’d wish that on your best friend.”

  “Hey, did Sailor let Nicole know how I was doing?”

  His smile vanishes, and he shifts in his chair.

  “Sailor’s been sending her text messages a couple of times a day.”

  “Why do you look like you’d rather get a prostate exam than be sitting in that chair right now?”

  “I need to tell you something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The first word that left your mouth when you got off the vent was Nicole.”

  “No, it wasn’t.”

  “Yeah, and Sailor was holding your hand and talking to you at the time.”

  “Shit, that’s bad. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything or seemed pissed. She has to be hurt.”

  “She is hurt, and she’s sure you like Nicole. You two need to talk about it once you feel up to it.”

  “No. I asked if Sailor was texting Nicole because if so, I wanted you to stop her. Also, make sure she doesn’t invite her over here again. Out of sight, out of mind.”

  “That’s not how love works.”

  “Who the fuck said anything about love?”

  “Bro, you need to admit it. I saw the way you were looking at Nicole in the waiting room the other day. You told me you may have feelings for her, and she was the first person you were thinking about when you woke up from surgery.”

  “I can’t hurt Sailor. My feelings for Nicole have to disappear, and the best chance of that happening is if I don’t talk to her or see her.”

  “Is that what you really want?”

  I kick at my sheet, only to feel a burning pain in my chest.

  “Fuck. Can we talk about something else please? Even better, let’s not talk at all. Find me a damn sports channel.”

  “I’ll warn you now that Sailor’s going to insist that you figure out your feelings for Nicole.”

  “I’ll tell her I don’t have any.”

  “That’s a lie.”

  “Listen to me clearly because I’m only going to say this once. The only way Sailor’s heart’s getting broken by me again is if I die. I wasn’t there for her the first time she had my baby. Am I supposed to tell her the second time that I think I’m in love with another woman? Hell, no. I refuse to let her down again, so keep Nicole away from this hospital and away from the condo once I’m home.”

  Jake holds his hands up. “Fine. I’ll let it go.”

  “Thank you.” Once he turns on the television, I try to focus on the basketball game playing. Maybe I’ll get five minutes to myself before someone comes in to torture me again.



  “Hi,” I say to Elliott and Jake after entering the hospital room.

  “Hi,” they both reply. I give Elliott a kiss, and he grasps my hand and holds it on the bed, which is endearing.

  “How are you feeling?”

advise you not to ask him that today,” Jake interjects.

  “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Be here, and take my mind off the pain I’m in.”

  “Have you eaten lunch?” Jake asks me.


  “Take my seat.” He stands and stretches. “I’m going to the cafeteria. I’m hungry, and Elliott refuses to share his Jell-O cup.”

  Elliott shakes his head. “One day, you’re going to be sick with something, and I’ll pay you back for all the wisecracks.”

  “Lighten up. You need some humor in your day.”

  “Fine, then bring me another Jell-O from the cafeteria.”

  “What’s your favorite color? Red or green?”

  “Douche. Bag.”

  Jake chuckles before he leaves us alone.

  “You must be feeling a touch better than yesterday.”

  “Yeah, I guess, but this damn chest tube needs to go.”

  “It will.”

  He stares up at me, his eyes sad today.

  “I’m sorry,” he says.

  “For what?”

  “Jake told me what I said when I woke up after surgery. I want you to know it didn’t mean anything. I don’t even remember the first day.”

  “I don’t think we should talk about it while you’re in the hospital and on so much pain medication.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about other than me apologizing.”

  “I disagree, but we don’t need to discuss it today.”

  “Yeah, we do if you’re worrying about Nicole.”

  I huff out a breath and snatch my hand away.

  “Elliott, you still like her, and denying it won’t help either of us. You’re also highly medicated, so this conversation can wait.”

  He grabs my hand again, pulling it back on the bed.

  “I love you, and I’m committed to our relationship. We’re having a baby, and I’m going to be there for you … so please don’t mention her again.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not? Are you worried I don’t love you?”

  “I know you love me, but I think you may love her, too, and I’m in no position to tell you to ignore it when you’re sharing me with Jake.”

  Looking the opposite direction, he stares out the window.

  “I can’t go there, Sailor. Don’t make me. I feel enough guilt already.”

  “I didn’t plan on us having this conversation for weeks, or even months, but after that statement, it’s a little late.” I turn his head toward me. My eyes water, and I don’t want him to see my hurt, so I blink away the tears.

  He does care about Nicole, and he’s only refusing to acknowledge it because he believes he’s indebted to me. The revelation hurts worse than I thought it would.

  “I don’t want you to ever feel like you settled for this triad only to please me. I forgave you for the past. You don’t owe me anything other than honesty. Do you have feelings for her?”

  “Dammit, Sailor.” Pissed that I’m pressing the issue, he moves away from me, growling from the physical pain it inflicts. “I do, but I don’t know how deep they run or if anything would ever come of them. What I do know is I love you.”

  “I want you to spend time with her while you’re recovering. You weren’t selfish when I couldn’t decide between you and Jake. You agreed to let me see him while I sorted out my feelings. I’m giving you permission to do the same.”

  “It feels wrong and selfish.”

  “Then I’ve been wrong and selfish for months. You, me, Jake and Nicole … we all need to know before Payton arrives. If you decide to be with her, it will alter our futures greatly.”

  “That’s exactly why I want to leave this buried.”

  “No, you only think you should because of the past and our baby. Since we’re together and I’m pregnant, some people would feel you made this bed, so now you need to lie in it. But I know that regardless of what happens with Nicole, you’ll always support me and our baby. That’s why I can live with you taking time to figure this out.”


  “Where’s Sailor today?” I ask Jake as we do nothing in my hospital room besides watch ESPN. The good news is I might get to go home tomorrow. It’ll be day six, and that’s long enough to be inpatient after this surgery.

  “She went back to work.”

  I glance at him. “I’m glad she did, but I thought she was taking more time off.”

  “She was worrying about her students and figured your mom and I had it covered.”

  “She’s upset with me.”

  “About what?”

  “You know what. Don’t try to say you two haven’t talked about Nicole and me.”

  “OK, we discussed it, and Sailor said she needs a little space, but she isn’t mad at you. Have you called Nicole?”

  “No. I won’t hurt her again, and I can’t promise her I wouldn’t.”

  “You won’t be able to resolve this unless you talk to her. Just be honest when you do.”

  “She’s not going to trust me in the least, especially when Sailor’s pregnant.”

  “Well, your dick’s not good for shit right now, so I doubt she’ll think you’re trying to get some on the side.”

  “Have I called you an asshole today?”


  “My dick works fine. It’s the rest of me that won’t cooperate. Look, I’m not an idiot. If Nicole and I were to end up together, you’d have Sailor to yourself. It’s no wonder you’re encouraging me to call her.”

  “You know what? You’re the one being an asshole. Yeah, I did leave when I didn’t think I could share Sailor, but I came back and accepted our relationship. I’d never hurt her by trying to get you to be with someone else. That’s low, bro. I can’t believe you think I’d do that to her.”

  “Fine. I’m sorry. If it’s that important to the two of you that I deal with this, I will.”


  It’s eight o’clock at night, and I’m alone in my hospital room, missing my job and independence. I want to serve a purpose rather than feel like a burden. I wish I could work out, feel strong again and take care of my damn self. Not being in excruciating pain would be golden about now, too. Let me move that wish to the top of the list.

  I groan and turn off the television. It’s too quiet, and I don’t have Alexa here to converse with. Nicole... This would be a perfect time to call her. I grab my phone off the tray table.

  “Hello,” she says.

  “Nicole, this is Elliott.”

  “Hi. How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit, but I’m alive, so I’ll take it.”

  “I heard they may have gotten all the cancer.”

  “Yeah, I’m only waiting on the results of the lymph nodes. I’ll likely undergo a round of chemo, but I’ll take that, too, if it means I get to live.”

  “I’m happy for you. It’s good to hear you’ll be well when the baby’s born.”

  “For sure…” We’re quiet, and I’m not sure what to say. How do I even begin a conversation like the one we need to have? “Are you still seeing that Wall Street douche?”

  She giggles, and it’s cute. “No. I’m done with casual dating. It was fine when I was in college, and establishing my career, but I’m ready to settle down. Unfortunately, he’s not.”

  “You deserve a good guy.”

  “Thanks. Um, I guess I should get off here. Be sure to keep me posted on your health, though.”

  “You should drop by the condo one day soon. I get out of this joint tomorrow.”

  “Elliott, you don’t owe me anything. If the friendliness you’ve been showing me is out of guilt, I’ll remind you that I forgave you.”

  “It’s not out of guilt. I like talking to you.”

  “I don’t know what to make of this guy who likes to chat.”

  “He’s weird, huh?” I grin, wishing I could see her smile, too.

  “I don’t think Sailor would appreciate me hangi
ng out with you.”

  “She doesn’t mind. Will you think about it?”

  “All right. You take care of yourself.”

  “Wait. That sounded like a no.”

  “I’m not sure what you want from me, Elliott. I understand you’re sick, and need support, but it doesn’t make sense why you’d lean on me when you have others in your life who love you.”

  “I need to talk to you about something, but in person. Will you please come over soon?”

  “OK. You call me when it’s a good time.”



  She hangs up, and damn, she was getting frustrated. I don’t think Sailor understands that my ex isn’t interested in spending time with me only to see if I may want to date her again.

  I thought men were the ones who didn’t understand women. Obviously, Sailor is clueless about this one.


  “You’re here,” I say to Elliott after arriving home from work. He’s stretched out in a new recliner we bought that has all the bells and whistles.

  “If you can call it that. I’m beginning to wonder if death would be a better option.”

  “Don’t say that.” Covering my stomach, I walk over to him. “Your baby’s growing inside me, and she needs you.” I give him a kiss on the cheek.

  “I didn’t mean it.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry you’re in so much pain.” I kick my flats off, and hearing a noise, I look toward the kitchen. “Is that the nurse?”

  “Yeah. I ran her off, so I think she’s trying to find something to do.”

  “You have to be nice.”

  “That’s difficult when she’s asking me every five minutes if I need anything, yet she can’t do a damn thing about my pain.”

  “It’s not her fault.”

  “She’s old and needs to retire.”

  “I’m sorry you didn’t get a hot nurse.”

  “No, you’re not.” He grins, and it’s nice to see a smile on his face. I should go meet this nurse, but I have a stronger need to curl up on the end of the couch and eat some chocolate truffles. I’m tired and hungry.


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