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Tray's Sweetheart

Page 2

by Angela Franklin

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Molly sassed. “The last hour has my mind in melt down.”

  “I know, but I promise it will be okay.” It was meant to be reassuring, but it wasn’t working.

  “I’m so lost.” Molly confided. Taylor linked arms with her, pulling her back to the couch.

  “Just relax. Let’s talk it out. Maybe that will help you sort everything out.”

  “The only real friend I ever had was Tray. I don’t know if I can fit into your group. I like you and Chasity, but I was getting over whelmed just listening to y’all talk about everyone.” Molly nervously twisted her hands in her lap as she spoke.

  “I promise you will love the girls. The only one you might have to worry about it Lindy, but that’s only because she doesn’t filter her thoughts.” Taylor made her feel like maybe she could try it at least once.

  “Can I ask you a kinda personal question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to tell me.”

  “Sure, I’ll answer if I can.” Taylor’s smile was soft and reassuring.

  “It’s about something you said to Chad at the baker. It was after I hit my head, you mumbled ‘caveman’ to Chad and he nodded. What does that mean?” Her mind had replayed that several times trying to figure it out, but she kept coming up blank.

  “I will try to explain it. Chad never asked me out, he said after I turned Tray down he preferred to show me I was his.” Taylor began, and Molly’s heart sank. Tray wanted to be with Taylor, not her. “Get that look off your face. He only asked me because he wants what our friends have. He has never looked at anyone like he looks at you. I pushed Chad away, and the group locked us in here till we worked it out. He said that it’s like he becomes a caveman with me. He pushes to get close to me, but he can’t hold it back. I guess I flip his caveman switch.”

  “Why did you say it at the bakery?” Molly understood what she was saying, but it didn’t fit in the context of what had happened at the bakery.

  “You’re his switch.” Taylor shrugged like it made perfect sense, but it didn’t.


  “Tray’s.” Taylor stretched his name out as if Molly was slow to catch on.

  “Me, you have lost your mind.” Molly laughed at the absurdity of what she said.

  “Really? What happened when you said no?” Taylor said smugly.

  “He said he didn’t ask me a question.” Molly whispered looking away.

  “Exactly, you are his trigger.” She nodded. “You can try to fight it, but you will just make both of you miserable. Take it from someone who knows, it is much better if you just go along with it. I’m assuming you feel a connection to him too.”

  “Yes.” Molly mumbled.

  “Then you need to text him your address and go get ready.” Taylor nudged her shoulder.

  “What if I’m not what he thinks I am?” Molly bit her lip glancing up at Taylor.

  “That is highly unlikely. What if you are everything he has ever wanted? Don’t you think both of you deserve the chance to find out? I’m here anytime you need me.” Taylor handed her a card that had her number on it. Molly took it, Taylor leaned in giving her a side hug. She texted Tray her address and stood up. Her phone dinged immediately.

  Tray: I’ll see you soon, Sunshine.

  As she walked back to her car so she could go home, her mind kept repeating Sunshine. She started her car and pulled away, wondering why that was suddenly stuck in her head. It was like having a song stuck in your head, but not being able to remember listening to it recently. The drive to her apartment was short, as she parked her car, it clicked. Tray had called her Sunshine twice. The way his voice had rumbled it at the bakery made butterflies flit around in her stomach.

  Molly had thought Tray was cute way back in middle school. The Tray she saw today had her tongue tied. He had broad shoulders, a lean waist, thighs that felt as hard as tree trunks when they were pressed against hers, he still had the same shaggy dirty blond hair. His blue eyes sparkled with delight the same way they had the last time she saw him, but now they also darkened with a look she had never had directed her way. He also had a chiseled jaw with a light stubble that her fingers itched to trace.

  She caught her reflection in the mirror above her dresser and stopped to stare. The girl staring back at her had a sparkle to her eyes, and a flush to her cheeks. Molly had never seen this version of herself. Pulling away, she turned her thoughts to her clothes. She had to find something to wear tonight. The black pencil skirt, and pale-yellow button up blouse she had on were perfect for the job interview, but what was she supposed to wear to dinner with Tray? It was just dinner between friends. Her heart skipped a beat and she reminded herself it wasn’t a date. They were only going to Susie Q’s, they were going to talk. Jeans and a nice shirt were okay for dinner with an old friend. It’s totally not a date, right?

  Chapter 2

  Tray drove back to Chad’s apartment with his mind racing. Molly Mitchel had reappeared just as abruptly as she disappeared. He had thought about her so many times over the years. His world had stopped when he saw her heart shaped face in the bakery window. He hadn’t been sure it was her until he sat beside her. Her long blond curly hair hung in waves over her shoulders, and her blue eyes widened when they locked on his. He could see the dimples in her plump cheeks as she spoke.

  The first time their eyes locked, it felt like his world crumbled, then rearranged with her at the center. He had felt attraction before, but never anything like this. It felt like there was a taser connected to his skin, and every time he touched her, he got a low jolt that made him tingle all over. He wanted to grab her and never let go so she couldn’t leave him again.

  “Yo, Tray, are you coming?” Chad knocked on his window pulling his thoughts back to the task at hand.

  “Yeah, sorry. I zoned out.” Tray cut off his truck and walked behind Chad as they walked up to his apartment.

  “Trust me, I understand.” The tone of Chad’s voice held the same adoration as he now felt for Molly.

  “How can everything change so fast?” Tray felt like a completely different guy then he had been when he agreed to help this morning.

  “It’s fate. When you least expect it, everything changes to make her your center. It’s like your heart jumps out of your chest and stays with her.” Chad spoke with the clarity only someone who had experienced it first hand could understand.

  “Exactly, does it get easier?” Tray ached to rush back to her and keep her safe.

  “Not really.” Chad shrugged.

  “That’s not very comforting.”

  “But it’s the truth. I always feel the urge to get back to Taylor, even if I just left her.” Chad’s confession didn’t make Tray feel any better. “The faster we get done, the faster we can get back to them.”

  Tray spent the next two hours hauling boxes back and forth from Chad’s place to Taylor’s. He had felt a bit better after Molly had texted him her address. He couldn’t wait to get back to her. He didn’t want to scare her, but she was his.

  “You can go, I got it from here.” Chad called as Tray set the last box from his truck down in Taylor’s living room.

  “See you later.” Tray walked out and got in his truck.

  Tray saw his reflection in the rearview mirror as he started his truck up. He hadn’t shaved that morning, and his stubble was thick on his jaw. He would definitely have to have a quick shower and shave. He didn’t want his stubble to hurt her delicate skin if he got that close to her. Most of the time, Tray was a patient man, but when it came to Molly, he knew he would be very greedy.

  He walked in the front door of his three-bedroom brick house and looked around slowly. It was a nice place, and he liked it, but it needed a woman’s touch. Something about women tended to make a place feel like a home. He pulled his phone out, texting to let Molly know he would be at her place in less than an hour. It was kinda early for a dinner date, but Tray was done waiting. If she wasn’t hungry yet, they could s
it and talk for a while first.

  Tray took a fast shower, but he took his time shaving. He wanted to be as smooth as possible so that his kiss wouldn’t leave her raw. He dressed in his nicest wranglers and a black button up shirt. After putting on his black boots he put his wallet and phone in his pockets. Grabbing his keys, he went to his truck. It was time to go get his girl. He stopped as a flash of read caught his eye. A single red rose was gently swaying with the breeze. Tray walked over to the single rose and picked it. His mother had planted the rose bush when he first bought the house.

  Carefully, he placed the rose on the passenger seat of his truck. He didn’t want to hurt the delicate red petals. On the drive to her apartment, he told his self to stay calm and go slow. He could do this. All it had taken was one look in her blue eyes and he was head over boots again. Short of being a serial killer, there was nothing she could do that would make him walk away.

  When he pulled up, he took a deep breath, then grabbed the rose. The last time he had brought her a rose, he hadn’t given it to her, just left it in her locker. Just as he had before, he twirled the rose in his hand. He knocked on the door, then waited.

  “Hello Sunshine.” Tray smiled when she opened the door.

  “Isn’t it a bit early for dinner?” She whispered. Her eyes traveled down his body causing heat to spread everywhere her eyes looked.

  “We can sit and talk for a bit first if you want.” Tray suggested holding the rose up to her.

  “Okay.” Molly bit her lip, then brought the rose up to her nose. “It smells kind of like tea, just like the last one.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you got the last one.” The fact that she remembered had to be a good sign, right? “Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” Molly’s eyes were locked on the rose, but she turned and he followed her. She went to the kitchen and got a glass to put the rose in.

  Tray walked up behind her as she filled the glass with water. She sat the glass by the sink, then turned. Her eyes widened at how close he was, only a foot separated them. Head tilted back, she looked up at him. He could tell she was biting the inside of her lip by the way her mouth moved. Would she let him kiss her he wondered? His hand moved up to cup her cheek, her gazed remained locked with his.

  Slowly, he leaned forward. Her cheek felt like warm silk against his calloused hands. She raised up on her toes bringing them closer together and his control snapped. This delicate beauty wanted him too. He closed the distance between them and sealed his lips over hers. She froze at first, but he moved his lips over hers, coaxing her to relax. Molly sighed and placed her hands on his chest. His free hand wrapped around her waist and he slowly pulled her closer. Her hands slid up his chest, and around his neck. He felt her nails lightly scrape his scalp, causing goosebumps to break out over his body. Tray pulled her bottom lip between his, then ran his tongue across it. Molly gasped giving him the opening he needed to flick his tongue against hers. He growled at his first taste of her sweetness, locking her body against every inch of his. The hand on her cheek tipped her head back farther giving him the angle he wanted.

  “Molly.” He whispered against her lips as he pulled back.

  “Hmm.” She leaned closer, eliminating the distance he had just made.

  “Easy, Sunshine.” He rubbed his thumb over her cheek as he basked in the dazed look on her face.

  “No wonder people are always kissing.” She mumbled licking her lips. Tray tilted his head and eyed her closely.

  “Was that your first kiss?” Surely, she had been kissed before. Molly bit her lip, looking away as she tried to hide from him. “Let’s go to the living room and talk.”

  His mind was reeling from this newest revelation as he followed her to her couch. She sat in a corner, probably hoping he would sit in the other. Tray sat close to her, slipped his arm behind her, then tugged her causing her to fall in to his side. She started to struggle like she was trying to get up, but he held her tighter.

  “What happened back in eighth grade?” He had thought about that a lot over the years.

  “Tray.” She fidgeted against him.

  “I’m not mad. Did you know you were leaving? Is that why you said no?” His hand caressed her hip as he spoke. He hoped it comforted her like it was him. Just being able to touch her soothed him.

  “The night before, my mom told me we were moving. She had gotten a new job in Oak View.” She started to slowly relax in to him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tray kept his tone gentle so he wouldn’t startle her.

  “I was going to. My mom said I didn’t have to go to school that day, but I wanted to see you so I went.”

  “But you didn’t tell me. I thought you said no because it was summer break. I waited for you at the front of the school when it started back.” Tray’s chest still ached just thinking about back then.

  “I’m sorry. I freaked out and ran. I didn’t want anyone to see me crying.” Molly wiggled, it felt like she was snuggling in closer to him.

  “If you hadn’t moved, would your answer have been different?” He felt her nod against his chest and sighed in relief. “I’m not asking this time, Molly.”

  “I know.” She whispered keeping her head down.

  “I need you to look at me and tell me you understand, Sunshine.” Tray moved so she could sit up.

  “I understand.” Molly said once she was sitting up and looking him in the eyes.

  “You won’t fight me.” He prompted. She shook her head. “I’ve missed you.” Tray leaned in kissing her again.

  This kiss was softer. He didn’t need to rush, he had her. Molly was his. As long as she didn’t push him away, he could slow down for her. He wrapped his free hand in her hair, loving how the silky strands felt as he fisted them. The angle they were at was awkward, he pulled back not wanting to hurt her neck.

  “Is it always like that?” She asked running a finger over her lips.

  “No, it’s only like that when it’s with the right person.” Tray pulled her hand from her mouth and kissed her palm.

  Molly turned so that she was facing him and the back of the couch with her legs curled up under her. She brought her hand up close to him but stopped before he felt her touch. It was torcher as he watched her bite her lip and look at him seeing if he would allow her to touch him. He would give her anything she wanted. He nodded and held his breath as he waited for her touch. The feel of her hand on him was both heaven and hell. He had waited so long to feel her touch, but he had to clench his fists to keep from taking control from her. She ran her finger tips across his jaw and he fought the shudder that tried to work through his body.

  “You shaved.” It sounded like an accusation as he watched her lower lip pout just a little.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you if I got lucky enough to kiss you.” Her held tilted and her brows wrinkled in confusion. “The stubble can irritate your skin. Have you ever heard of whisker burn?”

  “At the other school I heard some girls talking about it. They made it sound like a good thing.” Molly looked at his chest, not meeting his eyes.

  “Is that something you want to try, Sunshine?” Tray put a finger under her chin and tipped her head up. Molly nodded as a blush climbed up her cheeks. “I won’t shave until you get to try it then.”

  Molly’s fingers moved to his lips. She traced them slowly as if she were memorizing them. Tray put a hand on her hip, unable to sit here without touching her anymore. Her eyes were laser focused on where her fingers were touching him. He opened his lips and nipped her finger, causing her to giggle. The dimples in her cheeks were on full display as she laughed. Bringing a finger up, he began to trace the groove, but she frowned making them go away.

  “What’s wrong?” She shook her head refusing to answer. “Molly, answer me.” He demanded.

  “I don’t need you to point out how big I am.” She fidgeted with a chunk of hair that had fallen over her shoulder.

  “Stop.” Tray demanded as he grabbed the back of h
er neck and pulled her forehead against his. “You are perfect, Sunshine. Every inch of you is perfect, every dimple is adorable.” Tray promised, his eyes locked on hers.

  “I don’t need you to lie to me.” Molly glared at him.

  “You women are all crazy.” Tray squeezed her hip trying to soften the words.

  “I changed my mind.” Molly jerked back trying to break his hold.

  “Nope, you’re mine.” He stood pulling her up with him. “You will fit right in with the other girls, but I will tell you the same as I told them. Not all guys want a skinny girl. I want someone to hold on to. I want a girl I can cuddle up with without getting poked by bones.”

  “You wanted every girl in the group?” Her eyes glittered with anger.

  “No Sunshine, the last two were for you. I need you to balance out my hardness. I need you to be my sunshine. I have dreamed of those dimples for years.” Tray leaned down and kissed her.

  She gave in and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. When she gasped, he knew she felt what she did to him. He pulled back before he was ready but kept her pressed to his chest as they caught their breath.

  “Let’s go to dinner now.” He whispered kissing the top of her head.

  “Okay.” She nodded but didn’t move away.

  “Come on, Sunshine.” Tray pushed her back a little and kissed her lips quickly.

  After making sure she locked her door, he took her hand and led her to his truck. It was comical to watch her face when she saw how tall it was. He opened the door then picked her up setting her in the seat. Once he shut her door he walked around to the driver’s side and slid in behind the wheel. The truck roared to life when he turned the key. Once he was on the main road, he reached over lacing his fingers with hers.

  “What are your plans tomorrow?” He wanted to hear her voice instead of the silence in the truck.


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