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Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor, Volume II

Page 6

by W. W. Jacobs


  Sudden swallows swiftly skimming, Sunset's slowly spreading shade, Silvery songsters sweetly singing, Summer's soothing serenade.

  Susan Simpson strolled sedately, Stifling sobs, suppressing sighs. Seeing Stephen Slocum, stately She stopped, showing some surprise.

  "Say," said Stephen, "sweetest sigher; Say, shall Stephen spouseless stay?" Susan, seeming somewhat shier, Showed submissiveness straightway.

  Summer's season slowly stretches, Susan Simpson Slocum she-- So she signed some simple sketches-- Soul sought soul successfully.

  Six Septembers Susan swelters; Six sharp seasons snow supplies; Susan's satin sofa shelters Six small Slocums side by side.


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