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Page 3

by Ahren Sanders

  Presley leans over the flag-draped coffin and shakes with such force her legs give out. I fight to go to her, but Johnny catches her and takes her back to her chair, holding her close. My hands clench, and my body goes rigid with the overwhelming need to comfort her.

  It’s crazy. We don’t know each other, but something burns deep in a way I’ve never felt. Something in me wakes up, wanting to protect her.

  My heartbeat speeds when the family gets up and walks to us. I’ve only done this once in my life, and I was a wounded Marine. I went to a funeral with no ties, to a man I didn’t know, as my own way of paying the respect to the men I lost.

  But this is different; this family needs to know how important Simon was. There’s a connection here to a woman I’ve met only once, yet she takes my breath away.

  Sweat drips heavily down my neck, back, and legs. My breathing comes in pants. I practice every breathing exercise I know to get ready to face her. Easily, I shake her dad and Johnny’s hands. But when she lays her soft hand against mine, my skin tingles.

  “Presley.” I breathe her name.

  She sucks in a breath and locks eyes with mine. The little girl she’s holding stays gripped around her neck, but looks at me too.

  “Finn?” Her voice is so low, it’s barely audible.

  “Yes,” I answer softly, aware of Robbie and Max watching us.

  “You knew Simon? You’re a Marine?”


  Her face flashes with a look of fear and confusion. We briefly mentioned I was in the service the day at the park, but I didn’t elaborate. My heart starts to race triple time with an uneasy feeling. There are a few seconds of silence where neither of us breaks the stare.

  Johnny comes up to her side and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “Sweetie, we need to get through. There’s a lot of people here.” He edges her to the waiting group.

  “They can wait a minute.”

  He steps back and gives her a look of surprise. Then his eyes drop to her hand still in mine.

  She takes it away slowly, scans the three of us, then points at me. “These men knew Simon in the Marines.”

  He looks between us with complete appreciation. “Thank you for coming. It means a lot to us.”

  I glance at the girl in her arms and see she’s totally confused. She wraps into Presley like a vice and says something resembling, “he’s like daddy.”

  “Yes, like your daddy.” Her voice breaks slightly, and a single tear slides down her cheek. Then she forces a smile on her face. “Will you come to the reception? Dad, Johnny, and I would love to talk to you more.”

  I can’t find my own words, staring at the beauty of her with the little girl in her arms.

  “We’ll be there,” Max answers her and slaps me on the back, jarring me again.

  Presley walks away, and we stay in place until the gravesite is almost empty. Then we go to say our own goodbyes.

  I’m the last to give a small prayer, and when I turn around, I go still. Our whole group is looking at me with sadness. The only eyes that give me comfort are Ember’s. She gives me a sly grin and tucks her head into Robbie’s chest.

  There’s something written on her face, something I’ve seen too many times over the last three years. It’s a knowing look. The kind that makes my stomach drop because I’ve given that same look too many times to count.

  Chapter 3


  I am the devil’s bitch! I think to myself and stare blankly out the car window. We just buried my brother, and my mind can’t stop thinking about a man I don’t even know. Finn… Finn… Finn what? Shit, I don’t even know his last name.

  Emotional delusion, that’s what this is. My mind is so emotionally overdrawn that I’m focusing on the incredibly gorgeous Marine instead of the fact my brother has died. That has to be it. Not the fact that this man makes my knees weak with just my name on his lips. Not the stir of emotions I felt when I got lost in his gaze.

  His over six-foot frame, sandy blonde hair, and entrancing crystal blue eyes have nothing to do with it. Nor does the way his rough voice sent a rush of heat straight to my bones. It’s all emotional delusion.

  A small chuckle comes from Johnny, and I find him staring at me with a shit-eating grin.


  “Simon would be proud. Picking up a man at his funeral, he’d be thrilled.”

  Horror washes through me when my dad nods in agreement. “I did not!”

  “You could have fooled me.” Dad winks with a small grin.

  “Oh, Lord, you two are insane. I was being nice. I actually met him the other day.”

  I fill them in on the brief meeting in the park and Ember’s interest in Blade.

  “We’ll see.” Johnny continues to grin.

  I’m about to ask what the hell he means, but luckily, I’m interrupted.

  “Aunt Presley?” My four-year-old niece, Winnie, reaches for my hand.


  “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  “Actually, I’m staying with you at Grandpa’s house.”

  “We’re having a sleepover?”

  “Sure are. I think a few of your second cousins are staying, too. We’ll make it a huge sleepover.”

  She wiggles in her seat excitedly and starts to plan the whole night. I long for the days of thinking only about the movies to watch. Johnny, my dad, and I listen to her with interest, laughing at the right times. She’s a spitting image of Simon in every way. Not only their looks, but their personalities. Always thinking of fun and making people smile.

  Dad’s house is already full of people when we arrive, and the food is set up everywhere. I take Winnie to change out of her dress so she can play with the other kids, while Johnny and Dad greet people.

  As soon as she’s dressed, she bolts from the room, leaving me alone. I sit on her bed and run my hands through my hair with the realization that Simon will never see the beautiful daughter he created again. Time after time, he told us he was honored to be a Marine, but his only fear was never seeing Winnie grow up. This was going to be his last tour. He was going to try to make a change, maybe even recruiting or instructing. Anything to come home at night to her.

  I suck in a shaky breath and count to ten, trying to calm down. I can break down in my apartment, alone. But, right now, I need to be strong. My whole family needs me.

  “Hey.” The bed dips and Johnny sits down, draping his arm over my shoulder. “You okay?”

  “Yes, just thinking.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Not unless we can sit at Dad’s table with a whole bottle of tequila and get sloppy.”

  “That can be arranged. Maybe not tonight, but soon.”

  “You’re on.” I look at my brother and see the hurt in his own eyes. The playfulness from earlier gone.

  “We’ll get through this.”

  “I know, Johnny. I know. I wish like hell we didn’t have to, though.”

  We sit in silence until I hear my dad greeting newcomers, and I know instantly who is here. Finn’s voice travels through the house. My spine straightens, and Johnny chuckles into my hair.

  “Wanna tell me about this guy?”

  “Nothing to tell. I don’t know anything about him. Today, when I saw him, it was a surprise.”

  “Shock or not, you two were sending off some serious vibes.”

  “You’re full of shit!” I pull away and slap his shoulder. “Besides, I can’t get involved with a Marine. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Sweetie, you have to let go of your safety net. This guy got a rise out of you, much more than I ever saw with you and Russell. He was a complete dud.” He refers to my ex-boyfriend.

  “Russell wasn’t that bad. He was completely safe and kind.” I try to defend the man I dated for a few months. But it’s not a good defense because Russell was a bit of a dud.

  “Safe is a curse and a lead balloon. If a wo
man ever admitted to dating me because I was a safe choice, I’d never be able to get a hard-on again.”

  “Stop being so crass!”

  “Like I said, Simon would be proud. I’ve heard funerals and weddings are the best places to meet someone.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “You’re sick, you know that? Sick and perverse.”

  “Oh, how I love when you use big words.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” I get up, pulling him along. “Let’s go greet our new guests.”

  “New guest a term for new guy?”

  I start to give him a smart-ass remark, but stop when I see the glimmer in his eyes.

  “Let’s not make a big deal out of this, okay? We’ve got a lot on our plate right now. Not to mention, I know nothing about Finn. Dating is the last thing on my mind.” I try to sound as convincing as possible. Every word is the truth, but I can’t deny I’ve been thinking about Finn since the day in the park.

  Secretly, I’d hoped he’d come back with Ember to see Blade, but never in a million years did I expect to find him at Simon’s funeral.

  “I make no promises. There’s no denying the way he looked at you. But for today, I’ll back off.” Johnny tucks me back to him and guides us to the house full of people.

  I’m going to strangle them! I think to myself for the hundredth time as I watch my brother and dad through the sliding glass doors. They’re surrounded by none other than Finn and his friends, and they’re laughing. Laughing and smiling!

  Meanwhile, I’m stuck in the living room with my aunts and a few cousins who are rambling about stupid shit. For the last hour, I’ve been subjected to useless and ridiculous conversations. Each time I try to excuse myself, one of them finds a way to pull me back, so I’m forced to be polite and stick around.

  When I catch Johnny winking at me, I scowl. This happens every time our extended family gets together. Dad, Johnny, and even Simon would put me with the ‘women’ of the family and abandon me.

  Don’t get me wrong, I adore my whole family, but there’s a tipping point. And right now, I’ve hit mine. My cousin, Bea, starts with her incessant chatter about setting me up with a guy from her office… again.

  Winnie runs around the backyard with the other children, and I inwardly curse myself as I devise an escape plan. I say a little prayer and jump up, doing my best to act alarmed.

  “Oh, gosh! I think Winnie just face planted in the yard!” I lie. “I need to check on her.”

  I rush to the back, playing the doting aunt, and rush to Winnie in case the women are watching. My poor niece looks at me with wide eyes when I swoop in and pull her into my arms, kissing all over her face. Then when I start to tickle her, she squirms and giggles loudly. We spin in a circle, and I see no one is watching, so I put her down and she runs off, forgetting my interruption.

  When I join the group on the patio, Finn immediately stands from his seat and gestures for me to sit.

  “No thanks, I’ve been sitting for a while now.”

  Both Johnny and Dad snicker under their breath, and I pinch my brother.

  “Every single time. You both leave me… every single time. Payback is hell.”

  “Hey, that stings.” Johnny rubs his side where I likely left a bruise. “Not my fault.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but Ember steps in front of me and gives me a small smile laced with sadness. Her hands move to mine, and she squeezes lightly. “Presley, I am so sorry about Simon. I hate seeing you again under these circumstances.”

  “Thank you,” I say softly and hug her. “It means a lot to us you all came today.”

  “Of course.”

  She turns, and immediately, there’s a man at her side, tucking her to him protectively. I recognize him from the service, but seeing them together, there is no doubt this is her husband.

  “I think you may have met earlier, but this is my husband, Robbie Hayes,” she introduces us, and he shakes my hand with a kind smile.

  Then the others stand to introduce themselves.

  “Max Roberts.” The guy standing next to Finn surprises me by tugging me into his embrace.

  “Tripp Jones.” The next guy moves in for a hug. “I didn’t personally know Simon, but I respect the hell out of him for his service.”

  When he steps back, Finn’s face is hard as stone. He remains silent for a brief second then shakes his head.

  “I’m not sure I’ve formally introduced myself… Finn Black.”

  Just like the day in the park and today at the cemetery, when our hands connect, a tingle fires off inside. There’s no denying I’ve felt this burn before. His eyes grow wide, and my knees wiggle at the intensity of his stare.

  Does he feel it, too?

  “Nice to meet you all.” I find my voice and break the stare, looking around at the group.

  My dad and brother are standing to the side with their arms crossed over their chests, both fighting back grins. I narrow my eyes in warning, but this only gets me a full-blown smile from Johnny. My face starts to heat up, and I drop Finn’s hand, stepping to the cooler to grab a drink. Anything to get the prying eyes off me and pull attention from myself.

  “So while I’ve been learning about starching socks and making pies, did I miss anything?” I shoot my dad another deadly glare, which does nothing.

  “I hear you have a mutt for me,” Robbie says, kissing Ember’s forehead. “Guess we’ll be by to visit on Tuesday.”

  “Really?” I ignore his comment about Blade being a mutt. Once Simon joined the Marines, I learned these men aren’t always politically correct.

  “Yes!” Ember bounces on her feet. “We ended up telling Robbie about Blade once he questioned how Finn and I knew you. When I explained how we met, he agreed to come see Blade for himself.”

  “That’s terrific!” Blade is my first Warrior dog, and I know from these brief meetings he will be perfect for Robbie and Ember.

  “I’ve started the application process already. Once Finn approved my idea, it was pretty much a done deal,” she tells me.

  “Damn, Finn. If I knew any better, I’d think he was trying to steal my wife,” Robbie huffs.

  Everyone laughs at his statement, including Ember, who starts to blush.

  “He’s such a good dog.” I fill them in on his training and start to ramble about his incredible obedience. When I’m done, Robbie sighs loudly and hangs his head.

  “You’ve sold me without even meeting him. Why did you name him Blade?”

  “His handler named him that because he’s sharp as a razor blade. He picks up everything without a problem. But Razor wasn’t a cool name.”

  “I agree, Blade is perfect.” Ember nods enthusiastically.

  “My sister’s brought Blade around a few times, and he’s a cool dog. Even good with kids. Winnie loves him,” Johnny informs them.

  No one can miss the look Robbie gives Ember, and her face heats up again. There are a few chuckles from the other guys, and she hangs her head but can’t hide her smile. Oh yeah, this guy is head over heels for her.

  “Presley,” Dad cuts in. “Robbie, Max, and Finn were sharing stories about Simon with us. Do you remember that ‘yellow brick’ joke he always insisted on telling, forever changing the lines?”

  I smile at the memory.

  “Apparently, he drove the guys crazy with it for weeks. Always coming at them when they least expected it.” Dad grins knowingly.

  “At least it was a cute joke!” I’m the one who told Simon the joke when I was ten. It was a terrible joke, and he made fun of me constantly, but knowing he told this to a group of Marines fills my heart with warmth.

  “Seriously, we were in a training drill. Real life situations… running through a forest at night. Trying to decipher enemy fire from friendly.” Finn speaks, and my heart starts racing. “And out of nowhere, Simon yells, ‘Black, watch out!’ I turn, expecting to see a mark on my back. But instead, he stops running and
says, ‘The yellow brick just fell at your feet!’”

  I can’t stop the giggle that comes out. Before I know it, I’m doubled over cackling at the ridiculous joke Simon and I shared for so long. Happy tears run down my cheeks for the first time in a long week. Pretty soon, everyone in our small group is howling at my brother’s stupid timing.

  Winnie runs over to see what’s so funny, and I try to speak but can’t form a complete sentence. She starts dancing in a circle, singing the only thing she heard.

  “Yellow brick, yellow brick…”

  Then all five younger kids join her, and I’m gasping for breath. When I look up, Finn’s eyes are shining bright with his own amusement. Johnny snatches Winnie into his arms and tousles her back and forth.

  Without even knowing it, Finn Black gave me the best present ever. And in doing it, he helped soothe the pain of today with laughter.

  Chapter 4


  One hour, that’s how long until I see her again. I look at my watch and then open the email of the new schedule James sent to the employees. My name is on a few lines for general security duties, concerts, festivals, and one high profile charity event.

  Nothing is a surprise, considering I sign up for the things that fit with my school schedule. But the one thing that bothers me is the Saturday night charity event. I wanted to ask Presley to dinner next Saturday night.

  Since leaving her house after Simon’s service, she’s been on my mind. While she may not have noticed, I watched her closely the minute she and her brother walked into the room. She was immediately scooped up by her family, but I kept an eye on her.

  I’ve never loved Ember more when she kept asking Presley’s dad, Jeff, if Presley was okay. Finally, Robbie caught on and asked about their relationship, and we had to admit to looking at the dog and meeting her at the park. The second that happened, something in the air changed.

  Max and Robbie looked at me with a hard stare, while Tripp blew out a deep breath. I tried to ignore them, but when Presley rushed out of the house and straight to Winnie, my body tensed. My eyes locked on her as she hugged her niece and started tickling her in an understandable ploy to escape the women inside.


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