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Seven Nights of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Page 50

by Victoria Vane

  "It is very real, Camille." Lucas lifted her and carried her to the bed and pulled the cloth from her luscious body. Her gaze followed him as he neared and she licked her lips. Entranced.

  Camille could not think clearly. Without touching her, Lucas consumed her, filled her mind, body and soul to the point it was impossible to form a cohesive thought at the moment.

  His manhood was engorged, thick and jutting out from between his legs. An impressive display of how much he wanted her at the moment. She could only lay on the bed, unable to move as her entire body quivered in expectation of taking him in.

  The bed dipped from his weight and he hovered over her. She grabbed at his shoulders to urge him closer. That his hard, muscular body would cover her in a moment brought a moan. It was almost impossible to keep from making a fool of herself by drawing him to enter her right away. "I can't wait, Lucas. Don't make me wait."

  His nod was brisk, almost as if relieved and he took his length in hand and guided it to her core.

  Camille slid her legs wider and he prodded at her entrance, the bulbous head stretching her, making way for his sex. She let out a breath and looked up to find his gaze locked on her face. His darkened blue eyes were so intense her breath left. Her mouth fell open with the words left unspoken as he thrust into her with so much force she cried out. "Oh!"

  Her fingers dug into his back as he dove into her over and over again, pulling out almost completely before thrusting back inside in fluid motions.

  Unable to keep from it, she wrapped her legs around his hips to take him even deeper. Lucas pushed his face into the crook of her neck, his mouth kissing and nipping at her throat as he continued moving, thrust after thrust, until Camille lost all sense of control.

  She'd climbed so high that it was uncertain how long the fall would be. When he took her bottom in hand and lifted her to pound into her, she let go and fell, her cries silenced by his mouth over hers. Darkness was broken by sparkling stars as she floated. He moved just twice more before his body began to shake as he, too, found release.

  It wasn't clear how much later, but she woke to the soft sounds of Lucas’ deep breathing. Entangled around each other, they'd fallen into an exhausted sleep. She reached for the blankets and pulled them up over both of them and then, unable to resist, once again fell asleep.

  At the sound of his own moan, Lucas blinked and woke to see morning had come. And what a perfect way to wake; he was fully erect, not only that but a soft hand stroked his length. The vixen kissed his throat, her hot mouth sending trails of want through his body.

  He pulled Camille over him and was pleasantly surprised when she guided him to her already heated sex. Holding her hips, he took the woman until both climaxed.

  The innkeeper kept stealing glances at them. Camille wasn't sure what to think. There was no doubt the woman had overheard their lovemaking. A part of her was mortified, yet at the same time, she loved Lucas so much it didn't matter to Camille who knew they'd made love not just the night before, but once again upon waking.

  "The food is delicious. Thank you so much," Camille said, eating the last bites of the flavorful bread.

  "May we purchase some food for our travel today?" Lucas asked and the woman preened.

  "Of course." Her gaze met Camille's. "Thank you for the compliments. It’s not often people come through here lately and even less often that I get to watch someone enjoy my cooking so much.” The woman went to the stove. "I'll pack you up a good meal. Just give me a few moments."

  Camille had braided her hair and changed into a dress she'd purchased from the woman. Although a bit big on her, it was not as uncomfortable as wearing the men's clothing. Her change in outfit seemed to make the woman more comfortable.

  They mounted their horses later that morning and headed northeast toward Silver City. Camille could barely tear her eyes away from Lucas. He was devastatingly handsome and could never be hers.

  Each time she considered living once again in Silver City, seeing him every day, she could not stop from worrying about how he'd take the news she was related to Burns by marriage.

  Camille cleared her throat. "We need to talk." She slid a look at Lucas who gave her a questioning one in return.

  "When a woman says that, it usually means something serious. I'm listening."

  Her timing was wrong, or perhaps perfect, either way, they had an entire day and part of a night to converse. She let out a breath. "I was married to Bill Burns' son, Timothy Burns."

  Lucas kept his gaze forward. "Go on."

  In spite of knowing he would not want anything to do with her after this, she had to be honest. The truth always came out. He'd want to know why she'd been taken.

  "My husband is dead. I just found out. Billy Charles, the man that took me, is the eldest brother. He happened to see me in Silver City. I think he was looking for information about you."

  It was strange for Lucas to remain so quiet. Instead of reassuring her, it made Camille more nervous about his reaction. But already having said as much, it was best to continue. "Bill Burns thinks you killed Timothy. Did you?"

  His nod was slow. "Yes. Just before I brought Brogan to Silver City, looking for a doctor, we'd been in a shootout with Bill Burns' gang. They killed two Marshals. Brogan and I were both in pretty bad shape."

  Camille kept talking. "If I go back to Silver City, he will find me. Eventually, he will have me killed. I believe they are headed there now to kill you and Brogan."

  "We are aware of that. Brogan and I were just at Blairsville. I spoke to your aunt, that's how I found you. Brogan went to Silver City to take care of the situation. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

  Once again, he kept his gaze forward and her spirits sank. "I should probably go somewhere else. I don't want to bring any more problems for you."

  Lucas reached over and brought her horse along with his to a stop. He dismounted and rounded the animals. Camille held her breath, unsure of what he planned to do when he reached up and helped her down.

  "Come here." He pulled her against his broad chest, enveloping her with his strong arms. "Stop worrying so much," he whispered and kissed her temple.

  She lay her head on his chest and let out a sigh. If only she could remain against him, safe and protected.

  "We will take care of Bill Burns and his gang. You and I are returning to Silver City because everyone is worried about you. Besides, I don't want to spend even one day without you."

  Tears sprung at his words. Camille sniffed. "Are you not concerned about the fact that I allowed intimacy between us thinking I was married to someone else? Surely it has occurred to you."

  "Not at all." His reply was casual and his shoulders lifted and lowered. "There was no way for you to resist me. I am irresistible."

  Camille laughed and shook her head. "I'm being serious, Lucas."

  "So am I," he quipped, once again kissing her face. "Think about it, Camille. I came to you seeking to be with you. Hoping anyway. I knew that once we were intimate you and I would be together forever. Whether a piece of paper was involved or not, it would not have mattered."

  She looked up at him only to be shocked at the sincerity in his eyes. "Truly?"

  "I was hoping for quite a bit. Yes." He pulled her against him once more. "Let's go home and see what's waiting. Stop worrying about things."

  Reassured beyond measure, Camille allowed Lucas to assist her to mount again. They had time to talk and decide what they'd do next.

  However, she couldn't ignore the fact that Lucas had not asked her to marry him.


  CAMILLE COULD ALMOST CRY with relief at seeing Silver City in the distance. Her back, bottom and legs ached from riding so long and as hard as she tried to remain straight, the hours of slumping forward had cost her.

  A few hours earlier, Lucas had convinced her to ride with him so he could hold her and it helped considerably yet, at the same time, it was still hard.

  Trepidation at what awaited them b
egan to creep into her and she searched frantically for any signs of trouble.

  Lucas also tensed, straightening and slowing the horse. "It all seems normal, people mingling about and such. I'm going to leave you over by those trees." He motioned to a copse of oaks. "Let me see if everything is all right before we ride in."

  "No." She clutched his arm and burrowed into him. "Please, let’s just face whatever it is together. I won't hide."

  He let out a long breath and she waited for whatever he would say forming a rebuttal. "All right," he finally said.

  Lucas kept to the back of the buildings, going directly to his house. He brought the horses to a stop and dismounted, then helped her down. Her legs wobbled, but she managed to stay erect.

  They entered the back of the house and he led her to a sofa. "Get some rest. I'll go see about the horses and come back as soon as I have news. Don't open the door for anyone and stay away from the windows."

  He pulled a blanket over her. "Get some rest," Lucas repeated.

  Once he left, Camille couldn't stop the tears. As unstable as the situation was, the fact that she was in love felt bittersweet. Her heart filled with so many emotions, it threatened to burst.

  Lucas guided the horses behind him to the jailhouse and entered the building. Brogan jumped to his feet and rushed toward him. For a second, both stood awkwardly facing each other. Then with chuckles, they embraced and released so fast, it made them both laugh again.

  "I was worried." Lucas cleared his throat. "Not sure why, you are more than capable of taking care of yourself."

  Brogan shook his head. "You won't believe what happened."

  "Fill me in. I am curious why everything is so calm." Lucas paced to the doorway and peered out. "So normal."

  "Bill Burns and his son are dead. Raymond Childs killed them when they attempted to rob the bank. Burns hired him and another man to kill me and bring you to him."

  Lucas whistled. "I suppose that makes you and Childs even now."

  His friend's shoulders lifted and lowered. "That's what he said."

  "Well, I'll be," Lucas replied, unable to believe how things turned out. "So I suppose that means we can stay in Silver City."

  "Didn't know you were planning to leave."

  "I was going to convince you to do the same. Take Sarah, keep her safe. It was inevitable Burns would come after us."

  Brogan nodded. "I'd considered it, too. But never planned to leave. You suggested we live here in the first place, so damn it, we're living here.” The sheriff's Scottish brogue became thicker with each word and Lucas fought to keep from smiling at the earnest look on his face.

  "We would have argued about it. You would have probably won."

  Brogan moved to the doorway. "So what now? You bring Camille back?"

  "Yes. I'm going to marry her."

  For a couple seconds, Brogan met Lucas’ eyes seeming to search. "Do you want to marry her or are you doing it because of circumstances?"

  "I love her."

  His friend's deep laughter made him blush. "Never thought that would happen."

  "I said the same thing about you."

  "She's a special lady. Did she say yes?"

  Lucas realized he'd not asked Camille and his eyes rounded. "I'll have to ask I suppose."

  Camille sat in silence as the food was served. It was two days since arriving and she'd yet to return to the store to take inventory of the items she had and what needed to be purchased. Thankfully, Sarah and her father had invited her to stay in a spare bedroom.

  When she let out a sigh and fidgeted with the fabric of the dress Sarah had loaned her, her friend gave her an understanding smile. "It will be fine, you'll see. I'm sure you can replenish the shop in no time. We can go there in the morning. I'll walk through with you. Let’s make a list of everything you'll need and I'm sure we can rally the items from people."

  "I appreciate it." Tears stung and Camille fought not to cry. Her loud sniff brought Doctor Sutherland, Sarah's father, to look at her. Unlike most men, having witnessed many a woman crying, he was unperturbed and he began eating, leaving Camille and Sarah to talk.

  "It's just that almost everything I own was in that cart. I'd only left a few things."

  The smell of the pot roast stopped her for the moment. The rich aroma of spices made her stomach demand to be filled and Camille began eating. "You are a great cook, Sarah. Brogan will be well fed."

  Sarah laughed. "And Papa will be over for dinner every night. Won't you?" She touched her father's shoulder.

  "I don't plan on it," her father replied quickly. "I am going to be sharing my meals with my friends, silence and peace."

  "Oh my!" Sarah cried out with mock horror. The three laughed.

  Camille met her friend's gaze. "I do have some savings. So I will be able to purchase the necessities and begin my collection of herbs and such. I'll order replenishments tomorrow so, hopefully, I can be ready for business in a month or so."

  Although she wanted to count Lucas as part of her future, he'd been noticeably distant lately. After bringing her to the Sutherlands, he'd given her a soft peck on the cheek and reassured her he'd be back the next day to see about her. It was suppertime two days later and he'd yet to appear.

  Lucas struggled with the bundle as he carried it up the stairs. Olivia Blakely was on his heels barking out orders like a military general. The scuffling of feet and happy chatter made him shake his head. Just he and Mr. Blakely being the only men partaking in the operation, he hoped to be allowed to leave soon and see Camille. No doubt she wondered what had kept him away for so long.

  Once he placed his heavy armload onto the floor, he was promptly dismissed and shooed out, which suited him just fine. Just before leaving, he saw Mr. Blakely following him only to be stopped by his wife. "Oh no, don't you go anywhere. I need help reaching those high shelves."

  The poor man rounded his shoulders and walked behind his wife.

  It was a perfect night, the sky bursting with stars surrounding the full moon. The air, although crisp, was not cold.

  Light shined from the windows at the Sutherland house and he could hear chatter and laughter as he climbed the front steps. Hopefully, they'd not finished eating and he could join, his rumbling stomach reminding him it had been quite a few hours since his last meal.

  Camille, who gave him a shy smile while her pretty brown eyes met his, opened the door. "I wasn't sure you'd come today."

  "Of course I would. I couldn't go any longer without seeing you," he replied and kissed her cheek.

  She blushed prettily and touched his hand. "I needed to hear that today."

  It was an unstable time for her and she was, no doubt, full of anxiety for what lay ahead. "Come here," Lucas said and pulled her against him kissing her hair. "I miss you."

  Although her chuckle was short, her face shined when she looked up at him. "I do, too."

  "Lucas, please come join us for supper." Sarah appeared in the doorway smiling knowingly at them. She'd obviously waited a few moments to allow them privacy. "I made pot roast."

  "You don't have to tell me twice then." Lucas guided Camille forward and they followed Sarah to the dining room.

  The meal went by quickly. They discussed the upcoming nuptials and Lucas couldn't ignore the pointed looks from Sarah throughout. He pressed his lips together to keep from smiling.

  The following morning, Camille woke up more frustrated than rested. More uncertain than ever about her relationship with Lucas, the familiar pang of sadness filled her. After supper, Lucas had spent a few minutes with Sarah's father discussing upcoming town events over coffee, while she and Sarah cleaned up the kitchen. Afterwards, he'd bid her a hasty goodbye with a soft kiss on the cheek.

  Not that she expected him to bend her backwards and thrust his tongue down her throat, but after their level of intimacy, they should have moved past such a functionary chaste effort.

  She let out a huff and swung her feet over the side of the bed. It was best to move
on and focus on what was important. More than anything at the moment she needed to concentrate on her future. Her shop would have to be revived and her living quarters set up so she could move back in and begin supporting herself again. It was not the time to loll about daydreaming over a man who was obviously attempting to distance himself.

  After everything was settled and things stabilized, then she could allow herself the luxury of self-pity over her broken heart. For now, she'd do the same to Lucas, pretend all is well and begin detachment from him. There was no use in dwelling on what was not to be. By giving in to her desires, she'd set the path for him to consider her a woman of loose morals and as such, the consequences were that a man would not respect her enough to make a lasting commitment.

  Her eyes swelled with tears and she hastily brushed them away, getting to her feet. Today would be a good day, no matter the heaviness in her spirit.

  "Good morning." Sarah's cheerful greeting forced Camille to smile in return. She'd dawdled as long as possible, hoping to find an empty kitchen when coming downstairs, but it seemed Sarah had been waiting for her.

  Camille accepted the cup of coffee Sarah held out to her, puzzled. "What has you so cheerful this morning?"

  "I have something special to share with you." Sarah took her arm and pulled her to the table. "Hurry, we need to eat quickly, because we are going somewhere in a few minutes."

  "I'm sorry to have waited so long to come down. If I would have known you had plans..."

  Sarah shoved some toast in front of her. "Not a problem. We have time." Her gaze went to the door. "Lucas should be here in a few moments."

  Her stomach sank. Something was horribly wrong. Sarah was acting too nervous for it to be good and that Lucas was coming so early could only mean they were giving her bad news. Was Tim alive after all? Or perhaps her name was involved in something unsavory from the past and some sort of telegram had arrived at the sheriff's office.


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