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The Secrets We Keep

Page 7

by Ella Jade


  “Where do we stand on the Josh Cartwright situation?” I asked my attorney. Not the attorney who represented me in the Zoey situation. My other attorney. The one who assisted me in other matters. The dealings that some would consider a gray area.

  “It’s being handled,” he said. “He’s under some financial strain so I’m sure your offer to walk away from the child won’t be a problem.”

  “I want him to give up his parental rights,” I reminded him. “He severs all ties or he doesn’t get that check.”

  “I’ll make sure he understands.”

  “Good.” I leaned back in my chair. “I want this taken care of immediately.”

  “Consider it done.”

  I ended the call as Adrian came into my office. “Mr. Trapp,” she hesitantly approached. “Your lunch is on the way.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I also confirmed Ms. Cartwright’s invitation to the dinner on Saturday. You’re all set.”

  “Perfect.” I never looked forward to these functions but having Kara with me would make it bearable. “Can you do something else for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Send Kara and Zoey flowers. Have the florist do two separate bouquets. Zoey’s should match her mother’s but a smaller version. She likes pink and purple.”

  “No problem.” She typed notes into her tablet. “What would you like the card to say?”

  “Tell them I’m looking forward to having dinner with them on Thursday.”

  “I’ll do it now.” She smiled before turning to leave.

  Things had been going better with my nervous assistant. Perhaps it was because my demeanor had changed in the last few weeks. Kara and Zoey had a positive effect on me. Even John noticed it. He still didn’t approve of my methods but he couldn’t deny my recent outlook on life.

  Taking out my phone, I glanced at the photo Kara had sent me. She had captured such a pure moment between me and my daughter. Zoey had no idea just how responsible she was for the expression on my face in that photo. The interaction between us was natural and honest.

  Talk about irony.

  I closed my eyes, trying to keep John out of my head.

  “Tell them the truth.” He’d ended our last session with those words.

  As I committed the photo to memory, I’d also thought about how I didn’t have a legal leg to stand on. If I told them the truth, I could lose it all. I wasn’t the type of man who was willing to lose anything, especially not Zoey.



  “Did you pack an overnight bag?” Carla asked as she zipped up the dress she had lent me for tonight.

  “Why would I need that?” I clasped my bracelet on my wrist.

  “Because you don’t want to slink home in this tomorrow morning.”

  “Where do you think I’m sleeping?”

  “In Xavier’s bed and if you’re lucky, you won’t be sleeping.” She winked. “I want all the details.”

  “No.” I dropped my lipstick in my bag as I turned to face her. “Well? How do I look?”

  “Like a freaking goddess. I knew this dress would be perfect for you.” She snapped a picture of me. “If anyone asks, it’s a Versace.”

  “Who’s going to ask?” I probably wouldn’t remember, anyway.

  “You’d be surprised.”

  “Are you sure I’m not showing too much cleavage?” The plunging neckline may have been a bit too plunging but the dress was fabulous. The black, sparkling material clung to my frame in all the right places. I’d never felt so alluring.

  “Of course you are. That’s the point.”

  “And this slit.” I pointed to my thigh. “Isn’t too high?”

  “I can’t see your underwear.”

  “Thank you for everything. The dress, doing my hair and makeup.” I stared at myself in the mirror, barely recognizing the woman looking back. “I hope X likes it.”

  “He’ll love it.” She hugged me. “Men like when we get sexy for them. He’ll have the hottest woman on his arm.”

  “If you say so.”

  I hoped I didn’t screw anything up. Carla and Keith had money but they were pretty down-to-earth. Xavier was filthy rich but when I was with him, he was a normal person. I’d been worried about fitting in with the high society types all day.

  “Seriously, you should pack that bag.”

  “Would you stop it? I’m far too nervous to think about having sex. I need to get through tonight.”

  “You’ll be fine.” She took another picture of me. “Just drink lots of champagne. That’s what I do.”

  Carla gazed out of my bedroom window. “Wow.”

  “What?” I joined her by the window just as Xavier stepped out of the passenger side of a luxurious Mercedes. “Um, that’s new.”

  “It’s classy.”

  “It’s expensive, right?”

  “Let’s just say its pocket change to a man like him but some people don’t pay that much for their house.”

  “Oh.” I placed my hand on my stomach and took a calming breath like I’d learned in yoga.

  “He’s really sexy in person,” Carla observed as X came up the walkway. “I can’t wait to meet this gorgeous specimen.” She took my hand and led me down the hall as the doorbell rang. “Just think, in a few hours, you could have your legs wrapped around his hips. A man like that has to be a beast in bed.”

  “Wait.” I stopped at the top of the stairs, ignoring her crude remark. “Are you sure I look okay?”

  “You look better than okay.” She guided me down the steps, remembering that I needed to take my time in the high, strappy heels. “This isn’t a blind date. You’ve been out with him before.”

  “Never without Zoey. What if we’re not compatible?”

  “If you can’t find something in common with the hottie waiting on the other side of that door then you’ve got big problems.” She took my hand. “You’re an amazing woman who deserves a night like tonight with a man like Xavier. Don’t be insecure. Let’s open the door so he can see you.”

  “Okay.” I bit my lip. “Let’s do it.”

  Carla moved to the door before I could and quickly opened it. There stood X looking better than a man had any right to. His beard was trimmed tight to his face and his hair perfectly groomed. His tuxedo was tailored for his body and again, I pictured him standing there with his arms spread out while someone took measurements. When his gaze connected with mine, I stood perfectly still as he took me in. Do you approve? Can I compete with what you’re used to?

  “Mr. Trapp.” Carla extended her hand. “I’m Carla Del Valle.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” He shook her hand. “Please, call me X.”

  “Come in.” Carla stepped out of the way. “Doesn’t Kara look awesome?”

  God! I joined them in the foyer. “Hi.”

  “Hello.” He placed his hand on the small of my back and tenderly kissed my cheek, trailing his lips to my ear, he said, “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered as a chill coursed through me when his stubble grazed my jaw. He smelled of spice and man, and I wanted more than anything to wrap my legs… “You look very handsome.”

  “X.” Carla interrupted us. “My friend here hasn’t been out in a really long time. I’m sure you’ll give her a night to remember.”

  “Carla.” I shook my head, trying not to look as awkward as I felt.

  “That’s the plan,” X said. “We should probably get going.”

  “You two have fun.” Carla kissed my cheek but thankfully didn’t say anything. Not with her mouth, anyway. Her eyes said it all. Have a good time, overindulge, have sex, he’s hot… “It was nice meeting you, X. Take good care of my friend. She’s very special.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” X opened the door for her. “Good night.”

  “Sorry.” I stepped toward him. “Carla is excited that I seem to have a social life. I’m just glad she didn’t solicit you for a

  “Don’t apologize.” He hadn’t taken his eyes off me, not even when he opened the door for Carla. That was a good sign.

  “Carla can be a little…”


  “She means well.”

  “She seems like a great friend.” He dropped his gaze to my breasts, not in a sleazy, obvious way. He was far too much of a gentleman for that but it was enough for me to notice that he noticed. Wasn’t that why I’d worn such a revealing dress? To get him to see me as more than Zoey’s mom?

  “She’s wonderful to me and Zoey. Her whole family is.”

  “I’m grateful to her and I’ll donate to any charity she deems worthy.” He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand, quietly commanding me to crave more.

  “You’re a generous man.” How could I be expected to spend an entire evening with him looking so delicious? “Are you ready?”

  “There’s something I’d like to do before we go.”

  I’ll do anything you want, especially when you look at me with such desire in your expression. Has anyone ever looked at me like that before? “What?” I tried to clear my thoughts but a tingling sensation had overtaken my body. How could he do that with one look?

  “This.” He gripped my chin, leaving his fingers on my face as he lowered his lips to mine. When the warmth of his mouth connected with mine, I leaned into him until our bodies touched.

  There was an instant spark between us, a chemistry so plausible that I had to steady myself before I fell to his feet. I was worried about us being compatible?

  “I like this dress.” He trailed his finger down my throat, to my chest, and between my breasts. “How am I ever going to focus on anything but you tonight?”

  “Maybe that’s the point of the dress?” I teased.

  “If it’s my undivided attention you’re after, it’s all yours.”


  As I took in the atmosphere inside the ballroom, I remembered why I didn’t like to attend these events. Far too many people with way too much time and money surrounded me. The room was filled with waterfalls, caviar, expensive champagne, media, and some of the richest residents in the state. Celebrities, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and influencers. Old. money, new money. It didn’t matter to me. I wasn’t impressed. Maybe that was because I had one of the largest bank accounts in the room.

  None of these people mattered to me except the woman who had completely captivated me this evening. She appeared anxious as she gazed around the room taking it all in. I suppose it could be overwhelming.

  “They’re people.” I ran my finger down her arm, mesmerized when her skin prickled. Does my touch do that? “No better than you or me.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You’re one of them.”

  “I’m really not.” I set my glass down on the bar. Did she really think that about me? I was some rich snob who had too much money? “At least, I didn’t set out to be.”

  “It’s not a bad thing. You’ve worked hard. You deserve the success.”

  “Plenty of people work hard. I happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

  “You’re very modest.”

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in this room.” I circled my finger along her wrist. “Everyone is staring at you, wondering who you are.”

  “They’re staring at me because I’m your date.”

  “Who’s being modest now?”

  “I’m enjoying every second of tonight. I’ve never seen anything like this.” She sipped her champagne. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  “You’re very easy to please.” Not at all like some—



  “I didn’t know you were going to be here.” Kate joined us at the bar, kissing my cheek. “You brought a guest? That’s new.”

  “Kate Hightower.” I hoped I didn’t regret the introduction but the press had already taken so many pictures of Kara and I on the way in, it would be all over the internet if it wasn’t already. “This is Kara Cartwright.”

  “Cartwright.” Kate cocked her head to the side and thought for a moment. There was no way she could know. I had to pay a king’s ransom to find Zoey. Kate couldn’t have known who Kara was. “I don’t know that name.”

  “We probably don’t travel in the same circles.”

  You’re far better off. Some of these women were nasty.

  “But you know Xavier.” She extended her hand. “Any friend of his…”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” They shook hands as I observed Kate’s demeanor. She’d been lying to me for years.

  I found it hard to believe that Kate didn’t know her sister had carried my child for nine months and gave her up for adoption. I didn’t see Lanie hiding that fact, at least not from her sister and mother. If Kate didn’t know about Lanie’s confession in that letter then there would be no reason for Kate to suspect who Kara was. I was banking on that. If Kate found out what I was doing that would be a disaster.

  “What a gorgeous dress,” Kate said. “Is it a Versace?”

  “I… I think so.” Kara finished her drink.

  “You don’t know who you’re wearing?” Kate asked.

  “I borrowed it from my friend.” She set her glass on the bar.

  What? How could I have been so stupid? I invited her to a black-tie affair and I didn’t even make sure she had a dress to wear. She had to rely on Carla? I should have known better. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  “Does it matter?” I intervened, taking Kara’s hand as I brought her closer to me. “You look stunning.”

  “Where did you two meet?” Kate inquired.

  “At the park.” Kara gazed into my eyes as I remembered the precise moment I’d met her.

  “The park?” Kate’s voice was laced with disbelief.

  “Yes, I do leave the office on occasion.”

  “What were you doing in the park?” She eyed me suspiciously.

  “I needed some air.” Kind of like I do right now. “It had been a hectic day.”

  “Hmm…” She drew her attention to Kara. “How romantic.”

  “We need to take our seats,” I said. “I’m presenting Connor Lars with an award before dinner.”

  “Xavier,” Kate said. “Have you had an opportunity to review that letter I gave you a few months ago?”

  Seriously? “Yes, it was nothing.” I lied, waiting to see if she gave herself away. Did I want her to mention any of this in front of Kara? No!

  “Oh, are you sure?” If she knew the skin on her forehead creased as she pondered my words, she’d be scheduling a Botox appointment for first thing tomorrow morning.

  “It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with.” I rested my hand on Kara’s hip, satisfied in the way she fit against my side. “Would you like another glass of champagne?” I needed to get away from Kate.

  “I’d love one.” She smiled at Kate. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  “I’m sure we’ll see one another again.” Kate shot me a displeased glare. “I have a difficult time staying away from Xavier. We do travel in the same circles.”

  Kara tensed beside me. What that hell, Kate?

  “I’ll be in touch,” she said.

  “You can make an appointment like everyone else.” I told her, knowing full well she’d show up unannounced to irritate me. “Have a wonderful evening.”

  “Good luck.” Kate winked at Kara. “He’s an impossible man to deal with. I’d tell you to ask my sister but…” She walked away without another word.

  “Ignore her.” I turned to face the bar and pointed for the bartender to refill our glasses. I needed something stronger than sparkling wine but I had to have my head in the game when I presented that award. “She’s never forgiven me for the way things ended between her sister and I.”

  “I don’t think that’s what it is.”

  She inched closer to me, giving me an opportunity to breath in her enticingly sweet
scent. If I hadn’t promised her dinner and dancing, I’d suggest we leave after my speech. I could think of other ways to spend the evening. Although, John wouldn’t approve of any of them.

  “You don’t?”

  “You have this air about you. One that draws women to you.”

  “Really?” I laughed at her assessment. Women flocked to me when they realized how much I was worth. I wasn’t interested in being anyone’s ATM.

  “Penny, Kate, several waitresses, the moms on Zoey’s soccer team, most women when you walk into a room. I’ve lost count of how many have tried to approach you tonight.”

  “You think Kate is interested in me?”

  “You know what makes you so attractive?”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “You don’t realize any of it.”

  “Most of the time I’m not interested.” I hadn’t had a serious relationship since Lanie. Somehow the years had gotten away from me. I’d gone on dates but none of them had amounted to much.

  “Your lack of interest must be so frustrating to so many women. You must leave a lot of confused women in your path.”

  When she giggled, I couldn’t help but grin. Adorable.

  “If I’m interested.” I took her hand and brought it to my mouth, kissing the inside of her wrist as I gazed into her eyes. “There will be no confusion.”

  “I’m not confused.” She bit her bottom lip, making me recall the kiss we’d shared before leaving her house. “I know exactly what I want.”

  So do I…

  The car ride back to her house consisted of a lot of laughing and kissing. I’d never seen Kara this relaxed. It suited her. She needed this night out and I was glad I could be the one to help her unwind.

  As Alec, my driver, parked in her driveway, Kara and I continued to kiss. It was evident to both of us what we wanted to do next. Her heated flesh pressed against mine, making it difficult to concentrate on anything other than carrying her to bed.

  “You’re home.” I broke the kiss, my voice breathless and needy. I couldn’t remember the last time I wanted anyone this much.

  “Are you going to walk me inside?” She ran her thumb along my lips.


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