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A Film Star, A Baby, And A Proposal

Page 6

by CC MacKenzie

  His hands swept under her sweater to find her body warm and willing, her skin so soft and smooth. Whipping her sweater over her head, he made short work of the scrap of silk that was her bra. And when his fingers slid between her legs and under lacy panties to find her very wet, her gasp into his mouth made him groan with need.

  "Let me show you how I did it," he suggested.

  With a shriek of laughter she was on her back, dark eyes gazing into his and filled with so much love and tremendous happiness that his fingers shook as he tenderly tucked a curl behind her ear. Her skin was exquisitely fragile. Alabaster against those inky curls, the perfect brows and those turbo-charged lashes that fanned her beautiful eyes. And her bottom lip trembled with the force of her emotions as she took a breath.

  Alexander took his time to savour the moment to gently run his hand down her curvy but tight little body. Her skin smelled of her favourite honey scented soap, that light floral perfume she wore and aroused female. Her breast was still tiny in the palm of his hand. He'd heard a woman's breasts and especially her nipples became over-sensitive when she was with child. So he took his time to explore a hard little bud, took a lick, a taste. She shuddered beautifully so he did it again. The palm of his hand stayed gentle as he stroked down to settle on her tummy, just below her belly button. And it hit him right then that his child's heart was beating frantically under his hand. With a tenderness that made his wife cry a sob of joy he bent to press his lips very gently to the spot.

  "I love you so much, Rosie," he whispered the words, looked up to catch her lips curve as her fingers stroked through his hair, short nails scraping his scalp and he felt the tingle run down his spine to spear into his love muscle twitching against her thigh.

  "I've loved you my whole life," she whispered back, her voice breaking under the weight of overwhelming emotions. "Until this moment I didn't believe that love could grow any bigger but my heart is so full it feels as if it's going to burst with love for you. You make me so very, very happy, Alexander."

  She'd never forget the way his emerald eyes now went dark with a variety of emotions.

  Rosie read a desire that was always present along with love, pride and a deep contentment that thrilled her because she felt it too. The rightness of it all. For too many years she'd pined and waited for him to notice her. All the heartache, all the pain, all the unrequited love she'd endured and until this moment when she'd told him he was going to be a father made it all so worthwhile. Alexander Ludlow adored and loved her with every cell in his body. How had she got so lucky in love? She saw something else flash in his eyes before his head dipped and his lips parted to taste a screaming nipple. Tenderness. He was taking great care with her. Their lovemaking could be rough at times and she loved it when he took control. But now he was almost worshiping her body with his mouth, with gentle hands with an easy touch that seemed to be everywhere. Now one hand stroked so gently over her belly before circling down to that magic spot between her legs.

  Her groan was one of pleasure as her hips rose to press into his hand but he wouldn't let her go faster. His muscled leg slid between hers as his thigh held her hips still as his fingers slid inside her before slicking around her clitoris.

  She tried to reach for his love muscle but he slid out of her reach.

  Frustrated, even as she drowned in the pleasure he was bringing her, she breathed a little sigh into his ear.

  "Please. I want you now, Alexander," she pleaded before nipping his earlobe, a signal she wanted him to take her hard and fast. Usually that little nip would have him turn her over, bring her to her knees with her bottom exposed for him to use her as his personal plaything. But not tonight. Tonight, he didn't kiss her with hunger or with lust, tonight his mouth tasted hers with a gentleness that brought tears to her eyes. The man was killing her with loving kindness.

  "No rough stuff, baby," Alexander muttered into her throat. "Not tonight. Not while you're carrying my child. Instead you'd better get used to this."

  He knelt between her legs.

  Large hands slid under her bare bottom to grip her and bring her hips to his, to slide his love muscle carefully into her slippery folds. He hissed out a breath as he entered her so slowly she wanted to scream with the pleasure of it. In this position she watched the flush rise over his strong chest and into those sharp cheekbones. Candle light flickered over the sheen of his hair, reflected in those dark eyes filled with love, for her. She couldn't move because his hands kept her perfectly still as he slid further into her, filling her, stretching her slick muscles that gripped him. So Rosie did the only thing she could, she flexed those core inner muscles and they fluttered around him. Thank you pilates. His eyes flew to hers even as he huffed out a small laugh that was between pleasure and pain.

  "You little devil. If you keep that up this won't last long." He hissed out a breath, clenched his jaw as she did it again and again. Now he gave a shallow thrust in and out, in and out, again and again. And instinctively she knew he was scared to go in too far, scared in case he hurt their child. Stupid man.

  The muscles of his neck overextended as Alexander tried desperately not to let the beast riding him hard thrust into her right to the hilt.

  The scent of her need of him nearly tipped him over the edge. His breath was panting in his throat and the muscles of his thighs trembled with the strain of not taking her hard and fast. The little witch was using her vaginal muscles to fucking kill him. By the wicked look in her eye she knew exactly what she was doing to him. Not gonna happen, baby. No way was he going to come before her. But the sting at the base of his spine belied that fact.

  "If you weren't pregnant, lady, you're arse would be glowing for what you're doing to me," he told her through clenched teeth. Then her face flushed as her core fisted around his love muscle. He used his thumb to flick her clitoris, a move that shot her right over the edge. And as her back arched, as she threw her head back Alexander lost it and his seed ricochet up his love muscle and jetted hot inside her again and again. Taking care not to rest all of him on top of her, he panted into her neck. And still the little witch was milking him dry.

  His big body shuddered over her and Rosemary Ludlow smiled the smile of a woman who'd got what she wanted.

  She'd destroyed his legendary control.


  Her hand rose to slap a tight butt cheek.

  His laugh was between a groan and a growl.

  He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes.

  "We need to talk about sex during pregnancy. There is no need to treat me like a delicate flower," she informed him and gave him a cheeky grin.

  He narrowed his fabulous eyes and she read a warning as well as glittering amusement.

  "You are so going to pay for that."

  Unconcerned she lifted her head to nip at his full bottom lip, then gave it a little lick.

  She slapped his butt again, gave it a naughty squeeze, and felt him go thick and hard inside her.

  "Once more, big boy, with feeling."

  Chapter Nine

  Eve seriously didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  "What if I don't want to go to New Zealand?" It was a fair question so why was Matt looking at her as if she was a couple of cents short of the full dollar?

  "That's your choice. But I can't stay here with you. I've signed the contract. I'm committed to the project. If I back-out they can and will sue my ass."

  "And what am I going to do while you're out filming all day and night?"

  "Whatever your heart desires," came the reasonable response. "You've always wanted to write. Now's your chance."

  Stunned, she could only stare into his gorgeous face.

  Into those big blue guileless eyes.

  How did he know about that?

  Nobody knew about her secret long held dream.


  Outrage tugged hard at her temper.

  "You read my journal," she accused in a voice no more than a whisper.

He actually had the grace to blush.

  The bastard.

  "It wasn't like that. I found it next to your bed. I only flipped over a couple of pages. When I realised what it was I put it down."

  Something like utter horror rose into her throat.


  "What else did you read?

  Leaning back against a couch he crossed his legs at the ankles, folded his arms.

  A typical defence pose.

  "You want a family, a home, a real partner in your life. I can give you that," he said as if they were discussing the weather.

  And just like that for Eve love turned to hate.

  He'd known. All the time he'd known her deepest darkest secrets. Not once had he mentioned commitment, affection. Or the elephant in the room, love.

  And she realised he was prepared to do his duty. To do the right thing.

  She refused to be some kind of hanger-on in his life. A burden. A duty.

  No way was she going to condemn herself to a life of waiting for him to arrive, to give a little of his precious time to her and their child. She'd watched her mother become terribly lonely and terribly bitter.

  "Not a chance," she said and stood.

  The room took a spin and she gripped the edge of the table as a horrible wave of queasiness did a slow steady roll through her, leaving her drenched in a cold sweat.

  Not now baby please, she begged her child.

  "I'll have all those things," she assured him with the toss of her hair. "But never with you."

  "What the hell is wrong with me?" he demanded.


  She couldn't look at him.

  The ferocity of another wave of nausea caught her by surprise.

  She bolted for her bedroom and the bathroom. And heaved the contents of her stomach into the toilet. By the time she was finished, she wanted to die. Matt was holding her hair back from the line of fire and had a cold cloth pressed to her forehead.

  "You need a doctor," he said looking as pale as she felt.

  Slumped against the bathroom wall, she shot him a dark look.

  "What I need is for you to sign the papers and get out of my life."

  Sitting on the floor next to her, he stretched out long legs, crossed them at the ankles, folded his arms and gave her a shoulder nudge.

  "I can't force you to come to New Zealand with me. But I will fight for the right to see my child. Are you prepared for the publicity of a court battle? Because when I fight, babe, I fight to win."

  It was a good thing she was sitting down because Eve's world tilted on its axis.


  Never had she imagined in her wildest dreams that he would threaten to take her child.

  Something like terror battled with fury.

  Fury won.

  "Get out."

  Tears caught in her throat, stung her eyes and she fought them back like a warrior.

  She would not cry in front of this man.

  "No," he said, rolling to his feet. "You're in no fit state to be left alone. Face it. You need me."

  Tilting her head back she stared up at him with hatred burning brightly in her heart. He didn't look smug or complacent or triumphant. Instead he looked absolutely determined, focused. A man on a mission. Why hadn't she seen that he was stubborn with a ruthless streak a mile wide?

  Who was this man?

  "I'll fight you every single step of the way," she assured him through clenched teeth.

  Without another word he bent and lifted her as if she weighed nothing and carried her through to her bedroom, laid her down on the bed.

  Then he had the bare-faced bloody cheek to kiss her forehead and did she imagine the quick sniff of her hair?

  "Not today you won't, tiger. I know you're furious with me. Have a sleep. You can kill me tomorrow."

  He strolled to the door, switched off the light, and left.

  How was she supposed to be able to sleep after all that?

  As she closed her eyes Eve decided it was high time she got out of Dodge.

  Chapter Ten

  Sleep, Matt decided, was overrated.

  He'd spent the night on the couch going through his manuscript with one ear pricked listening for signs of life from Eve in case she needed him. During the night he'd looked in on her a couple, okay maybe ten, times. Once he'd just stood at the side of the bed and watched her sleep. His hand itching to touch, to stroke the hair from the side of her beautiful face. She'd looked so peaceful he didn't want to disturb her. The dark circles of exhaustion under his eyes worried him. They worried him a lot.

  He still couldn't believe he'd threatened her and lost his temper with the mother of his child. The love of his life. Not that she'd believe him if he declared himself, not after the stupid things he'd said and done. Hindsight and the luxury of time to think had made him read through the vile legal document again.

  And he'd finally, finally, saw it for what it really was.

  A gauntlet.

  A challenge tossed.

  And like a fool, instead of picking up that challenge, he'd totally lost his temper. She'd been looking for a reaction, a commitment from him. And he'd given her an ultimatum. Had he lost his fucking mind?

  She'd unerringly struck right at the heart of what he'd missed out on and secretly desired his whole life. A family. His own family. The bitter truth that Eve expected him to sign away something so fundamentally precious, the miracle of his child, had hurt. Hell it still hurt.

  He couldn't force her to stay with him or to travel with him.

  What was he going do?

  He must have dozed off.

  All was still and quiet.

  It was the quiet that woke him.

  The fire was still merrily flickering away, but something had changed. Matt turned his head and spotted that change floating past the windows in fat white flakes.


  He leapt up, jogged to the double French doors and stood there grinning like a fool.

  He'd put good money on it, Eve was planning to leave him today.

  Well, babe, karma was a bitch.

  And that bitch had just dumped at least a foot of the white stuff on top of Ludlow Hall.

  Turning on the flat screen television, he saw the weather was centre stage and breaking news.

  Eve was going nowhere.

  With a spring in his step, and humming 'Jingle Bells' under his breath Matt strode through his bedroom into the shower.

  Determined to pack early and organise a taxi to take her home, Eve pulled the curtain cord to find a scene depicting a winter wonderland under a heavy sky that promised a helluva lot more.

  Huge pine trees groaned under the weight of snow. The river ran like a black ribbon through pristine white.

  And with a falling heart she knew she was going nowhere fast.


  "Lovely weather we're having," Matt all but sang as she emerged at last from the sanctuary of her bedroom.

  Today she wore black leggings, thick woollen socks the colour of Rudolph's nose and a matching fleece. Copper hair was tied in a high ponytail. She still looked pale, but mouth wateringly beautiful. And if the glitter in those golden eyes was anything to go by, she hated his guts.

  Feeling nothing but love for her in his heart, Matt tossed her a friendly smile. "What would you like? Toast? Tea? Cereal?"

  Her only response was a look that would curdle the fresh milk in the jug. She sat at the table and without taking those eyes from his, lovingly fingered the knife of heavy silver next to her plate. By the look on her face she was probably dreaming of stabbing him with it through the heart.

  "I discover something new about you every day," she told him. "Yesterday, I learned you're a slob and a big bully. And today I've realised you're a deeply unpleasant character. I don't know what I was thinking having sex with you."

  Even when she was furious Matt decided Eve was absolutely adorable. Who'd have thought having her pissed off with him would be such a
turn on. He kept his eyes on hers as he placed a slice of buttered wholemeal toast on her plate.

  "Baby, we've never had just sex. We made love, hot and passionate love. We need to reconnect. So I think we need to do a lot more of the same. What do you say? Your bed or mine?"

  He grinned into her stunned face.

  Solid ice entered those fabulous eyes and her knuckles went white as she gripped the knife.


  How could a man with so much kindness in him be so insensitive?

  The cocky smile slid from his face.

  The pressure in Eve's chest was so tremendous she couldn't bear it.

  In spite of doing her level best, her eyes filled.

  Matt winced, reached across the table to cover her hand gripping the knife with his.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I said it to make you laugh, not cry."

  "Leave me alone. I don't need you. I don't want to..." Want you, she nearly said and slapped a hand over her mouth.

  He stood, came around the table and crouched down beside her.


  If he touched her she'd totally lose it.

  All she wanted to do was to throw herself into his arms and just let all her pent-up feelings out. But she knew that once she started crying she'd never stop. And he'd be too kind and understanding and gentle. And that would kill her.

  Oh God, this was a nightmare.

  "It's okay. It's me. Pregnancy hormones. Do you think we can get out of here? Go for a walk or something?"

  "Sure." He pulled her to her feet, held her wrists. His thumbs rubbed the racing pulse points on her skin as blue eyes searched hers. Eve recognised anxiety and guilt and something else she couldn't identify.

  "We'll go for a walk in the snow and I promise I won't lay a finger on you. Unless you want me to."

  That was the trouble, Eve thought.

  She did want him to.

  Half an hour later they were kitted out in thick socks tucked inside wellington boots and duck down puffa coats all purchased from the shop at Ludlow Hall.

  The snow had stopped, but a glowering sky the colour of heavy pewter hung above them. And that sky absolutely suited Eve's mood. She couldn't think straight when she was near him. Right from the beginning he'd affected her like this. It was as if her body and her mind were two separate entities. What she needed to do Eve decided was to keep her focus purely on the child she carried.


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