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Blue Blooded: Jessica McClain Book 6

Page 12

by Amanda Carlson

“I’m going to go to my room and change,” I told them. “I hope we have robes in our closets too.”

  “I’m sure you do. This place doesn’t skimp on a single thing,” Marcy called. “Knock on my door on your way down. I’m just going to brush my teeth. They’re a little ratty.” She made a show of running her tongue around the inside of her mouth and grimacing. “New toothbrushes were the best surprise ever.”

  I chuckled as Kayla and I made our way out. “What isn’t a little ratty about us these days?” I said.

  “True,” Kayla replied. “I’m looking forward to changing as well. I grabbed a few of my own things before we left. I’ll meet you down there when I’m done.” She nodded at me in the hallway and inclined her head. She was a smart girl, and I was happy she was coming around. She would make a good partner for Tyler.

  “Sounds good,” I said. “I’ll see you in a few.” I opened the door next to Marcy’s. My room was almost the mirror image of hers, but since it was on the corner, it had a fairly large balcony with two big French doors that swung inward. I walked over and opened them, enjoying the fresh breeze and the majestic view of rolling hills and vineyards as far as the eye could see.

  Next, I went to my closet and opened the door. Sure enough, Angie’s scent was all over. What a moron. I smiled, thinking about Rourke scaring the living daylights out of her once we found her. The thought made me insanely happy.

  There was an outfit like Marcy’s folded on my bed, and I chuckled, imagining Angie being ordered to buy clothes for me. It must’ve burned like the flames of Hades. I held up a pair of jeans that were exactly my size. No wolf here would know my size. I had a similar top to Marcy’s, but mine was dark blue.

  I would bet my life that, if she could have, Angie would have bought me something ridiculously awful. She was likely vetoed. Julian had very upscale taste. It would’ve been a glaring mistake on his part to buy me something tacky. It would’ve been a dead giveaway that someone else was involved.

  The adjoining bathroom was decked out in expensive marble, just like everything else around here. It was light and airy, even in its massiveness, with a double sink and a huge walk-in shower with a huge glass door. My mind immediately sped to Rourke and what we could accomplish in this space. I licked my lips and started to undress. As I was changing, I decided to see what was happening with him and Julian.

  How’s it going? I asked my mate. Have you told him anything about Danny?

  No, haven’t had a chance. He’s making a big show of offering us his boxful of Cuban cigars. What’s taking so long?

  Angie’s been here, I said. It’s not exactly a surprise. But now we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Julian and Ceres are connected. This place is bugged with spells. We need to tell everybody to make sure they say nothing of importance out loud.

  Rourke growled, I don’t like that we have to stay here. We should get a place in town.

  We’ll consult with my dad when he gets here. Who knows how long we’re going to be in Florence? It might be wise to have a place of our own, but it would be rude to leave abruptly. We can’t afford to have the Alpha of the Mediterranean Pack angry with us. He could retaliate, and we don’t need that right now.

  He’s asking me a question, Rourke said. I’ll keep you posted.

  In my mind, I switched gears and called out to Tyler. Ty, this place is spelled, I told him. Careful what you say and pass it on to the rest of the group discreetly. I’ll tell Dad as soon as we have a connection.

  Got it, he said. Spelled by that witch you were chasing today?

  Most likely. That means Ceres is working with Julian. It complicates things.

  Boy, did it ever.

  Great, Tyler said.

  I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. Mind communication wasn’t that subtle. What do you mean by great? I asked. I’m thinking this is not wonderful news. I’m thinking this is going to turn into a shit show very soon.

  Jess, finding Tally and the others could’ve been way more complicated than this. Instead, it’s all here for the taking. What if Tally had been taken by someone we didn’t know, couldn’t find, and had no idea how to get to? Yes, this will most likely turn into a shit show, but it’s a show happening right at our feet. We should count ourselves lucky.

  He had a point.

  I catch your drift. I’m changing. I’ll be down soon. You’ll be happy to know your cute roommate is changing too. I couldn’t resist. You know, she’s the first roommate you’ve had in quite some time.

  I’m not going there with you, he stated evenly.

  Why not?

  Because I’m scared enough about it as it is. I don’t need you to add anything to stir the pot.

  What are you scared about? I asked.

  Everything. What if she doesn’t accept me as her own? he asked. A million things could go wrong.

  Why wouldn’t she accept you? It’s clear that you two are mated. I knew the first moment I saw you together. It just takes time. Go slow. Think about Danny and Naomi. It took them a long time to accept the facts, but everyone comes around at some point.

  I hope so. I have to go, he said. Julian is insisting each of us take a cigar. Man, these things are stinky. How can other supernaturals stand the concentrated smell? The stench will linger in my nostrils for a year.

  You have an overly sensitive nose, both a curse and a blessing, I told him. I’m on my way down now.

  I came out of the bathroom, and as I passed the French doors, a whooshing noise sounded. A nanosecond later, Ray stood in front of me with his hands on his hips.

  I pressed my index finger to my lips.

  Ray got the hint, but instead of nodding and flying away so we could talk later, he stepped forward and grabbed my waist. We were in the air before I knew what was happening.


  “Jesus, Ray!” I exclaimed once we’d landed. “You could’ve given me fair warning!”

  “There’s no way to give you fair warning when this place is crawling with spells. Plus, I found something you’re going to be mighty interested in, so I had no choice but to take you.”

  “Where are we?” I looked around. We appeared to be standing in the middle of the vineyard. The villa wasn’t visible from here. “Are we still on Julian’s property?”

  “Yep,” Ray answered. “I’ve been out here these last few hours scoping it out. He keeps his wolves in bunkhouses a couple miles away, which is strange. None seem to be hanging around the main house except for Lucas and a few drivers. There are two buildings, and they look to hold fifty to sixty wolves, twenty-five to thirty in each. But that’s not the most interesting news. I found what appears to be an underground bunker, or at least the entrance to one. I scented that witch we were tracking around the area, so I didn’t get too close. I didn’t want to leave my signature for them to find.”

  “Where is this bunker? Is it nearby?” I asked, turning in a circle, trying to get a better view of the area.

  He nodded. “It’s down the road about three miles. There were other smells lurking as well. One that smelled like jasmine and mint. Definitely female. I couldn’t pick up on what kind of supe it was for sure, but it had a familiar ring to it, close to someone’s I know.”

  “Whose?” I asked.

  “Selene,” he said.

  My eyebrows went up. “That must be Ceres. They’re both goddesses.”

  “That’s what I was thinking,” he agreed.

  “What about Tally? Did you pick up on any witch smell?” I asked. “It’s risky for Julian to keep them on the property.”

  “I didn’t scent her, but she’s been gone awhile. If she hasn’t been outside, her scent signature could be covered up. Plus, I didn’t get that close. If we want to investigate, we’re going to have to bring Marcy here, so she can clean up after us.”

  “Okay, all this is good information. Now take me back to the villa. They’re expecting us, and we have to meet my father’s plane.”

  “There’s one mor
e thing,” he said.


  “I spotted a strange power signature, but it wasn’t on Julian’s land. It was right outside of it.”

  “What do you think it was?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I have no idea. I flew over, but as I got closer, it disappeared. Then when I was flying away, it popped back up in the same spot.”

  “Was it like when you found Jeb?”

  “Sort of,” he said. “But this one was bigger and more muted. Jeb’s was more like a spotlight.”

  “I don’t think it was Enid, but we can’t know for sure.”

  Ray shook his head. “I don’t think it was either. It didn’t feel heavy. That Hag would give off a lot of hate. It was just weird, kinda like it was messing with me.”

  Jessica, can you hear me? It was my father. He wasn’t always able to get through, and we didn’t know why.

  Yes! I answered, excited to hear his voice. Have you touched down yet?

  No, we’re being diverted.

  What do you meaning you’re being diverted?

  The pilot just announced that we couldn’t land as planned. They’re taking us to a runway approximately two hours south of where you’re located.

  I glanced at Ray. “My father just told me that their plane is being diverted to a different location. We have to head back so I can figure out what’s going on.”

  Ray grunted. “I’m not surprised. That guy doesn’t want to be outnumbered on his own turf, nor does he want any surprises. Especially if he’s in up to his neck in all this shit.” He waved his arm, gesturing up and down the valley.

  “What do you think all the shit is? He’s working with Ceres, but to what end? What does he stand to gain from of all this?”

  “How do I know? But it’s clear she wooed him with something. Her scent is all over this place. And if they’re sleeping together, that makes things more complicated. My guess is power. It’s always about power.”

  He was right.

  Jessica, what’s going on? my father asked.

  Sorry, just talking to Ray. My best guess is Julian has decided it would be a threat to let you land here. We’ve been keeping information from him and poking around on his Compound. He’s not happy. We just found out he may be working with Ceres.

  The goddess?

  Yes, which may have something to do with Tally being missing.

  He’s a shrewd Alpha who has to look out for his Pack, my father answered very rationally, not mirroring the way I felt at all. I may have done the same thing in his situation. Let him know we will stay just outside the city limits of Florence. I’ll wait to hear from you or Tyler. If anything changes, and there’s significant danger, we can be there quickly.

  How many wolves did you bring? I asked.


  I had to hand it to my father, always calm in a crisis. To Ray, I said, “Take me back. Let’s make an entrance on the veranda. I want Julian to know this news is not welcome. We have to show some power. I have a feeling that things are going to get messy around here soon.”

  Ray snorted. “They were ugly before we got here. If you want power, we’ve got it in spades.” He wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and whipped me upward.

  I kept my wits about me, but just barely. Flying through the air felt so wrong.

  Luckily, we weren’t up there for long.

  On the way down, we were moving fast, but I saw Rourke glance up a second before we landed on the terrace. It was hard to look all put together with my hair flying in my face, but I managed.

  Before I could address the mostly stunned group, Tyler, sensing my mood and tension, asked internally, What’s going on? Why’d you come in with Ray?

  Julian’s not allowing Dad’s plane to land here, I told him. It’s time to get to the bottom of everything.

  “Sorry to come in with the surprise landing,” I told everyone, not sorry at all. “But I just found out that Julian’s not allowing my father’s plane to land.” I gave the Alpha a hard look.

  “That’s correct,” Julian said, unfazed. “But it wasn’t my choice. I just got word from the air traffic controllers. His plane is too large for the runway.”

  Bullshit, Rourke said. He doesn’t want to risk more wolves on his land.

  Agreed, I said. Ray just took me out to the vineyard so we could have a chat. He found a strange supernatural power signature outside the borders of Julian’s land. And scented Angie, and possibly Ceres, at the entrance to what he thought was an underground bunker. There’s a lot going on here, and Julian is in the thick of it.

  They all held the ridiculous cigars, the air full of burning tobacco. I swiped my hand in front of my face. Tyler was arguing with Julian about allowing the plane to land.

  “I wish I could help you.” Julian shrugged. “But this is out of my hands. Large planes cannot land on my small runway. He will be diverted to the city two hours south of here.”

  “The city run by nymphs?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said. “He will enjoy his stay there, and you will be reunited with him tomorrow, no one the worse for wear.” He took a puff of his cigar like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  There was nothing we could do. The Mediterranean Alpha’s word was final.

  A moment later, Marcy banged out the front door, followed by Kayla. “Oh, this is heaven. I could get used to this,” Marcy chirped happily. “I brought the wine.” She held a bottle in her hand. Lucas followed behind them with a platter full of glasses. “Would you like some?” she asked me, her eyebrow arching up into a where in the heck did you go question. “We can bring it with us to the landing strip.”

  “Sure, I’ll take a glass,” I said. “But bringing it with us won’t be necessary. We’re not going anywhere.”

  Marcy didn’t miss a beat. “Well, all the better to stay here and enjoy the sunset. I think it’s just about to set now.”

  “Yes,” Julian said. “The view of the sunset from atop this bluff is remarkable. Let’s move around to the south side.” He strode down the veranda.

  I hung back to get my wine from Lucas. Marcy pulled me close. “What’s going on?” she whisper-yelled. “When you didn’t knock on my door, I searched this entire villa for you! I thought Enid snatched you out from under us. Then, all of a sudden, I heard your voice on the porch. What gives?”

  I murmured softly into her ear, “Julian is not letting my father’s plane land, and I was gone because Ray took me on a short, but interesting, flight.”

  She pulled back, looking horrified. “Sorry to hear that, but I can’t wait to hear more about the interesting part.”

  I sipped my wine as we followed the guys. “There’s more than one robe in the closet,” I said cagily.

  The sun was just hitting the horizon, and Julian was right, it was more than beautiful, it was breathtaking. The sky turned orange, pink, and then red, reflecting in the billowy clouds as it disappeared beneath the rolling green waves of the distant vineyards.

  Once it had set completely, Julian strolled to an area that held couches and chairs a short distance away. He lifted his hand and invited us to sit. “Please,” he insisted. “Be my guests and have a seat.” He directed his gaze at Danny, who had been unnaturally quiet throughout our meal. I knew, without a doubt, that he was focused on trying to make his internal connection with Naomi work. By the look on his face, he hadn’t been successful. “So, were you someone’s prisoner, then?” Julian asked very casually, even though we all knew his intention was anything but casual. “I’d love to hear how you ended up in the Arno.”

  Before any of us could speak, Lucas interjected, “Oh, that was my fault. It was entirely by accident, of course.”

  I struggled to keep my face impassive. Danny was my second, and power radiated off of him. There was no way Lucas would’ve won a challenge between the two. Danny rose to the occasion. “Yes, that’s right. Your fox here managed to catch me by surprise.”

  What are they doing? I asked Rourke. Thi
s could get Lucas into a lot of trouble. If Julian finds out he’s lying to him, beating him will be the easy way out.

  I have no idea, Rourke answered. But Lucas is no dummy. Let’s wait and see. If he can keep Enid out of the discussion, it’s worth it.

  Lucas nodded. “I had no idea he was a friend of theirs. I thought he was a rogue. So when he approached Jessica from behind, I shouldered him into the river, fearing he was after her.”

  Julian took a glass of wine from the tray, bland skepticism all over his face. “And why would you think this wolf would be a danger to Jessica?”

  “Jessica is your guest,” Lucas said. “She is in this city under your protection. And unless I’m mistaken, there are many factions after her. I perceived this wolf as a threat and will uphold the integrity of the Mediterranean Pack above all else.” Oh, Lucas was good. “So I reacted first and asked questions later.”

  “On the way into Florence,” I said to Julian, “Lucas and I discussed a variety of things, including the fact that the supernatural world is currently in upheaval. He was right to be cautious. There are many who are praying I won’t make it through the night. It’s a shame, but out of my control.”

  “I was only in the water for mere moments.” Danny shrugged. “Normally, I would’ve fought him, rightly so. But when I found out he was only trying to protect my Alpha, I thought better of it. I would harm no one who seeks to shield her.” Danny emphasized the word shield, making it clear we all knew that Julian wasn’t that wolf.

  Julian leaned forward in his chair, his expression changing. “Your Alpha? What do you mean by that? Callum is your Alpha.”

  Danny was relaxed as he could be, leaning against the thick stone railing, his body loose, belying what I knew roiled just underneath. He would not sleep until we found his mate. “I have sworn fealty to Jessica, with Callum’s blessing. Yes, it’s unusual. But then again, a female wolf in and of itself is unusual,” Danny said. “Have you not felt her power, mate? It deserves reverence. So I gave it.” He ended on a shrug. Like all wolves would kneel to the female.

  “I’m not a Pack Alpha,” I added. “This was a special circumstance, as was my birth. With all the danger chasing me, we agreed it was imperative that I have wolves around me for protection. They decided to swear their fealty on their own. There was no pressure from my father. Tyler is next in line for Pack Alpha of the U.S. Territories. That doesn’t change.”


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