Page 9
“We should probably head inside while I’m still able to resist the urge to throw you over my shoulder and haul you back to my place.”
Max’s lion perked up. “Was that disappointment we heard?”
“No. It was not, it was just an agreement to our plan. At least that’s what we are going to tell ourselves.”
“Seriously, how are we related?”
Max opened the door for Shelly allowing her to enter first. The decadent smells from the fine Cajun cuisine assaulting his nose making his stomach growl.
“Damn, it smells good in here, great choice, Doll.”
“Thank you.” Shelly turned towards the host stand, let out a little squeal, and rushed around the hostess to a young man; Max caught his scent, correction young shifter, bussing one of the tables. Max watched the boy turn and his face lit up with a smile, for Max’s woman. Shelly rushed up and gave the boy a big hug. Max growled, not loud enough for human ears, but he knew the cub who was currently pawing his mate could. Okay, so he wasn’t pawing her, but he had his hands on Shelly and that was enough for Max. He watched the boy’s body stiffen, and he looked over the top of the Shelly’s head at Max. Shelly must have noticed the change as well, because she looked up at the kid then followed his line of sight to Max. Shelly frowned at Max.
“Max, stop glaring.” She looked up and graced the kid with one her winning smiles.
Stop glaring? How the fuck, did she expect him to stop glaring when she was smiling at the kid like that and hugging him? For shit’s sake. He was barely suppressing the urge to walk over there, rip the punk’s arms off, and beat him to death with them.
“It’s so good to see you. I didn’t know you worked here. How are the kids?”
The kid watched Max warily as he tried to remove himself from Shelly’s embrace, but she didn’t seem to notice and continued to dote on the boy.
“Yeah, I started about a month ago. The kids are great.”
Shelly finally let go of the kid and turned to Max. The tightness in his chest eased when she graced him with a smile. She held her hand out to him. “Max, come here, I want you to meet a friend.”
Max made his way to her. Instead of taking her hand, he wrapped and arm around her waist, resting his hand on her hip in a proprietary manner. Yeah okay, so he might as well have pissed on her like a fire hydrant. He was part animal after all. The boy inclined his head slightly showing his respect to Max as an alpha and Shelly’s mate.
“Max, this is Jordy. Jordy, this is Max.”
So this was Jordy. Hmm for some reason Max didn’t picture the kid to look so, so...
“Adult? Male?” His lion growled.
“Yeah, that.”
Max sent Shelly an apologetic smile he really didn’t feel. “Sorry, Doll.” Max held out his hand to Jordy. The young shifter eyed it warily, but took it. Max resisted the urge to crush the kid’s hand. The kid had a nice firm handshake, points unfortunately in his favor.
“Jordy. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Shelly gasped in surprise. Shit. He hadn’t meant to say that.
“How have you heard about him?”
Jordy jumped in before Max had a chance to form an explanation.
“You must know my Uncle John.”
“I do. I met him today.”
“John St. Pierre? That was your meeting this afternoon? Why would you meet with him?”
Again, Jordy jumped in and once again gained points.
“What do you do? Engines or tats?”
“Figured as much. Your nails are too clean for you to be a grease monkey. Uncle John said he was looking for a new artist.”
Hmm. That explained John’s excitement when he mentioned his apprenticeship.
Jordy looked behind Max. “Your table is ready. I’ll let you get to it. It was nice meeting you Max.”
Max shook Jordy’s hand and returned the sentiment. He ground his teeth to hold back his temper when Shelly hugged the kid, again.
“It was so good to see you. Tell Grant and Hope I said hi.”
“I will. Uncle John told me about Fiona’s husband. How is she?”
“She’s doing better, good days and bad, but better all the same.”
“Will you tell her I asked about her and that I said hi?”
“Of course. You should stop by the house sometime; she would love to see you and the kids.”
“I would like that if you think she’s up to it.”
“She is. She’s getting out more now.”
“Alright. I’ll call her this week and we’ll stop by and see her and Emma Grace.”
Max took Shelly’s arm and gently extricated her from Jordy’s side. He wanted to knock the amusement of the kid’s face, but that would only upset Shelly and he was all about keeping his mate happy. Didn’t mean he couldn’t fantasize about it though and he did as they followed the hostess to their table.
Shelly promised him an authentic New Orleans dining experience, and she had come through in spades. Their meal was excellent. Although Max was stuffed, swore he couldn’t eat another bite, the heavenly aroma coming from the leftovers Shelly insisted they take with them made him want to see if he could eat just a bit more.
He smiled to himself when he thought about the mystery he solved during dinner. He figured out why she always smelled so sweet. His mate had a sweet tooth of epic proportions and she wasn’t shy about it. She had sworn she couldn’t eat another bite, long before he surrendered, but she ordered dessert. Actually, she had ordered two, warm bread pudding with whisky sauce and a praline sundae, both of which she insisted Max share with her. He had to admit they were delicious. When he questioned her about it she looked at him as if he were insane, stating that being full from your meal had absolutely nothing to do with eating dessert. They were two different things entirely. The way her mind worked was both intriguing and amusing, often at the same time. He had to admit, though convoluted, she was right. He had been near bursting, but he still had room for dessert.
They made it to the end of Toulouse and waited for the light to cross the street. Shelly looked over at a homeless person sleeping on one of the benches that lined the sidewalk. She glanced down at the food and then to the guy sleeping on the bench.
“Do you mind?”
His mate had a heart of gold. He ran his finger over her soft cheek. “No, I don’t mind.” Even if he had, he wouldn’t refuse to do something that was so important to her. Taking her hand, he walked with her, keeping himself slightly in front of her, just in case. The old guy looked harmless enough, but he wouldn’t take chances with his mate.
“Excuse me, sir?”
The old man startled and peered up at Shelly with wary confusion. “Can I help you little lady? I ain’t got no money.”
“No sir, I don’t need anything. I was wondering if you would like some gumbo. I ordered it but wasn’t able to eat it. There’s bread in there too.”
The old man looked at Shelly as if she were an apparition. “You want to give me your gumbo?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it. I didn’t even touch it and the bread’s fresh. I was going to take it to work for lunch, but the longer I walk the guiltier I feel. You know what they say a moment on the lips and all that. I think if I take it home, it will just go to waste.”
Max watched as the old man worked through what Shelly told him, twisting it around in his mind, looking for an angle. Max hoped she made up that whole ‘moment on the lips’ business. If not, he was going to have a serious talk with his mate. She was perfect.
“That a Gumbo Shop bag?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want you to have to worry about a ‘lifetime on the hips’ and all that.”
Shelly sent him a sly smile. “Thank you, sir. My hips and my bank account appreciate it.”
As the old man dug into the take out back, Max inconspicuously nudged Shelly and handed
her a twenty.
“Here you go sir, in case that’s not enough to fill you up.”
“I’m Harold.” He blinked rapidly, clearing the tears Max could see forming in his eyes, and stuck out his hand to Shelly. “Thank you little lady.”
Max tensed when Shelly took his hand, but said nothing.
“I’m Shelly and you’re welcome.” She glanced at him. “That’s Max.”
Harold nodded at him but didn’t stick out his hand, smart man. Max was, by far, one of the most dangerous men Harold would ever meet.
“Light’s changing, Doll.” Max tugged at her hand.
“It’s was nice to meet you Harold. Have good evening.”
“It was a pleasure to meet you Ms. Shelly. Thank you again.”
Max held Shelly’s hand as they crossed the street. Once they made it to the other side, he spoke. “You are an amazing woman.”
“Why do you say that?”
“After what you just did, you’re kidding right?”
“What? I just gave the man my leftovers.”
“And a twenty.”
“You gave him the twenty. It’s not a big deal. Anyone would have done that.”
“No, Doll, they wouldn’t have. You are amazing, sweet, and kind. You may not think so, but trust me you are.”
Shelly ducked her head and blushed. He loved when she did that. Max caught the whiff of a shifter, as well as, an odd scent he couldn’t place, when they approached the parking area that ran along the river near the Old Slave Quarters Flea Market. The scent of shifter was faint; it wasn’t strong enough to indicate they were still in the area so he dismissed it. It was the other scent that bothered him. The strong, sickly, cloying scent lingered in the area and Max was sure he had smelled it somewhere before, but where?
“Is something wrong Max? You’re frowning.”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you smell that weird cloying scent?”
She stopped and inhaled. “No. I smell the river, but that’s pretty much it. What does weird cloying scent mean, anyway? I mean, I know what cloying means, but can you describe it?”
“You know that weird aftertaste you get when you drink a diet soda?” She nodded. “It smells like that.”
“It smells like a taste?”
Max watched Shelly’s lips twitch for a second, before she tucked them in between her teeth. She didn’t make a sound, nor gave any outward appearance of her amusement, but Max could tell she was laughing at him. “You’re laughing at me.”
She shook her head.
“Yes you are I can see it in your eyes. You are totally laughing at me.” Not that it pissed him off or anything. He loved the spark in her eyes, so he didn’t mind being the source of her amusement.
She cleared her throat. “I’m not laughing, per se, I just didn’t know you could do that, smell a taste I mean. I’m sure it’s possible and perfectly normal.”
She covered her laughter with fake cough.
“Brat.” He acted as if he were about to lunge for her and she jumped out of the way with a squeal and a smile on her face. He was so focused Shelly that Max didn’t see him until he was too late.
Chapter 11
Shelly really was trying not to laugh. Max could be so endearingly awkward. They kept the conversation light during dinner. He told her about the newly renovated house he found a few blocks from Fiona’s and how the movers would be here tomorrow to deliver his furniture. He hated living out of a suitcase and said it was like deployment minus the sand in hard to reach places. They talked about everything and nothing it, never running out of subjects to talk about. The fact that he felt self-conscious about anything was ridiculous. He was a Marine, a freaking hero. He was also the kindest, sweetest, most drool worthy man she had ever known.
He lunged for her and she danced away from him. One minute he was laughing with her and then the next, he froze and looked over her shoulder, animosity rolling off him. She was too afraid the look behind her at what had caused this sudden change.
“Don’t move lady.”
Fear filled her at the sound of the faceless voice behind her. She looked at Max for answers or maybe advice. Should she listen and not move or ignore it and run? Max barely glanced at her, keeping his focus on the man behind her.
“It will be okay, Shelly.” The reassuring tone and conviction in his voice allowed Shelly to breathe a little easier. She knew Max never said what he didn’t mean, he told her as much. If he said it was going to be okay, then it was. Max growled menacingly at the man behind her. “You need to put that away and leave now before I rip you apart. You know what I am, just as I know what you are. Only difference between us, I’m not strung out on whatever crap you’re on. If any harm comes to my mate, I will rip you apart, slowly.”
Wait…what? What did he mean I know what you are and you know what I am? She was his mate? What the hell did that mean? Was that another name for girlfriend? It sounded more permanent than that. Not that it was a bad thing. She didn’t say anything to Fiona, but she knew the second she opened the door and saw him for the first time, that Max was going to be her one. She didn’t want Fee to think she was naïve or crazy and she definitely didn’t want her best friend to try to talk her out of it. Shelly may not have any experience with men, but there were some things, that a woman instinctively knew.
“You won’t be able to shift before I put a bullet in her. I just want your money so let’s not make this a big thing.”
“Shift?” Shelly asked of no one in particular. In fact, she hadn’t been sure she said that out loud until Max’s eyes flared and his face filled with what looked like guilt and regret.
“You won’t get a shot off. I guarantee it.”
“I could just shoot you.”
“You’d have to be lucky enough to score a kill shot, and in your drugged out state I highly doubt that’s possible. So while you may wound me, I will still have the strength to kill you.”
Shelly noticed, as Max spoke the man behind her, he was slowly edging his way closer to her. He moved so slowly that unless you were paying attention, you wouldn’t notice at first. Max stopped again, but now she was within reach. It made her feel better knowing he could reach out a grab her when the time came. She knew it was coming too. She could see it in Max’s eyes, which now appeared to glow? What the…? She kept silent though everything in her wanted to scream at Max to explain to her what was happening.
A chill raced down her spine when she heard the man behind her cock his gun. Then everything seemed to happen at once. In a blur of movement, Max grabbed her wrist, pulled her behind him, and the gun exploded. She screamed and dropped to the ground. She looked down at herself but didn’t see any blood. She looked at Max who had the man pinned to the ground. At least she thought it was Max. His face no longer looked completely human. His teeth were now long and sharp, his forearms covered in short golden fur, and his nails were razor-sharp claws. Shelly fell to her knees in shock. She heard the screams in her head, but she couldn’t make her mouth emit them. She was trying to make sense of what she was seeing when she saw blood dripping from Max’s right shoulder.
“Max you’re bleeding!” She scrambled to her feet.
“Stay where you are, Shelly, and turn around!” Max’s voice was no longer the sweet and soothing, but raw and animalistic. “I mean it, Mate.”
Mate? Why did he keep calling her that? “You’ve been shot, Max.”
The man below Max started to whimper. “I wouldn’t have really hurt her, man. I just need the money. I swear! Please don’t kill me!”
“You expect me to let you live after you threatened what is mine. I warned you. I gave you a choice, and you chose wrong. Now you pay.”
Shelly didn’t know what was going on or what exactly Max was, but she couldn’t let Max kill the man. She wasn’t sure the man was telling the truth about not really wanting to kill her, but she couldn’t allow Max to face jail or exp
osure. She could hear sirens in the distance, whether they were headed their way or not, she didn’t know. Right now, they were alone, but it was only a matter of time before someone showed up. Someone would have reported the gunfire.
“Max?” She spoke as calmly as possible, but her voice shook slightly. “Max, please.”
“I said turn around, Shelly.”
“You can’t kill him.”
Though he spoke to her, Max’s focus remained on the man pinned under him. “Why not? He threatened you. I warned him.”
“The police will be here soon. How will you explain it? It’s obvious you don’t want anyone to know about you.” It’s not as if you said anything to me.
She watched and waited for what felt like an eternity for Max to make his decision. The sounds of sirens grew closer. They were running out of time. Max finally turned his head, and she gasped. Seeing his profile was one thing, but the full effect was even more startling. The regret and sorrow in his eyes was palpable. She jumped at the sound of screeching tires. Max took a deep breath, and she watched in awe as his features became normal once again.
Max knelt with his hands behind his head as police officers with weapons drawn rushed into the scene, barking orders, checking him for weapons, and securing the suspect on the ground. Satisfied that Max wasn’t a threat, they released him, and called for the paramedics. An officer was with her asking her questions, but she couldn’t get her brain to focus on anything but Max. Shelly was sure she was in shock; at least it felt like shock. Max eyed her warily as he made his way to her side. He stood there watching her, but didn’t touch her or say a word. When the paramedics arrived, he refused their help until they checked her over. After they cleared Shelly, Max allowed them to look at him and bandage his shoulder, but that was it. They told Shelly it was only a flesh wound, but given the amount of blood, she couldn’t see how that was possible.
The police had everything they needed, cleared Max and Shelly, and allowed them to leave. Max reached out to touch her and she flinched. He dropped his hand, his sad sigh and hollow voice made her want to cry.
“Please don’t fear me. I would never hurt you.”