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Dirty Girls

Page 20

by Lily White

  He walked off to make the call while I stood staring at Grey Lake, concerned that the message wouldn’t reach Olive in time.



  Two weeks.

  Two flipping weeks, and everything had returned to normal as if Soren wasn’t pissed at me for the ditching the party and spending time with Jonah. As if he hadn’t spent the night out with who? I still didn’t know.

  As if he hadn’t returned to my house the next morning and fucked me in such a way that my head was still screwed up from it two long weeks later.

  In the mornings, he drove me to school. In the afternoons, he picked me up. In the early evenings, he drove me to work. And after my shift was over, he was standing by his car, my reliable babysitter and chauffeur who was as tight lipped as ever every time I tried to mention what happened between us.

  I wondered if it had actually happened at all. Was I crazy? Had I dreamed it? Why wouldn’t he talk to me and at least agree that it was a mistake just so we could put the moment behind us and go on hating each other as usual?

  Soren was making me a little crazier each day, and from the smirks he would flash me every so often, I was beginning to believe he enjoyed it.

  But after two weeks of his aggravating games, I was finally growing tired of it and had given up attempting to pick his brain and find out what he was thinking.

  I had enough on my plate to worry about without adding Soren into the equation. Mainly, that I still hadn’t heard from Nolan despite how close it was to the holidays.

  Only a few days remained in school before fall break and my calls to his cell went unanswered while the employees who answered the phone at his shop said they hadn’t seen or heard from him either.

  The boys couldn’t lie to me anymore and claim that he was with Camilla, but when I asked them for more information they just shrugged and blew me off.

  I was beginning to worry, and with each passing day I wondered if his body wasn’t lying somewhere still and lifeless just like the other two victims found in Winter Ridge.

  It didn’t matter that he was a guy, or that he was fit and strong, there are ways to incapacitate a person regardless of their size. The worry ate at me so much that I often found myself pulling Jonah’s card from my pocket and wondering if I should report Nolan as a missing person.

  On top of that, I was still curious about Soren’s sister. Several times, I’d attempted to look it up on my phone, but there was no mention of her that popped up no matter how many words I typed into the search engine.

  Refusing to give up, I planned a trip to our local library, but hadn’t decided how I would escape the house without Soren noticing...not until today, at least.

  We’d just arrived back to the house after school let out, and while he walked into the back family room to accept the waiting joint from Quinton’s hand, I’d run upstairs with the thrill of knowing I didn’t have to work tonight.

  I tossed my bag on the bed and used the bathroom before grabbing my phone to call Kendall. She picked up on the second ring.

  “Yo, bitch. What’s up?”

  We hadn’t spoken much since the party, but that wasn’t unusual for us lately. She was busy with school and hanging out with Shea, although she’d popped into the diner a few times to see Tristan. It always warmed my heart to see the way he looked at her whenever she arrived, and by the looks of things, they were possibly getting back together.

  I was a little proud of her for finally giving up on dating Soren. Perhaps Kendall was growing up and was putting aside the need to be accepted by a group that had only tormented her. It wasn’t like we’d spend the rest of our lives in Winter Ridge, so in the end, being one of the popular kids didn’t matter.

  “Are you busy tonight?”

  From the other end of the line, I could hear plates clanking against tables, a low hum of conversation and country music playing from a jukebox.

  “Are you with Tristan?”

  I could somehow sense her smiling. Maybe it was in the perky tone of her voice. Or maybe I was just imagining things.

  “I stopped in for a bite to eat, but it’s getting busy now and he needs to focus on work. Did you want me to pick you up or something?”

  “Yep. I miss hanging out with you, and I also wanted to stop by the library for a little while.”

  She was silent for a few seconds.

  “Babe, listen. I know you don’t get out much and you’re not into the whole social popularity thing, but the library on a Friday night? You should tattoo Loser on your forehead and get it over with.”

  I didn’t agree with her, but kept the thought to myself. Kendall wasn’t much of a reader like me and she often held books away from her body with two fingertips like the pages were laced with poison.

  “It’s a project for school,” I lied. “Shouldn’t take too long and then we can go to a movie or something like that. I haven’t been to Seattle in a while, so Shea could tag along with us.”

  Her laughter bubbled over the phone. “Are you sure your big brothers will allow that? I’d hate for them to get pissed off at me like they did Becky. God knows what they would do to ruin my life. Although, you have to admit that was awesome. I’ve never laughed harder than to see that bitch piss herself before falling.”

  Okay. Maybe Kendall wasn’t growing up after all.

  “My big brothers won’t stop me. We’ll tell them we’re going to the library and leave it at that. They’ll most likely show up to confirm that’s where we are, and once they leave, we’ll take off.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll be there in a half hour.”

  I’d almost hung up when I heard her voice again. “Olly!”

  Putting the phone to my ear, I answered, “What?”

  “Wear something basic like you normally do so they don’t suspect anything, but toss something a little skimpier out your window now. I’ll grab it before ringing the bell and then they won’t suspect a thing.”

  Basic was all I had, but I told her I’d go along with it just to get her to hang up.

  Tossing the phone on my bed, I changed out of my school uniform into jeans and a shirt, and then grabbed another shirt, which showed a bit more skin, and tossed it out the window. After that, I emptied my bag of everything but a notebook and some pens, chucked my phone inside and pulled the strap over my shoulder.

  I took the stairs two at a time while heading into the living room. The boys were in back, most likely drinking and smoking pot, so I followed the scent of it into the family room to find them sitting on the couch watching a movie.

  “Wow. It’s almost like you all turned thirty and have forgotten all about your social lives.”

  Quinton lifted a hand to acknowledge he heard me, but didn’t bother turning to glance in my direction.

  “No worries, little sis. We got you covered. A bunch of people are heading over in a few hours. The house should be thumping soon.”

  In front of him, a building blew up on the new television they bought for the wall, and I was forgotten as some shirtless soldier ran onto the screen with an assault rifle at the ready.

  How they watched this crap without rolling their eyes was beyond me.

  “Okay, well that sounds like fun. But I have a project for school I have to turn in before the fall break, so I’ll be going to the library with Kendall in a few.”

  “I don’t remember you asking permission.”

  It was Soren’s voice this time, and from the sound of it, he didn’t approve of my plan.

  “I’m not allowed at the library now? This is getting a bit ridiculous.”

  Grady piped up next. “Why are you hanging out with Kendall? Is she trying to recruit you to the other team? Not that I have anything against lesbians, but I pegged you differently.”

  “She’s not a lesbian.”

  “Says you, but I have video that says different.”

  My eyes clenched shut at the admission. Fucking of course, Soren didn’t make them destr
oy it. Before I could respond, Grady spoke up again.

  “It’s not the only video either. Girl gets around and her lovers aren’t always hu-“

  Quinton’s arm swung out, his fist catching Grady in the stomach to end whatever Grady was saying with a painful oomph.

  “Fuck, asshole. What was that about?”

  These three would never make sense. I’d finally accepted that fact and had given up asking questions.

  Soren stood up from the couch and walked over to me. Catching me by the arm, he dragged me through the kitchen and into the living room where the explosions from the movie they were watching weren’t so loud.

  “Where are you really going?” His voice was more a demand for information than a simple question.

  I was getting tired of this shitty babysitter role he’d taken and was about to let him know just how over it I was when the doorbell rang, and a fist pounded against the door behind me.

  “Kendall’s here.”

  He moved to block me when I stepped toward the door.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Where are you really going?”

  “The library like I said earlier. And even if I wasn’t, who are you to tell me I can’t leave the house with my friend? This game you’re playing is getting seriously fucking old.”

  My attempt to dodge left and move around him was a failure. Soren was bigger and faster than me, a freaking powerhouse that wouldn’t back down until he was satisfied with getting whatever he wanted.

  “Since when are you so concerned about schoolwork?”

  That’s when I blew up. I may not have the money these assholes had, the social life, the cars, the toys, or the mansions, but what I did have was a brain. They might be able to skate by on their damn trust funds for the rest of their lives, but if I wanted to make my way through the world, I needed college to do it.

  “Since forever. I don’t have parents to pay for all my shit, Soren. I’ve been busting my ass and carrying straight As since the beginning of fucking time in order to get a decent scholarship and go to college. Do you think I like the life Nolan and I are living now where we barely get by every month? Do you think I like not being able to take time off from work because losing even twenty dollars means I won’t be able to pay the power bill? I want something better.”

  Although what I said was all true, my anger wasn’t really about the fact Nolan and I had barely scraped by since my parents died, it was more about Soren’s belief he could order me around and demand answers. But still, if my little speech was enough to make him back down, then it was worth it.

  Dark eyes searched mine, the wheels turning in his head. Something in my expression must have gained his approval because he finally stepped aside and let me pass.

  “Three hours.”

  I spun on my heel to glare at him. “What?”

  “Three hours and then we’re coming to get you.”

  “God, I hate you,” I yelled before stomping toward the door. This entire big brother thing was seriously creepy.

  Yanking the door open, I met eyes with Kendall, a knowing brow cocked above her eye and a twisted smile on her face. “Told you they’d be pissed off.”

  “Shut it, Kendall,” Soren barked before he made his way back to the family room on loud, lumbering steps. But before he was fully out of earshot, he tossed back one more reminder.

  “Three hours.”



  “Three hours until what?”

  Holding her question until we’d jumped in her Lexus and were pulling out of the driveway, Kendall threw the car into gear and eyed me.

  “They’re coming to get me in three hours.”

  A bubbling laugh escaped her throat. “Then I guess that means we’ll be dipping out in two hours to escape them.”

  The Lexus pulled away smoothly, trees and houses passing us by in silence. It wasn’t until she’d left the neighborhood that I spoke again.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Get what?”

  Shifting in my seat, I stared out the passenger window, my hand clasping the strap of my bag. The small town of Winter Ridge passed by in a blur, the antique shops and clothing boutiques already dressed in twinkling holiday lights even though Christmas wasn’t for another month.

  “Why Soren and the rest of them are acting like they have the right to order me around. I’m not one of their damn pledges and I don’t have to do what they say. I don’t even want to be part of their bullshit group. And anybody who does is an idiot. They deserve all the bullshit Soren throws at them.”

  An awkward silence filled the car. At first, I was too angry to realize what I’d said, but then my heart settled down and my blood pressure lowered, the rush of blood in my head quieting enough that I could hear my own thoughts.

  Turning to glance at Kendall, I immediately apologized. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that toward you, I just -“

  She held up a perfectly manicured hand. “It’s fine.”

  Pausing what she was saying, her eyes flicked up at the rearview mirror before returning to the road in front of her.

  “The truth is you’re right. I’ve been thinking about it lately, and I was stupid for letting them knock me around. I should never have left Tristan. That boy loves me so much it hurts my chest when his heart constricts, and I treated him like crap for a bunch of assholes.”

  My eyes widened to hear her admit what Tristan and I had known for years. “Seriously? You’re not pining for Soren anymore?”

  Her lips quirked in a grin.

  “He was the highest achievement level in the stupid game this town plays and I was determined to win.”

  Glancing at me, her smile was genuine. “Seriously. It’s all a bunch of bullshit.”

  “So, you’re done? You’re not hanging out with them anymore.”

  A burst of laughter shook her shoulders.

  “I’m not saying that. I mean, there’s still some fun to be had. But I won’t let it be important to me anymore. I can get my groove on and party it up without making an ass out of myself in the process.”

  Giving her my best proud mommy expression, I clasped my hands in front of me and held them to my chin.

  “I’m so proud of you. You’re all grown up.”

  Another burst of laughter before, “Shut it, bitch. It’s not like you have much room to talk. You haven’t even pledged the damn group and they’re still steamrolling you. For a while there, I wondered if you had the hots for Soren and he had the hots for you. But then-“

  Her voice trailed off as she flipped on her turn indicator and yanked the wheel to go right.

  “But then what?” I didn’t appreciate the way my pulse pounded with what she could possibly say.

  The car tires were a smooth crunch over the road, the engine purring as light rain fell onto the windshield. Kendall flipped another switch to engage the wipers. Their steady clickclickclick wasn’t driving me as crazy as her refusal to finish her thought.

  “But then what?” I asked again.

  She shrugged a shoulder.

  “But then I saw him with all those other girls at the last party and wondered what the hell he was doing. Those fuckers aren’t even loyal to each other. Unless all of us are just pieces of ass they pass around.”

  I wasn’t surprised to hear it, especially remembering how he’d leaned over Camilla when I came downstairs. Camilla had already told me she was done with Nolan and it wasn’t something new for many of the girls to bounce between guys that quickly. But still…

  “Yeah, Soren spent the night out with Camilla after the party. I saw him come home the following morning driving a black Mercedes.”

  Kendall’s eyes widened.

  “That’s Camilla’s car. It’s weird that he was driving it, though. She acts like the damn thing is worth millions and won’t let any person besides her behind the wheel.”

  Except...not only had she let Soren drive it, she let Grady drive it as well.

Blowing the thought off, I admitted some of the concerns I’d had over the past few weeks.

  “Nolan hasn’t contacted me in a while. I’ve seen him once since Soren got home and we had a fight before he left.”

  “I heard around town that he was with Camilla, but haven’t heard that they broke up, which is why I think it’s weird she’s with Soren.”

  Nodding her head in time with the beat of the music, Kendall seemed distracted.

  “Maybe Nolan is pissed off that the bitch moved on to Soren so fast. He could have gotten jealous and now he’s off licking his hurt boy wounds.”

  Pulling into the parking lot of the library, she chose a spot close to the front.

  Given that it was late in the afternoon on a Friday, the lot was a ghost town, only one or two cars besides ours. I assumed one belonged to the librarian.

  “You think Nolan is angry at Soren?”

  Another shrug before her brown eyes met mine.

  “I would have been if Shea or you jumped Tristan’s bones after the first time we broke up. Some people in the world are hella possessive and Nolan might be one of them.”

  A sinking feeling filled my gut, the same kind as when an elevator drops below your feet or you launch over that first high point of a rollercoaster only to go spiraling down at terrifying speeds. Not wanting to think about Nolan or Camilla anymore, I tugged the strap of my bag up my shoulder and opened my door.

  “You coming?”

  She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You may enjoy the smell of musty old books and the hemorrhoid cream the old lady librarian uses to smooth out her wrinkles, but I don’t.”

  With a wiggle of her fingers toward the front doors, she grinned.

  “Run along and play. Meanwhile, I’ll wait in the car until Shea calls. Then I’ll go and grab her from her house and be back here in time to pick you up.”

  It was a blessing in disguise. I’d wondered how would I investigate what happened to Soren’s sister without Kendall asking too many questions.

  “Okay. See you in a few.”

  “Bye, bitch,” she called as I closed her car door.


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