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Hockey Holidays

Page 83

by Toni Aleo

  Chapter Six

  “What’s the smile for?” Big Bruce commented as Dag strolled through the door. “I can guess it’s because the date went well.”

  Dag shook his head. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Tell me.” He points to the kitchen chair next to him.

  He sat down and told Big Bruce everything. How she was only nineteen, but she didn’t act like it. When Dag was nineteen, he had been a little wild and only cared about hockey. Plus, she had intelligence and maturity. The bonus of it all—for him anyway—she loved hockey. A lot. Faith never really cared about the game. He had to drag her to his events.

  “You asked her out again?”

  He nodded. “She hasn’t said yes, though, but I hope she does.”

  “Son, you’re beaming. This girl is something, eh?”

  Leaning back in the chair, he thought for a second. “Maybe I’m overthinking it? This is the first time I’ve been out in years.”

  Big Bruce chuckled. “Dag, you have a big heart, but one thing you don’t do is overthink. If you hadn’t liked this young lady, you wouldn’t be sitting here happier than I’ve seen in a very long time.”

  Rubbing his chin, he knew his father told the truth. Dag felt like he sat on a cloud and hoped Lex would contact him. There wasn’t any rational way for him to explain what he felt when he laid eyes on her. The more he talked to her, the more he enjoyed her company, and he didn’t want it to end.

  Dag and Big Bruce talked for a little bit longer, mainly updates on the boys, before Dag headed to the school to pick up the boys. Even though Elexis stayed in the back of his mind, he had to focus on his sons. They were overjoyed to see their dad as they ran to him. Then their excitement went into overdrive as Dag told them they were going to their favorite pizza place.

  When the night began to wind down, he wrangled the boys into bed and managed to lay down. He listened to the silence for a moment as if it was music to his ears. Bruce and Brock could be louder than an entire arena of Bears fans.


  Opening one eye, he saw his phone had a text alert. Picking it up, the number was unknown to him.

  Unknown: Dag, it’s Elexis. Tell me when you’re available and I’ll see if we can work out a time to get together.

  He bolted up into a sitting position. She had said yes. Well, sort of. Syncing their schedules might be a small issue, but he’ll make it work. Quickly he checked his calendar and figured out a date and time.

  Dag: Lex, I’m glad you contacted me. What about Fri? After the game?

  He knew it would be a long shot she’d be free. Nineteen years old on a Friday night, she’ll be busy for sure.

  Elexis: Okay, where?

  Dag: Are you going to the game?

  Elexis: Yes.

  Dag: I’ll meet you at the West Gate after I change.

  Elexis: Ok.

  Now, he had to make it to Friday.

  Luckily, Dag remained busy the majority of the time until Friday. Elexis and he exchanged a few texts throughout the week. They were nothing more than hello, I’m fine, and have a good day. He wanted to say more to her, but after talking to Edgar and Shade, they advised him less was more. The tweet the Bears put out had over six thousand retweets. Dag couldn’t believe it, and the team teased him all about it.

  Finally, it was Friday and his focus needed to be on the game. Big Bruce went on his date. Leia agreed to stay with the boys, and he would take out Elexis tonight. He checked off his mental list to confirm everything was covered.

  Checking his phone one more time, the boys sent him a video wishing him luck, and there was a text from Elexis.

  Elexis: Good luck.

  “Wow, never seen you smile before.” Edgar pushed on his shoulder. “Elexis must be sending you a dirty pic.”

  “No.” Dag defended her. “She’s wishing me luck.”

  “Is this luck the kind that gets you into bed with her tonight?” Shade jumped into the conversation as he strolled past.

  Dag rolled his eyes before following his teammates out to the ice to warm up. As he stepped onto the ice, his heart began to race. It happened every time. Hockey had been his world, that is until the boys came into his life. He shot the puck at the net a few times before going to stretch. He tried to release the tension in his legs and back, but he thought about Elexis. He decided going to a fancy restaurant would be nice, but she didn’t seem to be the type. He really had no idea where they would go, but he wanted to be with her, spend time with her.

  When he finished stretching, he skated around a few more times before making his way back into the locker room with the team. Coach Long gave his speech and goals for the night to get the win. Dag always respected him. Of all the coaches that have come in and out of his life and career, Coach Long made a profound impact on him.

  The team is ready to get out there and gain another win. The season was barely a week in and excitement hung in the air. Dag felt like this season would be different. In fact, he discussed this exact fact with Edgar and Cabel. They were feeling it as well.

  The first period passed in a blink. The scoreless second period did the same, but the third period brought fireworks, especially for Dag. Three minutes into the final period, he gained an assist with Cabel’s goal. Ten minutes later, he scored a goal himself. Elation bubbled over from the points he tallied. It’s been a long time since he started a season this good. When the final buzzer went off, he had to get ready for his date with Elexis.

  After showering and getting back into his suit, he slipped out of the locker room. He had told Elexis to meet him at the West Gate because family, friends, and fans would be waiting for the players at the East Gate. Leia texted several times letting him know the boys were fine, and they were getting ready for bed. Normally, Dag would never let them stay up this late, but he knew they would enjoy watching the game.

  Pushing the door open the air still felt muggy, even in the middle of October. He wished for cooler weather soon. He stopped when he saw Elexis with her back toward him. He had an easy view of her curves. He truly didn’t check her out at the coffee house because she only stood up for a moment. Now, he could take in all her curves. By no means was she overweight. Dag knew Shade would have called her thick. To him, she was beautiful.

  She turned and smiled. “I wasn’t sure which one belonged to you.”

  He noticed she swayed as she approached him. She had a glow around her even under the parking lot lights.

  “I thought it might be the minivan.” She softly giggled pointing over his shoulder.

  He chuckled at her joke. “Not a minivan. I’m the Chevy Traverse.” He nodded over to the other side of the parking lot. “With two very manly booster seats in the back.”

  Elexis, still smiling, asked, “You have manly booster seats?”

  “I do. There’s trucks on them.” He joked as they began to make their way over to the vehicle. He opened the door for her and caught her scent of soft flowers. He never liked females who drowned themselves in perfume and overpowering lotions.

  Dag got in behind the wheel and froze. “I have a confession.” He could see her stiffen up. “I have no clue what we’re going to do tonight. I thought about going somewhere fancy to impress you, but I thought better of it so now, I have no clue what I’m doing.” He felt like an idiot just saying it out loud. She’d probably run away from him faster than he could blink.

  Instead, she…giggled.

  “You probably want to leave, eh?” he softly asked.

  “May I make a confession?”

  He nodded.

  “I don’t want to go anywhere fancy. I’m not even sure how to act in some five-star restaurant.”

  Relief filled him, thankful he followed his instincts. “Then what would you like to do?”

  Her eyebrows dropped as she thought for a second and a smile grew slowly on her face. “I’m not one to make such decisions, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and ask if you trust me?”

tilted his head. What a weird statement? “I’ll go with yes.”

  “Do you trust me to drive? I promise I have a valid license.”

  Again, he didn’t know where this was going, but suddenly…he wanted to know. “I do.”

  He jumped out of the car as she did the same, and they changed sides. He watched her pull out her phone from her cross-body purse. She tapped on the screen a few times, and he tried not to look but he was curious.

  “Okay, here we go.” She buckled up and pushed the start button.

  Dag followed her movements and realized the cautiousness of her driving. He noticed her knuckles were whiter than white as she tightly held onto the steering wheel. He wanted her to relax and not be nervous, but hell, his insides were shaking too.

  “How was work today?”

  She shrugged. “Okay, we weren’t really busy this afternoon, which is strange for a home game night, but overall it went by fast.” She cleared her throat. “I have to say I’m impressed by your game. Your goal, simply breathtaking.”

  He laughed. “I’m not sure I would use the word breathtaking because luck seems to fit better, but thank you. I can’t remember my last two point game.”

  “Two seasons ago. Game four. Second round of playoffs against Vegas.”

  His mouth dropped. “You knew that?”

  “Well…um…” She visibly shook. “Sort of.”

  “How did you know my stats?” He questioned, not upset but curious.

  She didn’t answer.

  “I know you’re a fan of the game. A very knowledgeable fan, but I’m not the sort of player for fans to memorize stats.”

  Stopping at a red light, her hands dropped into her lap. Her thumb rubbed the inside of her palm, hard. “I like the Bears.”

  “I gather.” Doing the unthinkable he places his large hand over her petite ones. “Do you know all the players’ stats?”

  This time she lifted one shoulder. “Some more than others.”

  “Some meaning me?” He had a hard time remembering his scores, and she spouted them off as if it were her own phone number.

  “Yes.” Her answer was barely audible.

  He squeezed her soft hands. “Well, thank you for telling me. My boys will be impressed when I tell them I have a number one fan.” In the glow of the stoplight, her cheeks reddened making Dag smile. “Where are you taking us tonight for our date?” He decided to change the topic. He had been around shy people before, but she had been the shyest.

  “We’re almost there.”

  They remained quiet as she turned the car into a parking lot. Dag glanced around and wondered where they were going. He didn’t know this area. In fact, the buildings around them looked empty, but there were cars everywhere. “Lex, not that I don’t trust you, but where are we.”

  Giggling, she put the vehicle into park. “Follow me. You’ll love it.”

  They got out, and she handed him the keys. Dag stayed a step behind her, still gathering intel of the area. The parking lot lights weren’t as bright as those at the Bears arena. The ground was littered with trash, but he couldn’t figure out where all the people were. Rounding the corner of the larger of the buildings they were between, he stopped. A massive crowd had gathered behind it. Bustling people, of all kinds, including children, moved all around. An immense smell overtook him, and he noticed where it came from. Food trucks. There were at least fifteen food trucks lined against the back of the abandoned building with lines of people waiting.

  “What is this?” he asked in awe.

  “The best-kept secret in Manchester.” She leaned in close for him to hear. “Pick your poison, Dag. Tacos? Burgers? Vegan? It’s all here in one area.”

  His eyes saw everything, but his brain couldn’t process this. The boys would love this. Hell, even Big Bruce would love it. “I’m a bit awestruck.”

  “The only downfall is finding a seat.” She pointed over to a makeshift picnic area. The foldup tables and chairs sat few and far between. “So, where do you want to start?”

  “You pick. You’ve obviously been here before.”

  She shook her head. “No, not really. I mean, I’ve eaten at the food trucks, but I’m not the greatest in large crowds.” Her cheeks flamed up again. “I’m a little…agoraphobic. It’s a little bit easier since it’s outside. I mean, I’m not that scared, just anxious. I guess.”

  He took her hand in his. Shock pulsed through him for her telling him the fear she had. “I promise I’ll take care of you. Nothing will happen.”

  What? Dag thought. What the hell? He couldn’t deny he enjoyed Elexis’ company and even liked her, but such a confession was unlike him.

  She’s different.

  Chapter Seven

  The conversation she had with her mother still rolled around her head, and it had been early that morning when they spoke. Her mother always had sound advice and even though Elexis didn’t always take it, she listened to it. Yet, this particular one had stuck with her. Her mother told her not to be scared, to step out of her comfort zone and not be so introverted.

  Elexis liked to be alone and not deal with others. Nonetheless, she missed some normal everyday interactions. Having friends, going out to certain places, having a companion. She knew her mother hadn’t dated in over twenty-five years because her job was number one in her life, then she had Elexis, so she loved seeing her mom come out of her shell.

  And she needed to do the same.

  Not realizing how easy it was with Dag around.

  Her nerves were getting the best of her, but she kept on pushing forward.

  “What about tacos?” Dag’s question pulled her from her thoughts.

  “Sounds great.” She beamed, feeling his firm but gentle grasp on her hand. The butterflies jumped and flipped around her stomach.

  Will I even be able to eat?

  They stood in line behind a family. The kids ran around their parents, jumping and laughing. It made Dag and Elexis both smile. “Are your boys full of energy?”

  “I don’t know where they get it. I hardly give them any sugar, yet they’re constantly climbing the walls.” He joked.

  “The kids at the library are like that as well.” She agreed. “Once I start reading, they seem to calm a bit but getting them to settle first is the hard part.”

  As the line began to move Dag still held onto her hand. She couldn’t explain how it made her feel safe, but it did as if he would protect her. Crowds bothered her but not to the point she didn’t go places. Well, not often though. Hockey games were different for her because it was a family there but she still got a little anxious at them. Here, being with Dag, the panic seemed to disappear and only the nervous butterflies of having him close to her remained.

  They made it to the front of the line. Dag ordered four flour chicken tacos with everything. Elexis ordered two flour steak tacos with everything. They opted for water and when she tried to protest because he paid, he simply waved his hand at her money. When the food came, Dag carried it all. Luck had been on their side when they found a couple seats at the end of a table.

  The food tasted like heaven to Elexis. She hadn’t been able to eat her normal meal of junk food at the game. She had bills due and couldn’t spare any extra expenses. She would have paid for her food tonight and was thankful he didn’t go somewhere expensive.

  “These have to be the best tacos I’ve ever had,” Dag said in between bites.

  “They are, aren’t they?” Elexis sipped her water. “I’ve had them before, but they get better every time.”

  “I believe I’ll be having these again soon. How did you hear about this place?”

  “Twitter. I get all my information from there.”

  Dag gave her a small smile. “In my day we watched the news or heard through the grapevine.”

  She heard a sad tone in his voice and felt she said something wrong. “Dag, you’re not that much older than me. It’s not like you had to wait for the Pony Express.”

  He laughed, loudl
y. “You’re right. I’m not that old. Although, I did read newspapers.”

  With a fake gasp, she leaned away from him, covering her mouth. “Newspapers? Aren’t those a myth?”

  Shaking his head, he took another bite of a taco. “You told me it was just you and your mom. Is it too personal to ask about your father?”

  “No, it’s not too personal. I don’t know him.”

  “Oh.” Dag frowned. “He left?”

  “Nope. My mother was artificially inseminated.”

  His jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

  After all these years of telling people, she never tired of their shocked expressions. “Mom’s career came before anything but when she was in her forties, she realized she was missing something. Children. However, she didn’t have time to date or even wait for a man to commit, so she decided to take another route.”

  Unable to speak, he just stared at her with the same look.

  “You can ask.” She coached him. “Everyone does.”

  “Um…do you know who your dad is?”


  “Do you want to know?”

  “Not really. I mean, he wanted to do something to remain anonymous, why ruin it for him?”

  Dag finally closed his mouth. “You’re extremely smart for your age.”

  “Are you really caught up on my age? If so, why did you ask me out again?” Deep down, she startled herself with the blunt questions. Normally, she’s much more reserved.

  Holding up his hands, he smiled. “You don’t act like any nineteen-year-old I know. I’m sorry I brought up your age. Please forgive me.”

  “I do.” She quickly told him.

  “You have to understand, Lex, this isn’t easy for me. I haven’t been on a date in over five years, and my last one was with my boys’ mother. I’m out of practice.”

  “Well, I’ve never been on a real date.”

  Her stomach dropped. All the air left her body, and her heart stopped beating. No! No! I did not just say what I think I said.


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