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Delaney's Desert Sheikh

Page 16

by Brenda Jackson

  Delaney released his mouth to look at him. Each time he thrust into her, his neck strained and the tension etched in his face showed the degree of strength he had. Each time he pulled out her thighs trembled as flesh met flesh. Then suddenly he pushed deeper, nearly touching her womb, holding himself still inside of her, refusing to pull out.

  He lowered his face to hers and came close to her lips and kissed her in such a way that made both their bodies simultaneously explode in ecstasy, as he filled her completely with the essence of his release making the three weeks they had spent apart well worth the reunion.

  He strained forward, lifting her hips to receive him as their bodies exploded yet again, making them groan out when yet another climax struck.

  And moments later, completely sated and totally pleasured, they collapsed in each other’s arms.

  A few hours later Jamal leaned forward over Delaney, breathed in deeply to inhale her scent, before kissing her awake.

  He leaned back and watched as she opened her eyes slowly and smiled at him. “You can wake me up anytime, Your Highness.”

  Jamal chuckled and ran a finger along her cheek. “It’s time for me to take you home. I did promise your brothers that I would have you back at a reasonable hour.”

  Delaney reached down and caressed him, and her smile widened. “And of course you will want to make love again before you take me home, right?”

  “That had been my plan,” he grinned placing his body over hers. “I will love you forever, Delaney.”

  “And I will love you forever, too. Who would have thought that what was supposed to be a secluded vacation would bring us together. And to think we didn’t even like each other at first.”

  Jamal leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly. “You know what they say, don’t you?” he asked, tracing a path with his tongue down her throat.

  “No,” Delaney whispered, just barely. “What do they say?”

  He smiled down at her. “Things are not always as they seem to be.” He kissed her again, then said, “But the love that we share is everything we will ever want it to be and more.”


  Six Weeks Later

  “Another marriage ceremony?” Delaney asked Jamal as they captured some stolen moments in the palace courtyard. All around them, the atmosphere off the desert was hot and humid, yet the fragrance of jasmine and gardenias permeated the air, creating a seductive, erotic overtone. “This makes the fourth.”

  Their first wedding had been a beautiful garden wedding on her parents’ lawn three weeks ago in Atlanta. The second ceremony had taken place last week when they arrived at the palace, with the king, queen and other dignitaries and their wives present. The third had been in the town square, arranged by the people of Tahran as a way to welcome the prince and his chosen princess.

  A smile tilted the corners of Jamal’s lips. “But think of how much fun we have with the wedding nights that follow each one.”

  Delaney reached out and placed her arms around her husband’s neck, leaned up and kissed his lips. “Mmm, that is true.”

  She then turned in his arms so her back pressed against his front while his hand splayed across her stomach where their child rested. She didn’t think she could ever be as happy as she was now.

  Upon her arrival at the palace last week, she was immediately summoned to hold a private meeting alone with Jamal’s father, King Yasir. At first the king had presented himself as the fierce, dictatorial ruler, and had relentlessly interrogated her about her views and beliefs.

  She had answered all of his questions, honestly, truthfully and respectfully. In the end he had told her that her sharp tongue and tough stance reminded him of Queen Fatimah, and that he knew she would have no problem being understood, respected and loved. He had hugged her and accepted her into the family.

  Jamal’s sisters, Johari and Arielle, had also made her feel welcome and said they did not consider her as their brother’s wife but as their sister. But it was Queen Fatimah who had endeared herself to Delaney’s heart forever by meeting with her and sharing some of the things she had come up against as a foreigner in her husband’s land and how she had set about changing things, in a subtle way.

  She had even suggested that Delaney give some thought to using her medical knowledge to educate the women of Tahran about childhood diseases and what they could do to prevent them. As well, she suggested Delaney could practice medicine in the hospital the two of them would convince the king he needed to build.

  “Ready to go back inside, Princess?” Jamal asked, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “Is there another dinner party we must attend tonight?” she asked, twisting around to face him, suddenly captured by his dark gaze. Her body began feeling achy, hot and hungry. She wondered if there would ever be a time she would not be sexually attracted to her husband.

  “No. In fact I thought that we could spend a quiet evening in our apartment,” he said reaching down and tracing a finger along her cheek.

  “That sounds wonderful, Jamal,” she said smiling. They hadn’t found a lot of time to spend alone except at night when they finally went to bed. She enjoyed the nights he made love to her, reminding her over and over again just how much she meant to him and just how much she was loved. She would fall asleep in his arms at night and be kissed awake by him each morning.

  “Everyone should fall in love, shouldn’t they, Jamal?” she asked smiling.

  He grinned. “Yes, but I bet you would never convince your brothers of that.”

  She nodded, knowing that was true. “But they were happy for us, even Thorn, once he got used to the idea that I was indeed getting married.”

  Jamal shook his head, grinning. Thorn Westmoreland had taken great pleasure in being a thorn in his side. “Yes, but look how long it took him to come around. I almost had to call him out a few times. I’ve never known anyone so stubborn, man or woman, and that even includes you. I don’t envy the woman who tries to capture his heart. I doubt such a thing is possible.”

  I wouldn’t be too sure of that, Delaney thought. She couldn’t help but recall how Thorn kept looking at Tara at her wedding when he thought no one was watching. Tara had been her maid of honor, and all her brothers had been openly friendly to her, treating her like a member of the family. But for some reason Thorn had kept his distance. She found that rather interesting.

  “What are you thinking, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, just that it wouldn’t surprise me if there is a woman out there who can capture Thorn’s heart. In fact, I have an idea who she is.”

  Jamal raised a curious brow. “Really? Who?”

  Her mouth curved into that smile that he adored. “Um, you’ll find out soon enough.”

  Later that night, after making love to his wife, Jamal slipped from the bed, leaving Delaney sleeping. Putting on his robe, he left the confines of their apartment and walked down the stairs to the courtyard to find a private place to give thanks.

  A half hour later on his way back to his apartment he met Asalum lurking in the shadows, always on guard to protect his prince.

  Asalum studied Jamal’s features. “Is all well with you, Your Highness?”

  Jamal nodded. “Yes, my trusted friend and companion, all is well.”

  Silence filled the space between them, then a few moments later Jamal asked, “Do you know what I’m feeling now, Asalum?”

  A smile curved the older man’s lips. He had a good idea but asked anyway. “And what are you feeling, My Prince?”

  Suddenly Jamal began to laugh. It was laughter of happiness, joy and contentment, and the rapturous sound punctured the silence of the night and echoed deep into the courtyard.

  Moments later Jamal spoke when his laughter subsided. “Exultation.”

  ISBN: 978-1-5525-4883-7


  Copyright © 2002 by Brenda Streater Jackson

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