
Home > Paranormal > Uncaged > Page 10
Uncaged Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  He’d told me to dry off after my shower and come upstairs. I stood in my tiny living room and looked up to the loft.

  “I’m beginning to think the tankless water heater wasn’t a good call on my part,” he said with a grin, looking over the railing. He was nude, his cock semi-hard. Darnell doesn’t look like a fifty-year-old man. His muscles have muscles. He could be an underwear model, or a movie star, or pretty much anything he set his mind to. He’d been thinner, leaner, when we’d been married. He still doesn’t have any body fat, but his muscles are bulkier, as if he’s doing more lifting and less running.

  I moved my gaze from his cock to his face, shrugged, and smiled. “It was a good shower.” And long, but I’d needed the time to pull myself together.

  His face went serious. “Tonight’s going to be fun. If it works out that the blindfold will add to the fun, we’ll do it. If not, we won’t. No pressure.” He grinned. “In fact, I think perhaps if it happens tonight, it’ll be because you beg me to put it on you.”

  I rolled my eyes and headed up the ladder. “Well then, looks like there’s nothing for me to worry about.”

  He pulled me into his muscled arms as I stepped onto the loft, easily lifting me as he kissed me. My legs wrapped around his bare waist, and I ground on his hard length as he held me close, my breasts rubbing his chest as his mouth and tongue showed me the kind of mood he was in — aggressive, dominant, and yet playful.

  He walked us to the bed and leaned over, holding me so I didn’t fall as he moved to the center and put me on my back without breaking the kiss. The mattress sagged under us as we settled, and my breath caught as his thumb stroked my left nipple.

  I opened my eyes when he rose over me, breaking the contact between our torsos, and his gaze caught mine.

  “Put your arms out to the side, Keesh.”

  He’d put a strap under the mattress, and the looped ends were near my hands. He adjusted the length so the loops were on my palms, and closed my hands around the silky nylon, his large, warm hands encasing mine. “Hold onto the loops and don’t let go. I have wrist cuffs for later, but let’s see how much willpower you have.” He leaned in, sucked my right nipple into his mouth, and I groaned as fire raced through every nerve ending on the way to my clit. He let my nipple go with a little pop and met my gaze. “Can you hold on?”

  “And if I can’t?”

  He gave me a mischievous grin as he kissed my ribs, then my stomach. “Good girls get lots of kisses, and maybe some tongue.”

  I’d heard more than a few women say their men weren’t as gung-ho on going down on them once they knew they’d been with a woman. I’d been worried Darnell might not want to. He hadn’t a whole lot when we’d been married, but he seemed more interested in my pleasure now than he’d been back then. Not that he was negligent before, he just seemed more attentive now.

  He wrinkled his brow. “Why do I smell relief?”

  I shrugged, but didn’t let go of the loops. “Kind of glad to hear I might get some tongue.”

  He looked at me through a dozen of my rapid heartbeats — analyzing me. Finally, he said, “You were worried I wouldn’t want to compete with the women you’ve been with?”

  “Fuck, Darnell. Can we have this discussion later? When I’m not all strung out on the bed?”

  He grinned, nodded, and moved up for another kiss, his body barely touching me as his lips claimed mine again and his tongue twisted and tangled with mine, his kiss so intense I forgot what we were talking about.

  My muscles fought with the straps, my arms trying to bend while my hands held firm. Damn, but I wanted to touch him, hold him, caress him. All those delicious muscles over me, just begging me to run my fingers along them, grab them, and hold on tight.

  His lips moved from my lips along my jaw to just under my ear, and he kissed his way down my neck and to both breasts — teasing, kissing, flirting. My legs were bent, and I pushed my feet into the bed and lifted my hips.

  “Want you. Need you.”

  “Do you need a blindfold yet?”

  “Not in the least.”

  “Mmmmm. Too bad.” He lowered his head to my breasts and ran the rough part of his tongue on my right nipple as he worked the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  Eventually, he moved lower, and lower, until his tongue and lips were all around my clit without actually touching it, and his fingers worked my lips and my entrance, but didn’t go inside.

  I was crazy with lust but determined not to beg. The longer he worked me, the more determined my brain became, while my body argued, telling me to do whatever it took to get more.

  “Fuck, Darnell. Give me more or I’ll let go and give myself more.”

  “Won’t be as good as what I can give you. Tell me you want the blindfold and I’ll give you orgasm after orgasm, Keesh.”

  “What if I trade the blindfold for being able to touch you?”

  He tilted his head and considered the request. “Twenty minutes with the blindfold while you hold the loops, then you can choose which to get rid of.”

  “And if I want to get rid of both?”

  He gave me another mischievous grin as one finger circled my clit and another stroked just inside my entrance. “Good girls get orgasms.”

  “Fuck. Fine. Put the damned blindfold on me.”

  I could tell it was on the tip of his tongue to insist I ask nicely, but he seemed to change his mind as he opened his mouth, closed it, nodded, and leaned toward the side table. I angled my head and saw his t-shirt draped over several items on the table. I could see the lumps, but couldn’t tell what was under it. He pulled the blindfold out without revealing anything.

  “What else is under the shirt?”

  “If I wanted you to know, I wouldn’t have covered it.” He showed me the blindfold. “The fur on the edge will keep the fabric from touching your eyelids. These are designed for long term wear.”

  “How long do you usually keep people tied up and blindfolded?”

  “As long as it’s fun.”

  “But only twenty minutes today.”

  “Or longer, if you want the use of your hands.”

  It took everything in me to let him put the blindfold on me. I mean, sure, I could’ve let go with my hands and taken it off… but something inside me wanted to show him I could do this. Whether it was me wanting to show him I trusted him, or just me wanting to show him I was strong and not a weak little bitch… I can’t say.

  “Breathe for me, baby.”

  I didn’t realize I’d stopped breathing until he said it, and I took in a slow, deep breath. I jerked and tensed even more when something brushed against my nipple, and then groaned when I recognized the heat of his lips. He swirled the nipple with his tongue and backed up enough I’d feel his breath when he said, “Just feel, babe. Relax and let me make you feel.”

  “Orgasms,” I said, my voice more breathy than I intended. “You promised orgasms.”

  “Did I?”


  “Good girls get orgasms. Are you being a good girl?”

  “Let me use my hands and I’ll be a very good girl.”

  “Not the way this works.” More tongue, this time on the other nipple, and my head sank into the bed as I pressed my hips up in silent supplication. God, if he didn’t get me off soon I’d go crazy with lust.

  My breath caught as he kissed his way down. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much for an orgasm, but surely he’d give me one, now that I’d done what he’d asked? My body twisted and turned, my hips moved in the air, and it felt like every nerve in my hypersensitive body was stretched taut.

  He didn’t make me wait long before the heat of his mouth surrounded my clit, and two fingers found the magical spot inside me. He catapulted me into the stratosphere until I felt I was drowning in wave after wave of pleasure, barely able to pull in enough oxygen to stay coherent in my dark world. I pulled at the loops until the nylon pressed into my fingers, and I screamed my release.<
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  You don’t think about the luxury of being able to scream during an orgasm until you go fourteen years only being able to have quiet ones.

  He kept me flying for an eternity, and I was lightheaded when I finally floated back to earth.

  “Time to turn over, babe. Let go of the loops slow, so your hands don’t cramp.”

  He helped me turn, situated my knees under me, spread my legs, and arranged my arms. I was like putty in his hands, moving where he placed me, but after the orgasm he’d just given me, my mantra was now good girls get orgasms.

  I planned to keep being a very good girl.

  “Wrist cuffs will be more comfortable than holding the loops, but I’ll let you decide whether you want the cuffs, or whether you want to hold the loops again.”

  His voice was deeper than normal. I’d affected him, too.

  My hands were tired, and now that they were open I didn’t want to close them again.

  “I guess we can try the cuffs. You’ll take them off if I want you to, right?”

  The warmth of his hand rested between my shoulder blades and he caressed his way down my spine. “Let’s make this easy. If you say the word red, I’ll take the cuffs off as soon as you say it.”

  I’d learned about safewords in prison. One of the women who needed punishing thought she could tell me a safeword and make it stop.

  “Okay, we’ll try the cuffs.”

  He kissed the back of my right shoulder, his lips a soft caress. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  I did fine while he fastened the left cuff on, but as he buckled the right one, I realized just how vulnerable this made me, and fear shot through my veins.

  “Does it need to come off?” he asked, before I had a chance to say anything.

  I’m not sure if I’d have safeworded. I was seriously considering it, but hadn’t made up my mind whether to breathe through it and trust him, or whether to ask him if we could go back to the loops. His question, however, settled me. It reminded me he’d take them off if I asked, and might know to do it even before I asked.

  “No. I’m okay. It’s hard to let myself be vulnerable, but I trust you.”

  His hand stroked the length of my back, steady and slow. He reached my ass and kept going around the curve to the back of my leg, and then up the inside of my thigh.

  “So beautiful, and all mine.”

  My heartrate picked up and I forgot the cuffs as his fingers found their mark and sank into me again.

  “What do you want?”

  “You. Your cock. Take me. Hard.”

  “And if I’m of a mood to be gentle?”

  “I wouldn’t be on my knees if you wanted to be gentle.”

  He chuckled. “You know me well, but I have plans.”

  I felt him reach for the table again as he asked, “How long until your birth control kicks in enough to be safe?”

  I did the math in my head. “We’re good. You don’t need it.”

  He settled behind me again. “Best news I’ve heard in a while. Damn, this is gonna be good.”

  We both groaned as he entered me, skin to skin. He gave me time to get used to him as he went in, pulling out and pressing back in a little more each time. Stretching me. Opening me. Darnell is long and thick, which means when he wants to spread me wider, he has lots to work with. He hadn’t altered anything yet though. This was just Darnell making sure I was aware of every new centimeter as he entered me.

  My entire body shuddered when his hips finally pressed against my butt. This man could fill me so completely. He was in my body, in my heart, in my life.

  With my cheek on the bed, I probably could’ve slid the blindfold off, but I’d discovered I liked it. Not being able to see made me more aware of his touch, his breathing, the way the bed moved with him, and with me.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too, Keesh. Arch your back a little more for me.”

  I felt him moving around behind me, his hips mostly still while he was buried in me, but his arms and torso seemed to be moving. My heart skipped a beat when I recognized the sound of a glove going on, and seconds later I felt something slick at my asshole.


  He took a deep breath in through his nose. “You don’t mean that. I think you meant to tell me you’re a little freaked, and you want me to make sure this is different.”

  His gloved, lubed finger circled my asshole as he talked. When I didn’t respond, he pulsed his cock a little wider inside me.

  “If you really want me to stop, say red. I smell your conflict — will you let me help you get past it?”

  I gave a small nod, and he said, “I need to hear it, Keesh.”

  “Yeah. I’m okay. I trust you.”

  The next hour was a blur of Darnell’s cock in my pussy, and his fingers around and finally inside my ass. I have no idea how many times I came, but his finger — or fingers — were in my ass every time he brought me over the top.

  I was jarred back to reality when I felt something else pushing into me, though.

  “Breathe for me, Keesh. It’s called a plug, and this is a small one. I’m about to pound you good, and your new rule is no orgasm unless something’s in your ass. I want you to come with me, so this is going in because my fingers aren’t going to be.”

  It was hard, and foreign. It didn’t hurt, but my body didn’t want it in and I pulled at the cuffs and tried to pull my legs together, but he was between my legs and I couldn’t move.

  “Breathe, babe. It’s in.”

  I heard the gloves coming off, and then my world imploded in ecstasy as he pulled out and thrust in, over and over, fast and hard. He’d controlled his own urges as I’d come around his dick inside my pussy, and now he was looking for his own release.

  His thumb held the plug in while he pistoned in and out. I was so full, and I couldn’t move, couldn’t press myself up, couldn’t do anything except stay on my knees and chest, and feel. Every move was more friction, more heat, more of Darnell, as something inside me wound tighter and tighter, and every cell in my body burned with the need for release as he pushed me towards an orgasm that threatened to be more than I could handle.

  “I’m close!” I warned.

  “Let me feel you babe.” His voice broke, his rhythm changed, and my body shuddered and my hips moved as he went in and held. I twisted, writhed, and spasmed around his hard cock inside me, wishing I could push up but reveling in the bondage. He’d put me where he wanted me, and he’d made it good. My upper torso froze as my lower body moved and jerked in wave after wave of untamed pleasure, and I screamed my release.

  Darnell came when I did, his own release a savage, frenzied, uncontrolled, beautiful moment I could feel through our shared bond. He didn’t have to tell me how much he loved being inside me, what it meant to him to share this with me, and how much he treasured the trust I’d given him — because I felt every bit of it.

  When we were both finished, Darnell unhooked my left wrist cuff without unbuckling it, turned me so I was on my side, and collapsed behind me, his arms around me so he could tuck me into him.

  “Fuck, Keesh. Give me a minute and I’ll get the plug out and clean you up.”

  “I’m okay for now. As soon as I figure out how to breathe again.”

  He reached over to unfasten the other cuff, and I pulled both arms in. I still wore both cuffs, they just weren’t connected to anything. I kind of liked the way they felt — a reminder he could just hook me up and do marvelous things to my body.

  “We went past your twenty minutes, but I figured you didn’t want me to stop in the middle of everything to make you choose.”

  I’d completely forgotten I was supposed to get either the blindfold off or my wrists released. Once he got going, everything worked.

  All I could manage to say between my heavy breathing was, “It’s okay.”

  I was totally relaxed as he cleaned me up, with only a minor few moments of tension as he removed the plug.

�When I’m with you,” he told me as he snuggled under the covers with me, “you won’t orgasm without something in your ass. I’d like you to agree to the same when I’m not around, too.”

  “I’d be crazy to agree to that,” I told him as I snuggled closer into his warmth.

  “Okay. I’m not making any demands. I hope you change your mind. We’ll talk about it again later.”

  I awoke hours later and made my way down the ladder to the bathroom. I was so tender when I wiped — in both pussy and ass — and a wave of emotion rolled over me without warning. I’d been on my own in prison. If I didn’t take care of myself then no one else would take care of me. Not the guards, not even my lover. I was the strong one. I took care of them. I took care of my people.

  Sure, I had my crew who helped look out for me, but that was only because I took care of them in exchange. I’d been in charge. I’d been responsible for keeping all of us safe. I’d seen other people depend on others for their safety and then pay the price in broken bones. Or worse.

  I’d been so vulnerable to Darnell. It’d been great, but now — with time and emotions separating me from the bliss — my mind imploded with the realization of everything I’d let him do, and how much of my life I was letting him into. He was my protector, when I hadn’t trusted anyone to do that since, well, since I’d trusted Darnell to that task when I’d moved in with him and married him so long ago.

  I turned the kitchen sink on and splashed cold water on my face, trying to gain control of my emotions, but they welled up stronger until my throat couldn’t push them down anymore and I burst into tears. Did I dare trust Darnell? Could I let him hold me and keep me safe? Take care of me simply because he loved me, and not because he wanted something from me?

  It would be so easy to just fall into his arms and let him sweep me away to his castle turret and keep me safe, but it wasn’t in me to let someone else take over. Not anymore.

  Submitting to him, trusting him, making myself so damned vulnerable to him… all of it together had let him past defenses I’d kept up for so fucking long it physically hurt, and once I was crying, I couldn’t have stopped the sobbing gasps if my life depended on it.


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