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Throttle Me (Men of Inked)

Page 10

by Chelle Bliss

  “In my office,” I yelled, grabbing a forkful of noodles.

  Sophia stood in the doorway and made a sound of disgust. “I don’t know how you eat that Ragu shit cold. Bleh.” She scrunched her nose, opening her mouth and stuck her finger inside and pretended to gag.

  “Hey Mama Guido, what are you doing slumming it down here?” I stuck the noodle in my mouth and made a face at her.

  “Kayden and I were talking and we wanted to know if you and the cock piercing wanted to come over for a barbeque tonight?”

  “You just want to molest him with your eyes.”

  “No, I don’t. I have my hunk. Kayden still makes me tingle thinking about him.” She made a silly face and shook her body like just the thought of his body brought her pleasure. “I want to meet this guy and see if he’s worthy of my little Suzy. Plus, Kayden could use a little pick me up. Maybe they can be friends and we can double date.” She rested her body against the door with her leg crossed in front of the other and her arms folded. I always had a hard time saying no to Sophia.

  “Well, I’d have to ask him. I don’t know what he had planned.”

  “Send me an email after you ask him. It’ll be fun. Don’t take no for an answer. You’ve peeked my curiosity about this man that has you all type of insane. I mean, sweetie, I’ve always known you were crazy, but he has you questioning everything in your perfect little mapped out life. I must meet him.”

  “Fine, Soph. Let me ask him.”

  Me: BBQ at my friends place tonight. You game?

  “There, I asked. It’s up to him now. Happy?” I grabbed a huge forkful and slowly placed it in my mouth – anything to gross Sophia out. She was the queen of sauce and meatballs. I missed when the house used to fill with the smell of her cooking and coming home after a long day and Kayden would have something divine on the stove. Now it was me and Ragu against the world.

  “Ugh, I can’t stand here and watch you eat that shit.”

  My phone chirped. “Wait,” I said as she walked away from my office. “Incoming.”


  City: Sounds fan-fuckingtastic. What time shall I give you a ‘ride’?

  “Um,” I say as I can feel the heat creep into my cheeks. “He wants to know what time we should arrive.”

  “He talks all proper like that?”

  “Nope, but that’s all your getting. Time please?”

  She sighed, “Eight, okay? If you’re gonna be late just let me know, whoreface. Bye,” she said as the door closed behind her.

  Me: Sophia said to be there at eight. Pick me up around ten til to be there on time – Sophia doesn’t do late.

  I knew that Sophia would take one look at City and practically be doing cartwheels. She’s never liked any man I’d seen since we became friends. I flipped through the paperwork from my mailbox this morning as I waited for City to respond.

  City: I’ll be there at six thirty. Be ready for me, because I’m hard as a fuckin’ rock. I have plans for that pussy before we go to the BBQ.

  Omg, omg, omg.

  Me: I’ll be waiting with bells on.

  Five minutes left before the next barrage of hooligans walked through the door. My afternoon classes were murder. They weren’t bad kids, but they were challenging and mentally draining.

  City: Naked – no fucking bells.

  A fire ignited in my body as I read the screen. It’s on like Donkey Kong.

  Passing the Test

  “Coming,” a female voice from inside yelled.

  “I remember you saying those very words twenty minutes ago,” I growled in Suzy’s ear.

  Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink as she bit her lip trying to hide her smile. Suzy pushed her hair off her shoulders and fixed her shirt, as though she wanted everything perfect and in place. “Stop fidgeting, sugar.”

  “Oh my God, I can’t. Sophia is going to take one look at me and know what we did,” she said dabbing her fingers at the corner of her lips.

  “If she doesn’t, then I didn’t do it right.”

  A beautiful brunette opened the door with a smile. She looked me over starting at my face and then her eyes raked over my body. I felt almost violated by the way she appraised me. She looked at Suzy with a devilish grin and opened her arms. The girls exchanged hugs and whispered words that I couldn’t hear but Sophia’s eyes never left mine.

  “Sophia, this is City.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sophia.” I extended my hand to her. Sophia’s hair was pulled back in a sloppy bun that sat on top of her head. She had a bright white smile and kind eyes.

  She placed her hand in mine. “Nice to finally meet you, City. I’ve heard all about you.” She winked.

  A grin crept across my face – I guess I got the thumbs up from her friend. “Nice things, I hope.”

  “She spoke very big of you.” She giggled and I felt my cheeks heat. I could tell these girls together were going to be a handful. “Come on in. Kayden and Jett are out on the patio starting the grill.”

  I extended my arm for Suzy to walk in front of me as I watched both girls walk inside and stayed close behind. They lived in a small apartment that was decorated with mismatched pieces that all worked. Sports Center was on the television and baby things were scattered everywhere.

  “Don’t mind the mess. Children have a way of overtaking everything, no matter how small.” She waved her hands around and picked up small toys off the floor before tossing them in a basket near the television stand.

  The door to the patio opened and a tall, muscular man holding a baby walked into the living room. His head was clean-shaven and he looked like someone that I’d find down at the Neon Cowboy or a guy who would walk in my shop for some work.

  “Kayden, baby, Suzy brought her new beau, City.” Kayden eyed me warily.

  I held out my hand to him. “Nice to meet you, Kayden. Suzy talks very highly of you and Sophia.”

  Kayden placed the baby in the crook of his left arm before extending his right hand to me. “Glad to meet you, City.” He squeezed my hand tightly, almost to the point of pain, but I didn’t dare pull away. I knew the fuckin’ macho bullshit. He was staking his claim on Sophia and giving me a silent warning with Suzy.

  “Oh, Jett, come here baby.” Reaching for Jett, Suzy plucked him from Kayden’s arms.

  “No hello, Suzy? How are you, Kayden? I’ve missed you, Kayden. Just Ooo, Jett.” Kayden laughed.

  “Oh now, Kayden, you know I love you. Gimme a kiss,” she said puckering her lips and closing her eyes.

  My heart raced with the thought of Kayden placing his lips on hers. I squeezed my hands into fists. They’re just friends. Kayden planted a kiss on her cheek as he rubbed the head of his child before walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around his wife.

  “He’s gotten so big,” Suzy said as she bounced the baby in her arms, patting his butt. She looked natural with a child in her arms, like it was something she did every day. Her eyes lit up as Jett gripped her thumb.

  “He’s growing like a weed,” Sophia said from the kitchen. “What do you guys want to drink? City, what can I get you?”

  “I’ll take a beer if you got one.” Suzy’s eyes grew wide and her nostrils flared and I didn’t know what I said, but obviously I fucked up somehow. “But it’s okay if you don’t. I’ll really drink anything.”

  “Coming right up. Suzy? Virgin daiquiri, babe?” Sophia snickered as she opened the fridge and began to dig around.

  “What did I say wrong?” I whispered in her ear.

  “Kayden doesn’t drink. He’s an alcoholic and has been clean for about a year now.” She looked at Kayden and Sophia before returning her attention on the cooing baby in her arms.

  “I didn’t know. Shit, you should’ve given me a heads up, sugar.”

  “I’m sorry. It just slipped my mind.”

  “It’s okay, City. It’s not something the ladies like to talk about. It’s always the giant elephant in the room,” Kayden said as he handed me t
he beer. “I can be around alcohol and not drink.” He sat down on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. “Sit down, let the ladies work their magic in the kitchen. We’ll take care of the meat like God intended.”

  “I don’t want to hear about your meat, Kayden,” Suzy snickered.

  “Kitchen, Suzy, but let Sophia cook.” He pointed at her then toward the kitchen and snapped his fingers.

  “I can cook, Kayden,” she said as she rubbed her nose against the baby’s face before handing the baby to Kayden and walking away.

  “City, Suzy can’t cook a lick. She’s the queen of pre-made. Just an FYI,” he said as he cradled the baby and ran his finger along the chubby cheek.

  Sitting on the couch, I set my beer on my knee and relaxed. “Eh, I can cook so it’s not a deal breaker for me. Bucs fan?” I asked.

  “Fuck no, Browns fan born and bred.” He stretched out placing his free hand behind his head.

  “No shit? You like an underdog or abuse?” I smiled before lifting the beer to my lips.

  “I stay true to my roots, you?”

  “Bears fan. No other way to be.”

  “They’ve had some fuckin’ horrible seasons, but the Browns have the market cornered on losing.”

  “Give ya that,” I said as I tipped my beer toward him. “Suzy said you three lived together.”

  “Yep, for a while. She was a lifesaver and I owe her. Don’t fucking break her heart – I’ll beat the fuck out of you.” He laughed. “Seriously, you’ll have a few more holes to match the ones you currently have.” What? I can see the girls talked about me in detail.

  “Not my plan,” I said. “Suzy isn’t like other girls.” Suzy leaned against the counter and watched Sophia as they chatted. They looked over at us and started laughing.

  “No, she’s not. She’s kind, pure, and too trusting. I feel like she’s my little sister and I’ll protect her like she’s my family.”

  “Gotcha. Loud and clear.”

  “You boys done with your pissing match?” Sophia said as she walked in the room with a plate of burgers. “These won’t cook themselves.”

  “Let me handle the meat,” Kayden said, handing Jett back to Suzy.

  “That’s what she said,” Sophia chuckled. Kayden grabbed the plate from her and kissed her on the lips. She looked at him with a dopey grin as he backed away.

  “If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you handle my meat later.”

  “Not in front of our guests,” Sophia said as she smacked him on the shoulder.

  “They’re kind of nauseating aren’t they?” Suzy stood next to me and rocked Jett in her arms. His eyes were almost closed as he sucked his fingers.

  “A bit.” I felt content with the three of them. I could almost feel the bond that they had, the love for each other.

  “They’ve endured more than most people have in a lifetime and they came out on the other side with an unbreakable bond. Someday I’ll tell you their story. If fate is real, they’re the perfect example. They were made for each other.” She smiled as she watched them on the patio.

  They touched each other and kissed, never moving apart. His actions portrayed adoration for his woman. “Are they married?”

  “Not yet, someday I hope. They’ve both been married before and they use that as an excuse not to rush into things.” She curled her lips up and rolled her eyes. “I remind them that they have a baby. I guess I’m old fashioned.” She shrugged.

  I made sure not to fuck that up. I never fucked without a condom or took that kind of risk. “I was brought up that way too, but you can’t deny what they have. I’m sure they’ll do it in time.”

  The evening was relaxing and I liked talking with Kayden. He didn’t bullshit and Sophia was something else – a spitfire and loved to tease Suzy mercilessly. “Did I pass the test with your friends?” I asked as we climbed on my bike.

  “You did well. You got the thumbs up from Sophia.”

  “She’s not the one I’m worried about.”

  “Kayden? Oh, please. He likes to talk all his macho crap, but he’s the sappy one. He just wants me happy, City.”

  “He said he’d kick my ass if I broke your heart, sugar.”

  She wrapped her arms around me as I walked the bike away from the building trying not to be too noisy. “Kayden’s been known to take matters into his own hands, but I’ll set him straight about us,” she chuckled in my ear.

  “Whatcha mean?” I said as I started the engine.

  “Oh, nothing.” She rested her head against my shoulder and toyed with my nipple piercing. It was the first time I didn’t feel her tense against my body riding on the back of the bike. Maybe she was finally letting go and enjoying herself without over analyzing the situation.

  Fork in the Road

  I had become used to being the third wheel around Sophia and Kayden, but tonight everything just felt right. Kayden and City had laughed and talked about sports for hours as Sophia and I talked about work and Jett.

  I didn’t want to be alone anymore and I couldn’t waste time with City. My heart ached around Kayden and Sophia and I envied them – wanted what they had – that great love, the one that you can feel and almost touch, and I wouldn’t settle for anything less. I had to walk away from City and move forward in my life.

  Tears formed in my eyes thinking about having to give him up as we pulled in and I climbed off the bike. I put my helmet on the bike and started to walk away from City. I didn’t want him to see the glistening in my eyes.

  “Where you hurrying off to?” Reaching out, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his arms.

  “Nowhere, I was just going to unlock the door.” I shrugged, keeping my arms down and not melting into his touch.

  “You okay, sugar?” he asked looking at my eyes with a question on his face.

  “Yeah. The wind made my eyes water.” I smiled at him.

  “Glasses will block the wind. We’ll have to get you a pair.” Thank god he bought that crock of shit. He wrapped his arms around me, smashing my face in his t-shirt. I inhaled, enjoying the musky scent in the material. I closed my eyes and lavished in the smell of him.

  “Maybe.” I felt shitty and my heart ached. Why bother buying me glasses? I didn’t plan to spend the rest of my life riding on the back of his bike. Although Sophia and Kayden were opposites, they worked, but City and I didn’t have a future.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, squeezing me tighter.

  “Nothing. I’m just tired.” I squeezed him back and relished in the feel of his tight muscles. Don’t say it; don’t look like a girl whose head is filled with fairy tales.

  “Sugar, that’s bullshit. You’ve never walked away from me or been snippy. Your sparkles gone. Spill.”

  Don’t do it. He isn’t your knight in shining armor riding in on a white horse.

  Shifting my weight, I stared at the ground trying to avoid his gaze. “Nothing, City. I just need sleep. I swear.” That lie felt easier than I thought.

  “Look me in the eyes and say that.” He pulled my chin up, forcing me to look into the clear azure eyes that showed sadness. I swallowed hard and steadied my breathing. I knew he could read me like an open book, everyone could, and I had to pull this off. Don’t cry, blink girl – breath.

  “I’m just tired, really.” I stood on my tiptoes and placed my lips against his. This would be the last time I’d kiss him. I couldn’t spend more time with him without risking my heart. I could fall in love with him easily, but I wouldn’t risk the heartbreak that would follow. “Call me tomorrow?” I said as I backed away.

  “You don’t want me to come in, beautiful?” he asked drawing his brows together and studying my face.

  “Not tonight, City. I want to crawl in bed and drift off. If you come in I know what will happen.” I grinned at him as a sly smile spread across his face. He ran his finger down my cheek and I wanted to lean in to it, I wanted more. “No, no. Don’t even think about it.” I giggled as he tried pulling me into a k
iss. “Down, tiger.”

  “Tomorrow then,” he said as he kissed me on the lips.

  I instantly felt the loss of his heat as he let go of my body and I looked at him. He really was beautiful. He looked like every girl’s fantasy with his bike behind him, hard muscles, amazing lover, dreamy eyes, and kindness. I couldn’t let myself fall any deeper for him. Every time my phone rang, my text alert chirped, or I stood in his presence, my heart raced. My heart and body responded to him, but my mind kept saying run. He wasn’t the type that settled down and had a family and I couldn’t blame him. He was a playboy that led a different life than I did. He was on a different path.

  I stood at a fork in the road – travel down the path of heartbreak and further immerse myself in his world or make a clean break and continue on my journey to my ultimate destination of happiness and the love I couldn’t live without.

  “Tomorrow, big boy,” I said with a meek smile and waved to him before disappearing inside the house without watching him drive away. I threw my keys on the table, walking through the darkened house to my bedroom. My eyes felt heavy and they burned from the tears that wanted to break free.

  The roar of his engine made the walls in my bedroom rattle. I’d never hear that sound again without thinking of him and feeling butterflies in my stomach. He’d altered my thoughts and invaded my mind.

  I undressed and put on my favorite comfy pajamas, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. I wanted to turn back the clock to a time when life felt simpler. When I didn’t know the pure animal magnetism and sexual chemistry like I felt with him, but I couldn’t. He ruined me and stole that from me.

  My phone vibrated as I turned it in my hand and caught a glimpse of his message.

  City: It’s tomorrow – one minute after midnight.

  Setting the phone on my nightstand, I stared at the empty bed and thought of how different the night could’ve been.

  Me: Night, City. Drive safely.

  I crawled under the sheets, loving the crisp material against my skin. I stared at the ceiling and watched the fan whirl causing a shadow to form against the white background. I couldn’t fall asleep and turned on the television praying that the mindless entertainment would help calm my thoughts and help me forget him.


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