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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

Page 11

by Lexi Sinner

  Everything was so magnificent, if she wasn’t feeling such pressure to breathe and continue to do so, the overwhelming, glorious sight would have taken her breath away.

  After a moment, she felt a warm hand clamp down on her shoulder. Slightly startled, she turned quickly to see Jay behind her. She smiled at him, unable to hide her excitement for what they were doing, “Thank you for talking me into this,” She said. Her voice sounded strange coming through the apparatus, but she was confident that he had gotten her message.

  “What do you think?” He asked.

  She nodded enthusiastically before she answered, “It is perfect! Wonderful!” She exclaimed, trying to ensure that she kept the pressure and the inflection of her voice in a state that would not disrupt her airflow.

  She saw his eyes raise behind his goggles and he answered, “I told you this was going to be unforgettable…”

  Rhea couldn’t be sure, but as he spoke, she began to notice that there was something in his eyes that was not as much excited for the scenery as it was for something else.

  Rhea’s eyes moved up and down, taking in the steely contours of his perfectly etched physique before she thought; Wishful thinking…Of course…

  However, then, within moments of the thought, she felt a warmth behind her, wading easily in the water. She turned around quickly, causing bubbles to appear all around her again, but when they cleared, she realized that Randal was the one who was standing behind her. Billy was also close to her now as well, while the instructor seemed to be away from them slightly, as though ready to give instruction wherever it was needed.

  Feeling her heart begin to race, both with excitement and a slight amount of fear, she looked Randal up and down before she asked him, “What are you doing?”

  He smiled behind his mouthpiece before he answered casually, “We were talking on the way over here…and the instructor tells us that we can show you a good time, in a way that would absolutely blow your mind.”

  He can’t be serious…She thought, but then felt the three men grow close to her as she felt even more suspended in the water then she did originally.

  “What do you mean? Here?” She asked.

  “Why not here?” He asked before he reached his hand up to her face, stroking it with a sense of need before he answered, “You are so beautiful, Rhea. We would be honored to show you how much you really mean to us…”

  “Only if you want to, of course…” Billy spoke up.

  “This is a pretty unique opportunity though…” Jay said from behind her.

  “But like Bill said…It’s all up to you.” Randal added.

  “It always has been…” Jay seconded.

  She felt her body begin to heat up and pulse with a sense of excitement and uncertainty. She looked at the instructor, but Graham simply sat back and watched. She wasn’t quite sure what his role was supposed to be in all this, but she didn’t really care.

  There were far more pressing matters to attend to at the moment.

  She smiled at the men who surrounded her as she began to suck on the oxygen nervously. She felt her breath increase as their virile bodies moved closer to her and she mulled over the decision that she had to make.

  Although the men waited patiently, their eyes were wild and that only increased her desire for them.

  For so long, she had wondered what it would be like to have just one of them, but she had barely allowed her mind to wander into such a fantasy, for fear that it would affect her work.

  However, since she was so close to them now, with all three men huddled around her, once again just waiting for her to give the word, she could not help but feel inspired and so, she decided that for the sake of the experience, she could not allow herself to miss out on a first time so fantastic.

  Therefore, she nodded carefully and answered, “Alright…What do I do first?”


  As soon as she said that though, she felt her body be grabbed securely from behind and pulled into the heated, mostly naked body of Jay.

  One of his arms wrapped around her waist while the other slid up her throat to securely bring her head back, close to his chest before he said, “Don’t worry about that. We will take care of everything…You just have to enjoy!”

  And with that, she felt Randal and Billy pull the strings of her bikini off, so that her bathing suit immediately fell away.

  Immediately exposed to the men, she felt somewhat strange, however, they wasted no time.

  As soon as her breasts were exposed, Jay grasped them from behind and began to knead them carefully.

  Immediately, Rhea felt her breath puff out and then become sucked in again quickly. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling, since she had never gone further than a deep kiss before, but her brain, as well as her emotions seemed to become completely overwhelmed.

  When she closed her eyes and eased her head back with the force of the different feelings that were immediately beginning to course through her, she could not help but enjoy a sense of contentment.

  Jay wasn’t being overly rough with her sensitive breasts, but while they first began to tingle, they then soon began to ache. She felt them swell beneath his grasp, while her legs were then pulled apart in a fashion that caused her to feel a warm sensation squirt out between them, moistening the inside of her body just as much as the rest of her body was being moistened.

  She then felt a hand begin to stroke her already weeping lily and the shock of it caused her to gasp and pull back.

  However, she noticed then that it was Billy who pulled her legs apart again and held them up while Randal began to play with her womanliness again.

  After the first attempt at touching her, he smiled at her, before bringing himself closer to her. She then felt his hands on either side of the place that she had guarded for so long, while his fingers easily spread apart her lips, before his thumb began to rub its way into her.

  He started off slow, but eventually, his thumb penetrated deeper and deeper until he reached her sweet spot.

  It certainly hadn’t taken him long to find and she was surprised by this. Raw and untouched, like the rest of her, the first time he touched it, she felt a rush of excitement that almost escalated into fear.

  She wasn’t used to providing herself any kind of pleasure and now, to have so much of it practically forced upon her all at once, she wondered if she was going to combust.

  She tried to moan as her head tilted back, but the mouthpiece that kept her breathing made it difficult for sounds of that nature to escape, so she just suffered the wonderful torture that they were putting her through, mostly silently.

  Her legs kicked, but Billy held them securely, while he pulled his mouthpiece off of his lips and began to kiss her stomach, causing an even more pointed sensation to begin to cuddle in her midsection.

  With Jay still holding her upper body in place, he then began to tease her bared breasts by circling his thumbs around each of her nipples. With each circulation, he made a point of almost touching the pink tip, but never quite making it.

  However, every time he moved, she felt her body breathe a groan and thrust forward. Still, between the pressure of the water and the men supporting her securely, she could scarcely move.

  Yet, with that feeling came a sense of security, almost. Even though she was warned by her mother and grandmother to never trust men, she had learned to trust these men.

  After she had given them permission to do what they wanted with her, she knew that they would not do anything to bring her harm and thus, that made the experience all the more enjoyable.

  She knew that Graham was over there watching them and she was certain that she saw him pull his manhood out and begin to stroke it, but she couldn’t be sure. After all, her concentration was on other things at the immediate moment.

  With her quick writhe, she felt a gush of what seemed to be fresh water overtake her.

  The water felt even cooler against her heated skin. As they moved their equally fiery skin ag
ainst her, rubbing different parts of her body, as well as themselves into her soft, supple, otherwise untouched bodice, she felt her breath speed up and she was happy that she had the oxygen mask to keep her from sucking in too much.

  Then, to her surprise, she felt Randal reposition his fingers so that the lips of her womanliness were opened even further, before he penetrated her with something long, moist and powerful.

  She screamed with ecstasy as he began to circle inside of her, while Billy pulled her legs farther away from him so that he could not be stopped, while he also worked on pushing her forward, so that he could infiltrate her deeper.

  Her breaths quickly became hasty, sharp moans as Jay held her tighter to him and continued to massage her breasts, before finally, when she supposed he felt the time was right, he circled his fingers around her nipples and started to roll the already beaded tips sensually.

  Losing herself for a moment, she screamed so loud that she received a splash of salt water seep in through the cracks.

  At that she felt Billy release her legs, so that Randal could take control of them, while he continued to weave his tongue around inside of her seductively, while spreading her legs apart so that he could get into her as deeply as his tongue out allow.

  She wondered how he was doing that, without drowning, but the thought was fleeting when she felt Billy pull her mouthpiece out of her mouth. She stared at him, with a slight sense of confusion, but before she could say anything or fight him for it back, he grasped her tighter and pulled himself into her, taking her mouth unto his.

  There was a brief moment where water once again seeped into both of their mouths, but after a quick swallow, all that remained was the salt, which made their already wet kiss all the more intriguing.

  Rhea then felt Billy curve his hand around to the back of her neck, before pressing it so that her lips were securely locked against his, before he snaked his tongue into her mouth and deeply down her throat.

  While he did that, she felt an apparatus be placed over her nose from behind, which was easily drained of all water before fresh oxygen began to stream into the airtight plastic.

  Billy kissed her for a moment longer before he relinquished her mouth just as a hand covered it securely from behind.

  Between the water that was threatening to rush in all around her, to the sense of confusion she felt, Rhea became slightly panicked then and tried to fight them

  However, she was held securely and after a moment, she heard Jay’s voice announce, “Just go with it. I don’t want you to swallow water.”

  Once his words sunk in, she squealed a still slightly paranoid response, before she calmed completely. When this sense of calm overtook her, Rhea nodded her head as she focused on breathing deeply in through her nose, wondering what the point of this was going to be for, but far too revved up about the possibilities to give it a second thought before finding out for herself.

  Oh God… She thought as she eyed Graham, still rubbing himself enthusiastically as he watched what was playing out before him.

  In a way, the smile on his face was encouraging to her. She was sure that his eyes were fixed on her and what was happening to her and that made her feel wanted and appreciated in a way that she had never given herself the chance to feel before.

  When her focus settled back on what was going on with the men making love to her, she realized that Billy was now supporting himself from what seemed like two ropes and the hand covering her mouth had retreated.

  Rhea could only imagine that the ropes led back up to the boat, but she was far too intrigued to worry all that much about it. Instead, she just waited for what was about to happen.

  Now, Jay was holding her breasts and flicking them in a strange manner, which caused her to squirm each and every time, but the hold on her did not allow her to go very far.

  Randal still held her legs apart, having one rest on each of his shoulders, but he had pulled his head out and replaced his mask by this point, leaving her to wonder what was in store.

  Billy was completely naked now and the sight of his rod caused Rhea to feel even wetter. She smiled at him and took a big breath of her oxygen, while he brought his legs up, to drape over her neck, causing her to come face to face with the shaft of life that she was so attracted to, before she felt her head be pushed forward, while Billy eased himself into her mouth.

  The large, pulsing member she felt inside of herself was already hardening as it slid deeply into her and as she accepted him, she heard him groan with excitement.

  He began slow, pulling himself in and out of her just enough so that he could get the full effect without running the risk of getting water in her mouth.

  However, even with his careful thrusting, it was difficult, yet a sensual challenge that she enjoyed, having to keep her lips around his large manliness tight enough, even through its movement, that she was not made uncomfortable by the water that was located all around her, pressing into her and adding not only a sense of weightlessness, but pressure to her already extremely overly turned on and pressured body.

  She then felt the two other men moving around her, as though trying to take their place, or something.

  What are they going to do? She wondered, but was almost too distracted to even form the idea in her mind.

  Feeling warm, wet hands against her naked skin, she noticed that while Billy kept her face busy pleasuring him, her bottom half was being manipulated, still suspended in the water.

  She felt herself be pulled back, before another large, aroused flesh began to rub solidly up and down her already excited and completely elated womanliness.

  After one or two rubs, she felt her own body begin to thrust against it, being held back slightly by the current of the water, but nonetheless, the man got the hint and proceeded, with his very next thrust to bury himself inside of her.

  Rhea felt a slight amount of pain before an intense sense of pleasure as it began to course through her body. She moaned as her body tried to cope with it, since the foreplay she had underwent was nothing compared to actually having a man inside of her, but was careful not to open her mouth too wide, since the water constantly fought to get in.

  Randal then began to touch her breasts as he pulled himself easily in and out of her, stroking them lovingly before teasing her nipples, causing them to grow even harder than they were before.

  The men allowed her to get used to the feeling of having themselves surrounding her for a moment, before she felt Jay behind her, grasp her butt, while Randal positioned carefully, so that Jay could pull her cheeks apart a little bit.

  Realizing what he was about to do, Rhea had sudden second thoughts. Not only was she afraid of what was going to happen when he pushed his way inside of her, she was also becoming strangely turned on, but also slightly paranoid about what was happening to her.

  She tried to pull away from them, but the insertion happened before she could complete the disagreement with what they were doing to her and immediately, she was glad.

  A wonderful sensation began to erupt inside of her as she felt the third man’s hotness engage her buttocks and as Jay and Randal began to formulate a rhythm, all Rhea wanted to do was scream with pleasure and a sense of euphoria, but she knew that she was unable to and so, she just made noise when she could, being muted often by Billy’s need, while he injected himself deep inside of her.

  Feeling as though she needed to do something with her hands though, after a few attempts to do something other than be supported and prodded by the three men, while Graham continued to watch them from afar, Rhea reached up and began to play with Billy, which immediately, caused a writhing reaction from him, which even caused him to scream.

  “Oh God…” Rhea heard his strange voice say through his mouthpiece, “Don’t stop...Yes…” If that wasn’t enough encouragement though, she heard another growl of pleasure escape him.

  While the men on her front and back took turns wading through the water and plunging into her, back and forth with an ext
reme amount of delight and exacerbation of the millions of emotions and sensations that she was feeling, Billy began to speed up the force which her mouth rode his loins.

  He then even grabbed Rhea’s head and guided her as fast as he wanted her to go, until finally, she felt him push into her throat deeply and shoot his love juice into her.

  After he was finished, she felt him pulse slightly a few more times as the rest oozed into her mouth, but she was able to swallow his love easily.

  Billy pulled out, while the other men continued to rock in and out of her body. Once again, Jay grasped ahold of Rhea’s mouth, so that she could only breathe through the nosepiece that she was given as the two of them continued to push and pull in and out of her.

  This was a good thing, which Rhea was appreciative of however, because when the two of them started to really get going, Rhea could not help but scream and yell in a fashion that probably would have drowned her instantly had Jay not had a hold on her.


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