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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

Page 16

by Lexi Sinner

  The horse she was on snorted, almost at her thoughts, and brought her out of her mind for a moment. She looked around her, but the man in front of her, Alex, was trying to pay attention to where they were going in the little light the moon was offering and the two behind her were talking to each other and looking around for danger. She felt safe here, these three men had already saved her life, and the feeling between her legs took her mind off of the events of the day. She closed her eyes again and let it flow through her body.

  The warmth slowly grew, and she felt it running through her body. Her chest started to tingle, and she wanted to reach out and squeeze her breasts, but she was scared to let go of the saddle. She felt it tingle there, and the warmth of it, but it was a welcome feeling, one that matched what was between her legs. She relaxed a little, and without knowing it, squeezed her legs tighter around the horse, causing it to snort again. This time she didn’t hear it, and continued to push herself against the saddle.

  The heat of the movement was building and she had no idea how much more she could take. It was the most wonderful thing she’d ever felt, but it was becoming overwhelming. Alex, she thought to herself, he’s guiding me, him leading me makes me feel this way. Alex, so handsome, so strong. She started to shiver, and in the darkness of her closed eyes, she saw his face, looking down at her. She remembered her head laying against his chest, and his hands on her shoulder, keeping her steady. Alex. The handsome cowboy, right out of her youthful dreams. Alex….

  “Alex!” She didn’t know that she had said it out loud, only that the feeling inside of her overtaken her, and suddenly, every part of her felt amazing. The feeling between the legs had exploded, and filled every inch of her, her feet clenched against the saddle, her hands gripped the saddle, and suddenly, she felt free. Free from her worries and cares, free from her fears. Here in the middle of nowhere, with a lifetime of hatred, and the recent days that had been filled with death, none of that mattered. Her mind suddenly cleared, taking away everything that had been holding her back, and for the first time in her life, she felt…wonderful.

  She was breathing deeply, and she slowly opened her eyes, and saw that they had stopped moving, and the eyes of Alex were glued on her, a concerned look in his eyes. She heard sounds from behind her, but didn’t pay much attention to them; her eyes were glued on the man in front of her.

  Alex’s eyes turned from worried to amused, and he started to smile at Adele. While she had no idea what had happened to her, he knew it well, and couldn’t help but laugh. “Enjoying your first time on a horse?” He stirred his horse, and they started moving again, and the jerk of the movement caused her to grind against the horse again, and she suddenly blushed deeply. She realized that she was wet between her legs, and the feeling of it between her and the saddle was much less pleasant feeling.

  Alex gave her another smile and turned to look back ahead of him, and she heard a comment from behind her. “Lucky horse.” She didn’t hear a laugh this time, nor did she see Scott nodding in agreement. After a moment with no activity around her, she slowly pulled one hand from the saddle, surprised how tightly she had been gripping it. She reached down and touched the wetness, trying to get a little on her finger. She leaned over, and sniffed it. It smelled sweet. She slowly brought her finger to her lips, and licked the wetness. It tasted sweet and a little tangy to her, making her feel relieved. She had only known of one wetness that came from that area, and she was glad that wasn’t what happened. She sat back up on the horse, and leaned back some, taking the pressure off of the suddenly sensitive part of her body. She was amazed at how much different the movement of the horse felt now, but she wouldn’t forget how good riding could feel.

  “The air sure smells sweet tonight.” She knew by now that was the voice of Ben.

  “Quiet down back there, and keep your eyes open!” Alex called back to them. After a minute, he pointed to something in the distance that Adele couldn’t see. “There’s our destination.”

  It was only another five minutes until they got to the point Alex had pointed to. Adele watched as it slowly grew into a small pond. When they got there, Ben and Scott were quick to dismount and come stand near Adele. Alex saw this and called them off. “Unpack the gear. I’m sure she’s hungry after the day she’s had.” The other two looked a bit disappointed, but did as they were told.

  Alex walked over to her and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her off of the horse and stood her on the ground. He took a look at the saddle, then back at her with a smile. “You might want to take a bath in the lake and get you a change of clothes. I’ll keep an eye on you and keep the vultures away if you like.”

  She looked at him, and nodded slowly. There was so much happening inside of her at the moment, but she knew that she felt safe with him, and that he wouldn’t suggest anything to her that was bad. His hands were still on her waist, and he was still looking closely at her, and it made her feel strong and happy.

  “They found some clothes in the remains of your wagon, if you want to take a look.” She nodded at him again, no words coming to her. He reached on the back of her horse and pulled off a bundle and handed it to her. She hadn’t noticed what the horse was carrying, and she took it quietly, then leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek.

  “I haven’t thanked you yet for saving my life. I hope there is some way that I can repay you.”

  “Just glad we made it in time. I’m sure those two already feel they got something out of it, with the show you put on for them.” His smile was mesmerizing to her. She had seen so few smiles in her life, and his seemed to fill his whole face, his deep blue eyes filled with care and happiness. “Go ahead and get in the pond and clean yourself off. We’ll have supper ready by the time you’re done.”

  She nodded again, but didn’t move, not wanting to look away from him. He smiled, feeling her hesitation, and stepped back from her a bit to get her moving. She reached out on instinct, her hand landing on his right bicep. It felt hard under her hand. “Please…don’t go too far. I don’t want anything to happen.”

  He laughed softly, and grabbed her hand, holding it in his. “Well, it wouldn’t be too decent of me to watch a lady like you bathing. But I can stay close and keep an eye on you, if you like.”

  She nodded again, and squeezed his hand. “Can you…come with me?” She blushed deeply at the words coming out of her mouth. She wanted to explain what she meant, but she couldn’t think of anything else to add, except “Please?”

  He was honestly surprised, but all he could say was “Yes ma’am!” He led her over to the pond, and opened the bundle to see what clothes his partners had scavenged. He could only shake his head; they were all guy clothes, a few pairs of pants and some button down shirts. He looked up at her, smiling that smile of his again. “You’re gonna look like one of us, it seems.”

  “What?” She was surprised by his words, but liked the sound of them.

  “Looks like all we have are some guy clothes. I’m sure between us we can find something to fit you, though. Sorry about that, Ma’am.” He misunderstood her surprise. “We’re only about 2 days away from town though, so it won’t be for long.”

  She nodded, and smiled at the thought. She was going to look like a cowboy, and two more days of riding a horse. “That will be fine.” She walked near the pond, and lifted her dress over her head. This attracted the attention of all three of them, as she quickly stripped down to nothing.

  Alex was the closest, and he quickly stepped near her, putting his hands on her and turning her around. She was short and petite, never having eaten much, but her C sized breasts made her waist look even smaller. Her skin was soft and pale, having spent most of her life inside. In the moonlight near the pond, she seemed to glow a soft white color. His eyes looked her up and down, and he had to clear his throat before speaking.

  “Beautiful little woman like you must be coming out here to get married.”

  She smiled and blushed at his words, never having heard an
yone but her grandparents call her beautiful. Her father had always made it clear that she was ugly, worthless, a burden on anyone she was near. She hadn’t given much thought in taking her clothes off in front of the men, and didn’t expect this kind of attention. “Running away from a marriage. My father wanted to trade me for some horses to a man I just couldn’t…” She looked away, forcing herself not to remember her life from before.

  “Horses are worth quite a bit, but I wouldn’t trade you for a ranch of horses.” His smiled at her again, and turned her around again, so she was facing the water. He gave her a small push. “Go ahead and bathe, I’ll be right here.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of her small little ass as she walked into the water.

  After she climbed into the water, she turned and looked back at him, to make sure he was still there. He kept his eyes on her, even though her body was under the water now, and she smiled at him. Her hands went about the work of cleaning her body, and when she felt between her legs to clean herself, she felt a warmth again. She knew that it was because Alex was near her, and she cleaned herself, enjoying the feeling, but nothing like what had happened on the horse earlier.

  After she was done, he had already prepared some clothes for her, and helped her into them. He took his time, buttoning her shirt, and she thought she heard him breathing hard, especially when he helped her into a pair of pants. She wasn’t used to wearing men’s clothes, or the way it hung loose on her body. She walked a little bit, feeling the way it brushed against her body, especially her chest felt good. She smiled back at Alex.

  “Do I look okay?”

  He nodded slowly, but she noticed that he seemed more interested in her then before. The look in his eyes had somehow changes, and she thought she saw something that she could only describe as a fire there that wasn’t there earlier. “You look wonderful, even in something like that.”

  She smiled and blushed softly, even his voice sounded different. He nodded over to where his partners had set up a fire, and she noticed that both of them were looking at her, as well. She didn’t pay much attention to it though, she was just happy that he was near her.

  “Let’s eat!” This came from Scott. He kept his eyes on her, but he was putting some of the food into a bowl. As they walked over, he handed the first bowl of it to her, and then passed the others around. They were all looking at her as this happened. She wasn’t used to this amount of attention, but she found it nice, like the warmth coming from the fire. They all held their bowls and just looked at her, until she finally took a bite from the food. It didn’t taste very good, but she was surprised to find herself very hungry. She smiled and quickly ate more. The other guys started to eat as well, but they continued to watch her.

  “It’s uhh, not too far to the next town. Do you have any family or anything out here?” This was Ben asking, and she noticed that his eyes seemed to be focused on her chest.

  “No one.”

  “What are your plans, then?”

  She shrugged. “I’m really not sure.” She didn’t want to go back, and the people she had been travelling with were dead. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do, she just hoped that maybe she could stay with Alex. She wasn’t sure how she could say that though.

  “So you don’t have anywhere to go?” Ben asked. She noticed that none of them seemed very interested in their food. She had nearly finished her own.

  “I guess I need to give it some thought.” She looked over to Alex, who had eaten a bit more than the others. “Maybe you could teach me how to ride a horse?”

  It was Ben, of course, who responded, “I’m sure the horse will like that.” Adele didn’t understand his meaning, though, and kept her eyes on Alex.

  “I’m not sure how good of an idea that would be, you seem to be a bit…sensitive to horse riding.” The other two laughed at this, but Alex didn’t look like he was making a joke.

  “What do you mean? It was fun riding a horse, and I think I could learn how to handle it without you leading it for me.”

  Alex shook his head at her, “From what I saw earlier, I don’t think you could focus long enough to control it. Now don’t get me wrong, it was nice to watch, but you can’t handle a beast when you’re cummin’ all over it.”

  Cummin? Is that what had happened to her earlier? “Then I’ll just have to toughen up. You can help me with that, can’t you?”

  She heard Ben coughing hard at that, like he was choking on his food, but she kept her eyes on Alex. His eyes were just as focused on hers, looking to see how serious she was. “I could teach you to ride, and I could even teach you to not be so sensitive, but I’m not sure you’d like it much.”

  She suddenly felt a hint of anger and rebellion. Her father had always made it clear that there was nothing she could do right, and she didn’t like those words coming out of Alex’s mouth. She could crawl back to her old life, or she could try to stand up, and see if she had what it took. “I’m not afraid.”

  “I didn’t say you were, just that you might not like it.”

  “Like what?”

  Alex sighed softly, and slid closer beside her. He reached out with one finger and laid it on her pants, right near the spot that had felt so great for her earlier. He rubbed it softly, and she couldn’t help but moan out, loudly. He let his finger slide down a little, over her pussy lips, and she quickly closed her legs, still moaning, trying to capture that feeling. She felt his hand pull away, and took a deep breath, looking at him again.

  “As I said, you’re too sensitive. I could make it less sensitive, at least enough to learn to ride a horse, but it’ll take some heavy riding to get that.”

  She nodded slowly, and bit her lower lip softly. That had felt so good, from just a simple touch. A little bit of rough riding sounded wonderful to her. “I can handle that. Can we start tonight?”

  Ben started coughing again, and she looked over this time, and saw that Scott had a huge grin on his face. Neither of them were eating, their forgotten bowls on the ground beside them still full. She turned back to Alex, awaiting his answer.

  “Horses are tired tonight, and need to get some rest for tomorrow. Only way to start tonight…” He trailed off, not wanting to finish that thought in front of her.


  He looked at her, sharply, and shook his head again. “Only way to start tonight is if you ride something other a horse.” She started to ask again what he meant, but from the look in his eyes, and the way he was looking at her, she knew. He was attracted to her, as were the other two. Alex’s eyes dropped for a second, as if to help her understand, and so she looked down, seeing something long pressing out from inside his pants. She looked over at the other two’s pants, and saw the same thing, though both looked smaller then Alex’s. She looked back at him, and nodded slowly.

  “We can help you. Hell, strike that, we want this. We’re partners, and partners share everything. You’re a lovely lady in the wilderness with three guys, of course we want this.” Alex looked over at his partners, his friends that he had grown up with. “We made an oath when we started to live off the land. We wouldn’t let anything come between us, not money, not food, and especially not women. Now all three of us are looking at you, wanting you for our own. But we’re not going to give up what we have for what we want. If you want this, it’s all of us, or none of us.”

  She looked at Alex, who was lightly blushing. She then looked over at his two friends, and understood what he was asking from her. She was thankful to all three of these men, but in truth, she was interested in Ben or Scott, only Alex. As she looked, she saw Scott was hanging his head, and Ben was nodding, looking pleased with himself. She turned back to Alex, and met his eyes once more. The feeling of his touch, so soft, so amazing. She reached out and laid her hand on his spear, and wrapped her hand around the cloth. Like all of him, it was hard, and felt strong. It twitched slightly in her hand.

  She leaned in towards Alex, moving her lips to his ear. “Stay with me. I accept, so long as y
ou stay with me.” She felt a hand on her butt, caressing it softly. She looked down and saw that Alex’s hands were laying on his legs, and knew that it was one of the other two. She whispered in his ear again. “Please, just stay with me.”

  She felt him nod his head, and lean in towards her ear. She felt his warm breath that sent shivers through her body. “Always. I won’t leave you.”

  The hands on her ass grabbed the side of her pants and slid them down. She felt two more hands reach around from behind her and start to unbutton her shirt, and then grab her breasts. She squeezed the hard thing between her hands, and pulled back some to look at Alex, his handsome sharp face, his gentle blue eyes. She lay a hand on the side of his face, and ran her fingers down it softly, then leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. She felt his hand on her own, pulling it away from his dick, and then let it go, as he slid his pants down. She closed her eyes in the kiss, and felt him slide his tongue into her mouth, and she welcomed it, rubbing her own tongue against it. Her hand went back to his meat, and she grabbed it tightly, squeezing it. Alex pulled back at this, and she was sad to see a hint of pain on his face.


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