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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

Page 56

by Lexi Sinner

  “I’m glad to hear that”, Jones finally replied, lowering the tone of his voice as he sensed Kaitlyn’s emanating nerves.

  “Shall we make our way to the car? I’m sure you’re looking forward to getting some rest and meeting Private Williams. He has told us a lot about you and it will be a pleasure for us to have you with us for the next few days. Always remember that if you need anything we will always be around the base, just give us a call and we will do whatever we can. Now, we’re just parked around the corner here. Not far to go now.”

  Jones forced a smile in an attempt to settle the young woman. Kaitlyn sensed that he was not at his most comfortable, but hey, he was making an effort. Right now she just wanted to arrive at this “base” that they kept talking about and meet her future husband. The man that she had no doubt that she would fall in love with. The man of her dreams.


  The car sped over the pebbled drive way as it meandered its way to the sea of log cabins sprawled out ahead. Kaitlyn stared out each window of the vehicle intently. The car had entered through large metal gates which were painted black. Sergeant Smith had opened them using an electronic remote as they approached, the gates opening slowly and systematically, just wide enough for the car to pass through, before they snapped shut again. The driveway split in two. Smith pointed the nose of the vehicle to the left as the grey pebbles were crushed beneath the rubber of the tyres. Between the v shaped driveway lay acres of perfectly manicured grass, upon which a number of Privates were being taken through their paces.

  The driveway seemed never ending until the small log cabins appeared more clearly in focus.

  “Home sweet home you guys.” Sergeant Smith smiled back at Jackson and Kaitlyn as the car finally ground to a halt outside the largest of the cabins. While Kaitlyn was still unbuckling her seat belt, her door was opened by a tall young woman, dressed in a similar fashion to Private Jackson, khaki pants and a white tee shirt. She stepped out of the car and squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light, having been shielded by the semi tinted windows of the vehicle. She thanked the woman that had just helped her out.

  “You’re very welcome. Follow me inside and we will get you set up with everything you need.”

  The woman smiled politely. Everyone had been so polite to her that day. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Together, they all walked in to the first cabin, the largest of the lot. Although old and rough on the outside, on the inner the establishment was clean, bright and modern. The woman walked in behind a counter and tapped a couple of keys on the keyboard of her computer.

  “Now Ma’am, you’ll be staying in cabin fourteen. We put together a few bits for you here to make your stay more comfortable. If you need anything else or if there is anything else I can help you with, just come and see me at any time. I’ll either be here or in cabin ten, which isn’t far from your own. My name is Lucy by the way.”

  Lucy smiled as she handed Kaitlyn a beautifully wrapped basket. It was covered at the top by a fluffy, white towel. Kaitlyn took it and smiled as she started to become more at ease with her surroundings.

  “Shall we get going then?” Smith asked, smiling warmly at Kaitlyn.

  “I’m sure you’re anxious to meet your husband to be.”

  The four of them walked across the pebble dashed courtyard, traversing in and out between the antique-like log cabins. Kaitlyn’s heart began to thump faster inside her black dress as she felt her body begin to heat up. She started to wonder whether or not her mother had been right. Was this really a good idea? Sure, Roger had been charming when he was messaging her each week but she had never met him in the flesh before agreeing to marry him.


  Kaitlyn finally snapped back to reality as Smith’s booming voice echoed around the courtyard.

  “Open the door Jackson, let the woman in. Have we taught you nothing here? Manners and respect are a prerequisite!”

  Both Jackson and Kaitlyn snapped back to reality as Smith half turned from scowling at Jackson before reverting to his forced gentle smile for the base’s visitor. The door of the cabin creaked open as Jackson walked through first, still carrying Kaitlyn’s heavy luggage and the basket that she was offered upon her arrival.

  Smith and Jones followed next. Smith quickly popped his head through the door of the cabin, his eyes darting throughout the room, inspecting it for anything that would be inappropriate for the young woman who was about to enter. Finally, Kaitlyn dragged her weary feet up the creaking wooden steps and followed the three men into the room.

  It was nothing like she was expecting. After visiting the first cabin and its hotel-like features, Kaitlyn was expecting to walk into the type of log cabin one would be accustomed to on a romantic weekend break away to a nice, scenic location. What she stepped into was far from that. The door opened to one large room, lined on either side with single beds. Each bed was maintained with black, iron posts and tiresome grey sheets with thin blankets and pillows. There were twelve of these beds in total, six on either side, meticulously spaced.

  Apart from these twelve beds, the room was completely bare. Nothing was painted. The shelter, for want of a better word, was exactly the same on the outside as it was on the inside. Cold, withered and wooden.

  Smith advanced forwards, pacing to the very top of the room before stopping and turning on his heel.

  “This is where you will be staying Ma’am. We have cleared out all of the young men who once occupied this space and moved them away for the duration of your stay. I know it’s not much but I hope it will be enough to get you by for your short stay. There is a bathroom just next door, which we have instructed all of our soldiers to stay well away from so you can be guaranteed your privacy.”

  With that, Smith stopped and looked curiously around the room.

  “Jackson, where is Williams?”

  Jackson looked back at Smith, an equally curious expression spreading across his face. As the three men glanced confused looks at each other, Kaitlyn heard the door slowly creak open behind her. A young man turned his head around the door, glancing nervously inside.

  “Ah, Williams! We were wondering where you had taken off to! We thought you had gotten cold feet or something!”

  Kaitlyn’s heart skipped a beat as she inspected the young specimen of a man from the top down. He took a step inside, yet to make eye contact with anybody in the room.

  “Sorry Sir. No, um, no of course I didn’t. I was just, um, I was”

  “That’s not important now, the main thing is that you’re back and you’re here now.” Jones bellowed, physically shaking the room with his dominant tone.


  Kaitlyn kept her eyes fixed on the specimen of a man that had just entered the room and her world. Roger Williams kept his head down as he walked into the room, his shy and submissive nature evident for all to see. Straight away Kaitlyn noticed his rugged appearance and powerfully built body. From his messaging she had always known him to be a quiet, bashful sort and therefore she never pictured him to be as physically appealing as he was.

  His khaki pants, just like Jackson’s were baggy and gave little away, but his upper torso bulged through his white tee shirt. His abs were clearly visible through the hugging fabric. Each ab was defined and outlined by a hollow pith which separated each block of rock hard muscle. His skin looked like it was being sucked in to his insides as he carried no visible traces of fat. His chest barrelled out in front of him, curving down to his perfectly flat stomach. But what Kaitlyn noticed more than anything were his bulging, rippling biceps. The pristine, white tee shirt strained to contain them. Her mouth opened slightly as she gasped in amazement at the throbbing veins running down the length of his arms.

  Just like all of the men she had seen so far, Roger’s hair was cut short, but his was fairer than the others. When he finally summoned the courage to raise his head and take in the scene in the room, Kaitlyn noticed that his eyes were a light shade of blue. They glanced at her. He looked s
lightly embarrassed with all of his colleagues still standing in the room and he quickly shot his eyes back to the floor again, maintaining eye contact with her for little more than five seconds.


  Smith sat on the bed at the far end of the room and patted the mattress to the right hand side of the bed.

  “Why don’t you try out your new home Kate?” he smiled innocently as Jackson walked over and laid her belongings down to one side of the head of the bed. Kaitlyn smiled courteously as she walked across the room, her heels tapping lightly against the wooden floor. She sat down on the narrow bed beside Sergeant Smith, who shuffled in to sit right next to her, hip to hip. Kaitlyn shivered slightly, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, but yet in absolute awe just by being in the same room as the four hunks of men that surrounded her.

  “I’m sure that you’re really going to love it here Kate. And as I’ve said, if there’s anything that we can do that could possibly make your stay any sweeter you know what to do.”

  Smith moved his left hand slowly across the bed sheet and slid it onto Kaitlyn’s hip, allowing it to flow across her silky black dress down towards her knee. He barely noticed the chance in texture as his rough hand glided from the black silk across the lavishly tanned skin of her upper thigh. She shuddered with surprise as the powerful Sergeant began to caress slow sensuous circles with his fingertips on her bare skin, all the while staring at the shy Roger who merely bowed his head in defeat.

  Kaitlyn bit her tongue as she revelled in this new found attention. The attention which she never found at home nor which she ever sought at school. Now, as she finally became a woman after nineteen long years, she longed to be held captive to the four studs before her.

  “Jackson and Williams here, are going through a very particular type of training at the moment. I’m sure your wonderful fiancée has told you all about it. So far they have completed all the physical demands and tasks that we have placed in front of them. But we run a very special type of academy here. The type of academy that prepares our men for everything that could possibly happen out there in the real world. Do you know where I’m coming from?”

  Kaitlyn bit her lip as she nodded, hoping that the blatantly obvious hints that Smith was dropping were in fact what she believed them to be. She glanced over at Sergeant Jones who was standing to one side of the bed. He winked at her and she instinctively winked back. Jackson and Roger stood side by side, both still staring down at their tan boots, unsure of where to look or what to do.

  Without warning, Smith leaned in and planted a seductive kiss on her cheek. It was as though Kaitlyn’s brain completely switched off as she sharply turned her head, ripping Smith’s lips from her cheek as she replaced it with her own lusciously soft lips. Smith’s eyebrows bolted towards the top of his head as a result of this unexpected move. He reached his right hand behind the back of her head and pulled her in close to him as he increased the intensity of Kaitlyn’s first ever kiss. She opened her mouth slowly as Smith slid his tongue inside and gently rolled it around hers, exploring her mouth as Kaitlyn felt shivers run down the length of her body.

  As quickly as the whole thing had started, Smith sharply withdrew his lips, staring deep into Kaitlyn’s eyes.

  “Think you might have found yourself a keeper here, Williams.”

  He stood up from the bed and placed both of his hands on Kaitlyn’s shoulders. He stood there, staring into her eyes for a few short moments before he strongly, yet carefully, pushed her back on the bed so that she was lying on her back. She lay there staring at the wooden ceiling, attempting to regain her breath and composure as Smith and Jones proceeded to march across the room, standing aggressively in front of Jackson and Williams.


  “Privates! Remove your clothes immediately!”

  Jackson and Williams simultaneously removed their tight white tee shirts, revealing glistening bodies, as Kaitlyn raised her head slightly from the bed in order to gain a better view.

  Jackson’s body was slightly more tanned than Williams’ but apart from that they were in equally remarkable shape. Both sported impressively defined abs and chests perfectly sculpted by a perfect line which divided their glorious pecs. Kaitlyn raised the back of her wrist to her forehead as she wiped a bead of sweat away, feeling the room grow warmer by the second. It was obvious she was not the only one feeling this was as she licked her lips as drops of sweat rolled down the chests of the two studs, crashing to the wooden floor beneath them.

  “Slower Privates! You’ve practiced this before remember! Now it’s show time!”

  Smith’s voice echoed throughout the open space of the room, reverberating around the wooden walls, forcing Kaitlyn’s heart to beat faster and faster. Jackson and Williams continued with their strip tease for the excited young virgin. Both men removed their belts with precision timing. They both reached across from right to left, opening the buckle with ease. They proceeded to half turn so that they were facing each other at the foot of the bed. They both reached across and grabbed each other’s belt. In one swift movement of their powerful arms, they ripped the belts off and threw them behind onto the wooden floor, where the metal buckles landed with a thud.

  Williams began to reach down to open the button of his pants but was immediately halted in his tracks.

  “Private Williams! What the hell do you think you’re doing! That is not how we practiced it!” This time it was Jones’ booming voice that echoed around the open room as Williams immediately removed his hands from his pants and bolted into an upright position. Jackson looked straight across at him. Both men’s faces blushed crimson with the thought of what they were about to do.

  They slyly rolled their eyes so that the Sergeants could not see them before reaching across with both hands to the button on the other man’s pants. Kaitlyn arched her back on the bed as she watched her two future lovers perform in front of her. Sitting on the bed to her left, Smith and Jones began smiling to each other, enjoying their complete control over their lesser ranks.

  Once again, showing expert timing, two pairs of pants collapsed to the floor as both men half turned again so that they were facing the young virgin who remained lying on the bed. Smith and Jones clapped their hands once and at that very second, both Williams and Jackson lowered their boxers to the floor and stepped out of them standing side by side and stark naked in front of Kaitlyn, who could barely conceal her excitement.

  Then, just as both men proceeded to advance onto the bed, Williams to the left and Jackson walking up the right hand side, Smith stepped in.

  “You can sit this one out Private”, he declared, placing a firm hand on Williams’ bare shoulder. Williams stared at his superior with anger in his eyes, before he eventually re-established his shy nature and took his place on the bed that the two Sergeant’s had just been occupying.


  “Okay Jackson, your first task. Remove the young ladies clothes.”

  Jackson nodded enthusiastically, reaching out to the double strapped enclosure of Kaitlyn’s black, silk dress.

  “No, no, Jackson. Remove the young ladies clothes. With your teeth.”

  Kaitlyn smiled uncontrollably as Jackson rolled his eyes and climbed up onto the bed. He wasted little time in planting his rock hard, tanned body on top of hers as he slid his tongue around her shoulder and started lapping her neck, causing her back to arch in pleasure.

  “Now Jackson, you have a job to do. No messing about. We are on a schedule here you know!” Jones bellowed as Jackson looked across to him, nodding his head as though he was a bold dog being told to “sit”.

  Jackson reached in with his mouth again, gently trying to grip the right strap of the silk dress and pull it over her shoulder without damaging it.

  “Tear it off!”

  This time it was Williams who stood up from the bed, screaming at his peer.

  “Just tear it off man!” he screamed again, his huge cock swaying back and forth as he stood up to the side of the bed.

  Jackson wasted little time as he snapped his neck backwards, ripping the strap from the dress as it fell apart on one side, unravelling all the way down to her hip as Jackson continued to tug and writhe at it.

  Smith looked across at Jones, who pointed a finger across at Williams, motioning him to resume his place on the bed adjacent to where the action was. Williams bit down hard on his lip and slowly sank down onto the bed, bowing his head as he knew his fiancée was about to be willingly ravaged by one of his closest friends.

  “We have taught them well, Sergeant. We have taught them well.” Smith winked at Jones as the tanned Jackson went to work on the other side of Kaitlyn’s dress, which fell apart with less resistance, such was the damage done on the opposite side. Jackson removed all of the shredded material with his pristine teeth and spat it across at Williams’ feet, looking him in the eye and smiling. All Williams could do was bow his head once more as his friend went to work.


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